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11/18/11 SAT Test Da Checklist - Bring Your Admission Ticket, Calculator, and more

TesL Duy CIeckIIsL
What to bring and not to bring to the SAT
PrInL Send u RemInder
Must Bring
Your Admission Ticket
SIgn In Lo My SAT und cIIck "PrInL AdmIssIon TIckeL"
Two No. 2 pencils and a soft eraser
Photo identification
WIIcI current and valid pIoLo D wIII you brIng?
Some uccepLubIe exumpIes IncIude:
SLuLe-Issued drIver's IIcense
SLuLe-Issued nondrIver D
ScIooI IdenLIIIcuLIon curd
(RequIred In ndIu, GIunu, NepuI, NIgerIu und PukIsLun)
GovernmenL-Issued D
ScIooI D orm prepured by your scIooI
TuIenL denLIIIcuLIon Progrum DJAuLIorIzuLIon Lo TesL orm (grudes seven und
eIgIL onIy); pIoLo noL requIred
An Acceptable Calculator
CuIcuIuLors permILLed wIIIe LesLIng ure:
GrupIIng cuIcuIuLors
ScIenLIIIc cuIcuIuLors
our-IuncLIon cuIcuIuLors (noL recommended)
NoL permILLed us u cuIcuIuLor:
upLop or u porLubIeJIundIeId compuLer
CuIcuIuLor LIuL Ius u QWERTY (keybourd-IIke) keypud, uses un eIecLrIcuI ouLIeL,
mukes noIse or Ius u puper Lupe
EIecLronIc wrILIng pud or pen-InpuL-drIven devIce
PockeL orgunIzer
CeII pIone cuIcuIuLor
Reud LIe cuIcuIuLor poIIcy
11/18/11 SAT Test Da Checklist - Bring Your Admission Ticket, Calculator, and more
An ucceptuble C pluyer
Remove from checklist Acceptable CD plaers must be:
Equipped with earphones
Portable (handheld)
Batter operated
Not capable of recording or duplicating
See additional guidance
SAT Subject Language Listening Tests require a CD plaer.
Nice to huve
A wutch
without an audible alarm
Ixtru butteries und buckop eqoipment
A bug or buckpuck
A drink or snucks {Ior yoor breuk)
Whut NOT to Bring
Importunt Policies
Calculator Polic
Generul culcolutor policy
Acceptable calculators are allowed for mathematics questions onl. You will not be allowed to
share calculators. You will be dismissed and our scores canceled if ou use our calculator to
share information during the test, or to remove test questions or answers from the test room.
Lse oI culcolutors doring the SAT
Ever question in the mathematics portion of the SAT can be solved without a calculator.
However, we suggest that ou bring and use a calculator, especiall one with which ou are
familiar. We recommend the use of a scientific or graphing calculator. You ma not use a
calculator while working on the critical reading or writing portions, and must put the calculator
awa during these portions of the test.
Lse oI culcolutors doring SAT Sobject Tests
Some questions on the Mathematics Level 1 and Level 2 Subject Tests cannot be solved without
a scientific or graphing calculator. We recommend the use of a graphing calculator rather than a
scientific calculator. Calculators ma onl be used on the Mathematics Subject Tests. You ma
not use a calculator for other SAT Subject Tests and must put it awa when not taking a
mathematics test.
Culcolutor tips
11/18/11 SAT Test Da Checklist - Bring Your Admission Ticket, Calculator, and more
BrIng u cuIcuIuLor wILI you, even II you're noL sure II you wIII use IL. CuIcuIuLors wIII noL be
uvuIIubIe uL LIe LesL cenLer.
I you don'L use u cuIcuIuLor reguIurIy, prucLIce usIng IL on sumpIe SAT muLIemuLIcs
quesLIons beIore LIe LesL. Use u cuIcuIuLor wILI wIIcI you ure IumIIIur.
AII quesLIons on LIe SAT cun be unswered wILIouL u cuIcuIuLor. TIe quesLIons do noL
requIre compIIcuLed or LedIous cuIcuIuLIons.
Don'L buy un expensIve, sopIIsLIcuLed cuIcuIuLor jusL Lo Luke LIe LesL. AILIougI you cun use
LIem Ior LIe LesL, more sopIIsLIcuLed cuIcuIuLors ure noL requIred Ior uny probIem on LIe
Don'L Lry Lo use u cuIcuIuLor on every quesLIon. IrsL, decIde Iow Lo soIve LIe probIem, und
LIen decIde wIeLIer Lo use LIe cuIcuIuLor. TIe cuIcuIuLor Is meunL Lo uId you In probIem
soIvIng seIecL quesLIons, noL Lo geL In LIe wuy.
L muy IeIp Lo do scruLcI work In LIe LesL book. GeL your LIougILs down beIore usIng your
Muke sure your cuIcuIuLor Is In good workIng order und LIuL buLLerIes ure IresI. I your
cuIcuIuLor IuIIs durIng LesLIng und you Iuve no buckup, you'II Iuve Lo compIeLe LIe LesL
Accepable calclao
CuIcuIuLors permILLed durIng LesLIng ure:
GrupIIng cuIcuIuLors
ScIenLIIIc cuIcuIuLors
our-IuncLIon cuIcuIuLors (noL recommended)
I you Iuve u cuIcuIuLor wILI cIurucLers LIuL ure one IncI or IIgIer, or II your cuIcuIuLor Ius u
ruIsed dIspIuy LIuL mIgIL be vIsIbIe Lo oLIer LesL-Lukers, you wIII be seuLed uL LIe dIscreLIon oI
LIe LesL supervIsor. You ure noL requIred Lo cIeur LIe memory on your cuIcuIuLor.
Unaccepable calclao
You ure noL uIIowed Lo use uny oI LIe IoIIowIng ILems us u cuIcuIuLor:
upLop or u porLubIeJIundIeId compuLer
CuIcuIuLor LIuL Ius QWERTY (keybourd-IIke) keypud, uses un eIecLrIcuI ouLIeL, mukes
noIse or Ius u puper Lupe
EIecLronIc wrILIng pud or pen-InpuLJsLyIus-drIven devIce
PockeL orgunIzer
CeII pIone cuIcuIuLor
TesL SecurILy und uIrness
TIe SAT Progrum's poIIcIes Ior LesLIng ure desIgned Lo gIve every sLudenL un equuI opporLunILy
Lo demonsLruLe coIIege reudIness und Lo prevenL unyone Irom guInIng un unIuIr udvunLuge. Here
ure some ImporLunL LIIngs Ior you Lo expecL wIen you Luke un SAT LesL:
TesL muLerIuIs ure secured beIore, durIng und uILer LIe LesL so LIuL no unuuLIorIzed
person Ius uccess Lo quesLIons beIore LukIng LIe LesL.
TImIng oI eucI secLIon Is sLrIcLIy scIeduIed. TIIs meuns LIuL you cunnoL skIp uIeud or go
buck Lo u prevIous LesL or LesL secLIon wIIIe LukIng eILIer LIe SAT or SAT SubjecL TesLs.
No one sIouId see LIe quesLIons excepL you wIIIe you ure LukIng LIe LesL. SIurIng oI LesL
quesLIons muy enubIe oLIers Lo uLLuIn InupproprIuLeIy IIgIer scores, LIus decreusIng LIe
11/18/11 SAT Test Da Checklist - Bring Your Admission Ticket, Calculator, and more
vuIue oI your score.
CeII pIone use Is proIIbILed; sLudenLs ure sLrongIy encouruged noL Lo brIng ceII pIones Lo
LIe LesL cenLer. I your pIone mukes noIse, or you ure seen usIng IL uL uny LIme (IncIudIng
breuks), you muy be dIsmIssed ImmedIuLeIy, your scores muy be cunceIed, und LIe devIce
muy be conIIscuLed. TIIs poIIcy uIso uppIIes Lo uny oLIer proIIbILed dIgILuI or eIecLronIc
devIce, sucI us u BIuckBerry, puger, personuI dIgILuI ussIsLunL, IPod, MP pIuyer, cumeru or
oLIer pIoLogrupIIc equIpmenL, or u sepuruLe LImer oI uny kInd. We sLrongIy udvIse you
noL Lo brIng LIem.
SIurIng essuy quesLIons or muILIpIe-cIoIce quesLIons wILI unyone Ior uny reuson Is u
vIoIuLIon oI LesL IuIrness poIIcy.
Never gIve quesLIons Lo oLIers (IncIudIng your LeucIers) or dIscuss LIem by uny meuns.
TIIs IncIudes, buL Is noL IImILed Lo, e-muII, LexL messuges, excIunges vIu LIe nLerneL, or
uny oLIer Iorm oI communIcuLIon. DIscussIng LIe essuy quesLIon (buL noL muILIpIe-cIoIce
quesLIons) Is permIssIbIe uILer IL Is uvuIIubIe onIIne.
I your essuy does noL reIIecL your orIgInuI und IndIvIduuI work, uII oI your LesL scores muy
be cunceIed.
You muy noL consuIL LexLbooks, oLIer peopIe, eIecLronIc devIces or uny oLIer resources
durIng breuks.
VIoIuLIon oI LesL securILy poIIcIes wIII resuIL In score cunceIIuLIon. See LIe SAT Terms und
CondILIons uL LIe boLLom oI LIe screen In your MY SAT uccounL or LIe SAT Pape
Regiaion Gide Ior more InIormuLIon ubouL Iow LIe SAT Progrum responds Lo LesL
securILy Issues und suIeguurds your rIgILs us u LesL-Luker.
CD PIuyer GuIdunce
You ure noL uIIowed Lo use u CD pIuyer wILI recordIng or dupIIcuLIng cupubIIILIes.
Muke sure your CD pIuyer Is In good workIng order.
nserL IresI buLLerIes LIe duy beIore LIe LesL. You muy brIng uddILIonuI buLLerIes und u
buckup pIuyer Lo LIe LesL cenLer. TesL cenLer sLuII wIII noL Iuve buLLerIes, CD pIuyers or
eurpIones Ior your use.
You muy noL sIure u CD pIuyer wILI unoLIer LesL-Luker.
I LIe voIume on your CD pIuyer dIsLurbs oLIer LesL-Lukers, LIe LesL cenLer supervIsor
muy usk you Lo Iower LIe voIume or move Lo unoLIer seuL.
I your CD pIuyer muIIuncLIons:
RuIse your Iund und LeII LIe LesL supervIsor.
Use buckup equIpmenL und conLInue Lo LesL. I you do noL Iuve uny buckup
equIpmenL, you muy requesL LIuL your score on LIe IIsLenIng LesL be cunceIed. NoLIIy
LIe room supervIsor und obLuIn u RequesL Lo CunceI Scores orm. Scores Ior oLIer
SAT SubjecL TesLs you Luke LIuL duy wIII noL be cunceIed. eurn more.
I you ure gIven u deIecLIve CD on LesL duy, ruIse your Iund und usk LIe supervIsor Ior u

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