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Subject: News

Bulletin from Greg Hands M.P. #322 Date: Friday, 23 December 2011 14:17:51 United Kingdom Time From: To: Greg Hands M.P.

In this edition:
Greg Hands M.P.s Diary Website of the Week: New simplified way of responding to Super Sewer consultation Photo news: Christmas Post 2011 Simplified form for Super Sewer consultation make your voice heard now! Local Carnwath Road business Hitchcock & King adds voice to Super Sewer objections Highlights of Government achievements in 2011 Hammersmith and Fulham Leader to stand down K&C wins Loo of the Year award What's going on in K&C libraries? Rogue builder hit with record fine Local TV for London moves a step closer Hands in the papers: Tory MP Hands preaches a tax-free sermon How to contact Greg Hands M.P.

Issue 322 Friday 23rd December 2011

Photo: Florence Cathedral (La Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore) in the snow, December 2010. Photo by Greg Hands.

Since the last edition, Greg:

Was a guest reader at the Fulham community carol service at All Saints Church, Fulham. Gregs appearance attracted an unlikely and rather inaccurate write-up in the Mail on Sunday newspaper, see below. Welcomed heartily Hammersmith & Fulham Councils decision to cut Council Tax again, for the fifth year, by this time a record 3.75%. The Royal Borough is expected to freeze Council Tax next year. Took on a tour of the House of Commons an 8 year old Fulham boy who had had his bicycle stolen on his birthday, as a way of softening the blow. Welcomed representatives of the Royal Brompton Hospital, Chelsea, to the House of Commons, for an update on the hospitals campaign to preserve childrens heart surgery. Visited Royal Mails Fulham Delivery Office on Fulham Road to see the Christmas post being sorted, organised and dispatched. Attended the Christmas party of the Italian embassy. Assisted in unsuccessful Conservative Party efforts to win the Feltham & Heston by-election. The victorious (Labour) candidate was at least a Chelsea resident. Welcomed the new Taiwanese Ambassador in London, Dr Shen, to the House of Commons for talks on UK-Taiwan relations. Taiwan is a beacon of democracy and free markets in East Asia. Attended the annual business lunch of the Conservative Friends of Israel, in central London, with guest speaker, Rt Hon George Osborne M.P. Had a full schedule of activity as a Government Whip in and around the chamber of the House of Commons, including ministerial meetings and organising votes and standing committees. Conducted a surgery for local Chelsea and Fulham residents at Fulham Town Hall. Gregs surgeries are generally weekly, and held weekly, at either Fulham Town Hall or Peter Jones, Sloane Square. To make an appointment, email or telephone 020 7219 5448.

Website of the Week:
The new simplified way of completing Thames Waters Super Sewer consultation. See story below for details. It is vital that ALL local residents respond to the consultation and give the projects proposed Fulham main drive site the thumbs down.

Photo news:

Christmas Post 2011

Greg Hands MP with Douglas Brammer, the Royal Mail's Fulham Delivery Office manager, sorting the Christmas post for SW6.

Simplified form for Super Sewer consultation make your voice heard now!
Greg Hands M.P. has praised local residents groups and the owners of Hurlingham & Whiffen Wharf and Carnwath Road Industrial Estate, who have worked together to produce a simplified version of the Super Sewer consultation form. Many of those completing Thames Waters online form have found it confusing and excessively long. This independent version is much more straightforward and asks a series of simple questions about the Carnwath Road site. It has been reviewed by legal experts to ensure that anyone using it has their views counted in exactly the same way as those filling in the official form. On completion, the organisers send the form directly to Thames Water. All residents can respond using the simplified online form here:
A two-page hardcopy version is also being circulated with a freepost address. The closing date for the consultation is 10 February 2012. Commenting, Greg Hands M.P. said: The only way to stop Thames Water is for us to say No. Silent opposition will be ignored if you want to save Carnwath Road, you have to respond to the consultation. Lots of constituents have told me they find the official website complicated. This is a fantastic initiative by local residents to make the process easier, by breaking it down to the essentials. You dont need a degree in engineering to know that a close-knit residential area is the wrong place for massive excavation works. I know that many people are intending to respond, but havent got around to it yet. This new form makes it easy please do it now.

Local Carnwath Road business Hitchcock & King adds voice to Super Sewer objections
Local Carnwath Road based building and timber merchants Hitchcock & King Ltd have added their voice to the growing list of objectors to Thames Waters Super Sewer. Hitchcock & King is a wellestablished family business which has been trading in the Hammersmith & Fulham borough for over sixty years, including twenty three years at Carnwath Road. They employ a total of 85 people. In a letter to Greg Hands, Director Richard Hitchcock says, In a period of extremely difficult economic circumstances, Thames Waters proposed development would threaten the employment of hundreds of people in the area. This is the inevitable consequence of attempting to undertake such a project in relatively central part of London. I cannot understand why Thames Water would consider such a project in this area, surrounded by homes, schools and businesses. The proposal would cause substantial disruption to the lives of thousands of people. You can click on the image to see the full letter.

Highlights of Government achievements in 2011

Steered Britain through the global debt storm. Cut income tax for 25 million people. Biggest increase in the State Pension since 1948. Cut fuel duty, saving 10p per litre compared to Labour. Funded a second year of Council Tax freezes. Introduced a permanent levy on the banks. Took steps to get credit flowing to small businesses. More doctors and fewer managers in the NHS. Better access to life-extending cancer drugs. Saved billions cutting Whitehall waste on contracts, IT projects, etc. Capped Housing Benefit to stop excessive payments. Many more good school places, including 24 new Free Schools. Introduced tough new powers on school discipline. Largest ever increase in the Child Tax Credit. New housing programme to help people onto the ladder. Stood up for Britain in Europe and introduced the EU Referendum Lock. Led international efforts to support the Libyan people.

Hammersmith and Fulham Leader to stand down

The Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council (H&F) seen by many as one the most influential council leaders in the country has announced that he intends to stand down. Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh, who has been leader since 2006, has overseen a council that is on track to reduce council tax five times out of six while cutting its historic debt burden in half. During that period resident satisfaction increased to a record level, H&F was given the highest score possible by the Audit Commission for the quality of services and the borough won the prestigious LGC 'Council of the Year' award in 2010. Standing down will enable Cllr Greenhalgh to focus on how to decentralise power from the town hall and Whitehall to the neighbourhood so that local public services are more accountable to local people. He is helping to pioneer plans for a Neighbourhood Budget for the White City Opportunity Area. Nearly 70 million of taxpayers funds or 17,000 per household is spent in this area every year. Despite this unemployment is twice the borough average, the area has high levels of overcrowding, relatively low educational attainment and relatively high levels of crime. H&F wants to pool central and local government's spending into a single budget pot, involve residents far more in how that money is spent and ensure that every penny is focused on improving the life chances of the people living there. He said: I am keen work with Whitehall and the town hall to develop a new approach to public spending at a neighbourhood level while continuing to serve the residents of Town Ward where I both live and work," he said. I do not think the people of White City are getting value for money out of that 70 million, nor do I think are wider taxpayers, said Cllr Greenhalgh. I want to focus that money on getting much better outcomes for people living there and ensuring that the neighbourhood is fully involved in how that money is spent. He went on to say: Being leader of the council is a remarkable challenge which I have been thrilled to have taken on. I am immensely grateful for the energy and professionalism of my fellow councillors and staff in making possible such a radical transformation of the council over the last five years. We can be so proud of what we have achieved in becoming such an influential, trail blazing council. From cutting tax to paying off debt, to widening choice in schools and housing, from fighting crime to a cleaner environment we have blazed the trail. We have been the guiding star by which other councils seek to navigate. I am confident that our course is firmly established for the future." Recently H&F, Westminster City Council and the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea announced plans to combine services and management costs to save 33.4 million-a-year across the three areas by 2014/15. Another part of that reform, is seeing H&F on course to reduce its accommodation footprint by half which has been a major contributor to the Councils ambition to reduce its historic 176 million debt burden to 78 million by 2014, saving local taxpayers 9.1 million a year in debt payments. H&F has some of the cleanest streets in London, six of its parks have been given the national accolade of 'Green Flag' status and the Council pioneered spending on round-the-clock town centre police. This year saw educational attainment reach its highest levels ever with the best ever GCSE results, three new schools opening and H&F being placed as the top borough for the number of children going to leading universities. Local M.P. Greg Hands led the tributes to Cllr Stephen Greenhalgh: As he announces a fourth year of Council Tax cuts, Stephen has announced that he is going to pass on the torch of the leadership of Hammersmith & Fulham Council. I am very proud of the amazing job he has done over five years. In 2007, he was the first politician in many years at any level of government to cut taxes, in what was a major achievement that has now been emulated by others. Stephen Greenhalgh will leave a powerful legacy of tax-cutting, creating efficiency and never being deflected from doing what is right. I wish him all the best in his future roles. Cllr Nick Botterill, Deputy Leader of H&F Council, said: I hope many people across H&F and beyond will want to thank Stephen for his tireless dedication to this borough and to local government. Thankfully, he will still continue to play a major role through his work with the community in White City. It is extremely difficult simultaneously to cut taxes, improve services and reduce the debt burden and yet that is just what Stephen has done at H&F. He has lifted the spectre of debts from future generations of residents - there can be no higher accolade than that. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, said: Stephen has been an outstanding council leader. He always understood that the role of the council was to stand shoulder to shoulder with the public. People in Hammersmith & Fulham are getting a better service at a much cheaper price. Hammersmith and Fulham is truly a council to be proud of. Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, declared: "Stephen has made a fantastic contribution to local government over very many years."

K&C wins Loo of the Year award

Two newly refurbished public toilets that serve Portobello and Golborne Road markets have won five awards in the 2011 'Loo of the Year Awards'. The toilets, at Bevington Road and Talbot Road, were refurbished by the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and reopened for public use this year. Talbot Road toilet was judged to be the National Category Winner in England for Full Time Attended Public Toilets. The toilets scooped two of 240 Local Authority Public Toilet Five Star Awards, one each for Talbot Road and Bevington Road. The attendants at both facilities were rated as five star. Councillor Nick Paget-Brown, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: "I am very pleased that these excellent public toilets have been recognised nationally in the Loo of the Year Awards."

What's going on in K&C libraries?

Next year an exciting range of events for people of all ages are coming to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea's libraries. As part of the Bloomsbury season, historians and novelists will give a rare insight into their latest works through a series of special talks. The programme kicks off on Thursday 12 January with Anna Reid delving into the history of Stalinist Russia by discussing her book Leningrad: Tragedy of a City under Siege. In March critically acclaimed author Lady Antonia Fraser comes to Kensington Central Library to discuss her most recent book Must You Go? which celebrates her life with Harold Pinter. BBC Correspondents Richard Hamilton and Mark Harper will also be on hand in March to discuss their latest books and answer questions about their experiences as foreign correspondents. Throughout February there will also be a number of fun events for children and families, including a workshop to celebrate the Chinese New Year, a cartoon workshop and a mask making session. Tickets are on sale in all of the borough's libraries and are priced at 5 (3 concessions). Payments by credit or debit card can be made via Librariesline on 020 7361 3010. Events for children, young people and families are free. For a full list of events please visit

Rogue builder hit with record fine

A rogue builder who turned a quiet street in an historic conservation area into a building site after knocking down his house without consent is now more than 500,000 worse off after being taken to court by Hammersmith & Fulham Council. Piers Rance of Cloncurry Street, Fulham, was fined 120,000 at Isleworth Crown Court today (Dec 13) 40,000 more than the previous highest fine for similar offences in the UK. He was also told to pay the councils legal costs of around 100,000 and will have to meet his own costs, said to be around 300,000 - to make the eye-watering total of more than half a million pounds. Conservation areas are designated for their special architectural and historic interest and anyone wishing to demolish a building needs to obtain permission from the council before going ahead with the work. Rance failed to do this breaching planning law and causing his neighbours considerable distress in the process. Cllr Nick Botterill, H&F Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environment, said: "Rance showed absolutely no consideration for his neighbours or planning law by demolishing this house in a conservation area. Most people in this borough realise that their actions impact on others, but Rance did not care and did whatever he wanted. The colossal fine that Rance has been hit with is 40,000 more than the previous highest record fine and reflects how serious his offences are. While we are keen to create a borough of opportunity and welcome responsible development, people simply cannot take matters like this into their own hands." Rance had submitted a planning application to the council in April 2007 to extend his house on Cloncurry Street, Fulham, which included the excavation of a new basement underneath the house, but before the council could make a decision on whether or not to grant planning permission for these extensions, Rance had torn down the house and already begun digging out a new basement area. Rance claimed that the building needed to be demolished as it was in a state of collapse but in his appeal trial, which took place in October, Judge Denniss did not accept this defence stating that it was extremely unlikely that Mr Rance would have purchased a property for 2.2million without carrying out a structural survey unless he always had the intention of demolishing it for financial gain.

Local TV for London moves a step closer

This week Ofcom published its proposals for awarding the first round of local TV licences. They are consulting on these proposals and are seeking views on: The 20 areas where we propose to award the first round of licences The process and criteria for awarding licences The conditions we should include in the licences

One of the areas where Ofcom propose to licence local TV is London. They would be keen to hear from people with particular views about local TV in their area. Background Ofcom has been asked by the government to licence the spectrum and the stations for local TV services. Last year, they identified 65 locations where local TV would be technically possible. Subsequently, the government announced last week the first 20 areas where local TV may be licensed. The government has since laid three Orders before Parliament that, if they enter force, would create a statutory framework for local TV, including a direction to Ofcom to reserve spectrum for these services. Ofcom are consulting on how to award two types of licenses: one set of local area licences which will allow operators to set up local TV stations in 20 locations in the UK. The other type of licence would be awarded to a multiplex operator for providing the masts and transmission equipment to broadcast into peoples homes across these locations. The proposals in this consultation are subject to the three Orders being passed by Parliament. What are Ofcom proposing? Ofcom propose to licence local TV services for 12 years, initially in the following areas: Belfast, Birmingham, Brighton & Hove, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Grimsby, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Preston, Southampton and Swansea. If the successful multiplex operator is able to provide coverage beyond these 20 locations, then local TV services could be extended to cover more areas in the UK and would form a second phase of licensing. How were these areas chosen? These areas were chosen from a list of places where it is technically possible to provide local TV coverage. Ofcom also considered whether there is interest in providing a local TV service in the area, evidence of strong local demand, as well as trying to cover a spread of the UK and ensuring a mix of different sized stations. They are seeking peoples views on the areas we propose to licence and are particularly keen to hear from anyone interested in setting up a local TV station in their area. These initial 20 areas may therefore be subject to change, depending on the responses they receive. How will we assess licence applications? Ofcom will assess all applications against the statutory criteria set down by Parliament, including: meeting the needs of an area, broadening the range of programmes available, increasing local programmes; and also the ability to maintain the proposed service. Clear commitments to local content - including a localness requirement that the studio from which the service will be broadcast, and/or the main production base of the service, should be located within the licensed area. Ofcom will invite applicants to describe how their programming will serve the tastes and interests of the target community, and broaden the range of local services available in the area. These programming commitments will be written into the licence of the successful applicant, so that this becomes a binding licence condition. Sufficient provision of local news - although they are not setting quantitative requirements, consider news to be the most important type of local television content. As a guide, it is unlikely that Ofcom would consider less than one hour of news per day to be too burdensome for even the smallest licensee. Ofcom also expect local TV services to engage with the local democratic process. Applicants will have to consider what programming they propose to facilitate civic understanding and fair and well-informed debate, through coverage of local news and current affairs. Financial viability - Ofcom will ask applicants to submit a clear business plan and strategy, including financial information budgets and funding for set-up and the first three years of operation. Provision of subtitling and sign language - like any TV broadcast services, local services will also need to comply with Ofcoms Code on Television Access Services setting out the requirements on subtitling, sign language and audio description (although they anticipate that many will be exempt due to their audience share). What next? Local TV services are likely to begin broadcasting within 2-3 years of being awarded a licence. The consultation closes on 19th March 2012. Responses can be submitted via or by writing to: Licensing Local Television - Consultation Response Radio Content and Broadcast Licensing Ofcom, Riverside House 2A Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA Click here to read Ofcoms full consultation.

Hands in the papers:

Tory MP Hands preaches a tax-free sermon

Black Dog, Daily Mail Saturday 17th December 2011 Tory MP and Treasury aide Greg Hands has been banned from reading his usual Christmas sermon from St Lukes Gospel about Joseph and Mary returning to Bethlehem to be taxed under Roman law at All Saints Church in his Chelsea and Fulham constituency. They said I put too much venom into the word taxed so I have been given a more cuddly reading this year, says Greg. His boss, George Osborne, would be proud.

Strict sermon: Hands (centre) will no longer be able to read his traditional speech amidst concerns over his tone.

5 ways to contact Greg Hands M.P.:

By Phone: By email: By post: In person: 020 7219 5448 Greg Hands M.P. House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands M.P.s weekly surgery

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Greg Hands M.P. a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham

Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands M.P., both of 1a Chelsea Manor Street, London SW3 5RP

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