Index From The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

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Academy, 52, 96, 138, 145, 178, 223, 2378,

243, 265, 309
Addison, Joseph, Spectator, 58
Agabeg family, 48
Album, 227
Allen, Grant, 122, 242, 2445, 298
The Woman Who Did, 245
This Mortal Coil, 176
Charles Darwin, 122
Allhusen, Ernest Lionel, 31819
Allibones Dictionary of Authors, 58, 159
Ampre, J. J., La Grce, Rome et Dante, 72
Andersen, Hans Christian, 269, Autobiography, 124
Anderson, Rev. Charles, 55, 122, 242
Anderson, Joseph, 2745, 298, 305
his sister Mary and her husband Antonio
de Navarro, 2745, 305
Appletons, 224, 231, 237, 264
Archer, William, 155
Aristophanes, 72, 78
Anacreon, 132
Frogs, 50
Arnold, Matthew, 247
Arrowsmith, J. W., 250, 252
Art, Georges, 226, 259, 282, 298, 315
Ash, Constance (Connie), and her family,
Athenum, 16, 52, 69, 119, 138, 178, 199,
208, 238, 251, 265, 294, 308, 316
Augustine, Confessions, 165
Augustus, 13, 25
Austen, Jane, 59, 175
Austin, Alfred, 227, 268
Austin, L. F., 120, 190, 222, 242, 2445,
2478, 258, 323
Author, 1212, 225

Bacon, Francis, The Advancement of Learning, 262

Baedekers Guide, 8, 12, 19, 21, 289, 356,
38, 42, 745, 78, 82, 86
Balzac, Honor de, 6, 266
Csar Birotteau, 290
La Physiologie du Mariage, 200
Les Rivalits, 41
Bancroft, Squire and Marie
Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft: On and Off the
Stage, 151
Der Br, 201
Baring-Gould, Sabine, 227
Richard Cable the Lightshipman, 151
Barnard, Fred, 206, 21617
Barnes, Martha McCulloch, 231, 261
Barrie, J. M., 141, 279, 2845, 298, 307
his wife, 298
The Little Minister, 140, 206, 284
My Lady Nicotine, 140
Sentimental Tommy, 292
Baseley, May, 100, 247
Baseley Trust, 56
Bashkirtseff, Marie, 97
Beacon (Boston), 139, 178
Bedford, Mary (Broadway relative), 31, 157,
192, 323
Beerbohm, Max, 317
Benington, Henry, 235
Bennett, Arnold, 310
Bentley, George, 15, 30, 47, 59, 679,
8990, 95, 105, 122, 1324, 137,
1589, 198, 211, 294
Bentley, Richard, 68
Berger, Adele, 122, 141




The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

Bergson, Philip, 197

Bertz, Eduard, 4, 6, 15, 16, 24, 28, 31, 33, 49,
54, 56, 5860, 74, 767, 834, 867,
90, 93, 101, 11213, 1223, 128, 130,
134, 137, 1401, 143, 146, 148, 1523,
163, 16970, 175, 177, 188, 1901,
201, 220, 233, 238, 242, 245, 252, 256,
264, 270, 2823, 290, 31314, 317, 319
The French Prisoners, 153
Glck und Glas, 1289, 153, 169
Das Sabinergut, 170, 190, 270, 272
Besant, Annie, 55
Besant, Walter, 51, 613, 121, 123, 191,
195, 215, 225
All in a Garden Fair, 62
All Sorts and Conditions of Men, 51
Children of Gibeon, 51
Binks, Mrs John, 235
Birrell, Augustine, 64, 106
Bjrnson, Bjrnstjerne, Heritage of the Kurts,
131, 157
Black, Adam and Charles, 134, 1367, 141,
143, 146, 162, 166, 197, 199, 283
Black and White, 145, 166
Black, Clementina, 178
Black, John George, 104, 262
Black, William, Judith Shakespeare, 206
Blackie and Son, 296
Blackmore, R. D., Perlycross, 209
Blackwood, William, 113, 115, 135, 159,
1701, 176, 290
Blackwoods Magazine, 135, 159, 170
Blaze de Bury, Yetta, 226, 228
Blunt, Lady Anne, Pilgrimage to Nejd, 203
Book Buyer, 225, 260, 267
Book Lover, 196
Bookman (London), 1445, 159, 208, 222,
285, 291, 309
Bookman (New York), 237, 266, 270, 279
Bookseller, 145
Boston Evening Transcript, 274, 279
Booth, Charles, Life and Labour of the People
in London, 107, 182
Borrow, George
The Bible in Spain, 176
Lavengro, 176, 298
Boston Advertiser, 261
Boswell, James, 50, 90

Bourget, Paul, 101

Essais psychologiques, 71
Sensations dItalie, 204
Boyd, A. K. H., The Recreations of a Country
Parson, 164
Bradlaugh, Charles, 55
Brangwyn, Frank, 72
Bremer, Fredrika, Hertha, 58
British Weekly, 208
Bront, Charlotte, 42, 59, 269, 292, 298
Villette, 196
Browne, Sir Thomas, 81, 197
Religio Medici, 251
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 29
Browning, Robert, 29, 84, 128, 161
Bruce, Samuel and Lucy, 59, 100, 113, 148,
235, 278, 304
Brutus, 14, 203
Bryan, Charles, 1278, 173
Bucalossi, Procida, 81
Buckley, Mrs Hannah, ne Summers, 174
Buckle, Henry Thomas, 72
Bullen, A. H., 6970, 74, 12930, 1323,
135, 137, 143, 156, 158, 161, 1645,
172, 176, 179, 195, 199202, 2089,
211, 21415, 221, 2256, 2289,
2367, 256, 260, 262, 271, 279, 2834,
291, 296, 301, 303, 306, 319, 323
Bunyan, John, 206
The Pilgrims Progress, 212
Burgin, G. B., 258, 285
Burn, Robert, Ancient Rome, 305
Burns, John, 55
Burton, Richard, A Pilgrimage to El-Medinah, 228
Burton, Robert, Anatomy of Melancholy, 131
Butler, Samuel, 215, 242
Butler, Samuel, Hudibras, 128
Byron, Lord, 264


Caesar, 14, 25, 203

Caine, Hall
The Bondman, 140
The Deemster, 140
The Manxman, 209
Carlyle, Thomas, 2023
Carnegie, Andrew, Triumphant Democracy,
Carter, Mary E., Mrs. Severn, 478

Cassell and Co., 127, 21819, 234, 2468,
259, 2635
Cassells Magazine, 234, 259
Cassiodorus, 3056, 312, 321
Catullus, 228, 262
Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote, 11
Chalmers, Andrew, 2345, 278
A Red-Cross Romance, 235
Chamberlain, Joseph, 160
Champion, 196
Champion, Henry Hyde, 142, 175, 1956,
Chapman, George, 206
Chapman and Hall, 93, 132, 248, 271, 283
Chapmans Magazine of Fiction, 215
Charity Organisation Review, 130, 1412,
180, 182, 185, 258
Chatto and Windus, 128
Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Canterbury Tales,
111, 117, 197
Chesson, Wilfrid Hugh, 230
Chevalier, Albert, 102, 172
Chicago Evening Post, 267
Chicago Journal, 266
Chicago Tribune, 139
Cicero, 1314, 28, 50
De Senectute, 8
Circulating Libraries, 12, 89, 127, 129, 176,
206, 219, 289
Clodd, Edward, 4, 161, 171, 214, 232, 242,
2448, 252, 258, 2689, 292, 2978,
his wife and daughter Edith, 292
Pioneers of Evolution, 298
The Story of Creation, 206
Coleridge, S. T., 55, 111, 125, 304
Colles, William Morris, 189, 1912, 1967,
200, 206, 208, 211, 21516, 219, 226,
2303, 240, 246, 2512, 259, 270, 272,
282, 285, 2901, 2978, 303, 313, 315,
31718, 323
Collet, Clara, 9, 130, 1413, 1807, 191,
1935, 197, 199200, 202, 209, 211,
213, 220, 233, 235, 2378, 2415, 247,
2523, 258, 261, 2689, 279, 287, 296,
3003, 305, 314, 316
Contemporary Review, 67, 310
Conway, Moncure, 58


Cook, Sir Charles Arthur, 52

Cooper, Fenimore, 1067
Cornhill Magazine, 16, 31
Corriere di Napoli, 18, 22, 27, 34, 39, 62,
82, 84
Cosmopolis, 282, 2845
Cotterell, George, 145, 178, 237
Court Journal, 53
Courtney, W. L., 264
Crabbe, George, 228
Crackanthorpe, Hubert, 289
Crane, Stephen, 224
Crawford, Marion F., 164, 168, 206, 290
Crawfurd, Oswald, 215
Crispi, Francesco, 42
Critic (New York), 53, 214, 237, 260
Cromwell, Oliver, Letters and Speeches, 128
Curtis, Bella, 82, 193, 233
Dahn, Felix, Der Kampf um Rom, 317
Daily Chronicle, 52, 125, 138, 144, 214, 238,
248, 257, 267, 313
Daily News, 121, 222, 266
Daily Telegraph, 143, 198, 308
DAnnunzio, Gabriele, 41
Dante, 34, 254
Darwin, Charles, 226
Daudet, Alphonse, 34, 186, 215, 2423
Fromont Jeune et Risler An, 155
Lettres de mon Moulin, 191
LImmortel, 4
La Petite Paroisse, 242
Rois en Exil, 165
Sapho, 132
Tartarin de Tarascon, 272
Davidson, John, 188, 268, 292
Fleet Street Eclogues, 188
New Ballads, 292
Davray, Henry-D., 308
Democritus, 72
De Quincey, Thomas, 55, 117
DEsterre-Keeling, Elsa, 199
Deutsche Presse, 31, 39, 60, 84, 90, 153
Dial, 224, 260
Dicks, John, 130
Dickens, Charles, 14, 29, 51, 53, 60, 79, 84,
98, 156, 161, 175, 206, 286, 296, 305,
321, 323
DIsraeli, Isaac, Calamities of Authors, 124



The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

Dixon, Ella Hepworth, 228

Dodd, Mead, 259, 264, 2678
Dolman, Frederick, 11718, 143
Dor, Gustave, 51
Dostoievsky, Fdor
The Idiot, 106
The Friend of the Family, 132
Crime and Punishment, 155
Dowie, Mnie Muriel, see Norman, Mrs
Doyle, Conan, 141, 196, 218, 292
Dublin Review, 52
Drer, Albrecht, 5
Echo, 117, 191, 225, 295
Edmonds, Elizabeth (Aunt Lizzie), 99
Edwardes, George, 215
Egerton, George, Discords, 228
Eliot, George, 16, 156
Ellis, Alfred (photographer), 190, 196, 273,
Ellis, Havelock, The New Spirit, 107
Elson, Louis Charles, 261
Elyard, S. John, 46
English Illustrated Magazine, 171, 191, 193,
199, 204, 246, 259, 273
Euripides, 197

Gaetani, Carlo, Racconti, 84

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 38
Garnett, Edward, 22930
Garrison, Frank, 261
Gaskell, Elizabeth, 51
Gaussen family, 49, 205, 214, 273
Ella (daughter), 48, 183, 205
Sarah (Mrs Gaussen), 89, 92, 123
Gautier, Thophile, 6, 94
Voyage en Italie, 40
Gazeta Narodowa, 141
George Bell and Sons, 145, 198, 208, 260,
275, 313
George Robertson and Co., 133
Gibbon, Edward, Decline and Fall of the
Roman Empire, 27, 112, 128, 164, 246,
Gilbert and Sullivan, The Gondoliers, 107
Utopia Limited, 194
Gilder, Joseph Benson, 214
Gissing, Alfred Charles (son), 11, 1034,
167, 183, 269, 272, 275, 278, 2812,
288, 291, 3003, 3201, 3234
Gissing, Algernon Fred (Alg, brother), his
wife Katie and their children, 2, 9,
1517, 28, 30, 45, 54, 568, 6870,
93, 97, 100, 102, 1056, 110, 112, 124,
128, 131, 133, 137, 143, 1468, 154,
157, 159, 163, 1679, 179, 187, 1923,
198, 203, 2057, 214, 21718, 220,
228, 233, 2356, 2445, 24950, 252,
262, 26970, 275, 283, 289, 291, 295,
299, 304, 315, 318, 3213
At Societys Expense, 192
Between Two Opinions, 168
Both of this Parish, 2, 15, 30, 58
Joy Cometh in the Morning, 15
A Masquerader, 1478
A Moorland Idyl (Pixy), 11213, 115,
The Scholar of Bygate, 219, 299, 313
A Vagabond in Arts, 192, 205
The Sport of Stars (Carr), 217, 233, 252,
A Village Hampden, 69, 86, 97, 116, 123
Gissing, Charles Edward, 108
Gissing, Edith, ne Underwood (second
wife), 1028, 11011, 113, 11516,


Farina, Salvatore, LUltima Battaglia di Prete

Agostino, 84
Farrar, F. W., 67
Fenno, R. F., 2601
Fink, Hugo, 87
Fitzgerald, Edward, Letters, 107
Fleury, Gabrielle, 9, 17, 31, 214, 284
Fogazzaro, Antonio, 41
Forestier, Amde, 247
Forster, E. M., 96, 307
Forster, John, Life of Dickens, 98, 321
Fortnightly Review, 40, 155, 223, 264
Frederic, Harold, 257, 2835, 308
The Illumination, 283
Freeman, E. A., 72, 254
History of Sicily, 290
Free Press (Wakefield), 258
Froude, J. A., Short Stories on Great Subjects,
Erasmus, 228

1223, 126, 128, 1301, 1356,
1478, 1512, 154, 157, 162, 1645,
167, 1745, 180, 1856, 1934,
2001, 203, 2089, 21114, 216, 232,
241, 244, 247, 24953, 263, 2689,
272, 2759, 2812, 284, 2868,
2912, 2956, 299, 3003, 305, 314,
31617, 3204
Gissing, Ellen Sophia (Nelly or Nell,
sister), 2, 45, 89, 289, 36, 456,
54, 578, 624, 68, 701, 85, 8994,
98100, 104, 110, 113, 11617, 122,
128, 140, 148, 191, 203, 228, 245, 276,
278, 281, 284, 287
Gissing, George
Account of Books, 89, 2512
works by
All for Love, 12930
Among the Heathen, 216
Art for Arts Sake, 147
At a Weeks Notice, 127
Born in Exile (Godwin Peak), 4, 58,
72, 77, 87, 90, 98, 116, 119, 1226,
1289, 1334, 1367, 1401, 1437,
157, 166, 197, 199, 218, 224, 257,
261, 265, 275, 283, 310, 318, 324
By the Ionian Sea, 36, 40, 81, 117, 230,
A Calamity at Tooting, 216, 240
The Candy Store, 55
A Casual Acquaintance, 134
Charles Dickens: A Critical Study, 267,
313, 323
Christmas on the Capitol, 23, 37, 46
Commonplace Book, 45, 59, 72, 166,
212, 220, 228, 2434, 284, 3156
A Conspiracy of Kindness, 128
The Crown of Life, 72, 92, 117, 265,
307, 320, 323
The Day of Silence, 226
Demos, 3, 7, 1617, 39, 52, 59, 61, 63,
67, 75, 84, 87, 90, 934, 100, 105,
107, 113, 119, 125, 127, 130, 136,
1412, 1523, 161, 169, 183, 197,
200, 234, 313
Denzil Quarrier (The Radical Candidate), 70, 12933, 13640, 147, 152,
156, 199, 208, 221, 225

The Domestic Appeal for Reticence in
Art, 147
A Drug in the Market, 226
The Emancipated (The Puritan), 4, 11,
20, 29, 39, 43, 549, 645, 67, 69,
8992, 957, 105, 1078, 120, 137,
158, 1612, 180, 1978, 208, 2245,
235, 258, 260, 286, 311
The Enchantress, 240
Eves Ransom, 72, 160, 174, 199201,
2038, 216, 21819, 2256, 2301,
2359, 246, 259, 265, 273, 282, 293,
The Fate of Humphrey Snell (The
Vision of Humphrey Snell), 175,
206, 216, 238
Fleet-footed Hester, 1889, 197
The Foolish Virgin, 250, 259
A Freak of Nature, or Mr. Brogden,
City Clerk, 2323
The Friend in Need, 226
A Girls Wild Oats, 174
The Gods of Iron, or The Iron Gods,
1647, 1734, 188, 201
The Hapless Boaster, 260, 272
Hawkridge, 92
The Head Mistress, 70, 90, 92
Hilda Wolff , 102
His Brothers Keeper, 215
A Honeymoon, 67, 204
The House of Cobwebs, 275
How a Misfortune Made a Philosopher, 174
Human Odds and Ends, 251, 254
Human Odds and Ends, 319, 322
The Humble Aspirations of G. G.,
Novelist, 55
An Inspiration, 216
In the Year of Jubilee (Miss Lord of
Camberwell), 4, 136, 146, 174, 176,
179, 188, 1903, 198202, 2056,
2089, 21213, 216, 2205, 231,
2378, 247, 251, 261, 2667, 283,
293, 298, 306, 3234
Isabel Clarendon, 13, 1378, 145, 162,
201, 223, 239, 271, 307
Jack in Office, 135
Joseph, 272



The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

The Lady of the Dedication, 106
Letty Coe, 122, 130
A Lifes Morning, 16, 17, 26, 31, 59, 95,
105, 138, 159, 184, 238, 257
The Light on the Tower, 259
A Lodger in Maze Pond, 226, 302
Lou and Liz, 136, 172, 188, 257
A Man of Letters, 93, 978
A Merry Wooing, 216
A Midsummer Madness, 216
Mrs. Grundys Enemies, 689
The Muse of the Halls, 191
The Nether World, 23, 89, 32, 35, 37,
39, 43, 45, 4854, 57, 601, 678,
84, 86, 90, 105, 108, 116, 119, 125,
127, 1357, 142, 158, 171, 183, 190,
201, 224, 232, 234, 2578, 266, 310
New Grub Street, 9, 50, 65, 67, 75, 87,
90, 97, 1056, 1089, 112, 11623,
1267, 130, 1368, 141, 1434,
1556, 159, 161, 1667, 172, 196,
2012, 204, 211, 224, 229, 234, 258,
261, 273, 289, 293, 298, 30910,
313, 315, 319, 3234
No character to lose, 154
Nondescripts, 135
The Odd Women, 4, 58, 60, 64, 67, 71,
90, 126, 128, 137, 154, 156, 158, 161,
164, 172, 174, 1769, 184, 188, 191,
199, 202, 208, 2212, 2246, 252,
270, 279, 294, 298, 310, 324
The Old School, 277
One Way of Happiness, 260, 272
The Paying Guest, 231, 239, 2478,
259, 2627, 293
The Pessimist of Plato Road, 216, 220
Phoebe, 60, 124, 141
The Place of Realism in Fiction, 308
The Poets Portmanteau, 273
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, 18,
45, 80, 105, 109, 111, 208, 214, 246,
289, 298, 307, 315, 317, 320
The Prize Lodger, 259
Raw Material, 272
Revolt, 98
The Salt of the Earth (The Flowing
Tide), 216, 225
The Schoolmasters Vision, 259

Scrapbook, 46, 59, 65, 71, 92, 165, 192,

216, 253, 300
A Shrewd Investment, or A Minstrel of
the Byways, 1701
Simple Simon, 216
Sleeping Fires, 75, 219, 22731, 239,
262, 2646, 275, 293
Spellbound, 35, 260, 272
The Spendthrift, 240
Storm-Birds, 98
A Suit of Sackcloth, 148
Thyrza, 3, 7, 16, 46, 53, 601, 63, 67,
90, 98100, 109, 112, 116, 119, 121,
127, 130, 1412, 197, 257
The Tout of Yarmouth Bridge, 251
The Town Traveller (Polly Brill), 101,
172, 2979, 306, 315, 3179, 323
The Tyrants Apology, 216, 240
The Unclassed, 312, 46, 50, 100, 106,
137, 162, 184, 231, 248, 2557,
2602, 271, 305
Under an Umbrella, 192
Their Pretty Ways, 186, 216
Veranilda, 5, 247, 251, 305, 312
A Victim of Circumstances, 126,
1345, 170
Victor Yule, 102
The Whirlpool (The Common Lot,
Benedicts Household), 72, 147, 212,
231, 252, 265, 26971, 273, 276,
2778, 2824, 286, 28992, 2946,
298, 30514, 318, 322, 324
Why I dont Write Plays, 131, 1556
Will Warburton, 147
The Woman-Queller, 203
Workers in the Dawn, 55, 61, 99, 106,
130, 137, 162, 213, 279, 318
A Yorkshire Lass, 284
Gissing, John George, 152
Gissing, Margaret, ne Bedford (mother),
23, 5, 9, 45, 578, 64, 70, 8990,
98100, 122, 131, 136, 140, 157, 175,
191, 228, 235, 248, 269, 276, 281, 287
Gissing, Margaret Emily (Madge, sister),
2, 5, 9, 26, 28, 45, 54, 578, 62, 648,
701, 8994, 98100, 140, 146, 148,
1512, 167, 175, 191, 228, 276, 278,
281, 287, 295, 303, 305, 312, 320


Gissing, Marianne Helen, ne Harrison
(Nell, first wife), 7, 312, 43, 56, 101,
1035, 113, 196, 233, 256
Gissing, Thomas Waller (father), 19, 59, 65,
99, 106, 111, 156, 185, 204, 214, 235,
246, 254, 274, 278, 284, 297
Margaret, and Other Poems, 204
Materials for a Flora of Wakefield, 159
Gissing, Walter (Gubsey, Grobsey, Grobs,
son), 1356, 1489, 152, 157, 162,
165, 1745, 1847, 1934, 199201,
203, 2078, 21213, 232, 234, 241,
24951, 253, 2689, 2712, 2758,
2814, 2879, 2912, 2946, 3015,
311, 31415, 317, 3202, 324
Gissing, William Whittington (Willie,
brother), 235, 264, 277
Gladstone, William, 27, 32, 41, 221
Glasgow Herald, 53, 120, 166, 2378, 309
Globe, 1901, 267, 309
Godwin, William, Political Justice, 117
Goethe, Wolfgang, 294
Italienische Reise, 8, 79
Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, 148
Gosse, Edmund, 139, 1601, 173, 227, 247,
286, 310
Graham, Cunninghame, R. B., 46, 55
Grahame, Walter, 24, 72, 92, 108, 167, 215,
Grand, Sarah, Ideala, 50
Graphic, 95, 138, 145, 265
Gray, Asa, Conflict between Religion and
Science, 107
Gray, Thomas, 117
Gregorovius, Ferdinand, History of Rome in
the Middle Ages, 305
Griest, Guinevere, 218
Grndl, Signora, 356, 40
Guardian, 52, 95, 120, 1389, 178, 198,
221, 308
Guizot, Franois, 128
Gwynne, Julia, 215

Hallam, Arthur, 125

Hamilton, Robert A., 197
Hamlyn, Mrs, later Roberts, 195, 218, 288
Hardy, Dudley, 171
Hardy, Thomas, 30, 58, 60, 62, 102, 109,
121, 125, 153, 159, 195, 201, 2045,
216, 227, 242, 2478, 251, 2547, 262,
269, 317; his wife, 255, 292
Far from the Madding Crowd, 30
A Group of Noble Dames, 209
The Hand of Ethelberta, 109
Jude the Obscure, 255, 262, 313
A Pair of Blue Eyes, 106
The Return of the Native, 196
Tess of the DUrbervilles, 157
The Trumpet Major, 102
Two on a Tower, 123
Hare, Augustus, 207, 208
Harmsworth, A. C. W., Viscount Northcliffe, and Cecil, 2323
Harmsworth Monthly Pictorial Magazine,
Harpers, 54, 60, 125
Harrison, Austin, 48, 66, 263, 289
Harrison, Bernard, 48, 245, 263, 289
Harrison, Edgar Erat, 30, 48, 89, 108
Harrison, Frederic, his wife and their family,
489, 123, 159, 213, 2623, 285, 289
Harrison, Joseph, 234
Harrison, Marianne Helen, see Gissing,
Marianne Helen
Hartley, Alfred, 489, 90, 106, 187, 193
Headlam, Stewart, 71
Heine, Heinrich, 6, 94, 212
Die Gtter im Exil, 136
Heinemann, William, 129, 153, 172, 189,
192, 252
Heinemann and Balestier, 133, 161
Heinzen, Karl, The Rights of Women, 261
Henley, W. E., 199
Henry and Co, 218
Hepburn, James, 189
Herodian, 112
Herodotus, 212
Herzen, Alexandre, 92
Herrick, Robert, 60, 56
Hesiod, 107
Hick, Ethel, 203, 281


Hberlin, Frau and her niece Laurence, 12,

Hachette, 7, 59
Hagberg Wright, C. T., 315
Haggard, Rider, 196, 218, 227, 279



The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

Hick, Henry, 234, 2412, 245, 250, 262,

264, 279, 281, 284, 290, 3001, 324
his wife, 246
Hick, Matthew Bussey, and his family, 59,
99, 234
Hilliard, John Northern, 238, 273
Hodgkin, Italy and her Invaders, 246, 254,
Hogarth, William, 60
Homer, 73, 112, 117, 164, 206
Hope, Anthony (Anthony Hope Hawkins),
The God in the Car, 215
The Prisoner of Zenda, 215, 228
Horace, 1314, 278, 55
Hour, 227
Howells, William Dean, 38
A Fearful Responsibility, 192
Venetian Life, 40
Hudson, W. H., 489, 89, 187, 1934, 220,
256, 264, 296, 313, 318
Emily (wife), 71, 187, 194
Lost British Birds, 203
Hugo, Victor, Les Misrables, 66, Toilers of
the Sea, 58
Humanitarian, 240, 243
Hungerford, Mrs, 106, Molly Bawn, 266
Hurst and Blackett, 1516, 86, 160, 168,
192, 217, 252
Hutchinson and Co, 219, 291, 318
Huxley, T. H., 226, 242, Evolution and Ethics, 228
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 310, En Route, 262

Irving, Henry, 323

Jacobsen, Jens Peter, 58, 62, 70
Niels Lyhne, 58, 90
James, Henry, 224, 239, 285, 311
The Real Thing, 188
The Tragic Muse, 148
Jay, Rev. Osborne, 190, 197, 232, 292
The Social Problem: Its Possible Solution,
Jefferies, Richard, The Open Air, 151, 187
Jerome, Jerome K., 192, 194, 209, 2256
Johnson, Samuel, 112, 139, 155, 197, 202,
Jolly, Samuel Aird and his wife, 467
Jones, H. A., The Middleman, 72
Jonson, Ben, The Silent Woman, 50
Julian, Emperor, 112
Keary, C. F., 2689, 292
Herbert Vanlennert, 269
Keats, John, 24, 157
King, Gunning, 171
King, Sarah (charwoman), 42, 67, 88
Kingsley, Charles, Alton Locke, 58
Hypatia, 72
Kingsley, Henry, Geoffrey Hamlyn, 158
Kipling, Rudyard, 72,112, 121, 1401, 151,
204, 286, 306
Barrack-Room Ballads, 141
The Light that Failed, 140
Many Inventions, 204
Plain Tales from the Hills, 151
Knight, E. F., Where Three Empires Meet,
Knishki Nodeli, 122
Korg, Jacob, 214
Krout, Mary Hannah, 294
Kurz, Isolde and her family, 33


Ibsen, Henrik, 71, 131, 155, 161, 179

An Enemy of the People, 71, 131
Ghosts, 71, 131
Hedda Gabler, 131, 155, 307
The Lady from the Sea, 131
Pillars of Society, 131
Rosmersholm, 131
The Wild Duck, 128, 131
Idler, 195, 227, 258, 285
Illustrated London News, 52, 72, 95, 120,
130, 138, 171, 178, 188, 192, 197,
199200, 206, 216, 223, 226, 235, 297
Innes and Co., 216
Inter Ocean, 294

Lamb, Charles, 59, 155

Essays of Elia, 148
Landor, Walter Savage, 29, 55
Pentameron, 50
La Fontaine, Jean de, 94
Lane, John (manager of 7K), 107
Lane, John (publisher), 251, 259
Lang, Andrew, 1212, 141, 216, 286
Lauria, Amilcare, Sebetia, 84

Lawrence and Bullen, 127, 129, 137, 1401,
146, 154, 156, 1613, 170, 172, 188,
197200, 202, 206, 220, 2301,
2356, 260, 2834, 2901, 301, 305,
313, 318
Lawrence, H. W., 129, 214, 235, 260, 283
Layard, Sir Austen Henry, Early Adventures
in Persia, 191, 193
Le Breton, Fanny (Hephell), 7, 26, 945,
Lee, Sydney, 319
Lee, Thomas Stirling, 72
Leeds Mercury, 187
Le Gallienne, Richard, 219
Lenormant, Franois, La Grande Grce, 321,
Leopardi, Giacomo, 71
Levy, Amy, Reuben Sachs, 148
Liddon, H. P., Some Elements of Religion, 58
Linton, Mrs Lynn, Under Which Lord?, 106
Literary News, 261
Literary World, 225, 2567, 266
Literary World (Boston), 266
Literature, 138, 243
Litterarisches Echo, 128, 141, 153
London Figaro, 95, 108, 117, 121, 138, 143
London Magazine, 2323
Longmans, 128, 133
Lucian, 78, Dialogue of the Gods, 112
Lucretius, 148
Ludgate Magazine, 258
Lushington, Kitty, and her family, 48, 190,

Malbranc, Dr, 9, 86
Manchester Examiner and Times, 119
Manchester Guardian, 17, 224, 237, 2567
Manchester Weekly Times, 59
Mantegazza, Paolo, Physiognomy and Expression, 154
Marlow, Christopher, 197
Martial, 128, 254, 275, Epigrams, 112
Maspro, Gaston, Life in Ancient Egypt and
Assyria, 151
Massingham, H. W., 214
Mastriani, Francesco, La cieca di Sorrento,
and Novelle, scene e racconti, 84
Matthiason, Franklin, 4950
Maupassant, Guy de, 215
Mademoiselle Fifi, 188
Maxse, Leopold James, 189, 289
Medan, Victoria von der, 247
Mendelssohn (photographer), 264
Mendelssohn, Felix, 5, Elijah, 164
Mercure de France, 308
Meredith, George, 16, 62, 106, 121, 138,
153, 161, 195, 227, 242, 2478, 2545,
257, 263, 282, 307
The Amazing Marriage, 254
Beauchamps Career, 298
The Egoist, 161
An Essay on Comedy, 247
One of our Conquerors, 106
The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, 196
Methuen, and Co., 206, 225, 2301
Meyer, Annie Nathan, 279
Meysenbug, Malwida von, Memoiren einer
Idealistin, 90, 92
Michaelis, Kate Woodbridge, 279
Michel, Louise, 34
Michelangelo, 23, 25, 34, 158, 186
Michelet, Jules, 6
Histoire de France, 270
Miller, George, 73, 79
Milner, Miss, 234
Milton, John, 112
Minster, 216, 219, 240
Molire, 94
Mommsen Theodor, 254
Monkhouse, Allan, 268
Montaigne, Michel de, 112


Maartens, Maarten, 139, 285

A Question of Taste, 139
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 190
History of England, 128
McCarthy, Justin, 285; Charlotte (daughter), 305
McCormick, A. D., 72, 1956, 206, 323
McIlvaine, Clarence, 255, 262
Mackail, J. W., 290, 2923
Macmillans Magazine, 134
Macmillan, New York, 133, 162, 199, 294
Mahaff y, J. P., History of Greek Literature,
Maimon, Solomon, 243



The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

Montalembert, Charles de, Les Moines

dOccident, 246
Moore, George, 140, 196, 21920, 225, 257,
289, 310
Esther Waters, 219, 257, 289, 310
Vain Fortune, 220
Morgan, Osborne, 64, 106
Morley, John, 50
Morning Post, 95, 178, 308
Morris, Mowbray, 134
Morison, Cotter, 245
Morrison, Arthur, 51, 298
A Child of the Jago, 51, 298
Tales of Mean Street, 51
Mudies Circulating Library, 129, 176, 206,
224, 271
Murger, Henri, 6, 89, 143
Scnes de la vie de Bohme, 143
Murrays Guide Book, 26
Murrays Magazine, 601, 63, 109
Nabliudatiel, 60
Nansen Dr, 299
Nation (New York), 53, 139, 178, 225, 238,
National Observer, 11920, 179, 199, 222,
National Review, 189, 200, 226, 289
Nevill, Lady Dorothy, 292
New England Magazine, 159
Newman, Francis William, Phases of Faith,
71, 92
New Review, 120, 1389, 160
News and Courier, 178
New York Daily Tribune, 53, 139
New York Times, 53, 139, 2245, 257, 267,
Nicoll, William Robertson, 1445, 171,
208, 21314, 225, 247, 2556, 266,
308, 319
Nineteenth Century, 142
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 314
Noble, James Ashcroft, 145, 223
Norfolk News, 251, 259
Norman, Henry, 2478, 2578, 321, 323
Norman, Mrs Henry, ne Dowie, 152, 231,
268, 286, 321
Gallia, 231
A Girl in the Karpathians, 152, 231

Norris, W. E., 266, 292

Notes and Queries, 143
Novel Review, 142, 175, 195
Oliphant, Mrs, Miss Marjoribanks, 290
Omar Khayym Club, 2478, 254, 258, 264,
284, 2923, 297, 318, 323
Orf, 1012, 24
Orme, Eliza, 21415, 301, 303, 314, 316,
Ortmans, F., 282, 284
Orwell, George, 257
Osgood (publisher), 217
Ottmann, 39, 128, 130, 153, 169
Ouida, A Village Commune, 40, 132
Outlook (New York), 2245
Overland Monthly, 267
Ovid, 262
Amores, 64
Metamorphoses, 65
Owens College Union Magazine, 257


Paget, Wal, 217

Pall Mall Gazette, 55, 57, 117, 120, 144,
1556, 179, 187, 221, 237, 240, 247,
259, 265, 309
Pall Mall Magazine, 179
Panagpoulos, 81
Parigory, Constantin, 734, 767, 80
Payn, James, 1078, 126, 128, 218, 223, 227
Payne, William Morton, 224
Pearson, Karl, Grammar of Science, 154
Pearsons Weekly, 196
Pemberton, Max, 234, 247, 259
Pester Lloyd, 122, 141
Petherick and Co., 53, 122, 126, 133, 145,
180, 195
Phidias, 76
Philadelphia Record, 267
Phillips, Mrs (monthly nurse), 1356
Phillips, Mrs (nurse), 136, 186
Pinero, A. W., 258, 264
The Profligate, 72
Pinker, James B., 322
Plato, 78
Protagoras, 132
Pliny, 254
Letters, 242

Plitt, Ernst Konrad, 112, 15, 21, 24, 42, 64,
68, 93
Plutarch, 204, 206
Lysander, 132
Prescott, W. H., Life of Philip II, 112
Public Opinion, 53
Publishers Circular, 145
Pye-Smith, Dr Philip Henry, 301, 316
Quadrilateral, 49, 71, 187
Queen, 53, 141, 182, 256
Quiller-Couch, A. T., 141
Rabelais, Franois, 128
Racine, Jean, Athalie, 5
Rahardt, Paul and his family, 31
Raleigh, Professor Walter, 318
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 111, 304
Ramsay, William, The Church in the Roman
Empire, 213
Raphael, 5, 35
Reeve, Henry, 26, 153
Referee, 160
Renan, Ernest, 39, 158
Repplier, Agnes, 233
Reusch, F. H., Bibel und Natur, 107
Reuter, Gabriele, 92
Review of Reviews, 140, 165, 178, 308
Revue Bleue, 226, 259
Revue de Paris, 259, 298
Ribot, Thodule, LHrdit psychologique,
Ritchie, Marion Emily, 612
Roberts, Morley, 9, 24, 31, 456, 489,
545, 57, 68, 712, 77, 83, 8990, 93,
1019, 11213, 115, 1223, 127, 129,
132, 1423, 153, 163, 167, 16970,
1745, 1878, 1956, 203, 21819,
220, 2234, 233, 236, 243, 245, 2501,
262, 264, 2689, 2856, 288, 290, 300,
313, 315, 323
In Low Relief, 71, 93, 123
King Billy of Ballarat and Other Stories,
127, 163
Land-Travel and Sea-Faring, 129
Maurice Quain, 296, 31516
The Private Life of Henry Maitland, 102,
106, 109, 224


The Purification of Dolores Silva, 203

A Question of Instinct, 262
The Reputation of George Saxon and
Other Stories, 127
Songs of Energy, 129
Tritt, 9
The Western Avernus, 163
Roberts, Cecil, Adrift in America, 129
Rockett, Charles Thomas and his wife, 108,
1234, 1268
Romanes, George John, Animal Intelligence,
Romeike, Henry, 60
Rose, John Holland, 2967, 323
Rothenstein, William, 305, 317
Men and Memories, 317
Rowe, Miss, 158
Ruskin, John, 334, 37, 41, 76, 245, 289
Russell and Sons (photographer), 226
Russkaya Mysl, 113


St Jamess Gazette, 201, 268

Sand, George, 4, 6, 186
Sarcey, Francisque, 45
Sargeant, Lewis, 265, 308, 316
Saturday Review, 16, 52, 956, 121, 130,
139, 144, 198, 2667
Schiller, Johann, 91
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 186
Schreiner, Olive
The Story of an African Farm, 50
Trooper Peter Halket, 305
Scotsman, 52, 119, 198, 309
Scott, Walter, 130, 209
Woodstock, The Fortunes of Nigel, Peveril
of the Peak, 98
The Lady of the Lake, 173
Scottish Review, 17
Scribe, Eugne and Legouv, Ernest, Adrienne Lecouvreur, 73
Serao, Matilde, 39, 62, 82, 219
Severn, Joseph, 24
Shailer, Emma (Broadway relative), 31, 58,
192, 323
Shakespeare, William, 27, 50, 179, 186, 192,
195, 197, 204, 294
Antony and Cleopatra, 50
Cymbeline, 156


The Heroic Life of George Gissing, Part II

Hamlet, 27
Loves Labours Lost, 157
The Merchant of Venice, 38
Twelfth Night, 203
Sharp, William, 222, 247, 258
Shelley, P. B., 24, 59
Sherrard, R. H., 215
Shorter, C. K., 1714, 18893, 195,
199208, 211, 214, 2167, 219,
2258, 2357, 242, 2467, 2513,
256, 25860, 2623, 269, 272, 284,
292, 2978, 319
Charlotte Bront, 292, 298
Shortridge, John Wood, his wife Carmela
and their children, 1921, 43, 467,
80, 826, 219, 235
Ellen (Nellie, sister), 467
Herbert (brother), 20, 47, 823, 93
Sichel, Edith and her family 47, 58, 604,
82, 97, 1067, 142, 183
Sidgwick and Jackson, 199
Sinclair, May, Audrey Craven, 31920
Sketch, 190, 226, 246, 265, 308
Smith, Alfred John (A. J.), 45, 196, 246, 317
Smith, Elder, 3, 9, 17, 31, 37, 54, 67, 90, 98,
105, 1079, 112, 117, 1247, 137, 159,
21819, 228, 231, 273, 283
Smith, George, 59, 127,132
Smith, Henry Gibson, 246
Smith, Watson, 196
Smith, William Benton, 261
A Son of the Marshes, 187
Socrates, 76
Sophocles, Philoctetes, 76
Speaker, 145, 178, 256, 265
Spectator, 52, 67, 95, 120, 145, 178, 198, 223
Spencer, Herbert, 242
Man versus the State, 271
Spender, John Alfred, 298
Sprague, Julia A., 261, 304
Stannard, William Gissing (Willie), 31
Standard, 189
Star, 55, 190, 198
Stead, W. T., 205
Stedman, Algernon, see Methuen and Co.,
Steinitz, Clara and Heinrich, 39, 84, 1523
Stendhal, Promenades dans Rome, 40

Sterne, Laurence, 117

Stevenson, R. L., 121, 151, 191, 218, 254,
An Inland Voyage, 151
Kidnapped, 242
The Master of Ballantrae, 228
Men and Books, 228
Stokes, Frederick A., 306
Strand, 246
Sturmer, H. H., 2723, 290, 3234
Sudermann, Hermann, 153, Es War, 249
Summers, William, 152, 164, 174
Alfred (brother), 164
Sunday Times, 161
Swinburne, Algernon, 227
Symonds, J. A., 228
Italian Sketches, 33
Life of Michelangelo, 36
Taine, Hippolyte
History of English Literature, 72
Voyage en Italie, 40
Tatler, 50, 56, 107
Tauchnitz, 33, 84, 87, 90, 122, 126, 129, 313
Tauchnitz Magazine, 130
Taylor, Jeremy, 128, 197
Temple Bar, 122
Tennyson, Alfred, 62, 125, 1567, 1601,
173, 227, 282
Idylls of the King, 126
In Memoriam, 125, 1567
Thackeray, F. St John, Anthologia Latina, 254
Thackeray, W. M., 209
Theocritus, 32, 74, 157
Thompson, Florence and her husband, 57,
Thucydides, 32, 75
Tillotson, 37, 54
Tintoretto, 38
The Times, 11213, 138, 190, 226, 265, 308
Tinckam, C. W., 174, 176, 209, 257, 271
To-Day, 192, 226, 234, 251, 258
Tolstoy, Leo, Master and Man, 262
Traill, H. D., 1389
Travers, Rosalind, and her parents, 2312,
247, 251, 282, 2856
Turgenev, Ivan, 225, 242, 254
Rudin, 254


Un Hamlet russe, 165
Vter und Shne, 90
Underwood, Edith, see Gissing, Edith
Underwood family, 103, 111, 157, 300, 302
Florence (Flossie), later Lloyd, 1034,
108, 113, 154
Herbert James, 103, 113, 299
James (father), 1034, 110
Susan, later Bosher, 103, 157
Union and Advertiser (Rochester, NY), 238,
Unwin, T. Fisher, 21819, 22730, 263,
265, 284
Usedom, Alfred von, 87
Vanity Fair, 16, 52, 95, 120, 143
Van Lennep, Henry John, Travels in Asia
Minor, 191, 193
Vasari, Giorgio, 34
Life of Fra Angelico, 165
Verga, Giovanni, 41
Vitor, Wilhelm, 294
Villari, Luigi Antonio, Il viaggio di due asini,
Vinci, Leonardo da, 56, 34
Virgil, 1314, 28, 81, 157
Aeneid III, 8
Vizetelly, Henry, 40, 190
Vyestnik Evropy, 54, 113


Wells, H. G., 2, 238, 2667, 270, 2923,

2956, 298, 301, 303, 31012, 318,
his wife Jane, 295, 298, 303, 312, 318
The Time Machine, 293
The Wheels of Chance, 296
The Wonderful Visit, 296
Wendlandt, Wilhelm, 84
Westminster Gazette, 190, 247, 298
Whale, George, 4, 214, 232, 242, 247,
2834, 294, 319
Whitehall Review, 17, 53, 121, 138, 143
Whos Who, 290
W. H. Smiths Circulating Library, 176, 206
Whyte, Frederic, 189
Wilde, Oscar, 188, 218, 243
The Picture of Dorian Gray, 188
Wilkins, W. W., 243
Willson, Beckles, 2323
Wise, T. J., 269
Woman, 266
Womans Herald, 179
Wood, Dr Frank, 235, 278
Wood, James, and his son Stanley, 235, 270,
2767, 306
Wood, Dr William, 19
Woolf, Virginia, 267
Wordsworth, William, 50, 117
World, 52, 120, 138, 221, 256, 308

Xenophon, conomicus, 176
Yellow Book, 251, 259

Wallace, Professor, 71
Walton, Isaac, Compleat Angler, 112
Ward, Lock, 218
Ward, Mrs Humphry
David Grieve, 140
Marcella and Robert Elsmere, 294
Watson, William, 245
Watt, A. P., 1245, 128, 1334, 143, 189
Watts, Theodore, 247
Way and Williams, 198, 260
Weekly Sun, 266, 295, 309

Zakrzeswka, Dr Marie, 261, 304

Zangwill, Israel, 51, 179, 228, 2857
Children of the Ghetto, 51, 228, 286
Zangwill, Louis, 287
ycie, 60
Zola, Emile, 40, 53, 84, 1789, 190, 2223,
271, 286, 308, 310
Au Bonheur des Dames, 147, 272
La Dbcle, 271
Rome, 283
Une Page dAmour, 272

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