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Subject: News

Bulletin from Aidan Burley MP #30 Date: Friday, 23 December 2011 18:25:50 United Kingdom Time From: To: Aidan Burley MP

In this edition:
Merry Christmas from Aidan Burley MP Aidan Burley MP's diary Aidan in Parliament: Stafford A&E Debate MP awards prizes for second annual Christmas Card competition Aidan backs calls for sprinkler system at Staffordshire University Academy building project Aidan welcomes plans for Chase Line speed upgrade Aidan in the media: Debate held over Stafford Hospital's A&E night closure An apology to the people of Cannock Chase How to contact Aidan Burley MP MP Help Zone Christmas and New Year opening arrangements

Issue 30 Friday 23rd December 2011

As readers may have seen, I have recently been subject to intense media scrutiny regarding my attendance at a party where some of the guests behaved in an inappropriate, insensitive and offensive manner. I have sincerely apologised for my lack of judgment (see below), however wish to stress that none of this has distracted me from continuing to work hard on your behalf as the local Member of Parliament for Cannock Chase.

Since the last edition, Aidan has:

Met with students from Moorhill Primary School and Sharon Birch from Pertemps People Development Group to award prizes for his second annual Christmas card competition. Spoken in a debate in Westminster Hall secured by neighbouring MP Jeremy Lerfroy on the subject of Staffords A&E department. Questioned the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on taxpayer funding of trade union activities. Welcomed a multi-million pound Government investment for Staffordshire University Academy's Capital Build project but raised safety fears over the lack of sprinkler systems in any of the proposed plans. Questioned the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on the effectiveness of the Vaccine Damage Payment Act. Welcomed plans for the Chase Line speed upgrade. Questioned the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government about the cost of the Audit Commissions 25th anniversary events.

Aidan in Parliament:

Tuesday 20th December 2011

Stafford A&E Debate

Aidan Burley (Cannock Chase, Conservative): I congratulate my hon. Friend on securing this debate. He mentions Cannock, which is my constituency. Does he agree that the answer to all the problems that we have seen in Stafford is not to close Cannock but to impose a two-site solution, with services both at Stafford and at Cannock and an improved and more vibrant Cannock hospital? That is the only way forward and a solution on which we both agree as neighbouring constituency MPs. Jeremy Lefroy (Stafford, Conservative): I entirely agree with my hon. Friend. It is essential that we have services both in Cannock and Stafford. Both hospitals are vital to their local communities, although they perform different services. Click here to see the text of the whole debate.

MP awards prizes for second annual Christmas Card competition

Aidan alongside Sharon Birch from Pertemps People Development Group who have sponsored Aidan's Christmas Cards for the second year running and pupils Keeley Aubrey (winner) and Emma Barmer (runner up) from Moorhill Primary School. Aidan last week met with students from Moorhill Primary School and Sharon Birch from Pertemps People Development Group to award prizes for his second annual Christmas card competition. Aidan received hundreds of entries from pupils across Cannock Chase each hoping to have their design selected to appear on the front of Aidan's official Christmas card. Aidan's Christmas cards were kindly sponsored for the second year running by local employment firm Pertemps People Development Group who have worked alongside the MP Help Zone since the election in helping and supporting the long term unemployed back into work. The winning entry entitled 'Cannock Chase at Christmas' was designed by Keeley Aubrey (Aged 10) from Moorhill Primary School in Cannock. The runner up, whose design appears on the back of the card, was Emma Barmer (Aged 10) also from Moorhill Primary School. Both pupils were given framed copies of their card with a certificate and prizes of stationery from the House of Commons. Jonathan Skelly, the site manager for the Cannock office of Pertemps People Development said: "Working alongside such a dedicated MP as Aidan, it's been our pleasure to support our local Community by once again sponsoring this year's Christmas Cards" Aidan added: "I would like to thank all the pupils who entered a design for my Christmas card competition; I was thrilled by the sheer number of entries received. Particular congratulations must go to Keeley and Emma, whose designs made it onto my official MP Christmas Card. "I would like to pass on my sincere thanks to Pertemps People Development Group for sponsoring my cards for the second year running. I have worked very closely with Pertemps People Development Group since my election and have seen firsthand the great work they do in offering help and support for unemployed people in Cannock Chase and I look forward to continuing to work hand-inhand with them over the next few years."

Aidan alongside Sharon Birch from Pertemps People Development Group who have sponsored Aidan's Christmas Cards for the second year running and Christmas Card competition winner Keeley Aubrey from Moorhill Primary School.

Aidan backs calls for sprinkler system at Staffordshire University Academy building project
Aidan has welcomed a multi-million pound Government investment for Staffordshire University Academy's Capital Build project but has raised safety fears over the lack of sprinkler systems in any of the proposed plans. Aidan has learnt that neither of the plans submitted so far appear to contain provision for sprinkler systems to be installed in the school, despite strong calls from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service for them to be included. Estimates suggest that sprinkler systems cost around 1% of the total build cost in new builds. However this cost is still more recouped in lower insurance costs for the school and potential costs of a rebuild. Sprinkler systems can last up to 100 years, proving them to be a long term investment. Figures produced by the Fire Service also suggest that a sprinklered building will, on average, receive less than 3% damage to its structure compared to a non sprinklered building which can expect to receive between 62 and 95% structural damage. Schools are considered as a primary target for arson attacks due to large amount of technology and equipment they store and the MP has highlighted the incident at Chasetown High School and Chase Terrace High School in 2002 as a prime example of how sprinkler systems could have prevented such devastation. Commenting Aidan said: "I am very concerned that none of the current plans submitted for Staffordshire University Academy's building project contain provisions for sprinkler systems. The inclusion of a sprinkler system in any new build School building should be a no brainer and all the evidence I have seen seems to support this view. "I would therefore urge all developers and the Academy to take the advice of Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service and revise their plans to include sprinkler systems." Chris Enness, Deputy Chief Fire Officer at Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service added: "We welcome the investment proposed in Staffordshire University Academy and the vision of raising educational standards across Staffordshire by Staffordshire County Council. However, our strong recommendation is for the Academy to be built with sprinklers to ensure its longevity and flexibility throughout the lifespan of its use. "Existing standards state that this building should be afforded the best levels of protection and to use lesser guidance in order to save money is in my opinion short sighted and not in the best interests of the County Council nor the Academy itself. We are currently involved in constructive discussions with the County Council and are hopeful that this oversight will be corrected."

Aidan welcomes plans for Chase Line speed upgrade

Aidan has released the following Statement following the announcement by Network Rail to fund the West Midlands Line Speed Improvement scheme for the Chase Line. Aidan said: "This is great news for local people in Cannock Chase and something I and others have been lobbying for over recent months, both with partners in Cannock Chase and through the Department of Transport, where I work as a Parliamentary Private Secretary. "This upgrade will not only help support my efforts to bring business to the area but also reinforce the message that Cannock Chase is the place to come to in South Staffordshire. "The Chase Line has the second highest levels of passenger growth in the Centro area and so this important scheme will not only help deliver faster journey times, but also allow better value for money and importantly facilitate better connections at Rugeley Trent Valley something that I know local people will very much welcome. "I look forward to working with Network Rail and others over the next few months to help get this project underway."

Aidan in the media:

Debate held over Stafford Hospital's A&E night closure

BBC News website Tuesday 20th December 2011 The government has been urged to make sure that Stafford Hospital's accident and emergency (A&E) department reopens full time in the near future. Staffordshire MPs spoke at a special Commons debate, spelling out why the unit was needed by the community. The hospital's trust approved the three-month closure of A&E from 22:00 until 08:00 GMT from 1 December. Hospital bosses said the decision was made due to difficulties in recruiting consultants and middle-grade doctors. '80% confident' The debate at Westminster Hall in the House of Commons was called by Conservative MP for Stafford Jeremy Lefroy, and included local Tory MPs Aidan Burley and Bill Cash. "Parents with the child who becomes sick in the middle of the night, or an elderly person who has no transport of their own and is worried about imposing themselves by calling out an ambulance because she doesn't want to overburden the service, for them, an emergency service which is as local as possible, is essential," said Mr Lefroy. Public Health Minister Anne Milton said the trust would be reviewing the decision early next year. The trust's chief executive, Lynn Hill-Tout, said progress had already been made in recruiting new doctors, and she was "80% confident" that the A&E unit would open full time in March.

An apology to the people of Cannock Chase

I want to take this opportunity to express my deepest regret at the shame I have brought upon Cannock Chase in the local, national and international media over the last ten days. There are no excuses for my foolish behaviour which, over the past two weeks, has caused so much distress to so many people. Let me begin by saying very clearly; I know that I made a mistake, and Cannock Chase - I am sorry. To my supporters in the Conservative Party, to those who voted for me in May 2010, and to all those who didn't, but are represented by me in Parliament I made a bad error of judgement and you deserved better from your local MP. Being involved in a stag party where an SS uniform was worn was wrong and offensive. It was the wrong decision on my part; crass and insensitive. I am deeply sorry, and want to take this opportunity to offer the people of Cannock Chase an unreserved, wholehearted and full apology for the terrible offence this incident has undoubtedly caused. It has been an unbelievably difficult ten days for my family and friends, and I feel ashamed that Cannock Chase has been placed in the limelight as a result of my behaviour. My family have been through hell, and I want to thank them in particular for the love, courage and support they have given me. I think it is important to make one thing very clear: Being involved in a fancy dress party does not mean you endorse, tacitly or explicitly, the actions and philosophy of the person that is being impersonated. In fact, quite the opposite is true. I have no sympathies whatsoever with Nazism, racism, or fascism. I also wish to make clear, as the Mail on Sunday did, that I personally did not participate in any alcohol-fuelled attempted toasts by other guests to the Third Reich. Nor did I participate in any chants, offensive or otherwise. As the video showed, I left the restaurant immediately when that inexcusable behaviour by other guests started. The most important thing for me going forward is that I am judged on the work I do for the people of Cannock Chase. I am so proud to have been elected to represent this community and hope that over the past 18 months I have demonstrated my commitment to doing my very best locally. In 2012 I will be redoubling my efforts to secure jobs and prosperity for Cannock Chase, and to be visible and accessible to all constituents who need my help. I have already met, assisted, and worked with thousands of local people and hope to do the same for thousands more. I will continue to stand up for my constituents, and all I ask is that you judge me on this record. I hope that over time local people can forgive and forget this episode. I have been hugely touched by the many letters of support I have received and am grateful for your kindness. In the meantime, I wish everyone a very peaceful Christmas, and a happy New Year.

5 ways to contact Aidan Burley MP:

By Phone: 01543 502 447 By email: By post: Aidan Burley MP 6 High Green Court, Newhall Street Cannock, WS11 1GR In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Aidan Burley MPs regular help and advice surgeries.

MP Help Zone Christmas and New Year opening arrangements

Aidan Burley's MP Help Zone closed on Wednesday 21st December 2011 and will re-open on Wednesday 4th January 2012 at 10am.

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Aidan Burley MP Putting Cannock Chase First!

Published & Promoted by Aidan Burley MP, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

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