User Manual FAQ

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electronic-Customer Feedback Management System

: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

Table of Contents Things to do

1. Understanding the System.

2. What is Feedback Officer Code?

3. User Registration.

4. Checking for correctness of your mapped Feedback Officer Code.

5. How to correct the Feedback Officer Code in case if the same is not correct.

6. Check the SAP Sales Group vs Employee Code Mapping !

7. Check the Correctness of Employee Code vs Function Code vs District Mapping.
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

1.0 Understanding the System

What is e-CFS ?
A Customer Feedback System intended for Customers, Consumers and Vendors of IndianOil as well as for
the General Public.

What is the current System?
Customer visits
Selects Write-to-Us and,
Chooses the appropriate from the drop-down list.
Each of the items in the drop-down list is associated directly with an e-mail Id of a deputed officer from
IndianOil Mktg. Division

Drawbacks of existing System?
It is purely a Top-down approach causing delay in attending to the customers feedback
Only few officers are deputed (from Corporate Office / Mktg. HO. / Other Divisions) corresponding to the
items in the drop-down list of
Feedbacks arrive through e-mails and are usually unstructured Un-understandable due to poor description of
feedback. Customers are found to using abbreviated English or extremely poor grammar & incomprehensible
sentence structures.
Associations are not proper
Issues related to Retail are also sent to officer who has a job-profile of Consumer Function
Forwarding to whom? is decided by the deputed officer.
No easy facility to trace an old complaint
Largely dependant on the deputed officers capability of maintaining his/her Lotus Notes e-mail box.

How e-CFS?
e-CFS S/w Development of Project Paribhavam started in Aug.2007
A mini-CRM package
Entirely web-based, written using JSP, Java Servlets & Java Classes ActiveWidgets
Hosted on Jakarta-Tomcat Fully owned, possessed & hosted inhouse by IOCL HO-Mktg-IS
Accessible thru the www (World-wide Web) thru IOCLs corporate web-site :
And through selection of Write-To-Us and its further selections thereon.
Takes the customer to the Mktg-HO web-site thru internal mapping in

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

Registering a Feedback
The Flow of e-CFS
Customer (Public) Accessibility
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

The Flow of e-CFS
Customer (Public) Accessibility
Attending to the Feedback
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

2.0 What is Feedback Officer and Feedback Officer Code?

A Customer Feedback Officer (CFO) is a member of the eCFS Organization who has specific
role w.r.t. understanding, attending, and taking necessary action based on those inputs for the
furthering of better customer service to customers of IndianOil Corporation Limited as a whole.
The action by the CFO could constitute either forwarding the feedback to another CFO or
replying to the feedback with due consideration for the provider feedback.

Customer Feedback Officer Code is an 8 digit unique code identifying one or more such identified employees
of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., who form part of the organization called Customer Feedback System.
The coding is described as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. Location Code B. Function Code C. Feedback Officer
D. Feedback Officer Code

A. Location Code
Four digits to indicate Location Code:- Existing SAP Codes shall be used. (For example, for Chandigarh DO, it
will be 1201)

B. Function Code
Two digits to indicate Function:- For example, for Retail Function, the code is 01.

The function codes mentioned in table enclosed below shall indicate the different functions.

One digit to indicate the Customer Feeback Officer Level : Different level indicates the escalation matrix
for feedback submitted by customers within a particular function code.
0 - 2 : Level 1
3 - 4 : Level 2
5 - 6 : Level 3
7 - 8 : Level 4
For eg: Feedback submitted by customer will be sent to Level 1 Officer. If remain unattended, will be
automatically forwarded to Level 2 Officer and so on.
One digit to indicate the Customer Feeback Officer No.
0 - 9 : Feedback Officer Code / Sl.No.

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).
To differentiate various officers within the same location in the same function at the same level, this code is
used. Like in Chandigarh DO in Retail Function at Level 1, there exists various field officers which are
differentiated by SL No. Field
Like Chandigarh Retail Field Officer can have CFO Code as 12010100, Ludhiana Retail Filed Officer
can have CFOCode as 12010101 & so on.

Function FO Level 1 FO Level 2 FO Level 3 FO Level 4
01 Retail Field Officer Divisional
Chief/ Sr./
Manager (RS),
State Office
DGM /Chief / Sr.
Mgr. (RS), HO
02 LPG Field Officer Area Manager Chief/ Sr./
Manager (RS),
State Office
DGM / Chief /
Sr. Mgr. (RS),
03 Supply Depot /
Chief/ Sr./
(OPS), State
DGM / Chief /
Sr. Mgr. (OPS),

at State office
DGM / Chief /
Sr.Mgr ( Inst.
Sales) & (Rtl.
Sales), HO

05 Consumer Consumer
Chief / Sr. /
Manager (CS),
State Office
DGM / Chief /
Sr. Mgr. (CS), HO

06 Aviation Station /
Chief / Sr. /
(Aviation), RO
DGM / Chief /
Sr. Mgr.
(Aviation), HO

07 HR / ER /
HOD (HR) in
Chief / Sr. ER
Mgr, RO
Chief / Sr. ER
Mgr, HO

08 Finance HOD (Fin) in
Chief / Sr.
Mgr (Fin), RO
Chief / Sr. Mgr
(Fin), HO

09 Engineering Sr. Mgr./ Mgr
(Engg), DO
Chief / Sr.
Mgr (Engg) in
Chief / Sr. Mgr
(Engg), HO

10 Law HOD (Law)
in SO
Chief / Sr.
Mgr (Law),
Chief / Sr. Mgr
(Law), HO

11 IS HOD (IS) in
Chief / Sr.
Mgr (IS), RO
Chief / Sr. Mgr
(IS), HO

12 QC Chief / Sr./
(QC), RO
DGM / Chief
/ Sr. Mgr.
(QC), HO

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).
13 Materials Chief / Sr. /
DGM / Chief
/ Sr. Mgr.

14 CC&PR Chief / Sr. /
Manager (CC
& PR), RO
DGM / Chief
/ Sr. Mgr. (CC
& PR), HO

15 Safety and
Chief / Sr. /
(Safety and
M&I), RO
DGM / Chief
/ Sr. Mgr.
(Safety and
M&I), HO

16 Shipping Chief / Sr. / Manager
(Shipping), HO

17 Pricing Chief / Sr. / Manager (Pricing),

Commercial 18

Chief / Sr. / Manager
(Commercial), HO

30 Office of
the State-in-
31 Office of
the Region-
32 Dir(M)
SE to Dir (M) DIR-M Chairman
33 Corporate

50 Right to

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).
3.0 User Registration

The first step towards using the e-CFS by the Feedback Officer will be to register himself with the website as A
member of the eCFS by entering their Member Code or Employee Code of Indian Oil Corpn. Ltd.

Registration with e-CFS consists of two parts :
1. User Registration
2. Feedback Officer Registration and mapping the Registered Feedback Officer Code with the
concerned Employee Code.
This section will explain this first step i.e. User Registration.

3.1 Goto the e-CFS website. The site can be accessed on INTRANET as well as on INTRANET. The
links are given below:
3.2 Intranet :
The first page will appear as follows:

In the above screen , keep the User ID as blank and enter the password as pqrst
The next screen will appear as follows:
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

The following screen will appear:

Fill all the details in the form:
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

1. Enter your Employee Code in EC No: & press GET button
2. Your Name, Grade, Sex, Date of Birth, Date of Joining & email will appear automatically.
3. If your email id doesnt appear automatically, then enter your Lotus Notes email-id in the Email
4. Enter your password in Password
5. Re enter the same password in Re-Enter Password Field.
6. Enter a Hint Question
7. Enter a Hint Answer
8. Press SUBMIT Button.

This will register you as internal member within the e-CFS Organization.

IMPORTANT: While registering, the system will automatically link your employee code with a Feedback
Officer Code in case it has already been created. This Feedback Officer Code is a code which the respective
state office functional heads have got created individually for each employee by submitting the one time data to
Head Office. If any such code is found to getting linked wrongly, the next chapter will guide on how to ensure
the correctness of the linked Feedback Officer Code.

** There can be cases , where system doesnt automatically link the registered employee with the Feedback
Officer Code. In such a case the after logging in, the user will get the following system error:

This Employee (30238 : Ajinder Singh) has not yet been associated with even one Feedback Officer (FO
Code returned = -1)

Please complete Feedback Officer Registration for this Employee ... and login again

In such a case, directly skip to STEP-II of Chapter 5.

Now you can Login into the system using your generated Userid/Password.
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

After logging into the e-CFS website the following Page appears: In that page click on the link Change FO
Area as shown in the next picture. In case the employee is associated to more than one CFOs, the following
screen would be shown wherein the correct code needs to be selected.

Press Login to enter into e-CFS.
Select Appropriate CFO Area.
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

The following screen will appear:
Click Change FO Area Link.
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

In this screen , the e-CFS will show your designation, your Feedback Officer Code and the validity of the
Feedback Officer Code vs Employee Code mapping. Like in this case, the designation is AM(IS), the
Feedback Officer Code 12001110 and the validity is till 31-12-2099.

With this information In-hand proceed to the next chapter.
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).
4.0 Checking for correctness of your mapped Feedback Officer Code

In this section, the employee will check for the correctness of the Feedback Officer Code to whom he is linked
bydefault by the system.

The steps to know your linked Feedback Officer Code are as given in the previous chapter. With this
information in-hand, open the attached FOCODEMAPPING_PSO.XLS file. In this file, locate the record
corresponding to your Name/PF Number. In the same file, in the corresponding column FOCODE, lists the
correct FO Code to which you should be mapped to.

In case if the same is correct means the actually linked FOCode in e-CFS is same as that given in the attached
excel file, ensures that you are rightly registered with the e-CFS system and is functionally ready to work on
the e-CFS system. Such users can ignore the next chapter of this manual.

However for the other users which find a mismatch between the actually Linked FO Code in e-CFS system &
in the attached excel file, will need to follow steps given in the next chapter to correct their Feedback Officer
Code to match as given in the attached EXCEL FILE.

The aim of the entire exercise is to ensure that the employee should be linked to their correct FO Codes as
given in the attached Excel File.
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).
5.0 How to correct the Feedback Officer Code in case if the same is not correct.

In case the user founds that the Feedback Officer Code to whom he is linked to is not as per the attached
EXCEL file, should follow the following steps to change his FO Code. Basically this process consists of two
1. Unregister yourself against the wrong Feedback Officer Code.
2. After following the first step, Register yourself with the correct FO Code as given in attached excel file.

Please follow the following workflow to achieve the goal.


Unregister yourself against the wrong Feedback Officer Code

To unregister/delink yourself against the wrong FO Code that system has initially mapped you with,

Click on the link Feedback Officer Registration Link as shown in the screenshot below:

The following screen will appears:
Click on the link Feedback
Officer Registration
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

In this screen do the following steps:

1. Enter the FO Code: , you want to delete. This FO Code would be the one you have
collected at the end of chapter 3.
2. Enter the Employee PF Number (Five/Six Digit(for IBP)) in EC No. Field. Press GET>>
button below the EC No: Field. The following screen will appears:

3. The close the above screen by clicking the x icon on the top right of the window.
4. You will again come back to the previous screen as given below:
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

5. In the above screen, You will see that all fields will get filled automatically.

Now to delink/Unregister this FO Code and Employee Code mapping, set EC No. Valid
upto date field to any date previous than current date.

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

6. After this, press SUBMIT Button and you will get success message like the one given

7. The above completes the step I.
Register yourself with the correct FO Code as given in attached excel file.

Click on the link Feedback Officer Registration Link as shown in the screenshot below:

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

The following screen will appears:

Click on the link Feedback
Officer Registration
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).
In this screen do the following steps:
1. Press Help button below the FO Code Field. The following screen will appears:

2. In the above screen, select the right combination of your Location Code / Function Code /
and your Level Code. To know under which Level Code you falls, check table given in
Chapter 2. Select the Feedback Officer Sl No. as the one given in the attached excel file.
3. After selecting all the above parameters, system will generate your feedback officer code in
a field in MAGENTA COLOR.
Please ensure that this system generated Feedback Officer Code is same as desired FO
Code as given in attached file.

4. After this, press Copy>> Button and you will come to old screen with Feedback Officer
Code Copied on the screen as given below:
electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

3. Now, in the EC No field , write your Five/Six(for IBP) digit PF Number.

4. Enter your Designation.

5. Make sure the date selected in the EC Valid upto field is 31-12-2099.

6. Select the check boxes Functional Head / State Head as the case applicable.

electronic-Customer Feedback Management System
: Technical User Manual

Paribhavam Technical User Manual Ver 2.0 - FAQ

Regd. Office: G-9, Ali Yavar Jung Marg, Bandra (East) Mumbai-400051 (India).

7. Enter your Phone 1 & Phone 2. Please note that although these fields are not mandatory, but it
should be filled with numeric values else system will generate the error while registration.

8. Enter your Mobile No. & Email Id. Please note that although these fields are not mandatory, but it
these should be filled else system will generate the error while registration.

9. Tick the check boxes, Intimate on Mobile and Intimate on Email. Please note that although these
fields are not mandatory, but it these should be filled else system will generate the error while

10. Press SUBMIT Button, and you will be registered / linked with the new correct Feedback Officer

11. To check your currently mapped/linked Feedback Officers, follow the steps given in Chapter 3 to
ensure that you have got connected to the correct Feedback Officer Code.

Version 2, Dated 22.09.2008

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