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DRAFT spec document for final Documentation Complete PAL class, variable, function & contants list for

SAMv2.5.6 RC2 More documentation is available at: Please not that not all of these units are available in PAL. Unit: Classes ============= const {Used in TStringList.Duplicates} dupIgnore = 0; dupError = 1; dupAccept = 2; TList = class constructor Create; destructor Destroy; function Add(Obj : TObject):Integer; procedure Insert(Index : Integer; Obj : TObject); function Count : Integer; procedure Delete(Index : Integer); function IndexOfObj : TObject):Integer; function Remove(Obj : TObject):Integer; procedure Clear; function GetItems(Index : Integer):TObject; procedure SetItems(Index : Integer; Value : TObject); property Items[x : Integer]: TObject read GetItems write SetItems; Default; end; TStrings = class constructor Create; destructor Destroy; function Add(Str : String):Integer; function Get(Index : Integer):String; function IndexOf(Str : String):Integer; function IndexOfName(Str : String):Integer; procedure Insert(Index : Integer; Str : String); procedure Clear; function GetText : String; function SetText(Value : String); function GetCount:Integer; function GetCommaText : String; function SetCommaText(Value : String):String; procedure LoadFromFile(Filename : String); procedure SaveToFile(Filename : String); procedure Delete(Index : Integer); procedure Exchange(Index1 : Integer; Index2 : Integer); procedure Move(CurIndex : Integer; NewIndex : Integer); procedure AddStrings(Strings : TStringList); function AddObject(S : String; AObject : TObject): Integer; procedure InsertObject(Index : Integer; S : String; AObject : TObject); function IndexOfObject(AObject : TObject):Integer; function GetNames(Index : Integer):String; function GetStrings(Index : Integer):String; procedure SetStrings(Index : Integer; Value : String) function GetObjects(Index : Integer):TObjects; procedue SetObjects(Index : Integer; Value : TObject);

function GetValues(Str : String):String; procedure SetValues(Str : String; Value : String); property property property property ; property Objects[x:Integer]: TObject read GetObjects write SetObjects; property Names[s : String]: String read GetNames; property Values[s : String]: String read GetValues write SetValues; end; TStringList = class(TStrings) procedure Sort; function Find(S : String; var Index : Integer):Boolean; function GetDuplicates : Integer; procedure SetDuplicates(Value : Integer); function GetSorted : Boolean; procedure SetSorted(Value : Boolean); property Duplicates : Integer read GetDuplicates write SetDuplicates; property Sorted: Boolean read GetSorted write SetSorted; end; THashTable = class function Size : Integer; function Capacity : Integer; end; TIntegerHashTable = class(THashTable) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; procedure Put(Key : Integer; Value : TObject); function Get(Key : Integer):TObject; function HasKey(Key : Integer):Boolean; function RemoveKey(Key : Integer):TObject; end; TStringHastTable = class(THashTable) constructor Create; destructor Destroy; procedure Put(Key : String; Value : TObject); function Get(Key : String):TObject; function HasKey(Key : String):Boolean; function RemoveKey(Key : String):TObject; end; TStack = class constructor Create; destructor Destroy; procedure Push(Obj : TObject); function Pop:TObject; function Peek:TObject; function Count : Integer; end; TQueueList = class constructor Create; destructor Destroy; Text : Integer read GetTExt write SetText; Count : Integer read GetCount; CommaText: String read GetCommaText write SetCommaText; Strings[x : Integer]: String read GetStrings write SetStrings; default

procedure Push(Obj : TObject); function Pop:TObject; function Peek:TObject; function Count:Integer; end; ################################################# Unit: unFileUtils ================= function FileToStr(Filename : String):String; function StrToFile(Filename : String; Data : String):Boolean; procedure WebToFile(Filename : String; URL : String); function WebToStr(URL : String):String; ################################################# Unit: unGlobal ============== const Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednessday Thursday Friday Saturday = = = = = = = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7;

var T : TTimeObj; TDynVarArray = Array of Variant; TTimeObj = class function GetTime(Mask : String): DateTime; property TimeMask[Mask : String]: DateTime read GetTime; default; end; procedure Write(Msg : Variant); procedure WriteLn(Msg : Variant); ################################################# Unit: unPAL =========== var PAL : TPal; TPal = class function GetLoop : Boolean; procedure SetLoop(Value : Boolean); procedure LoadScript(Filename : String); {Not implemented} procedure LockExecution;

procedure UnlockExecution; procedure WaitForQueue(Count : Integer); procedure WaitForTime(Time : TDateTime); procedure WaitForPlayCount(Count : Integer); procedure WaitForEvent; {Not implemented} function GetMemoryLeakWarning: Boolean; procedure SetMemoryLeakWarning(Value : Boolean); property Loop : Boolean read GetLoop write SetLoop; property MemoryLeakWarning : Boolean read GetMemoryLeakWarning write SetMemoryL eakWarning; end;

################################################# Unit: unPlayer ============== var var var var DeckA DeckB VoiceFX SoundFX : : : : TPlayer; TPlayer; TPlayer; TPlayer;

const psPlaying = 0; {Used in TPlayer.Status} psReady = 1; psQueued = 2; TPlayer = class procedure Play; procedure Pause; procedure Stop; procedure Next; procedure Eject; function Seek(Time : Integer):Integer; function GetStatus:Integer; procedure SetVolume(Value : Integer); function GetVolume:Integer; function GetCurTime:Integer; function GetDuration:Integer; procedure FadeToStop; procedure FadeToPlay; function GetSongInfo : TSongInfo; function QueueSong(Song : TSongInfo):Boolean; property property property property end; Volume : Integer read GetVolume write SetVolume; CurTime : Integer read GetCurTime; Duration : Integer read GetDuration; Status : Integer read GetStatus;


Unit: unQueue ============== var Queue : TQueue; TQueue = class procedure procedure procedure procedure procedure Add(Song : TSongInfo; InsertPos : Integer); AddFile(Filename : String; InsertPos : Integer); AddURL(URL : String; InsertPos : Integer); AddList(Playlist : String; InsertPos : Integer); AddDir(Dir : String; SubDir : Boolean; InsertPos : Integer);

function IsEmpty:Boolean; procedure Shuffle; procedure Clear; procedure Delete(QueueID : Integer); function NextInQueue:TSongInfo; function SongList:TDataSet; property Count : Integer; {readonly} property ETA : DateTime; {readonly} property Duration : Integer; {readonly} end;


Unit: unCategoryTree ==================== var Cat : TCategoryTree; var Dir : TDirTree; var SubDir : TDirTree; TCategoryTree = class property Categories[Name : String] : TCategory; {default} end; TDirTree = class property DirCategories[Path : String] : TDirCategory; {default} end; #################################################

Unit: unCategory ================ TCategory

procedure QueueBottom(SelectMethod : TSelectMethod; EnforceRules : Boolean); procedure QueueTop(SelectMethod : TSelectMethod; EnforceRules : Boolean); function ChooseSong(SelectMethod : TSelectMethod; EnforceRules : Boolean):TSon gInfo; property Name : String; {readonly} end; TDirCategory procedure QueueBottom(SelectMethod : TSelectMethod; EnforceRules : Boolean); procedure QueueTop(SelectMethod : TSelectMethod; EnforceRules : Boolean); function ChooseSong(SelectMethod : TSelectMethod; EnforceRules : Boolean):TSo ngInfo; procedure Rescan; property Path : String; {readonly} property SubDir : Boolean; {readonly} end; #################################################

Unit: unPlaylistTools ===================== function ExtractRandom(Filename : String):String; {Extracts a random track from a playlist file (M3U, PLS, ASX)} procedure LoadPlayList(Filename : String; FileList : TStringList); TSelectMethod = integer ( smWeighted = 0, smPriority = 1, smRandom = 2, smMRP = 3, smLRP = 4, smMRPA, = 5, smLRPA = 6, smLemmingLogic = 7 ) EnforceRules = True NoRules = False TInsertPos = integer ( ipTop = 0 ipBottom = 1 ) #################################################

//Song with lowest balance //Song with highest priority //Totally random selection //Most recently played song //Least recently played song //Most recently played artist //Least recently played artist //Random logic chooser

Unit: unSongInfo ================

var CurSong = TSongInfo; {Variable pointing to last song played inside SAM2} TSongInfo = class property Values[Name : String] : Variant; {default} end;


Unit: unDataSet =============== function Query(Sql : String; Params : Array of Variant; ReadOnly : Boolean):TDat aSet; fucntion ExecSQL(SQL : String; Params : Array of Variant):Integer; TDataSet = class procedure Next; procedure First; procedure Last; procedure Previous; procedure Post; procedure Cancel; procedue Insert; procedure Append; function BOF:Boolean; function EOF:Boolean; property Values[Fieldname : String] : Variant; {default} end;

################################################# Unit: unPlaylistControl ==================== var RequestPolicy : TRequestPolicy; TRequestPolicy= class property Enabled property InsertPos property ArtistRule property SongRule property DelayTime property Limit property LimitInterval property DailyLimit end; : : : : : : : : Boolean; Integer; Boolean; Boolean; Integer; Integer; Integer; Integer;


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