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Saturn : Effects And Remedies ::: Through Lal Kitab ::: As the slowest moving planet and the

chief significator for longevity, Saturn is a barren, binding, cold, dry, hard, defensive and secretive planet. Its effects and influences are felt with greater intensity and for longer periods than any other planet. Saturn is considered to be very favorable for people born in the s igns owned by Venus, whereas Saturn is evil to those born in the signs owned by Mercury. The astrological thesis of Lal Kitab describes Saturn as a serpent, whose head o r mouth is Rahu and Ketu is its tail. If ketu is posited in earlier houses than Saturn, the latter becomes a great benefic for the native. However, if the posit ion is otherwise, the Saturn throws highest poisonous results on the native. Fur ther, Saturn never gives malefic effects if posited in houses of Jupiter i.e. 2, 5, 9 or 12, whereas Jupiter provides bad results if posited in the house of Sat urn. Saturn is considered good in houses 2nd , 3rd and 7th to 12th, whereas 1st, 4th, 5th and 6th houses are bad for Saturn. Sun, Moon and Mars are its enemies, Venu s, Mercury and Rahu are friends and Jupiter and Ketu are neutral to it. Saturn g ets exalted in 7th house and the 1st house is the house of its debilitation. Ven us and Jupiter placed together act like Saturn in that house. Similarly Mars and Mercury placed in a single house act like Saturn in that house. In the former c ase Saturn behaves like Ketu, while in the latter case it behaves like Rahu. Venus gets destroyed if Saturn is being aspected by the Sun in any horoscope. Th e aspect of Venus on Saturn causes loss of money and wealth, but the aspect of S aturn on Venus proves highly beneficial. Collision of Saturn and Moon causes ope ration of the eyes of the native. Saturn gives good results if posited in house earlier than sun. Saturn can never give malefic results if posited with Sun or Jupiter in a single house, but highly adverse results would follow if posited with Moon or Mars in any house. Saturn releases its poisonous results on the sign and Mars, if it is posited in 1st house, on Mars only if posited in 3rd house, on moon if posited i n 4th house, on sun if posited in 5th house, and on Mars in posited in 3rd house . Saturn in 3rd house deprives the native of the accumulation of cash money and kills the children of the native when posited in 5th house and 10th house is emp ty. It becomes highly benefic in 12th house if friendly planets are posited in 2 nd house. Saturn provides very good results if placed in houses 1 to 7 on the co ndition that 10th house is empty. Saturn in 1st house and sun in 7th, 10th or 11 th houses causes all sorts of troubles for native s wife. Combination of Mars and Saturn gives adverse results al through. Saturn in Ist House 1st house is influenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will give good resu lts only when 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is i nimical to Saturn. If Mercury or Venus, Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn wil l always give good results . In case Saturn is malefic and the native has a hair y body, the native will remain poor. If native celebrates his birthday it will g ive very bad results However the native will have a long life. Lal Kitab Remedies 1 Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals. 2. Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and b usiness.

3. Serving monkey will lead to prosperity. 4. Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as r egards education and health. Saturn in 2nd House The native will be wise, kind and just. He will enjoy wealth and will be of reli gious temperament. However, whether Saturn is benefic or malefic in this house, it will be decided by the planets placed in 8th house. The state of finance of t he native will be decided by 7th house, the number of male members in the family by 6th house and age by 8th house. When Saturn is malefic in this house, after the native s marriage his in laws will face problems. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Going barefoot to temple for forty three days. 2. Putting a tilak of curd or milk on the forehead. 3. Offering milk to snake. Saturn in 3rd House In this house Saturn gives good results. This house is the pukka Ghar of Mars. W hen Ketu aspects this house or is placed here Saturn will give very good results . The native will be healthy, wise and very intuitive. If the native is wealthy he will have few male members in the family and vice versa. As long as the nativ e abstains from wine and non-vegetarianism, he will enjoy a long and healthy lif e. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Serve three dogs. 2. Distributing medicines for eyes free. 3. Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial. Saturn in 4th House This house belongs to Moon. So it will ive will be devoted to his parents and tive is suffering from bad health, the give good results. In native s family ofession. give mixed results in this house. The nat will be of loving nature. Whenever the na use of things associated with Saturn will some one will be associated with medical pr

When Saturn is malefic in this house drinking wine, killing of snakes and laying the foundation of the house at night will give very bad results. Drinking milk in the night will also give bad results. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Offering milk to snake and offering milk or rice to crow or buffalo. 2. Pouring milk in the well. 3. Pouring rum in running water Saturn in 5th House This house belongs to Sun, which is inimical to Saturn. The native will be proud . He should not construct a house till 48 years, otherwise his son will suffer. He should live in the house bought or constructed by his son. He should keep art icles of Jupiter and Mars in his ancestral house for welfare of his children. If the native has hairy body, he will be dishonest. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Distributing salty things while celebrating son s birthday. 2. Offering almonds in the temple and bringing and keeping half of it in the hou

se. Saturn in 6th House If the work related to Saturn is done at night it will always give beneficial re sults. When marriage takes place after 28 years it will produce good results. wh en Ketu is well placed the native will enjoy wealth, profitable journey and happ iness from children. when Saturn is malefic bringing things associated with Satu rn, like leather and things of iron, will give bad results, especially when Satu rn is in 6th house in varshaphal Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Serving a black dog and offering meals to it. 2. Offering coconut and almonds in the running water. 3. Serving snakes will prove advantageous for the welfare of children. Saturn in 7th House This house is influenced by Mercury and Venus, both friends of Saturn. so this p lanet gives very good results in this house. The professions associated with Sat urn, like machinery and iron, will be very profitable. If the native maintains g ood relation with his wife, he will be rich and prosperous, will enjoy a long li fe and good health. If Jupiter is in 1st house, there will be gain from governme nt. Saturn becomes malefic if the native commits adultery and drinks wine. If the na tive gets married after 22 years his eyesight will be affected adversely. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Bury a flute filled with sugar in a deserted place. 2. Serving black cow. Saturn in 8th House In 8th house no planet is considered auspicious. The native has a long life, but his father s life span is short and native s brothers turn out to be his foes. This house is considered headquarter of Saturn, but it will give bad result if Mercu ry, Rahu and Ketu are malefic in the native s horoscope. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Keeping a square piece of silver. 2. Putting milk in water and sitting on a stone or wood while taking bath. Saturn in 9th House Native will have three houses. He will be a successful tour operator or civil en gineer. He will enjoy a long and happy life and parents also will have a happy l ife. Maintaining three generations will protect from the bad effects of Saturn. if the native is helpful to others Saturn will always give good results. The nat ive will have a son, though he will be born late. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Offering rice or almonds in running water. 2. Work associated with Jupiter-gold, kiesar and Moon (silver cloth) will give g ood results. Saturn in 10th House This is Saturn s own house, where it will give good results. The native will enjoy wealth and property as long as he does not get a house constructed. Native will be ambitious and enjoy favors from government. The native should behave with sh

rewdness and should do his work while sitting at one place. only then he will en joy the benefits of Saturn. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Going to temple. 2. Abstinence from meat, wine and eggs. 3. Offering food to ten blind people. Saturn in 11th House Native s fate will be decided at the age of forty eight years. The native will nev er remain childless. Native will earn money by shrewdness and deceit. Saturn wil l give good or bad results according to the position of Rahu and Ketu Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Before going for an important work place a vessel filled with water and drop oil or wine on earth for forty three days. 2. Abstinence from drinking and maintain good moral character. Saturn in 12th House Saturn gives good results in this house. Native will not have enemies. He will h ave many houses. His family and business will increase. He will be very rich. Ho wever Saturn will become malefic if the native starts drinking wine and becomes non- vegetarian, or if the dark room in the house is illuminated. Lal Kitab Remedies 1. Tying twelve almonds in a black cloth and placing it in a iron pot and keepin g it in a dark room will give good results.


Om Trayambakam Yajamaha, Sugandhim Pushtivardhnam, Urvaraka Miva Bandhanat, Mrityor Muksheeya Mamritat Meaning: I bow down to three-Eyed Lord Siva, Who is full of Who nourishes well beings; May He free me from the Of Samsara and Death, Just as the ripe cucumber is From the bondage to the Creeper! May I be fixed in sweet fragrance, bondage, severed, Immortality!

Tryambakam : Tryambakam is Lord Siva. We devoutly utter, "Trayambakam" with the Bhavas, that Siva is the Lord of three Mothers of the Universe; That he is the T hree eyed Lord; and beg for his grace to attain immortality. In Vedic Paribhasha, the three mothers are Gayatri Chandas (Gnyana Sakti); Trist up Chandas (Icha Sakti); Jagat Chandas (Kriya Sakti); Sugandhim: "Gandha", is smell or odour; it is sugar or vishama Gandha. 'Sugandha '-is fragrance that bestows Pusthi or growth or development on other things, and

protects them from vikara; Pushtivardhanam: Pushtivardhanam, is Lord Siva, who nourished well all beings, w ho bestows growth and development who develops small things from smaller to larg er avastas, of diverse and numberless sizes, and to him we offer our prayers for immortality while we utter 'Pushtivardhanam'. Yajamaha: "Yajamaha" indicates, the Union through the combination of the Three S aktis with Lord Siva who is Amara, and thereby enemy to Death, who is Prakash, t hereby enemy to Darkness, who is staanu, and thereby enemy to Astirtva; who is s upreme source of Amrita, Prakash, an Sthira Bhavas. Hence, we surrender ourselve s completely to Lord Siva; and through surrender live in contact with and relate d to Him while we chant "Yajamaha" Mrityor Bandhanat Urvaraka Miva Muksheeya: We thirst to be liberated from countl ess kinds of diseases; from Agnyana, from numerous diverse forms and durations o f births and deaths; and to conquer Death. The attainment of Mukti or freedom from the wheel of births and deaths is the Ai m and Goal of the Aspirant who chants this Mantra; so he prays to Lord Siva to l iberate him from Death for the sake of immortality, even as the cucumber is free d without effort, from its bondage to the creeper. Mamritat Muksheeya: Relationship is established by the aspirant with Brahman, who is Amara, Prakasa, Nitya, Ekaakaara; Thereby, the Aspirant also becomes Amara Prakasa and enjoys A vichanna relationship with Brahman (Lord Siva) who is Amara; Prakasa, Susthira S waroopa. Thus, through fervent constant Japa of this Mantra, the Aspirant attain s the Stairya of the Sanatana Relationship between the Jeeva and Paramatma and A tmashema. IMMUNIZED The regular recitation of this Mantra cures the present disease, prevents the ne w diseases and purifies the entire atmosphere at home. It is said that in a hous e where this 'Mantra is regularly recited daily for 216 times early in the morni ng after bath no one dies accidently or prematurely in the family. This Mantra is to be recited rarly in the morning after bath 216 times. Some swe et/fruit and water must be kept before you. Jyoti with pure ghee should also be lighted. After the prayers the sweet/fruit should be taken by all the members of the family. The regular recitation of this Mantra for sometime will ultimately take only twelve minutes a day and keep all the disease away from you. There is no doubt about it.

Rahu Ketu - The Shadow Planets The Moon's Nodes in Vedic Astrology Note: All planetary positions in this article refer to the sidereal Zodiac which is currently 23 degrees 49 minutes and 30 sec. behind the Tropical Zodiac. Nakshatras are fixed stars or lunar mansions. The Mythology Understanding Rahu & Ketu in Our Natal Charts Vedic Hymn to Rahu Rahu and the Nakshatras Ketu Vedic Hymn to Ketu Ketu and the Nakshatras Kal Sarpa Yoga Transitions

Rahu Ketu is the name given to the Nodes of the Moon. Rahu is the North Node an d Ketu is the South Node. They are points on the ecliptic where the Moon is in a lignment with the Sun and the Earth. They indicate the precise point of the harm ony with the three most important influences in our life- the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. This relationship plays an important part in the enfolding of individ ual consciousness. Their role as Karmic indicators of our life is connected with their power to cau se eclipses. The eclipses occur in the vicinity of Rahu Ketu during the Full Moo n and the New Moon. (During New Moon when it is +/- 18 degrees from Rahu Ketu, t he Solar eclipse takes place. At the full Moon +/- 11 degrees 15' from the nodal position, the Lunar eclipse takes place.) As they symbolically eclipse the Sun (consciousness) and the Moon (the Mind), they have a great part to play in dark ening our perspective in order to bring in new light. They deal with the concept of death and re-birth, transformation and regeneration. During the eclipses the light from the Luminaries is darkened. The energies created are powerfully psy chic, pregnant with new information and occult power. The period after the eclip se is considered a rebirth of the Sun and the Moon. The role of Rahu Ketu in thi s powerful alignment of the Sun Moon and the Earth gives them the role of the ul timate controllers of the destiny. The prime importance given to Rahu Ketu in Vedic Astrology is one of it's key fe atures. They have been given the status of Planets to emphasise their significan ce and the importance placed on eclipses. They are known as Chayya Grahas (shado w planets). They have no substance and are physically non-existent. Yet their in fluence is full of potency and spiritual significance. They work in unison 180 d egrees apart, two opposite points in the zodiac with a mission to churn our live s in order to externalise hidden potential and wisdom. In keeping with their sh adowy nature, they work on a psychological level. It is always difficult to gaug e their effect because their main concern is with our emotional makeup. They eff ect us internally. We are unaware of what exactly is happening to us at the time . In Vedic Astrology, the concept of the Soul's journey through different lifetime s is central to it. The final goal of the soul is to break this cycle of life an d death. Like the beads on a necklace, various lifetimes are joined together to form a necklace, each life being different but interconnected by an invisible th read. The invisible thread is Rahu and Ketu. The purpose of the soul in this li fe to act out his given Karma, destroy the illusions of the materialistic life a nd move towards the pursuit of self realisation. To live on the astral planes wh ere pleasure and pain do not have the capacity to hurt, the mind is still and at peace. The soul's journey in a particular life time and it's connection with et ernal life is indicated by the position of Rahu and Ketu. Ketu deals with the pa st Karma and Rahu with the future. The five instincts that keep us attached to the materialistic purpose of life ar e Kaam (Desire, passions) Krodh (Anger) Madh (intoxicants- drugs, alcohol etc) M oh (Attachment) Lobh(Greed) and Matsaya(Jealousy). We need to control our instin cts rather than allowing ourselves to be controlled by them. Both Rahu and Ketu have the ability to keep our mind focused on these instincts- Rahu by exaggerati ng and Ketu by obscuring or blocking. We are tied down to the cycle of unhappine ss and dissatisfaction as we cannot break away from our lower selves. We are bor n again and again to experience the pleasures and pains of the earthly life unti l we recognise them to be the illusions that they are. On a subconscious level w e are afraid that if we give up these desires, we will lose out. Once we start u nderstanding the principle of letting go, enjoying what life has to offer but no t getting attached, then we are able to grow spiritually. Rahu Ketu deals with t he inner fight within us, the moral and the social choices we have to constantly make and the inner dilemmas.

The Mythology There are many Myths and legends attached to Rahu Ketu. The most well known one is of Rahu Ketu as the Naga Vasuki- the ruler of the Patala Loka (the nether reg ions of the earth). Nagas in Vedic literature are not ordinary snakes but Serpen ts with much hidden knowledge and wisdom. There was a great war between the gods and the demons for the control of the universe and at the centre of it was the ocean which was being churned to find the hidden treasures and the Amrita- the n ectar of immortality. Vasuki helped the gods in their mission. He was the rope t ied around the spiritual mountain Mandara, which was the rod, used by the gods to churn the ocean. When the Amrita was found the gods wanted to keep it for themselves as they felt that the demons would use it for the wrong purpose. Vasuki being a demon, his i nstincts were for personal glorification and materialistic happiness rather than universal good. (Sacrificing self for others is considered the godly impulse) . Vasuki, was more intelligent than the other demons, he was not willing to be distracted by the gods. He drank the nectar of immortality secretly. The Sun and the Moon complained to Lord Vishnu, the creator of the Universe, who was very a ngry at this deception. In anger he threw the Sudharshan Chakra at Vasuki and cu t him into two. Vasuki had drunk the Amrita and was immortal, therefore could n ot be killed. He remained in the skies as Rahu(the head)Ketu (the lower half), a permanent reminder to the other planets(gods) of the darker side of life which we have to defeat in the pursuit of immortality. Rahu Ketu are considered great enemies of the Sun and the Moon because they tol d Lord Vishnu about them. They symbolically swallow the two luminaries during th e eclipses. Their capacity to darken the Sun and the Moon make Rahu Ketu the mos t powerful influences in the Zodiac. The Sun around whom the other planets and t he solar system revolves, the Moon which controls life on earth, are obscured by Rahu Ketu during eclipses. Rahu Ketu represent Cosmic Law which everyone includ ing the Sun and the Moon have to obey. This allegory has to be understood as life. The Gods without the help of Vasuki (Rahu Ketu) could not find the secret of immortality. In the same way we as huma ns cannot find our higher selves without understanding the lessons of Rahu and K etu. They represent the darker side of our nature which we need to overcome. Our inner emotions are like the ocean being churned. Within this ocean lie a number of treasures as well as poisons and nasty things. We have learn to recognise th e precious from the dross and finally find Amrita- the secret of immortality o r true happiness. The conflict between our attachment to materialistic achieveme nts (this gives us momentary happiness which is a fantasy as it has no real basi s, the domain of Rahu) and liberation of the soul, finding bliss and tranquilli ty which is eternal and everlasting (Ketu is the Moksha karaka significator for spiritual realisation). The gods needed the help of Vasuki in the Amrita manthan and in the same way we need the knowledge provided by the wise nodes to give di rection. Understanding Rahu and Ketu in our Natal Charts To understand the influence of Rahu Ketu in our chart we must learn about their shadow nature. This is the most important factor in when dealing with the influe nce of the nodes. They are only points in the Zodiac therefore they are unable t o enact their effect on their own. The nodes take on the characteristics of thei r dispositor as they have no substance themselves. It is very important to study the sign, position and placement of the depositor. Here it is important to unde rstand that although the nodes are influenced by their depositor, the depositor itself carries forward the influence of the nodes. The basic results of Rahu- K etu are modified by their location in your chart. The signs/ houses they are pla

ced in. The aspects they receive and the aspects they throw out. Also if they ar e in conjunction with another planet (note in Vedic Astrology a planet in the sa me house is considered conjunct. The closer the conjunction the stronger the inf luence.) they will throw out it's influence. For example if Rahu is in conjuncti on with Mars it will throw the aspect of Mars along with that of it's depositor. Rahu Ketu are the personal eclipse points. Therefore they are areas where you ne ed to work out your Karma, past as well as future. They are our Karmic responsib ilities. We have to learn to look beyond the momentary darkness that Rahu Ketu r epresent. They highlight the negative side of our nature which we need to overco me to move towards the spiritual growth. They work psychologically, therefore it is hard to pin- point their effect. They are the axis of life which indicates t he path of spiritual growth from past life ( Ketu) to the Future (Rahu). Knowled ge of both the past and present are needed for true understanding of life. The p ast shapes the personality we are now, the negative and the positive Karma we ar e going to experience. It shades our psyche to how we are going to tackle the pr esent. The future is always uncertain therefore can seem like darkness and carry fear and uncertainty within it. We have to really come to terms with our past t o be able to not get afraid of the future. Rahu is showing this direction, Ketu is sometime blocking due to our actions of the past. Rahu Ketu have twin purpose, one in the mundane life and another in the spiritua l life but it is intertwined, like their shadowy nature. Their actions in the ma terial realm are meant so that we change our thoughts and ideas about what we wa nt and desire. What is darkness to a person enmeshed in materialistic ambitions can be powerful spiritual energy for those on the path of Moksha and spiritual e nlightenment. The nodes always serves opposing purposes- good and bad, lots and nothing, give and take. Rahu gives, Ketu takes back. The are no straight rules about them. The y operate in so many different colours which can lead you to the highest spiritu al pinnacle to the greatest financial achievements or vice versa. They can give contrary results. You can never give predictions dealing with surety. They can create fear of the unknown. They can create sudden and unexpected resu lts. The saying is that Rahu Ketu always take away what they give because they have a special reason for granting you your wishes. To realise that what they give is not necessarily what you want once you have achieved it. They highlight dissatis faction within ourselves. RAHU Vedic Hymn to Rahu 'Rahu is snake shaped, born of a lioness and a devourer of the Sun and the Moon' Rahu is the head part of the celestial snake. This hymn refers to Rahu being sna ke shaped. The snakes are given great importance in Vedic mythology. Lord Shiva has a snake around his neck, Lord Vishnu's throne was Shesh Naga - the Eternal S erpent. Shesh Naga represents the cycles of time and space which the seed of co smic creation. The Nagas are shaped like snakes but stand tall. The Nagas are h ighly evolved beings. They are wise, but their wisdom can be used for both good and bad. The Naga sheds his skin, this symbolises transformation,re-birth. The s nakes in Vedic literature remind people of their mortality. The 'devouring of the Sun and Moon' are when Rahu eclipses the luminaries. This shows the important part Rahu has to play in changing the course of our life. Th e Sun and Moon are Royal planets under whose dictates the universe and life on e

arth revolves. But Rahu can darken this light, therefore it controls the process of life. The Sun is the Soul and Moon the Mind, when they are eclipsed, they g o through regeneration, transformation and death. Rahu takes people off their Dharmic past path to tempt them on the road of self destruction. But Rahu has a very definite purpose in doing so. It wants you to l earn, taste and feel everything so that from the full satiation of your senses y ou turn a new leaf on the path of self realisation and find their true enlighten ment. Rahu on a physical plane gives you insatiable desire to achieve, to conque r. Once you have reached the pinnacle of achievement, you realise this success y ou have achieved has not brought with it happiness because you were in fact chas ing an illusion. There are many cults in India which preach satiation of all you r mundane and carnal desires so that we can learn the important lesson of fulfil ment of all your desires do not give you the true happiness. Rahu signifies foreigners in all fields- people, countries, tastes. Rahu behaves like Saturn. It deals with drugs, poisons, over ambition, power pla y, hidden knowledge, Rahu's element is air. It deals with all aspects of air related activities air t ravel, Air accidents, Aviation, Pilots etc. Other significations of Rahu include students of Astrology, metaphysical knowledge, witchcraft, skin diseases, smal l pox, deception, politics, political manoeuvre, inventions, scientists, executi on, diseases, disenchantment etc. Rahu and the Nakshatras Rahu Ketu rule 3 Nakshtras (fixed stars) each. Rahu rules Ardra ( 6 degree 40' to 20 degrees 00' Gemini), Swati ( 6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00' Libra) and Sh atabishak (6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00'Aquarius), all in the Air triplicity . Mercury, Venus and Saturn represent intellectualism, pleasure and righteous beh aviour. Rahu has the capacity to bestow in all these areas. As the ruler of the fixed star Ardra( 6 degree 40' to 20 degrees 00' Gemini), Ra hu represents the highest thinking, Ardra is the Nakshatra where we begin our le arning about the nature's law. Ardra is in 6 degree 40' to 20 degrees Gemini a s ign ruled by Mercury. At the cosmic stage of Ardra, there is conflict on the out er level where we are dissatisfied with our present surrounding, so we start loo king for answers. This can be through knowledge, occult and communication The du ality of Gemini as well as the celestial powers of Mercury are present. Ardra's symbol is of a head or a single jewel. both symbolising ideas, mind and thinking . Rahu is always about matchless ambition and in Ardra it combines it with the c apacity for knowledge. Planets in Ardra get motivated towards greater occult lea rning. Rudra, the God of Destruction is Ardra's presiding Diety.. Rudra is a for m of Shiva. Rudra's mission is to destroy ignorance, therefore he directs the co nsciousness towards knowledge and finding the answers for ourselves about this manifestation. At Ardra we start to study or learn about the Law of Nature. The first time we become dissatisfied with the materialistic nature of our lives and start towards expanding the horizons of our spiritual selves.. The Second Nakshatra ruled by Rahu is Swati ( 6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00' Li bra) Planets in Swati indicate the depth of the soul's involvement in Materiali sm. The indicator of the soul in our chart, the Sun, is debilitated here and Sat urn the worker of the Zodiac is exalted here. Under Swati, the impulse is all ab out material gain. Venus rules the earthly needs in an individual. Combining it with Rahu it adds further to the desire for success, wealth and finance. Many mi llionaires are born with their Moon's or Saturn in Swati. The presiding diety is Vayu (air).The Symbol is Coral. The location of this Nakshatra in Libra indicat es that the experience of full involvment into earthy, materialistic pleasures w

ill bring with it dissatisfaction because the scales will be heavy to one side. Once success is achieved we feel empty, alone and dissatisfied with our achievem ent, many try for more success but the correct thing would be to look towards yo ur higher self at this time. Libra is a stage of life when we start thinking abo ut the spiritual meaning of life but only once the other urges have been fulfill ed. Shatabishak( 6 degrees 40' to 20 degrees 00'Aquarius) is the final Nakshatra rul ed by Rahu. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Rahu's rulership of the Nakshtra mak es a very difficult combination where life has to have a purpose and the total d irection is about learning lessons. Rahu gives results like Saturn but on a psyc hological level. This double Saturnine influence on planets placed here is diffi cult to handle unless our activities are directed towards service to humanity. H ere both Rahu and Saturn are concerned about changing our purpose of life, givi ng us the final answers. Rahu on the internal level and Saturn on an external le vel offers restrictions, obstacles and transformation. The need to understand th e final lessons of life as well as duty to others are two of the important aspec ts of Shatabishak. Its symbol is the thousand petalled flower, Shatabishak is w here the Kundalini flowers and we reach towards the full awareness of our consci ousness. This is the stage in life where we activate the Sahasara (Crown) Chakra . Rahu brings forth its full power as the teacher of cosmic law. When the Moon i s in Shatabishak, its materialistic tendencies are shed completely and we moves towards the true purpose of life. We are ready to transcend to the next phase of spiritual development. All the quarters of Rahu's Nakshatra are ruled by Jupiter and Saturn, the signi ficators of spirituality and occult initiation. They are Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Each pada (quarter) represents the ninth harmonic of the natal chart. Together these four signs represent the final stages of spiritual d evelopment. As the Rahu Nakshatras represent a point in cycle of life where we are starting to change, these padas further indicate that life on an internal le vel remain the same again. Sagittarius is the level when man learns to control t he base emotions,changes from animal to human, at Capricorn we learn about the d uties and responsibilities to others, Aquarius represents the stage of developme nt where we are now privy to full knowledge. At Pisces we are able to make the f inal change, sow the seeds for future growth. So although the stages of the soul 's journey are different in Ardra ( Gemini) Swati ( Libra) and Shatabishak( Aqua rius) the underlying urge, represented by the quarters, is still the same- to ev olve. The ending of one way of life and the beginning of another. KETU Vedic Hymn to Ketu ' Decked with silk, flowers, garlands, sandal paste and an umbrella, of variegat ed colour, born of Jaimini's family under Abhijit Nakshatra ' Ketu is the lower part of the celestial snake. This hymn shows the main difference between Rahu and Ketu, Rahu is dark in colou r but Ketu has a variegated colour. Therefore it has the capacity to shine a lig ht on you suddenly, bring about enlightenment. Ketu is born to the Jaimini family who followed the Mimasa school of philosophy. Their main concern was the correct interpretations of the vedic rituals and set tling any controversies about the Vedic texts. Ketu himself is guiding towards meditation of the nature of creation, intuitiveness, the true understanding of u niverse and the guidance of the soul towards it's final salvation or Moksha. Ketu causes great impediments in your paths. It sets up roadblocks, traffic jams

, boulders in your journey of life. It causes pain. It wants to change your psyc he. You learn to leave your excess baggage of past Karma behind. Travel lightly into your this existence so that you can understand there are areas of your life which need to address and some left behind. Those unable to harness the power o f Ketu or understand its karmic path can be lead to a sorrowful existence. Somet imes it is difficult for any one do stand in the way of Ketu power. We need to a ccept and understand the divine plan which is part of our destiny and Ketu is do ing its work to produce in you the enlightenment which would lead to true enlig htenment and honour. The effect of the Ketu problems are like the going through the ritual of fire from which one comes out stronger more powerful to be able to take on the problems thrown at us Ketu will act like Mars and so will it's dispositor. Fiery in nature, it signif ies accidents or injury specially due to fire. Ketu rules 7 years in the planetary life cycle. Ketu always has a sting in it's tale. So the ending of Ketu Maha Dasha one has to be vary of unexpected happenin g Ketu is considered the keeper of the book of our life- past and present Karmas. Ketu is known as Dhwajah- flag. It's association with in dignity with a planet has the capacity to boost it's capabilities- good or bad beyond recognition for lotteries and windfall. Ketu in conjunction with a benefic can give beyond your wildest expectations. Some of the signification of Ketu are Ascetics, assassinations, trouble through cats, calirvoyance, contemplation, desire for knowledge, deep thinking, imprison ment, poison, intrigues, magical powers, poverty, mysticism etc. Ketu and the Nakshatras The Nakshatra's Ketu rules are Ashwini (Aries), Magha (Leo) and Mula (Sagittariu s), the fire triplicity. These are the beginning stages in the cycles of life. Mars, Sun and Jupiter the rulers of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are friends with each other. Together they represent strength, the soul and wisdom, Ketu has the capacity to give in these areas. A proper blending of these three planets in ou r natal charts direct us towards seeking Moksha- the final liberation from the cycle of life and death. Aries deals with birth, a new life, freshness of approach and start of the cycle of Life. 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20 is Ashwini, the first Nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Ashwin i indicates the beginning of the soul's journey into the earthly life. Ketu's ru lership of this part of the Zodiac is full of occult significations. Ketu is the significator for Moksha. The beginning part of life indicated by Aries ruled by Ketu Nakshatra shows that the true reason of our manifestation on earth is to f ind the Moksha- the final salvation from the cycles of life and death. This is t he stage where mind is pure and we have not yet entangled ourselves into knots w hich represent the attachment to life. Sun, the signifactor of the soul, our inn er consciousness is exalted in Ashwini. Ashwini is in Aries ruled by Mars. Ketu acts like Mars but on a psychological level so the purity of Martian action, co urage and protection of humanity is powerfully indicated by the planets located here. The past life connection is very strong as Ketu, specially if the Moon is located here. Magha is the second Nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Magha is in the sign of Leo ( 0 deg rees to 13 degrees 20' Leo) ruled by the Sun. Magha is the beginning of the sec ond cycle in the soul's Journey. The signs Leo to Scorpio indicate the soul's fu

ll involvement into the pleasures and pains of the earthly life. Ketu, the signi ficator of spiritual realisation ruling the commencing point of the materialisti c journey shows the importance of the experience of the realities of life in ful filling the divine mission of the Soul. Magha's ruling deity is Pitris, who are the fathers of humanity whose mission is to guide their children to the right co urse of life. The father's only interfere if you are going off the right path. K etu and Pitris both guide the soul towards it's special mission in life. Planets in Magha are idealistic even if their mission is to fulfil their materialistic needs. This does create misunderstandings at times. Others suspect their honour and sincerity. Magha gives a lot materially, but the person ruled by Magha knows intuitively that the material happiness is only an experience, he still needs t o follow the inner purpose of life and move towards Moksha. Mula is the third Nakshatra ruled by Ketu. Mula is 0 degrees to 13 degrees 20' S agittarius. This is the start of the final part of the Soul's mission towards fi nding the answers that will lead to his breaking away from the cycles of life an d death. This is one of the most difficult Nakshatra for planets to be situated in specially the Moon. The deity that rules Mula is Nittriti, the goddess of dea th and destruction. This personifies the destruction of the material sheaths and the foundation on which the spiritual enfoldment can be undertaken. The pain ex perienced by the influence of Mula changes the personality. Attachment to the lo wer nature and material tendencies have to be severed so that a new spiritual be ginning can happen. This is the Nakshatra of initiation towards spiritual reali sation. Ketu fulfills it's role as Moksha karaka by arousing the soul towards it 's ultimate destination. Mula means root and it also is Muladhara chakra (Base C hakra) where the Kundalini power lies dormant and has to be activated. Ketu rule s this and Rahu with it's rulership of Shatabishak- the Crown Chakra indicate th e real spiritual insight provided by the nodes. At times they create powerful ne gativity to focus your mind towards the absolute knowledge. The quarters of Ketu's Nakshatras are ruled by Mars, Venus, Gemini and the Moon . Mars is courage, Venus- the guide to material fulfilment, Mercury the pure int ellect and Moon, the emotional Mind. The signs these planets rule are Aries, Tau rus, Gemini and Cancer- the four sign that lead the soul towards experiencing th e life on earth. Each pada (quarter) represents the ninth harmonic of the natal chart. Together these four signs represent the beginning stages of spiritual dev elopment. As the Ketu Nakshatras represent a point in cycle of life where we ha ve to move towards the divine mission of the soul. They always indicate a beginn ing and an ending at two different levels. Aries is about discovery of new ideas and the courage to explore them. Taurus is where we nurture the creative potent ial of our new beginnings. Gemini develops the mind and the recognition of time, space, the working of the universal law. Cancer makes time and space possible. It is ruled by the Moon and Water which also leads us towards purification of mi nd and harmonising the spiritual and the material. The stages of the soul's jour ney are different in Ashwini (Mars) Magha (Leo) and Mula (Sagittarius) the under lying urge, represented by the quarters, is still the same- to evolve. The endin g of one way of life and the beginning of another. Kal Sarpa Yoga Kala Sarpa Yoga is formed when Rahu Ketu hem in the planets in the natal chart i .e. if Rahu is 10 degrees Leo and Ketu 10 degrees Aquarius and all the planets a re within these degrees, either from Leo to Aquarius or Aquarius to Leo (Vedic A strology does not use the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). For this yog a to be complete, no planet should conjunct Rahu or Ketu. It restricts completel y any indications of the charts. However capable the person, his life is impeded due to past Karma. Important lessons have to be faced in this life, where no am ount of effort is rewarded, obstacles are encountered at every junction for inex plicable reasons.

The Yoga does not suggest either success or failure, but a person caught up in K armic forces so great that they restrict his/ her destiny. It acts mysteriously, without other indications in the birth Chart. A heavy price is paid for past Ka rma in this life. Understanding and counter- acting the effects of Kala Sarpa Yo ga needs a person to move towards his higher self. As Rahu and Ketu act on the i nner self, the need to understand the psychic implications and the inner blocks created by this combination is important. Transits To judge the transits of Rahu Ketu we have to look at the planets they conjunct during their transit. The Sun and Moon being the most important planets. In 1998 when Rahu Ketu are transiting through the Leo Aquarius Axis, people with Leo Su n, Moon, Ascendant and Aquarius Sun, Moon, Ascendant are feeling the transformin g effect of Rahu Ketu. The transit of Rahu Ketu gives clues to their unpredictab ility. They normal travel in a retrograde motion, the opposite to other planets. They will suddenly go direct and backwards again, representing the churning pr ocess. They can churn up your life, your inner emotion, force you to transform y ourself, create unpredictability in your life. To know exactly how powerful thei r influence will be, you will have to study the eclipses. If the eclipses are ta king place within 1to 2 degrees of your natal planets then they will be indicati ng a time for change. Here it is important to remember that the eclipses work on a psychological level, some of these influence may not be immediately obvious b ut will reveal themselves in time. The transit of Rahu also needs to be seen through their Dashas- planetary cycle s. They are each assigned a Mahadasha. Rahu has an 18 year period and Ketu a 7 y ears period. They also have sub- periods in planetary cycles of other planets th rough which they exercise their power and influence. Whenever the life cycles co me into our life they have the overall control over factors which dictate what w e are going to be doing.

NAKSHATRAS THE FIXED STARS OF DESTINY Komilla Sutton Nakshatras or lunar mansions have a very special place in Vedic astrology. They are the axis on which Vedic astrology revolves. Moon stays in one Nakshatra for one day. They are mentioned in the ancient Indian Texts- the Artharva and Yajur Veda which lists all 27 of them. Kalaprakashika is the standard ancient text wh ich forms the base of the study of Nakshatras, In mythology the Nakshatras are considered to be the 27 daughters of Daksha Praj ipat, the Cosmic Helper charged by the creator of the universe Brahma to help hi m in the evolution of the whole cosmos. These 27 daughter of Daksha married the Moon and became special repositories of astrological influences. Which is why t he Nakshatra are feminine impulse which need the positive- male impulses of the planets to complete their polarity. In India, the lunar calender is decided by the nakshatras. The rising nakshatra at the time of the new moon decides the rulership of the lunar month. 12 nakshat ras rule the lunar months.

Naksha- means to approach and Tra means to guard. Each Nakshatras has a mytholog ical god whose duty it to guard and guide the cosmic evolution. The location of the planets in specific nakshatras completely alters their signifcations. The zodiac comprises of 360 degrees. The twelve zodiac signs rule 30 degrees each. T here are 27 Nakshatras, each Zodiac sign comprimising 2 1/2 Nakshatras. Though t he Zodiac has been divided into 27 groups of Nakshtras. These are only the prin ciple members of several groups of fixed stars. Beginning at 0' Aries, each Nakshatra compromises 13' 20" of the ecliptic.-the degrees covered by the Moon in a 24 hour Day. Each Nakshatra is further divided into four parts known as 'padas' or feet. The 27 nakshatras are divided in to 3 groups, known as paryaya which means cycle. The seven planets and the nodes of the moon have the rulership assigned to each Nakshatra. They repeat themselves i n the same sequence. The start of each paryaya (one cycle of 9 nakshatras) is always ruled by Ketu th e mystical south node. Planets positioned in Sandhi areas- the junction points o f the paryaya, the last quarters (padas) of Pisces- Aries. Cancer- Leo. Scorpio - Sagittarius are specially powerful in giving Karmic effects. They are known a s Gandanta. The belief is when life crystallises at a certain point then we jour ney towards the higher manifestation of the soul and the consciousness. We have to go through a particularly trying time to prepare our minds for the next step in the journey of our soul. Moon has a special relationship with the Nakshatras. The Nakshatras give 108 po sitions for the placement of the Moon. The Moon first comes under the influence of the zodiac sign where it is placed, then the influence of the nakshatra ruler and lastly it is influence by the lord of the pada. The triplicity of varying p lanetary influences alter the signification of the Moon. It is from the location of the Moon in a specific nakshatra that we can decided the start of our life c ycles - the Dasha system which is unique to the Vedic astrology. The ruler of t he nakshatra at the time of our birth is the ruler of the first dasha of our lif e and ruler of the pada is the first antar dasha of our life. The Nakshatra position of the Moon plays an important part in Muhurtha- election astrology. In India where timing of important functions in life are very import ant, the placement of the transiting Moon in specific Nakshatra is considered ve ry auspicious. Marriages, education, house building, agriculture, farming, trave l, starting new businesses etc. all should be started on the correct day and the astrologers look to the fixed stars to find that auspicious time so that the be st possible cosmic help is available in whatever you are starting. Nakshatras with their cosmic powers rule and direct life towards its karmic path , subtly influencing to bring about changes in the psyche. The power of Nakshatr as should never be underestimated. Their capacity of changing our life patterns is of prime importance in the Vedic astrology. For predictive and election purp oses the knowledge of the Nakshatras is very important. Although it is significant to know of the lunar placement in Nakshatra, others p lanets change under the influence of Nakshatras. It is important for those tryin g to look into deeper meaning of life to look into the nakshatra placements of key planets and you will have a much better understanding of the inner motivati ons of planets in your chart. When studying the dashas, one should look at the r uler of the dasha as well as the placement of the ruler of the Nakshatra of the Dasha ruler. That makes all the difference in finding how the Dasha will effect us. In India, most Vedic astrologer will put the number of the Nakshatra by the plan et on the chart. That way they can see immediately what degree of the Zodiac the planet is placed.

According to the ancient Vedic Philosophy, our consciousness is effected by th ree different qualities or gunas. The cosmic energies that radiate around us gi ve us the predominance of one of these gunas. These are very important in Yoga a nd in astrology it is important to understand the impulses (gunas) of the planet s and their Nakshatras which give them their unique behaviour patterns. These g unas are 1. Sattva - the illuminating, pure or good quality. Truth, purity of purpose and self righteousness and the path towards eternal consciousness is important to S attvic people. They are fearless, generous and self- controlled. They are tranq uil, charitable and generally have an open mind. Sattvics find it hard to hurt o thers. Water is pure Sattva. Vegetarians are sattvic by nature- choosing to eat what is provided by nature rather than killing to fulfil their appetites. 2. Rajas - the quality of mobility or activity. They have great inner thirst. T hey are passionate and ambitious. They want to achieve. They are restless and in secure. They want everything. They are active, want recognition and respect bu t are never satisfied. They find themselves clinging to pleasant tasks but avoi ding the difficult situations. They can be fickle, easily distracted and unstead y. 3. Tamas - the dark restraining quality. They are generally sensuous, in love w ith all the good things in life which restrain them from higher learning and kno wledge. They are materialistic in nature. Maya -the illusionary world of self gr atification and sensual living ties them to their desires. Tamasic people have t o try very hard to get out of the ignorance that surrounds them. They are held down by their own needs. Yoga and meditation is required to strengthen their inn er being if they want to move towards higher consciousness. The Nakshatras radiate these qualities on primary, secondary and tertiary levels . It helps to find out on what sub-conscious level we react to this world. Each of the Nakshatra has its own motivation. Vedic philosophers considered 4 b asic motivations which guide us. They are: 1. Artha - meaningful action. Artha relates to wealth , financial matters and th e practicalities of life. 2.Dharma - righteous action. Dharma is the purpose of our life. The duty towards ourselves and others to do the right thing. 3. Kama - passionate behaviour. Kama is about passion for people, causes and liv ing. 4. Moksha - the need for spiritual salvation. Moksha means Nirvana. The need to find the highest truths and move towards self realisation. Each Nakshatra radiates its own quality, has its own motivation and the planets placed in them have a triplicy of influences- by the rulers of the Zodiac sign, nakshatra and finally the pada or quarter. These alter, enhance and fine tune th e cosmic energies that effect us. The 27 Nakshatras are: 1.Ashwini - ruled by Ketu -the South Node. 0'00" to 13'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Arie s). The four quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivatio n is Dharma. Male. Horse. Symbol- A head of horse. Deity- Ashwini Kumars. DoshaVata

2. Bharani - ruled by Venus. 13'20" to 26'40"( 13'20" to 26'402 Aries) The quart ers are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The Motivation is Artha. Female. Elephant. Symbol- Yoni ( female sexual organ). Deity- Yama. Dosha -Pitta 3. Krittika - ruled by Sun. 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Ka ma. Female. Sheep. Symbol- a razor. Diety Agni. Dosha- Kapha. 4. Rohini -ruled by Moon. 40'00" to 53'20"(10'00" to 23'20" Taurus). The quarter s are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Moksha. Male. Se rpent. Symbol-A chariot. Deity- Brahma. Dosha-Kapha. 5. Mrigshira -ruled by Mars. 53'20" to 66'40" (23'20 Taurus to 6'40" Gemini). Th e quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Moksha. Female. Serpent. Symbol- The head of a deer. Deity- Soma. Dosha- Pitta. 6. Ardra - ruled by Rahu- the North Node. 66'40" to 80'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Gemi ni) The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivatio n is Kama. Female. Dog. Symbol- Precious stone or a human head. Deity- Rudra. Do sha- Vata. 7. Punarvasu - ruled by Jupiter. 80'00 to 93'20 (20'00" Gemini to 3'20" Cancer). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Art ha. Female. Cat. Symbol- A bow or a house. Deity- Aditi. Dosha- Vata. 8. Pushya - ruled by Saturn. 93'20" to 106'40" (3'20" to16'20" Cancer). The quar ters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Dharma. Male. Sheep. Symbol- a flower, circle or an arrow. Deity- Brahaspati. Dosha- Pitta. 9. Ashlesha - ruled by Mercury. 106'40" to 120'00" (16'40 Cancer to 0'00 Leo) Th e quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Dharma. Male. Cat. Symbol- a serpent. Deities- Nagas. Dosha- Kapha. 1st to 9th Nakshatra operates on the Rajasic Guna on the primary level 10. Magha - ruled by Ketu. 120'00" to 132'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Leo). The quarte rs are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Artha. Male. Ra t. Symbol- house or a palaquin. Deity- Pitris. Dosha- Kapha. 11. Purva Phalguni - ruled by Venus. 132'20 to 146'40" (13'20 to 26'40" Leo).The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Kama. F emale. Rat. Symbol- A couch, platform or fireplace. Deity- Bhaga. Dosha- Pitta. 12. Uttara Phalguni - ruled by Sun. 146'40" to 160'00" (26'40 Leo to 10'00" Virg o) The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Moksha. Male. Cow. Symbol- a small bed. Deity- Aryaman. Dosha- Vata. 13. Hasta - ruled by Moon. 160'00" to 173'20" (10'00" to 23'20" Virgo). The quar ters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Moksha. Femal e. Buffalo. Symbol- The palm. Deity- Savita. Dosha- Vata. 14. Chitra - ruled by Mars. 173'20" to 186'40" (23'20 Virgo to 6'40" Libra). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Kama. Fem ale. Tiger. Symbol- Pearl. Deity - Tvashtar. Dosha- Pitta. 15. Swati - ruled by Rahu.186'40" to 200'00" (6'40" to 20'00 Libra). The quarter s are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Artha. Ma le. Buffalo. Symbol- Coral. Deity- Vayu. Dosha- Kapha. 16. Vishakha - ruled by Jupiter. 200'00" to 213'20"(20'00"Libra to 3'20" Scorpio

). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Dharma. Male. Tiger. Symbol- A potter's wheel or an archway. Deities- Indra and Agni. Dosha- Kapha. 17. Anuradha - ruled by Saturn.213'20" to 226'40" (3'20" to 16'40"Scorpio). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Dharm a. Anuradha. Female. Hare. Symbol- A Lotus flower . Deity- Mitra. Dosha- Pitta. 18. Jyeshta - ruled by Mercury. 226'40" to 240'00" (16'40" Scorpio to 0'00"Sagit tarius). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The moti vation is Artha. Male. Hare. Symbol-An earring or an umbrella. Deity- Indra. Dos ha- Vata. 10th to 18th Nakshatras operate on the Tamasic Guna at the Primary Level 19. Mula - ruled by Ketu. 240'00" to 253'20" (0'00" to 13'20" Sagittarius). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Kama. Ma le. Dog. Symbol- The tail of a lion or an elephant's goad. Deity- Nritta. Dosha - Vata. 20. Purvashadha - ruled by Venus. 253'20" to 266'40" (13'20" to 26'40"). The qua rters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Moksha. Male. Monkey. Symbol- Tust of an elephant. Deity- Apas. Dosha- Pitta. 21. Uttarashadha - ruled by Sun. 266'40" to 280'00" (26'40 Sag to 10'00" Caprico rn) The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivatio n is Moksha. Male. Mongoose. No female Mongoose. Symbol- A small cot. Deity- Vis hwadeva. Dosha- Kapha. 22. Shravana - ruled by Moon. 280'00" to 293'20" (10'00 to 23'20" Capricorn). Th e quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivation is Artha. Female. Monkey. Symbol- Symbol - An ear or an arrow. Deity- Vishnu. Dosha- Kapha . 23. Dhanishta - ruled by Mars. 293'20" to 306'40" (23'20" cap to 6'40" Aquarius) . The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Dhar ma. Female. Lion. Symbol- A musical drum or the flute. Deity- Vasus. Dosha- Pitt a. 24. Shatabhishak - ruled by Rahu. 306'40" to 320'00" (6'40" to 20'00" Aquarius) . The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Dharma. Female. Horse. Symbol- Hundred Flowers. Deity- Varuna. Dosha- Vata. 25. Purva Bhadra - ruled by Jupiter. 320'00" to 333'20 (20'00" Aquarius to 3'20" Pisces). The quarters are ruled by Mars, Venus, Mercury and Moon. The motivatio n is Artha. Male. Lion. Symbol- A sword. Deity- Aja Ekpada. Dosha- Vata. 26. Uttara Bhadra - ruled by Saturn. 333'20" to 346'40" (3'20" to 16'40" Pisces ). The quarters are ruled by Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. The motivation is Ka ma. Female. Cow. Symbol- The number two or a twin. Deity- Ahirbudhyana. Dosha- P itta. 27. Revati - ruled by Mercury. 346'40" to 360'00" (16'40" to 30'00" Pisces). The quarters are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Saturn and Jupiter. The motivation is Mo ksha. Female. Elephant. Symbol- A fish. Deity- Pushan. Dosha- Kapha. The 19th to 27th Nakshatras operate on a Sattvic Guna at the primary level.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHRISTOPHER REEVE 3:12 AM EDT ( rectified by Komilla Sutton to 3:17 AM) September 25, 1952 - NEW YORK - 74W00 40N45 CHART Planetary information Lagna(Asc) 26Cn52 in 9 Ashlesha ruled by Mercury in Jupiter pada Sun 08Vi58 in 12 Uttara Phalguni ruled by Sun in Jupiter pada Moon 19Sc23 in 18 Jyeshtha ruled by Mercury in Jupiter pada Mars 25Sc04 in 18 Jyeshtha ruled by Mercury in Saturn pada Mercury 09Vi33 in 12 Uttara Phalguni ruled by Mercury in Jupiter pada Jupiter Rx 27Ar23 in 3 Krittika ruled by Sun in Jupiter pada

Venus 03Li49 in 14 Chitra ruled by Mars in Mars pada Saturn 22Vi48 in 13 Hasta ruled by Moon in Moon pada Rahu 27Cp28 in 23 Dhanishta ruled by Mars in Mercury pada Ketu 27Cn28 in 9 Ashlesha ruled by Mercury in Jupiter pada

Outer planets Uranus 24Ge56 in

7 Punarvasu ruled by Jupiter in Venus pada

Neptune 27Vi32 in 14 Chitra ruled by Mars in Mercury pada Pluto 29Cn54 in 9 Ashlesha ruled by Mercury in Jupiter pada

The chart of Christopher Reeve illustrates the Nakshatras very well. The Birth Data available on him places his birth at 3:12 Am EDT September 25 1952 at NewYo rk. I have rectified the birth time using the Nakshatras. His birth was in Ashle sha Nakshatra in the 3rd Pada (quarter). I have moved it forward to 3:17 am into the 4th quarter of Ashelsha. The ascendent stays in each quarter for 15 minutes . According to all the ancient texts, if you are born at Gandanta-the junction p oints of the Nakshatras (The 4th quarter of Ashlesha and the 1st quarter of Magh a. The last quarter of Jyeshta and the 1st Quarter of Mula and the last quarter of Revati and the 1st quarter of Ashwini.), you face major traumas and tragedie s in life. In Christopher Reeve's case we all know about his riding accident whi ch changed his life from the actor playing Superman to a helpless paraplegic. Lagna-Ascendent The Lagna- ascendent is conjunct Ketu - the South Node in the same quarter/naksh atra. Ketu always deals with the past and is a planet of Karmic retribution. It is very obvious that Christopher Reeve had to pay debts of past actions. He was given everything materially- goods looks, health, success, fame and wealth. Then it was cruelly taken away. The presence of Ketu in the ascendent shows destiny will play an important part in life. It also foretells physical or emotional tra uma in life due to your own actions. Also, Ketu is the significator for spinal p roblems and paralysis. Pluto at 29Cancer54 is in the same pada conjuct the ascen dent and Ketu. Although outer planets are not generally looked at in Vedic Astro logy, the influence of Pluto cannot be discounted. The Ascendent Nakshatra Ashlesha has Naga- the snake as its presiding diety, it is ruled by Mercury and is in the area of Cancer ruled by Moon. The Serpent is worshipped in ancient Indian Mythology. They are considered the embodiment of wi sdom gained through spiritual attainment. Ashlesha people are loners, philosophi cal and spiritual. The position of Ketu in Ashlesha further leads to the spirit ual aspect of Christopher Reeve. This deep spirituality will come to his rescue now when he has had to go through the immense psychological transformation. Like the shedding of the serpent's skin, a person born under Aslesha sheds his old l ife so that new experiences can be taken on board. This experience is never easy . The process of tranformation brings with it immense pain. The mental pain Chri stopher Reeve must be experiencing is beyond most of our thinking. Both Mercury and Ketu have separative influences and deal with sudden changes. K etu always takes and Ketu's placement in Mercury's Nakshatra influences Mercury as well. Mercury is exalted but weak as it is combust by Sun. Mercury also has t o deal with Saturn's influence in the same house. Being the 3rd house- Mercury t akes on the power to do immense damage by your own actions. Moon as the ascendent. A debilatated Moon is the ruler of Ascendent as well as being an ascendent in its own right. Moon is in the Nakshatra of Jyeshta. Jyeshta is a Nakshatra which is at a junction point but the Moon is not in the last quarter- which would hav e been much worse. Moon is aspected by both Saturn and Mars. Jyeshta is again ru led by Mercury. It is located in the area of Scorpio which is ruled by Mars (Ved ic Astrology uses traditional rulerships). Note Mars is also in Mercury ruled Jy eshtha. Jyeshta gives status and material wealth but it also leads you towards t ransformation. You understand that material fulfillment is not enough, there is an emptiness within. There needs to be a connection with the inner self. Christo pher Reeve to look towards his inner strengths and the Mars rulership of Scorpi o is giving him courage in the face of such adversity. The tragedy that touched his life has made him aware of the difference within the inner and outer self. He will need to tap into the inner wisdom and use his disabilities positively- w hich he is already doing. Both Jyeshta and Ashlesha make individuals who are ver

y strong and wise within. Mercury deals with pure intellect and detachment and the Jupiterian rulership of the quarter where the Moon is situated is not a help. Jupiter is enemy to Mercu ry. It is also retrograde and in a malefic Nakshatra Krittka. Also its placement at the end of Aries makes it a planet in Mrita Avastha (death like state). Jupi ter, inspite of being the greatest benefic planet, has power to do great damage for Christopher Reeve. Sun as the ascendent The Sun is in Uttara Phalguni which is ruled by the Sun in the 4th quarter ruled by Jupiter. Sun in its own Nakshtra in the 3rd house of personal action and com munications. It should have given wonderful results but that was not the case. S un in Virgo which is ruled by Mercury. Again this Mercurian influence. Because K etu is in the Nakshatra of Mercury it will exercise an influence on the Sun. The Sun is further weakened by Saturn's aspect. Uttaraphalguni is the Nakshatra where we understand the hidden power of the co smic law. The need to direct our actions away from selfish goals. Understand the vastness of the task ahead. The Sun,the healer in service oriented Virgo in Utt ara Phalguni is now directing him towards the universal issues. The Sun will he al him from within so that he can be a spokeperson for other disabled people. He has the inner strength to cope. It will never be easy but Christopher Reeve has immense inner resources and will use them for the greater good. Dashas for Christopher Reeves Mercury September 25, 1952 Mercury in Cancer (Moon) and Ashlesha (Mercury) Ketu April 10, 1966 Ketu in Cancer (Moon) and Ashlesha (Mercury) Venus April 10, 1973 Venus in Libra (Venus) and chitra (Mars) Sun April 10, 1993 Sun in Virgo (Mercury) and Uttara Phalguni (Sun) Moon April 10, 1999 Moon in Scorpio (Mars) and Jyeshtha (Mercury) Mars April 10, 2009 Mars in Scorpio (Mars) and Jyeshtha (Mercury) Rahu April 10, 2016 Rahu in Capricorn (Saturn) and dhanishta (Mars) Jupitar April 10, 2034 Jupiter in Aries (Mars) and Krittika (Sun)

Saturn April 10, 2050 Saturn in Virgo (Mercury and Hasta (Moon)

The first two Maha Dashas of Christopher Reeves life were Mercury and Ketu , bot h planets in his ascendent and ruled by Mercury Nakshatras. I do not know a lot about his childhood and youth but looking at the dashas I can assume that there were problems for Christopher Reeve coming to terms with himself. There has to b e some unhappiness in childhood with regards to his mother and father. The start of the Venus Mahadasha brought about a wonderful 20 years of his life. Venus is powerfully situated in his chart. It is not influenced by Mercury and Jupiter i n the Nakshatras. Super success awaited him during this period. Superman brought him recognision internationally, but internally he was dissatisfied. This is be cause of the aspect from a malefic Jupiter and hemming in of Venus by Mars and S aturn. It shows that Christpher Reeve was never at peace with himself. Sun Dasha Accident May 27 1995. 12 Noon Culpeper VA 38N28 077W59 49 Maha Dasha Sun, Antara Jupiter began 4-29-1995 It happened within the month of the start of Jupiter antara in the Sun Dasha. Su n is in a sign ruled by Mercury. Jupiter in the Nakshatra of Krittika ruled by S un and the diety is Agni(fire).The symbol of Krittika is a razor. It can be a de structive influence. Jupiter's positioning in the last 6 degrees of Aries is in Mrita Avastha( Death like state) which further adds to the malefic capabilities of Jupiter. Jupiter and Mercury are inimical to each other. This brought to the fore the complete negativity of the chart. The combined malefic influences of M ercury and Jupiter brought about the accident. Jupiter is considered a good plan et for Cancer Ascendent and it was in the house owned by his friend Mars. Studyi ng the Nakshatra position of Jupiter it is immediately obvious that Jupiter can not do good in Christopher Reeve's Chart. The Start of Mercury Antardasha on 27th January 1997 followed by Ketu Antardasha on 12th March 1997 makes 1997 a difficult year for Christopher Reeve. There can be a set back in his progress. On January 9 1997, the transitting Rahu, the north node and Mars were conjuct to the exact degree in Virgo/Uttarphalguni(Jupiter Pada) in opposition to a conjuc t Ketu and Saturn in Pisces/Uttara Bhadra(Mercury pada). Again the Jupiter/ Merc ury combination This intense cosmic activity was directly effecting his natal S un Lagna. That was be a start of an uneasy period for Christopher Reeve. 1997 will be emotionally difficult but e will move towards inner peace and be ng of this immense trial he has had to smic impediments, he may at last be at if he can direct his activity and mind, h an example to others through wise handli face. If he can overcome these further co peace with himself.

In Christopher Reeves chart the Nakshatras represent the spiritual forces that r ule his life. The Mercury/Jupiter connection is very strong- in his natal chart, dashas and in the transits. The Sun, Moon and the ascendent are directly connec ted to it through rulership of Sign/ Nakshatra/Pada. Mercury rules intellect but it also rules the nerves and severence. The accident caused the severence. The paralysis is of the nerves. and now his intellect will have to deal with it. Me rcury has caused a lot of Christopher Reeves problems but it duality now helps w ith its intellectualism and detachment. Its power to change direction. It will

allow Christopher Reeve to deal with his personal tragedy and move on. Note:All planetary positions in this article refers to the sidereal Zodiac, whic h is currently 23 degrees 48 minutes 56 sec. behind the Tropical Zodiac. Nakshat ras are fixed stars or lunar mansions. The nodes of the Moon- rahu Ketu are cons idered planets in Vedic astrology. But Jyeshta born people are also considered to have Karmic life. They need to f ocus on their Kundalini Ashwini is the nature of Shiva -the active energy. In vedic texts, Ashwins are twin sons of the Sun God. The Sun is meant to repres ent the parent- the root the absolute. the divine link of the sun to the first a sterism means that there is an important evolutionary process taking place which the help of the sun which gives energy to the whole process. People born in ash wini are great healers and they have capability to rejuvinating the old and givi ng life to the dead. It is creative power in its latency. Many ignore their crea tivity because they do not know the strength they possess. the Rulership of Mars exerts the inflence of exernalising this power. Sun is in exaltation in Ashwini. The spiritual planet Ketu's rulership means tha t the Sun can stay steadfast inspite of all the arian influence around him. Mars the ruler of Aries can take the sun towards an overtly sexual path but the naks hatra of ashwini guides the solar energy towards a more spiritual path and leads it towards Moksha which is the correct purpose of all incarnating souls. Ashwini born can harness the power of the nakshatra and be successful on both th e material and spiritual levels. Ashwa the symbol of ashwini is connected with the number seven. Seven is a very auspicious number in Hindu philosphy- there are seven chakras- the creative ener gy which moves from the absolute within us, seven flames of eternal fire- the se ven states of wisdom. The horse is also a symbol of energy and vigour. There ar e many different creative energies which need to be harness to achieve success. There is unlimited creative powers in latency in Ashwini. The rulership of the first four padas are under Mars, Venus Mercury and Moon- a ll fast moving planets which are in a hurry to achieve their aims. They are also planets which are more concerned with the material instincts within us. With Ke tu influencing the overall energy with its spiritual impact. People can go towar ds a very spiritual path but they will always lack patience in how to achieve it . Ashwini's as a group represent fierce enrgy, determination, dynamism, the need to externalise all capabilities. On the negative side they can be overly ambiti ous, passionate, impulsive and unthinking. The rajasic guna and the Dharmic values that they project means that their lives are based on activity and they have a great need to change the world sometimes in a self righteous way not recognising the others point of view. The symbol for Bharani is Yoni - female reproductive organ- this establishes Bha rani as a channel for creation whether it is by a sexuaal act or incubation of o ther creative energies.. Its basic principle is Shakti- the passive female power. Female energy has impo rtant place in vedic philosophy. It is this energy that incubates the soul and t ransports it from one realm of existence to another. Put in another way it takes you from a spiritual manisfestation to a more objective one. The sexual energy which is very much so the realm of Bharani is very obvious in people. it is almo st the realisation of procreativity is too much for most people to resist.

The ruling god is Yama. Yama can be interpretted in two forms. One as the god o f death. Death doesn't mean physical death only. It can mean ending of one chapt er of your life and then creating the new life force into new creative energy. A s the god of Death Yama is also responsible for the seed of new life. He allows us to detach ourselves from previous lives so that we can look towards the futur e. The other meaning of Yama is Yogic - in Yoga Yama( restraint) and Niyama (pr actice or observation)- these diciplines are used to channel the energies of the organs of action and the sense of perception in the right direction. Which ever indication you take you will realise that there is the belief in harnessing the inner nature of man towards its highest energy. It is motivated by Artha- which is activity on a material plain. Poeple born in Bharani are very materialistic unless they voluntary decide to harness their inn er self with yoga. The rulership of Venus within the energy of Mars makes the ac tion very much on a material plain. The pada are ruled by Leo, Mercury, Venus an d Mars. Each one helps to intensify the material process. Bharani people believe in excess- whether they are indulging in sex or doing Yog a- they do not know when to stop. They are idealist. They want others to live up to their high expectations. There is a darker side to their nature which is symb olised by the god Yama who rules darkness. So always within the open idealism is some ununderstood depth which attracts the male energy to this passive but extr emely electrifying force of Bharani. The first quarter lies within Aries ruled by Mars and the other three quarters l ie in Taurus ruled by Venus. Krittika is ruled by Sun. Its symbol is a razor.It presiding god is Agni- Fire. It is rajasic on both the promary and secondary lev el and Sattva is its inner attribute. Its prime motivation is Kama- passion. Krittika consists of 6 visible stars and one invisible star. This is the consell ation Pleiades. they are considered wives of the 7 great rishis who astronomical ly are the seven stars of Ursa Major. The relationship between these two is very profound. The seventh invisible star is said to be married to Dhruva- the pole star or the rishi who governs it. The relationship of Krittika and the pole star emphasises its role in the importance of central as well as invisible principle from which the laws of life derive. Krittika is passive. It has both constructive and destructive principle. But it itself will not take action. Lijke a mother it will incubate the seed which is t he planet located in this asterism. Like the razor which is the symbol of Kritti ka it can be used to kill by the murderer or used by a surgeon to heal. Like the mother it is Krittika has no choice regarding the seed it carries. Rahu, the no rth node in Krittika can lead to a person to spiriual attachement. The sun here can also lead to dissatisfaction to the material way of life. Depending on the p lanet within it it alters its influence. It is the instrument that causes but th e act has to be done by the planet. If you would like a more detailed article on Nakshatras or would like to know ho w to convert your Western chart into a Vedic Chart , please send a self addresse d envelope to Komilla Sutton Tee Court Romsey Hampshire SO51 8PN Komilla lectures, holds workshops and does personal consultations on Vedic Astr ology. Call 01794 524178 for more information Padas - 1st 0'00 to 2nd 3rd 3'20 ruled by Mars 6'40 ruled by Venus

3'20 to

6'40 to 10'00 ruled by Mercury


10'00 to 13'40 ruled by Venus

All in Aries

Guna - Rajasic - on all three levels Motivation - Dharma Ashwini provides a great regenerative potential, being the first nakshatra. It a lso bestows unsurpassed physical stamina and power. Many athletes are born in As hwini. Also there is strong leadership tendencies and thirst for power. On the negative side Ashwini can make one extremely sensuous forever seeking a new thri ll or sensation. With its ruler being the mystical Ketu, there is always a Karmic side to Ashwini . It is the first Nakshatra therefore there is a great feeling of the new and fr esh. also Ashwinis htruly understand the miracle of birth so for all their physi cal prowess and leadership quality they truly understand spirituality. The blend of the Rajasic guna and the dharmic motivation make them very committed to the right path. they will need to learn the path of satisfaction with what they achi eve if they are to be truly at peace with themselves. Ashwini is ruled by Ketu and operated in the Zodiac sign of Aries ruled by Mars - two opposing energies greatly concerned with the spiritual connection and the physical perfection. It is dependant on which pada you are born whether you woul d blend these energies on a physical level or an intellectual one. 2. Bharani 13'20" to 26'40" ruled by Venus Padas - 1st 13'20" to 16'40" ruled by Moon 2nd 3rd 4th 16'40" to 20'00" ruled by Sun 20'00" to 23'20" ruled by Mercury 23'20" to 26'40" ruled by Venus

Gunas - Rajasic on the primary and secondary levels and tamas on the tertiary l evel Motivation - Artha Bharani represents the link between the seed and the flowering, the father and t he offspring. what is to be and its source. the main motivation of Bharani is r egenration through meaningful action(Artha). The creative seed passes through it , it nourishes it to the final fruit of human birth. People born under Bharani w ant to grow both in the spiritual and the material world. Venus the ruler of th is nakshatra works well in both extremes of this asterism. with the motivation A rtha- it adds a meaningful purpose to whatever you want to do. Bharani rest in the centre of aries therefore it adds the freshness and originality of approach of aries to tits significations. Bharani people can be very impulsive, at times selfish and are very good leaders of society as they understand the preservativ e principles of life. 3. Krittika 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus) ruled by Sun Padas - 1st 26'40" to 30'00" Aries

2nd 00'00" to 3rd 4th Guna MERCURY IN ASHVINI 3'20" to

3'20" 6'40"

Taurus Taurus Taurus

6'40" to 10'00"

GREAT HEALING TOUCH, REGENERATIVE POTENTIAL, PHYSICAL POWER, AND STAMINA. CAPACI TY FOR LEADERSHIP AND THIRST FOR SENSATION SUN IN BHARANI guides the soul in spiritual as well as materialistic goals. originality and imp ulsiveness much in evidence. ROHINI Most auspicious of the asterisms. Rohini is the incubator of creative potential- every idea, every seed is preserv ed for fruitation at the correct time. Worldly pleasures , attachments and infatuation to sensual illusion, deep involvement with sexual relationship which transcendent social and traditio nal barriers. MARS IN MRIGASHIRA Creative impulse of individual starts to take material form. energy, agility and inquisitive intellectual endevour. egotism tan matras Venus in mrigashira MOON IN ARDRA RULED BY RAHU destroys material reality and soul's involvement with illusion. mind which on on e hand imposes upon experiences its own version of 'reality' while at the same time mind may also be the destroyer of ignorance and illusion. ASPECTS PUSHYA VIBRANT TRAQUILITY, ABSENSE OF UNDUE AGITATION, FAITH IN ONE SELF AND FULLNESS O F LIFE. MUCH PURPOSEFUL ACTIVITY UNDER THIS ASTERISM. JUPITER IN ASHLESHA RULED BY MERCURY PRESIDED BY NAGA Replete with estoric significance.Aslesha is an intense energy capable of great spiritual attainment aa well as material immersion. Duality is its most importan t charcteristic. Persons born under this asterism are contradictory characters.

deeply philosophical,, thoughtful, austere, reclusive and self reliant. can als o be selfish, treachorous venomous and immoral. cant bear humilation Ashlesha imparts intellectual and mental development which leads to radical tran sformation.which occurs unexpectedly. After that a totally different conditions of living prevail. ASPECTS ALL IN PURVA PHALGUNI RULED BY LEO Thirst for experience is a rare quality with vast potentiality. When good fortun e smiles, when ample oppurtunity of creativism is provided, the thirst for exper ience glows within and becomes acute within, life force assumes new dimension s. One cannot predict where it will grow or fruitify. P . Phalguni stands for ex pression of dynamic energy. Readiness to plunge into any activity. It may bestow victory and domination. or could lead to debauchery, gambling or b lack magic. ASPECTS KETU IN HASTA OWNED BY MOON one must struggle to express his inner vitality and potential for growth. Hasta has the quality for individual to change, to grow new shapes and grow in d ifferent directions. It provides immense oppurtunities for growth and expansion. the inner urge is to march ahead but external forces restrict. thus conflict an d different levels of crises result. souls are guided to nvritti marg of renunciation,public service, leaders of rena ssance, become sustaining power in the community. MARS IN CHITRA OWNED BY MARS Chitra represents a great surge of building and reaching towards new levels of a chievements. The hidden perfection of a pearl can only be externalised by great insight and g reat courage to fight and bear great ordeals. Mars does not accept defeat any co nfrontation provides it with added incentive to fight and attain its goal. When the soul reaches Chitra it has already chrstallised the goal of his mission, whi ch requires achievement at every cost. this struggle takes place on an intellect ual level. The confusion may arise from lack of clarity and confidence of one's ideals. Fight to build a new society. ASPECTS ASC AND RAHU IN UTTARA BHADRA - ruler Saturn linked to materiality, resistence , difficulties and opposition in the beginning but harmony at the end. Not the d etachment ofan enlightened mind but passionate involvement of a emotional nature .

The passivity of darkness is the mysterious source from which all forms of creat ion have arisen. Uttara Bhadra becomes very powerful when associated with any planet. Though it i s passive and non- active, it is also highly dynamic whenever an active force im pinges upon it and the latent energy within it is vigourously activated It enables an individual to comprehend wisdom concealed in different forms of ma nisfestation. Whatever happens to the individual there is growth and expansion o f consiousness. There is oppurtunity to preserve, protect and co-operate with th e divine plan despite hardships. The urge towards transformation makes the individual thirst towards something be tter and this leads to dissatisfaction. But ultimately there arises a complete i ndifference to worldly relationship. SATURN IN PURVASHADA OWNED BY VENUS THIS ASTERISM IS A SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. VENUS WILL SENSITIZE THE INDIVIDUAL TO I NTIUTION AND HIGHER FORCES OF NATURE This heightened sensitivity and greater alertness though outerwardly may appear listlessness, are the most important qualifications of transformation and the da wn of spirituality. discovery of new possibilities, externalisation of latent faculties and uncoveri ng of one's most valuable qualities. divine wisdom may flash, hidden knowledge m ay be revealed, intutive faculties may be sharpened SATURN IN PURVASHADA OWNED BY VENUS THIS ASTERISM IS A SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. VENUS WILL SENSITIZE THE INDIVIDUAL TO I NTIUTION AND HIGHER FORCES OF NATURE This heightened sensitivity and greater alertness though outerwardly may appear listlessness, are the most important qualifications of transformation and the da wn of spirituality. discovery of new possibilities, externalisation of latent faculties and uncoveri ng of one's most valuable qualities. divine wisdom may flash, hidden knowledge m ay be revealed, intutive faculties may be sharpened. Padas - 1st 0'00 to 2nd 3rd 4th 3'20 ruled by Mars 6'40 ruled by Venus

3'20 to

6'40 to 10'00 ruled by Mercury 10'00 to 13'40 ruled by Venus All in Aries

Guna - Rajasic - on all three levels Motivation- Dharma Ashwini provides a great regenerative potential, being the first nakshatra. It a lso bestows unsurpassed physical stamina and power. Many athletes are born in As

hwini. Also there is strong leadership tendencies and thirst for power. On the negative side Ashwini can make one extremely sensuous forever seeking a new thri ll or sensation. With its ruler being the mystical Ketu, there is always a Karmic side to Ashwini . It is the first Nakshatra therefore there is a great feeling of the new and fr esh. also Ashwinis htruly understand the miracle of birth so for all their physi cal prowess and leadership quality they truly understand spirituality. The blend of the Rajasic guna and the dharmic motivation make them very committed to the right path. they will need to learn the path of satisfaction with what they achi eve if they are to be truly at peace with themselves. Ashwini is ruled by Ketu and operated in the Zodiac sign of Aries ruled by Mars - two opposing energies greatly concerned with the spiritual connection and the physical perfection. It is dependant on which pada you are born whether you woul d blend these energies on a physical level or an intellectual one. 2. Bharani 13'20" to 26'40" ruled by Venus Padas - 1st 13'20" to 16'40" ruled by Moon 2nd 3rd 4th 16'40" to 20'00" ruled by Sun 20'00" to 23'20" ruled by Mercury 23'20" to 26'40" ruled by Venus

Gunas - Rajasic on the primary and secondary levels and tamas on the tertiary l evel Motivation - Artha Bharani represents the link between the seed and the flowering, the father and t he offspring. what is to be and its source. the main motivation of Bharani is r egenration through meaningful action(Artha). The creative seed passes through it , it nourishes it to the final fruit of human birth. People born under Bharani w ant to grow both in the spiritual and the material world. Venus the ruler of th is nakshatra works well in both extremes of this asterism. with the motivation A rtha- it adds a meaningful purpose to whatever you want to do. Bharani rest in the centre of aries therefore it adds the freshness and originality of approach of aries to tits significations. Bharani people can be very impulsive, at times selfish and are very good leaders of society as they understand the preservativ e principles of life. 3. Krittika 26'40" to 40'00 (26'40" Aries to 10'00" Taurus) ruled by Sun Padas - 1st 26'40" to 30'00" Aries 2nd 00'00" to 3rd 4th Guna 3'20" to 3'20" 6'40" Taurus Taurus Taurus

6'40" to 10'00"

MERCURY IN ASHVINI GREAT HEALING TOUCH, REGENERATIVE POTENTIAL, PHYSICAL POWER, AND STAMINA. CAPACI TY FOR LEADERSHIP AND THIRST FOR SENSATION SUN IN BHARANI guides the soul in spiritual as well as materialistic goals. originality and imp ulsiveness much in evidence. ROHINI Most auspicious of the asterisms. Rohini is the incubator of creative potential- every idea, every seed is preserv ed for fruitation at the correct time. Worldly pleasures , attachments and infatuation to sensual illusion, deep involvement with sexual relationship which transcendent social and traditio nal barriers. MARS IN MRIGASHIRA Creative impulse of individual starts to take material form. energy, agility and inquisitive intellectual endevour. egotism tan matras Venus in mrigashira MOON IN ARDRA RULED BY RAHU destroys material reality and soul's involvement with illusion. mind which on on e hand imposes upon experiences its own version of 'reality' while at the same time mind may also be the destroyer of ignorance and illusion. ASPECTS PUSHYA VIBRANT TRAQUILITY, ABSENSE OF UNDUE AGITATION, FAITH IN ONE SELF AND FULLNESS O F LIFE. MUCH PURPOSEFUL ACTIVITY UNDER THIS ASTERISM. JUPITER IN ASHLESHA RULED BY MERCURY PRESIDED BY NAGA Replete with estoric significance.Aslesha is an intense energy capable of great spiritual attainment aa well as material immersion. Duality is its most importan t charcteristic. Persons born under this asterism are contradictory characters. deeply philosophical,, thoughtful, austere, reclusive and self reliant. can als o be selfish, treachorous venomous and immoral. cant bear humilation Ashlesha imparts intellectual and mental development which leads to radical tran sformation.which occurs unexpectedly. After that a totally different conditions of living prevail. ASPECTS

ALL IN PURVA PHALGUNI RULED BY LEO Thirst for experience is a rare quality with vast potentiality. When good fortun e smiles, when ample oppurtunity of creativism is provided, the thirst for exper ience glows within and becomes acute within, life force assumes new dimension s. One cannot predict where it will grow or fruitify. P . Phalguni stands for ex pression of dynamic energy. Readiness to plunge into any activity. It may bestow victory and domination. or could lead to debauchery, gambling or b lack magic. ASPECTS KETU IN HASTA OWNED BY MOON one must struggle to express his inner vitality and potential for growth. Hasta has the quality for individual to change, to grow new shapes and grow in d ifferent directions. It provides immense oppurtunities for growth and expansion. the inner urge is to march ahead but external forces restrict. thus conflict an d different levels of crises result. souls are guided to nvritti marg of renunciation,public service, leaders of rena ssance, become sustaining power in the community. MARS IN CHITRA OWNED BY MARS Chitra represents a great surge of building and reaching towards new levels of a chievements. The hidden perfection of a pearl can only be externalised by great insight and g reat courage to fight and bear great ordeals. Mars does not accept defeat any co nfrontation provides it with added incentive to fight and attain its goal. When the soul reaches Chitra it has already chrstallised the goal of his mission, whi ch requires achievement at every cost. this struggle takes place on an intellect ual level. The confusion may arise from lack of clarity and confidence of one's ideals. Fight to build a new society. ASPECTS ASC AND RAHU IN UTTARA BHADRA - ruler Saturn linked to materiality, resistence , difficulties and opposition in the beginning but harmony at the end. Not the d etachment ofan enlightened mind but passionate involvement of a emotional nature . The passivity of darkness is the mysterious source from which all forms of creat ion have arisen. Uttara Bhadra becomes very powerful when associated with any planet. Though it i s passive and non- active, it is also highly dynamic whenever an active force im pinges upon it and the latent energy within it is vigourously activated It enables an individual to comprehend wisdom concealed in different forms of ma nisfestation. Whatever happens to the individual there is growth and expansion o

f consiousness. There is oppurtunity to preserve, protect and co-operate with th e divine plan despite hardships. The urge towards transformation makes the individual thirst towards something be tter and this leads to dissatisfaction. But ultimately there arises a complete i ndifference to worldly relationship. SATURN IN PURVASHADA OWNED BY VENUS THIS ASTERISM IS A SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. VENUS WILL SENSITIZE THE INDIVIDUAL TO I NTIUTION AND HIGHER FORCES OF NATURE This heightened sensitivity and greater alertness though outerwardly may appear listlessness, are the most important qualifications of transformation and the da wn of spirituality. discovery of new possibilities, externalisation of latent faculties and uncoveri ng of one's most valuable qualities. divine wisdom may flash, hidden knowledge m ay be revealed, intutive faculties may be sharpened SATURN IN PURVASHADA OWNED BY VENUS THIS ASTERISM IS A SPIRITUAL INFLUENCE. VENUS WILL SENSITIZE THE INDIVIDUAL TO I NTIUTION AND HIGHER FORCES OF NATURE This heightened sensitivity and greater alertness though outerwardly may appear listlessness, are the most important qualifications of transformation and the da wn of spirituality. discovery of new possibilities, externalisation of latent faculties and uncoveri ng of one's most valuable qualities. divine wisdom may flash, hidden knowledge m ay be revealed, intutive faculties may be sharpened

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