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India is the largest democracy in the world. Democracy is the buzz word for our political system. But is it really so? Is it democracy that a nation where a majority of population is below 40 elects a majority of people above 60 to power? Are we really satisfied with the way our country is being governed? Should it not bother us that at the age people generally take retirement and rest, our politicians actually become eligible to be at the helm of affairs? Why is it so that people below 50 years are considered as political kids? In order to run this huge corporation, India needs mass support, intellectuals, fresh and experienced leaders and obviously new and innovative political game plans. It's time to mobilize and utilize the mass workforce. It's time to plan the development chart and chalk out the social and economic reformation. Many politicians take advantage of there power and apply it for there own interest. This has created a wave of corruption, deep rooted in the origin of Indian politics. The so-called Political heroes are unable to meet the expectations of the common man in India. But this is the time to bring change. A nation needs an aimed and strategic direction to attain its growth. India also shouldn't be behind in this race. And who will guide and direct India? The Indian youth. Young and educated people form the backbone of a growing nation. The sky is the limit for the energy and enthusiasm of the youth. This is the time when everything becomes possible. Their dreams and ambitions rise to the infinity. In other words, societal innovation and advancement is limited in the absence of youth involvement. Every field, be it science, education, research, technology, literature, music or filmmaking, the youth plays a significant role in them. Youth forms the future and the hope for progress in right direction. They are more prone to take risk and accept challenges. They're capitalist-minded and they're changing the nation forever. They are less vulnerable to corruption. Their spirit and courage can contribute to the development of the society. Starting from year old cast systems to poverty, there are several key issues that need to be focused on in India. The most important step towards progress is rural development. A combined, dedicated and honest plan is required to attain this target and that's where Indias fresh and young educated minds can help out. They can make a global impact in areas that range from economy to security, from culture to politics. Indias both experienced and young talent can work together towards socioeconomic development. Usually young minds dont opt for politics because of its bad reputation and the dirty game played in it, but in the recent Political election, we have seen the trend of involving more and more young minds in the party, especially the Congress party, under the leadership of Mr Rahul Gandhi, who has motivated a pool of young and educated people to join politics and work for the benefit of this nation. And there are many others namely naveen jindal, Sachin pilot, jyotiraditya schindia etc. They are the classic example of our subject. They have set an example for the educated and elite section of the society to enter politics. Indian youth are active agents in different ways and with varying force in the construction of the meanings and forms that make up their worlds. Today youth of the country look for adventure and test their limits, not just academically but in all spheres of their personality development. Indeed, the inexperience of youth has the potential to add much needed vitality and innovation to political systems. They are free to explore ideas, values, and political views

Today's youth are not obsessed with the ins and outs of politics. They are the future leaders, thinkers and shapers of the world. Youth today is more creative, innovative and aware. They are decisive and have the ability to weigh the pros and cons to form a strong and independent opinion. They are more tech savvy, flexible, upfront and always willing to speak their mind and take the risk. It is very well said The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity By Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881 British politician and author.) For a youth nothing is impossible. Young blood is needed at present to overhaul our democracy from several ills. No doubt we have progressed a lot in the last 62 years but the development pace would have been completely different had some young torchbearers led this process of development. The youth of modern India are aware of the problems facing our country and the world at large. Given a chance they would be ready to change the political condition of the country for better. The young have dreams, passion and hopes. They are impatient and dynamic. They should be engaged in constructive and gainful works. They can play a vital role in the implementation of elimination of terrorism. Young people are full of vibrant ideas. They have energy to try out things and the patience to learn from mistakes. Giving them opportunities to plan, to decide and to work prepares them to face harsher realities in life. They are completely experimental and with the full utilization of the talents of the Youth, India will become a complete Nation. Given a chance they would be ready to change the political condition of the country for better. They can be seen as having distinctive political interests, more inclined to change than older generations, more idealistic in their goals and less loyal to established traditions. Youths are more sensitive to laws that regulate behaviour that their elders reject, for example, concerning sex, abortion and the use of soft drugs. Youth of India will create a judicial system which could be a model for fairness, promptness and incorruptibility. They will bring about a change in mentality for birth of girl child. They will bring unity, whole of India as one. They will create Legislatures which could be an acme of integrity, farsightedness and purposefulness. They will create an environment in which our habitats could be clean with abundant municipal services. Youth can be the Olympic Champions. They can bring in 100% Literacy. Under there rule the Per Capita Income can go up in Geometric Proportions, we can have full employment, we can earn the reputation of being the most transparent and honest nation, we could be the most competitive Nation, we could be a happy country & we will be an economic superpower. Thus I can just wish that the next time we go to vote we find more names of youngsters who can make our country a better place to live in.

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