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Code No: D109116503 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations March 2010 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING (COMMON TO WIRELESS & MOBILE COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS) Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1.a) b) Explain the requirement of Digital Signal Processing and hence obtain the characteristics of Linear Time Invariant discrete systems. Explain and distinguish clearly between FIR and IIR filters and show which filter has linear phase characteristics. What is Multirate signal processing and why it is necessary in digital signal processing? Distinguish between interpolation and Decimation and analyze the rate converter with a rational factor of I/D. Hence discuss the role of low pass filter on Multirate signal conversion. What is polyphase filter structure? Explain the implementation a Decimator using FIR filter efficient structure. Discuss clearly about sub-band coding of speech signals and bring out the necessary filter characteristics for subband coding. What are the issues in spectral estimation? What is the effect of these issues on the spectral characteristics in practice? Distinguish clearly the role of Auto correlation on power spectrum estimation and hence give expressions for Bias and variance in case of periodogram technique using Barlett Method. What are the advantages of power spectral estimation using model parameters and describe different methods in modeling data. Compute them. Obtain the relation between Auto correlation coefficients and the model parameters in AR model estimation and explain the Yule-waker method of power spectral estimation. Discuss about Bias and variance.


2.a) b)

3.a) b)

4.a) b)

5.a) b)





6.a) b) 7.a)

Solve the normal equations using Levinson Durbin Algorithm Explain in detail the properties of linear prediction filters.

What do you understand by the word Finite word error? Explain the reasons for it and distinguish clearly the Finite word error in Floating point and fixed point arithmetic. b) Describe the Finite word error in case of IIR systems and hence discuss about limit cycles. c) Determine the round off error for system given by 3 4 H (z) = . 1 z 1 1 4 8. Write short notes on : a) Forward and backward linear prediction b) Applications of Multirate signal processing ----

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