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lr.S. Coast,GuardAuxiliary Flotilla 39,-0.2,Des Plaines, lL grH WR FC Robert Reczek VFC Chas. Hague FSO-PBChas.

Our Url: Vof. XLlll- No. 12 - December 2011


Des Plaines Park District Prairie LakesCommunityCenter 515 EastThacker, DesPlaines, lllinois 7:30pm ********{.t

AGENDA: End of the Year Bash-bring stuff for the Station

John and Carol Johnsonhelp Bob Reczekput the "Best RecruitingFlotilla"streameron 39-02'sFlag

December 2O11
UPGOMIilG EVENTS! 8 January 2012: Division Changeof Watch. We arehostingthis eventat the Club Casa Cafeon River Road.Socializing starts 1100, at with brunch following. Therewill be folks from the other FlotillasandGuardians from StationWilmetteand otherplaces.Plusreal goodfood. Planon attending! Costis $28.00.Talk to Barry for more details. 24-31March: About Boating Safelyclass. PrairieLakesCommunity 2 Center, successive navigation, Saturdays,:30-I 2:30. Boathandling, 8 safeboating,what to do in an emergency.Spread have the word. Make sureyour boatingbuddies takenthis class! S]IAGK SGHEDULE December:HolidayBash! January2012: 2??? AND WHILE YOU'RE AT IT... As long asyou arebringinga food gift for Station meeting, bring a newtoy Wilmetteto the December for Toys for Tots. Barry or Chaswill get it to the Marines. ELEGTIOII RESULTS wereheld atthe l7 November Flotilla Elections Flotilla meeting.Chas.Haguewaselected and Commander, Ed SeigelasVice Commander. Be advisedthat at leastone of themneedsall the help he canget. on Also, at the Division 39 meeting 3 November and waselected Commander Bob Amy Seeley Thev cameto our Allen Vice commander. November meeting. BOAT SHOWTIMEI By Barry Theboatshowsarecomingup. . TheChicago and Boat (sports RV) Showwill 2012at McCormickPlace. be 12-16January NOTE: That'sThursday thru Monday,so they'll needfolks on that lastday. . Our World Underwater be 17-19February will Centerin Rosemont. Convention at the Stephens (Auxiliarists working the showget to park free) . Strictly Sail Chicagois 26-29Januaryat Navy Pier. Along with thesebig events, BassPro Shopin is Gurnee goingto havea series in-store of events weekends Januaryand February. in These showsarea lot of fun. You meetAuxiliarists from otherFlotillasandDivisions,talk to interested boaters, getto prowl the showand attend and you seminars. Anyonecanparticipate, although musthaveBDU's. Onlinesign-upwill be setup on the Division website, usuallyby earlyJanuary. Navigation Systems By Chas jobs the Auxiliary doesis Oneof the important inspection Aids to Navigation.Your Editortook of a classin the PQSforNS (usedto be ATONSsigh)in Sheboygan 19November.I droveup to on StationSheboygan met GerryHussin,the and DistrictNS officer. He wentthrougha powerpoint showingthe NS standards, thenthe PQE sheets the It describing requirements. wasa bit too raw to go out andinspect localATONS. the OUR LOSS Dave Traforoshasresignedfrom the Auxiliary for personal reasons. is a goodman,andwill be He missed.
RescueMen - Story of the Pea Island Lfe Saversis a 60-minute documentary recognizing the extraordinary historical signifi cance of the PeaIsland Life-Saving Station. Before there was the Coast Guard, the U.S. Life-Saving Service kept watch over the Atlantic Coast.

In the OuterBanks,oneteamof surfrnenstoodout for their courage the color of their skin.Thealland scores blackcrewofStation 17on PeaIslandsaved in of lives.But their daringwent unrecognized the post-reconstruction Dueto the heroicsand South. ofthesebravemenandotherslike accomplishments we themin the U.S. Life-SavingService, now have CoastGuard." what is called"TheUnitedStates ilIAIL BOUY please." stamps, Customer:*I'd like 50 Christmas Clerk: "What denomination?" Customer: *befuddled* "Ohomy, hasit cometo l0 this?Um, give me 22 Catholic,12Presbyterian, and Lutheran 6 of the Baptists." --From Not Alwrys Right

supportfor life saving rescueoperation Outstanding

Article by Larry Olson,District ll-North Aviation StaffOfficer, Orinda, CA 10 Saturday, Sept 201l. DougKerr with his wife DebKerr, began their patrolin Doug'sBell 47 Helicopterfrom HaywardAirport at about I 130hrs. About l5 minutes laterDeb spotted sailboat a thathadjust capsized offshore. Dougpiloted the helicopter the capsized to sailboat they and observed four persons the water(PIW) around in the boat.Deb radioedthis situationto Sector SanFrancisco. Theycontinued circlethe to distressed sailboatwhile the boatcrew made severalfailed attempts upright the boat.Deb to reports Sector continued radiostatus to to and Auxiliary Pilot Doug Kerr and his wife questions from Sector aboutthe Auxiliary ObserverDeb Kerr with Belt 47 answered situation conditionof the PIW. After 15to and Helicopter 20 minutes, skiffcame out from the Berkeley a boaters. Marinaandbegan assist distressed to the hundred whenshespotted second sailboat capsize several Debwasjust readyto adviseSector, a yardsfrom the first capsized boat. proceeded the second to capsized boatandobserved threePIW. Debthen Doug immediately reportingconditions status Sector. to observation began and and radioedSector ofthis second towardthe rockswith two PIW clingingto boatdrifting The helicopter crewnoticedthe capsized from the others approximately by the the overturned boat,however, third PIW wasnow separated ableto swim to the drifting boat. 100yardsand did not appear this PIW. DougandDebbelieved to Dougdescended about500feetto betterobserve distressed updates to to troubleandwasunable swim.Deb wasgiving continuous this PIW wasin serious questions providinginformation Sector. to and Sectorandwasanswering advising Auxiliary the Deb received radiocall from a CoastGuardhelicopter, a In a few minutes to and crewthattheywerein the areato assist askingfor vectors the PIW. DougandDeb spotted giving directions reach PIW. to the CG helicopter began and and a Justto complicate matters, marinelayerwasrapidlymovingoverthe scene was timesthe boththePIW andtheCG boatfrom Deb'sview. Several intermittently obscuring with the PIW andwasableto providefurther visualcontact helicopter crewre-established the to directions the CG boatcrewto helpthemintercept PIW. The CG boatresponded Doug transmittedby Deb. In the meantime, in immediatelyto eachchange directionmessage in downto about35 mph andwasmakingtight orbitsoverthe scene an slowedthe helicopter of as well asmonitorthe progress the CG helicopter it effort to keepthe PIW in sightas maneuvered reachthePIW. to Duringthis time the PIW wasnot swimmingandwasobviouslyin trouble.Finally,the CG boat on their boat.Theythenchecked the capsized reached PIW andthe crewpulledher aboard the the shorelineandableto were now next to that sailboat,but determined the remainingtwo boaters The takecareof themselves. victim on the CG boatwasin needof medicalcareandwas the covered areaandDoug The marinelayerhadnow completely transported a hospital. to pilotedthe helicopter awayfrom the Bay andon up into the Delta.

Doug and Deb were later advised by Sectorthat the victim was taken to a hospital with a core body temperatureof 92 degrees.She was hypothermic and had lost the ability to swim or care for herself. There were no other boats or assistance available to her and the conclusion was that she would almost certainly have perishedhad it not been for the Auxiliary and active duty helicopters. On a side note, Deb Kerr demonstrated exceptional professionalism during the hour-long rescue operation involving both of thesecapsizedvessels.Deb's radio transmissionswere clear, concise, and on-point. She was calm and provided only the necessary and important information, without taking up more air time than needed.Deb seemedto recognize that the Station watchstanderwas working hard on this rescueand was likely handling severalradios and telephonesat the same without repeatingher transmissionsor over-using the radio. time. Deb waited for responses I am sure all of you join me in commending Auxiliary Pilot Doug Kerr and his wife, Observer Deb Kerr, along with the watchstanderat Sector San Francisco,and the Coast Guard active duty boat crew for an outstandingjob in this life saving rescueoperation.

"Raingutter Regatta" introduces unique Scouting-Auxiliary Cooperation

Article by Auxiliarists Wade J. Love and Thom lVlcQueen How one Division and one Pack found a perfect tie'in with Cub Scouting's less-well-known racing event Loveland, OH - SaturdayJune 4,2011 was unusually warm in the Cincinnati suburb of Loveland, OH. But conditions would only get hotter at Dan Beard Council's Camp Friedlander,as Cub Scouts from Pack 464, chartered to Willowville Elementary Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), took over the Trailblazer shelter for their annual "Raingutter Regatta" and family picnic. This time the regatta came with a twist as membersof Division 5, D8-ER, were onthe Auxiliarist WadeLove examines boatbuilt by hand to conduct "Vessel Safety Checks" Tiger Cub DakotaKirker and inquiresaboutits safety in this nautical equivalent of the more well-known'?inewoord Derby." features, while WebelosScoutJacobNovick

registers. Waiting in line areWolf Cub Dylan Kleimeyegand Webelos ScoutJacob Manwaring, Tiger CubLuke Cooley.WatchingaresiblingsEmily Novick and Andrew Warman.Photocredit: Thom McQueen mindedness the 7 to l0 vear-oldmarinearchitects. of

As each Cub Scout checkedin his 7-inch long, breath-propelled,balsa-woodsailing craft, Wade J. Love, Flotilla 53 Cincinnati East, and Thom McQueen, Flotilla 55 Northern Kentucky, ensured the safety

The Scoutsutilize an official Boy Scouts of America (BSA) kit, including the balsa wood hull, dowel rod mast metal keel, and plastic sail and rudder. They then carve, assemble,and decoratethe boat with parental help. While partly assisting the Pack's adult leaders to check for illegal modifications (no material may be addedto the sail, and no motor of any forrn), Love and McQueen also promoted the Auxiliary's recreational boating safety message. The theme of the day was "Life Jackets:They Floaf You Don't." "Skipper, are all occupantsofyour vessel wearing proper lifejackets?" they inquired of each participant along with other jestlike questionssuch as "What would you being doing if this vesselwere sinking?" or "How would you handle a fire on this boat?"

Mike Cooleyrecordsthe latestentrantin Cubmaster the computer. Next to him, Auxiliarist WadeLove the completes safetycheckfor WebelosScoutJacob while Tiger Cub Kleimeyer(closest camera) to DakotaKirker (in uniform) and Wolf Cub Austen Plank(in background) wait their turns for checkin.Photocredit Thom McQueen

Love,who is caughton quickly,playedalong,andjust ateit up." stated "Almostall the Scouts 'I'd in liked the answer, call for helpfrom the alsoa Unit Commissioner Scouting. especially "I with I CoastGuard.' hadto laugh,it mademy day."He wenton, "I wasimpressed the skill and put boats,andyes,everyoneof themwassafe!" the craftsmanship Cub Scouts in these heatson two parallel, 10-ft"vinyl rain gutters,exactlythe The racetook placein head-to-head thenfilled to same onemight haveon the roof at home.Theyheldup andsecured sawhorses as themin the with water.Scouts broughttheir boatsto the startingline two at a time andplaced gentlyheldthemagainst endcap,andthenwhenhe lifted his hands, the lane.The starter assigned no The to "... zoomed downthe course. rulesasexplained the Cub Scouts, no hands, the sailboats througha straw." only your badbreath heads,
For some Cub Scouts in their first "Raingutter Regaff4" this event was more of a lessonin the scienceof sailing than anything else. A few neededtime to adjust to the proper position of the straw, their own body, and where to aim, in order to keep the boat moving forward and not tip over. A cry of "THIS ruST AIN'T MAKING AI.IY SENSE" brought parents. laughter from the assembled Pack464 has 51 registeredyouth, and with 31 boats enteredin this year's race, choseto race in divisions; first Tigers The heat between Alex Forney and Max Barger is (first graders), then Wolves and Bears neck and neck. Photo credit Thom McQueen (2nd and 3rd grade), and finally Webelos (4th and 5th grade). The age-level First, second,and third place medallions separationallowed for a more balancedcompetition. were awarded in each division at the end of the day.

in of Regatta Cub Scouting clearlycameacross interviews in with The importance the Raingutter parents leaders. and sportsmanship, togetherness, Regetta? Well, competition, and mar." explained "Raingutter RussBowman."That'swhatmakes Packgo. This is my fifth yeardoing the Assistant Cubmaster learneachothers'firstnames, instead of this,andyou know what?This is wherethe parents 'Alex's dad,''Trey'smom,'etc., etc-That'swhy I'm sucha big fan of the RaingutterRegatta.u to so Cubmaster Mike Cooleyagreed. just fun for everybody gettogether they canmeetthe "It's just havea lot of fun.' His wife DawnCooley, otherfamiliesin the Pack,makenewfriends,and PackCommittee added, and Chairperson "Theboysloveto makesomething thenraceit." Tiger themselves hada lot to sayaboutwhy they enjoyed Raingutter also the Regatta. The Scouts I something cando." Webelos Scout Cub Ian Keeleysaidthat "Ifs a cool event.Ifs my speed, your brains." Novick responded, Jacob "You getto build sfuff. You getto useyour imagination, was As for the presence the Auxiliary, the response alsovery positive.Accordingto Bowman, of gladyou guyswerehere.I'm an engineerby trade,so thirrd-party verification is very "I'm mindedfolks that boyscanseeothercivic andservice important me,andjust the factthatthese to people who aregiving their time for a worthy cause. comeout andshowwhatelseis available, if Not everybody wantsto comeout anddo that,andespecially you canhavethetie-in. U.S. that'sperfect.I love it, perfect." CoastGuardAuxiliary, RaingufferRegatta, alsosawmanypositives whosetwo sonsDylan andTyler were in the Regatta" Marie Heuberger, and in the RaingutterRegatta the Auxiliary tie-in. "So far the kids arehavinga really goodtime. They'reoutside,out in the sun.Therearen'ta whole lot of things out therethat teachyour kids safetyon water,andit's goodto do thingslike that." for Novick described havinghis boatchecked safetyby the Auxiliary as "cool" and"fun." recreational boaters aboutsafety,the Coast with a goal to educate As a volunteerorganization The for seeking to new avenues andnewaudiences its message. GuardAuxiliary is continually youth,is a perfectpartnerin this mission. goal,especially among the BSA, in sharing safeboating Love, "We'vehadthis MOA for two yearsnow, andonly a little bit to showfor it," explained of between national organizations the Boy Scouts the of referringto the Memorandum Agreement February 2009."Todaywasjust an CoastAuxiliary, signed of AmericaandtheUnitedStates But it that a experiment, smallflashof inspiration I can'tbelieveno onehasthoughtof before. with just onePackanda couple clearlyplaces in the win columnfor the MOA. Whatstarted one can Flotillas only go uphill." Scouting. a PublicAffairs Offrcer,I McQueen alsofelt stronglyaboutthe needto support "As on than he cantruly saythatthis eventwasa success," stated. "More of a success wasanticipated get and eitherside.I certainlyhopethat it continues morepeople involvedwith it. I will definitely be backandI am lookingforwardto workingwith Wadein his effortswith the Scouts." whenaskedwhetherhe had leamedanything success: The cooperative effort wasan apparent nThatyou alwayshaveto wear life jackets answered, from the even! Tiger Cub Tyler Heuberger whenyou're in a boat."

UNITED STATES COAST GUARD AUXILIARY Flotifla39-02, (gth WR) Monthly meeting, 16 November2011 2O:45 BarryJacobson, RobertReczek, Jim Davy ATTFNDEES: Ed Siegel GinnyHaase GeorgeSchmidt JerryWarych Chas.Hague JohnC. Johnson MikeSchlachter CarolJohnson DCD,BobAllenVDCD, BillMcWhimey GUESTS: AmySeeley None MEMBER TRAINING: of Brunch be heldat 11:00 Jan8, will on DIVISIONMEETINGREPORT: Change Watch(COW) greatFellowship for you and time 2012at ClubCasaCaf6,353 N RiverRd, Des Plaines.This is a spouseto meetothermembersin Division39 and our invitedguests.Cost is $28.00per person. VDCDBobAllen. Division Election resiults:DCDAmy Seeley, STAFF REPORTS: Finance: Ron Tragasz Total balance in accountffiA6/.24. See spreadsheet. hours YTD2011as reported AUXDATA in Information Svc: Bob Reczek- as ot 11ft:1678.3 - 01-Jan 7-Nov 2011 to OTHERSTATS 13 for 14 hrs MT Sessions Public Affairs 108 Speeches/Talks 10J COMREL 10K OtherPA Comm 10L Pubs/Member U MarineDealer Visits 20 ClassSessions: PublicEducation 1 26 14 6 for 2 hrs for 141hrs for 52 hrs for 34 hrs

22 ClassHours:

Materials: Jerry Warych - Nothingto Report Member Training: BarryJacobson: No report for Vessel251067out of water and prepared winterstorage. Operations: Bob Reczek-Auxitiary TN. will BarryJacobson NavyLeagueNationalConvention be in Chattannoga, Public Affairc: and January, 4 December 1500. Chicago BoatShowwillbe 11-15 GreatLakes, NavyBandConcert, hava series wioll OurWorldUnderwaterBassProShopin Gurnee NMMABoatShow25-29January. Affairseventsin in the spring, of Public activities. and for aboutFlotilla division ChasHague Stilllooking articles Publications: class(28April)and PWCclass(12 Public Education: Chas.Hague- sentinfoon Paddlesports in district Intent Teach. to classes Posted May)to DPPD Spectrum. Bill to Human Resources GeorgeSchmidt Brought McWhimey meeting. Program Visitor: Ed Seigel-nothingto report 110 82 Jim Davy- as of 10/31, VSC'sgiven, passed. Vessel Exam: Mustbe in conectuniform. TreeShip3 December. OLD BUFINESS:Christmas need intobusiness onlysellsand servesalcohol.SO/FSO-FN two that wearuniform Auxiliarists cannot or appearon personalclothing business Security'cannot on signatures checks."Dept.of Homeland on-line. classavailable Leadership cards. Flotilla VFC. Elections: ChasHagueelectedFC, Ed Seigelelected NEWBU$INFSS: Flotilla givenDivision for earned Flotilla. Recruiting Award,streamer AWARDS: Johnand CarolJohnson bridge. fromthe division Open Forum: Amy Seeleyand BobAllenmadecomments Muffins. Gluten-Free 2030. Chasbrought Meeting adjourned

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