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A 26 year old married woman presents with infertility and amenorrhoea. She has a normal satisfying sexual life. On work up she was found to be normal 46XX, no oestrogen or progesterone nor evidence of androgens. She has poorly developed breasts. HSG is normal. The following are possible causes a) Testicular feminization syndrome b) Mullerian dysgenesis c) Gonadal dysgenesis d) B and C above e) All the above A 23-year-old white nulligravid woman with 2-year history of primary infertility. Menstrual periods occur at regular 28-day intervals. She has a history of chronic pelvic pain. Analysis of her husband's semen shows a sperm count of 40 million with 65% motility and normal morphology. Diagnostic laparoscopy with hydrotubation shows normal pelvic anatomy, with no evidence of endometriosis or pelvic adhesions. Both fallopian tubes spill methylene blue dye. The patient's basal body temperatures recorded during the past month are shown. Which of the following is the most likely cause of the patient's inability to conceive? A) Anovulation B) Male factor infertility C) Old pelvic inflammatory disease D) Polycystic ovary syndrome E) No cause can be identified at this time

Lady with infertility with bilateral tubal block at cornua. Best method of management is : a) Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy b) Hydrotubation c) IVF d) Tuboplasty Correct answer : a) Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy

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Histology :
1. What are developing gametes called? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova Answer: d The term for the production of gametes is called gametogenesis. Gametogenesis in the female is referred to as oogenesis. The ovary is the organ where gametogenesis (oogenesis) occurs. Ovulation is the release of an oocyte and occurs every 28-30 days. The developing gametes are called oocytes. The mature gamete is an ova. 2. What is the inner part of the ovary? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex Answer: c The ovary is covered with germinal epithelium. Underneath the germinal epithelium is connective tissue called the tunica albuginea. The outer region of the ovary is called the cortex. The inner region of the ovary is called the medulla. The ovarian follicle contains the oocyte. Note from Sarah Bellham: The outer region of some other organs is also sometimes called a cortex. The inner/middle region of some other organs is also sometimes called a medulla. 3. Which stage of the follicle is arrested in prophase? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle Answer: a A primordial follicle is a primary oocyte in the outer region
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of the cortex. It is arrested in the first meiotic prophase. It is surrounded by flattened follicular epithelial cells. The primary follicle is marked by the surrounding of flattened (squamous) follicular cells becoming cuboidal and the oocyte becomes bigger. The presence of the antrum is a characteristic of a secondary follicle. A follicle at this stage is also called an "antral follicle". The mature follicle is also called the Graffian follicle. 4. What is the cavity within a secondary follicle? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum Answer: e The follicle which is ovulated is the Graffian follicle. The connective tissue layer around the primary follicle is the theca folliculi. The follicular cells are granulosa cells. The acidophilic glycoprotein coat surrounding the oocyte is the zona pellucida. A cavity within the follicle is the antrum. 5. During the first week to 10 days, what is the main hormone which stimulates the growth of the follicles? a. FSH b. LH c. HCG d. Estrogen e. Progesterone Answer: a During the first week to 10 days, FSH is the main hormone which stimulates the growth of the follicles. Ovulation is triggered by a dramatic increase in LH. During a pregnancy, HCG is the hormone which maintains the corpus luteum. 6. What is the female organ called where gametogenesis occurs? a. Oogenesis b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte e. Ova Answer: b The term for the production of gametes is called gametogenesis. Gametogenesis in the female is referred to as oogenesis. The ovary is the organ where gametogenesis (oogenesis) occurs. Ovulation is the release of an oocyte and occurs every 28-30 days. The developing gametes are called oocytes. The mature
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gamete is an ova. 7. Which stage of the follicle is marked by the surrounding of flattened (squamous) follicular cells becoming cuboidal? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle Answer: b A primordial follicle is a primary oocyte in the outer region of the cortex. It is arrested in the first meiotic prophase. It is surrounded by flattened follicular epithelial cells. The primary follicle is marked by the surrounding of flattened (squamous) follicular cells becoming cuboidal and the oocyte becomes bigger. The presence of the antrum is a characteristic of a secondary follicle. A follicle at this stage is also called an "antral follicle". The mature follicle is also called the Graffian follicle. 8. What is ovulated? a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum Answer: a The follicle which is ovulated is the Graffian follicle. The connective tissue layer around the primary follicle is the theca folliculi. The follicular cells are granulosa cells. The acidophilic glycoprotein coat surrounding the oocyte is the zona pellucida. A cavity within the follicle is the antrum. 9. What is the outer part of the ovary? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex Answer: e The ovary is covered with germinal epithelium. Underneath the germinal epithelium is connective tissue called the tunica albuginea. The outer region of the ovary is called the cortex. The inner region of the ovary is called the medulla. The ovarian follicle contains the oocyte. Note from Sarah Bellham: The outer region of some other organs is also sometimes called a cortex. The inner/middle region of some other organs is also

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sometimes called a medulla. 10. During a pregnancy, which hormone which maintains the corpus luteum? a. FSH b. LH c. HCG d. Estrogen e. Progesterone Answer: c During the first week to 10 days, FSH is the main hormone which stimulates the growth of the follicles. Ovulation is triggered by a dramatic increase in LH. During a pregnancy, HCG is the hormone which maintains the corpus luteum 11. Which structure contains the oocyte? a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex Answer: a The ovary is covered with germinal epithelium. Underneath the germinal epithelium is connective tissue called the tunica albuginea. The outer region of the ovary is called the cortex. The inner region of the ovary is called the medulla. The ovarian follicle contains the oocyte. Note from Sarah Bellham: The outer region of some other organs is also sometimes called a cortex. The inner/middle region of some other organs is also sometimes called a medulla. 12. Which follicular stage is also called an antral follicle? a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle c. Secondary follicle d. Mature follicle e. Graffian follicle Answer: c A primordial follicle is a primary oocyte in the outer region of the cortex. It is arrested in the first meiotic prophase. It is surrounded by flattened follicular epithelial cells. The primary follicle is marked by the surrounding of flattened (squamous) follicular cells becoming cuboidal and the oocyte becomes bigger. The presence of the antrum is a characteristic of a secondary follicle. A follicle at this stage is also called an "antral follicle". The mature follicle is also called the Graffian follicle. -5 of 9 12/23/11 8:12 PM

.1. The appearance of the antrum is a follicular characteristic of which stage of ?development a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle Secondary follicle .c d. Mature follicle follicle e. Graffian c :Answer .2 the acidophilic glycoprotein coat What is ?which surrounds the oocyte follicle a. Graffian b. Theca folliculi c. Granulosa cells d. Zona pellucida Antrum .e d :Answer .3 ?surrounds the ovary What tissue a. Follicle b. Germinal epithelium Medulla .c d. Tunica albuginea e. Cortex Answer: b .4 ?What is a mature gamete called Oogenesis .a b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte Ova .e e :Answer .5 of the follicle is characterized by Which stage (a surrounding of flattened (squamous ?follicular cells a. Primordial follicle b. Primary follicle Secondary follicle .c d. Mature follicle follicle e. Graffian a :Answer .6 ?another term for the mature follicle What is a. Primordial follicle follicle b. Primary c. Secondary follicle d. Antral follicle follicle e. Graffian e :Answer .7 ?cyclically in a female What occurs a. Oogenesis

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b. Ovary c. Ovulation Oocyte .d e. Ova Answer: c .8 What is the connective tissue layer around ?follicle the primary a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi cells c. Granulosa d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum Answer: b .9 increase Ovulation is triggered by a dramatic ?in which hormone a. FSH b. LH c. HCG d. Estrogen Progesterone .e b :Answer .10 connective tissue which What is the ?surrounds the ovary a. Follicle epithelium b. Germinal c. Medulla d. Tunica albuginea Cortex .e d :Answer .11 female, what is the correct term for the In the ?production of gametes called Oogenesis .a b. Ovary c. Ovulation d. Oocyte Ova .e a :Answer .12 ?follicular cells What are the a. Graffian follicle b. Theca folliculi cells c. Granulosa d. Zona pellucida e. Antrum Answer: c .1 How many corpora cavernosa are there ? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 Answer: b

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.2 Which one of the following are the earliest cells of spermatogenesis ? a. Primary spermatocytes b. Secondary spermatocytes c. Spermatids d. Spermatozoa e .Spermatogonia Answer :e .3 Which cells are also called "nurse cells ?" a. Interstitial cells b. Leydig cells c .Sertoli cells d. Sustentacular cells e. Both c and d Answer :e .4 When do the testes descend into the scrotum ? a. Fetal development b. Infancy c .Puberty d. Adulthood e. During arousal Answer: a .5 Which is the largest accessory structure of the male reproductive system a. Epididymis b. Prostate c .Seminal vesicle d. Bulbourethral gland e. Cowper's gland Answer :b .6 What is the capsule that surrounds the testes ? a. Tunica adventitia b. Tunica externa c. Tunica media d. Tunica intima e. Tunica albuginea .7 What is the "cap"at the anterior portion of a spermatazoon ? a. Head b. Tail c. Acrosome d. End piece e. Middle piece .8 What is another term for the corpus cavernosum urethrae ? a. Corpora cavernosa b. Corpus spongiosum

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c. Urethra d .Corpus cavernosum clitoridis e Erectile tissue .9 How many corpus spongiosum are there ? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 Answer: a .10 What is the mature sperm cell ? a .Primary spermatocytes b. Secondary spermatocytes c. Spermatids d .Spermatozoa e. Spermatogonia Answer: d

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