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LKI/UCUM/- Zeplz L0/00-000 3549-0ct-0%


li:t N00n.

come along, wipeflushed, about. oh,chrie.

from the dropz,scrateched out,along parfum likttie,upet round, along the winds, and partkae,witihn, solidago.,/out manytakes.

make list:l:

masks and marks. and stains from the trails of faith,... fragrances of signs.. a little light, dipped in the blue. a}.limits.|-within is a breach, a contact, lifted in the sporadic end spazems of flickering lights, closed,doors. b.i}.clift.|-water. and all the floods. brought on, well the soil crumbles, flairs snatch up, to where liqdiuit|z.|utopias. flock. b.ii}.the creashgin; wont contain|-brought all back streahcedout with shivers running down the body. all in wooden.rooms, before the gasp. dergin around the besnds, and takin alittle refyage in the sprose, that caught alot of it. everlakz., is taken away, and sure, itz gone, with the rized, iz about, as high as the ciel. noir, filugnz. ah,. plz, don;'t sivluzl. pleitz, elllle pluie screeeeeeeeeeeeeeekp[zk frkm the sitjhx a suxexxzz you badyxz elshka, well all,ezta, when it. to be sa, winds (like extra) courage and thens some i suppose. all. the items. and forth, due.i would,in summation.alazkz|.|anetya.all would be sure to go,into never, darkly. enetivday.Avskz all grace , frktlung....tkhfavant kluchedz thereelse some sand sure ellz finditbegealong withyet.anda winterwhiteruptured beforeformforth heavens,poursalltheflood.gorgedbloodalongtheflesh.crusheddown danslleve. pressions mouirnings| can go on formonths,years,one can sur.vie. along..............even chilled blood can still flow, splater, and convene dergin around the besnds, and takin alittle ref.ayage in the spros, that caught alotofit. everlakz.,is takenaway,andsure,itz gone,with the rized.iz about,as high as the ciel.noir,filugnz.ah,.plz,don;'t siveluzle.pleitz, elllle pluie

safrione iniiin,,.. givini to seep. filagoniament.y gone.clear, somewhere.and.clear,.ducks away, from, the amber,.lovly, shell,shed, the tendthers,and.let the.sailzblaze.ground. |semfti.| | a}.je miniaturez, treinte. treindre; speak softly. and carry way, some figuguretia. b}.soft soft soft. what a word. what a place, in such of these embraces. otherwise, then. would take persistent occure>? elseshown.isupolz.,withon,what fortobe groomed,blight shourezup. amassted. at once indeed. repoz.t.z/from, tha granzd.state||{ alcomethinzxz in faithdrenched,aspours devour. along,tide goodnight. umm,, all down arouyndz . caughtshards,a,littlelight, and such dazzl, about so! convections.. i wish i could read with the lightz out. eslakslx.between;/the gapz. andin asking you to witttens. it forever,gone shuhsned,wind. would split,our do name,heaveyercarryed,\.till it down

|divisions| calenderism mabyeitwouldbejustasgrand.loiteringby the sanddunes. sometoovereverthing,comes totakeitin an allay allgone, shrapnel.pedals, none. letzz,sseeit.all up,ntathaair>>zzzzzzzzzzraidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..toutz.mzburnzk,,well,inthe nightxzbel;akxzhyt,bella,.vous. te la vue..appelzz. Ien'tn.dashint.flusz,cothflutter,surt'ellein,meddry,flushe'tnwez,ontil'.bishd,/ouavkily ,ainsi dans tous les...coversay..minte.lore.bellownt,asntre

Solidago;/ (littralement, je rends entier , je consolide ) e ahaaz. ya,

i'mz nvounign, all aroundm, in littlet bublezx.,.. .got, totey and get my mansutz, all tite. dzy. i want myawar crimezon.record be that as it may. somewhere. around thgray end chillded berrze of summers closed. off well. done. alnd all with, it.welll a few moths float, ever so even off, in the infinite contours. the ckeeereepin spreds, alot alot, hard pressed to eve with it all. <<sure. where else without each day, adding anwyere.>> along this grazxzen path... thusstill keepz,. weedingout, drawn.... spilt.. in for the death now. locked way.. whom else could speak.. peak and vally. drought,. the formikztuakliea. figure eeee-ta. like the danzail. like he would lui. furmore! withintthid;. adn stikthin before. eveter gashecxz:/ spillt.. and cobitv,,in up in it,a andbaing beforea, it would be havbeeddc, and tapooo;;l your,s tillll.l,s taiting offf in the grasss, losted,ash.ed _z whalakzxz. walaksindersd, iinto.tmy great lightinin room, blushed,r.esd,d gone., with oaut and held,, it close, byt the candle, lite.l, the blue, inkilppinki, flure., soliite,d and poiour centesxr,t ta vous, moi. aelskcx.z once, it spoeaking,.a danmdodlam modeltal highlted gloricent65z vroeme verya, fidguertxixcedxc.a,snine covering up the witheberadda,with aboutbit init having just tankine,a dead, would it beso, and the winedz, flowzx.

ashlaiz.t/ the formality the sencel|ss, waste. the frukuralz.ity. of it all.. want of eninamie precpsided, bedidle, the outscorchedvoid. and no one else...would.where nothinpasses.between by.our solvent. soaces. fonikmaked, beyond the given.... and,. taken it all awayz.

whoz. soul is kept6. woholz else. even after,... there is no st.ring.. with it ever. so soft. blooded by the bladed and held by their/[hers]hand... with whatawilt,. would she even carry./ hahsz. no silk could wilt,. in the eve in., thaSt. would be proclasmed. and hamrleuz, blossom.. would it yet.. yeasle.d eslakslx.between;/the gapz. andin asking you to witttens. it forever,gone suhed,wind. would split,our do name, heaveyercarryed,\.till it down cold jaded, and full of despirez. but, that did not keep the whores from goin/comeing out. to re injeckt mythculture blood into. bring flesh, bought to simulcarum i want............ al blopdddddd booldsfl apon thef leih gresoz. hyb hby hoewel "any'thz, funnnn even then after thi spendinz, in the tranchez., chemical idiolect find:L cause and reasons of the desert island boudu.saved from drowning1932 gone clear, somewhere. and, clear ducks, away, from, amber,. lovly, shell,shed the tethers, and let the sailz blaze. ground.

heretofore rocks,smashed, ne suffit pas. not.enough anything reallly. total,-substitance, draped on the lines of others, powerLOsstd, is with something, which slaves.

on the surface the lack of signature which, bears over the metreiclauatiity.ID.ordered! STAYAYA>> stnapz. dies!!laaa,lamourtx>ZLLD>come leaves in the ground, to whatever endsfine to more. PorlemixzL: _+_)situated. . .UnFormal.uieform. one stilllllllled stare, and that you should face once freep. si vous n'tes pas., bound to and the relativity,progatezxzx which you enter into.into escape, from edges,gasplips along the coastal abyss, its alot harder gone, deepcoals levles.machines. all, severed.and flrolking in their own orge, lieind died, in the sands. With her robes, floating over the duskdune.anasrmata. cold sandz, plush up sweet.......... voici saffron soakz,l,and sprilriusm, a just keepin still and lay back along the gound soilz spolt from the frothen.ed,ground. reputridiated, yet, and taken,a_way just as sorrow, grips in the landing, plights, and forges in the darkn desitkz, secresonala.aaas sesonsaolzz. it aereber., to bhe sene, island then ebethjing would just come as well. with it, be. the algiekg rabffo formthen berthin the sand., and would you make like to akin, me and wonde,r awya,in the same, |{}ight, would you sau? tu.-elils,e sklkm m par, voir. et nori,. coulz. cologe. mire. in the esight, and ground, befleinthin with the wieather so harme, evee;yation to touch sketched away then wit would seem, and would you et want to take,empty, me with the sands and long glaxce?. woulww.rd wind in the betpka ambulate. and,,klaolz, hark,z in the sight,s and beofer,a_gian,.in te inoilpedel.lsplashed, form the soulz withoua.moimentarty. seeneikan, it all. moi pitteet llitka, bee, solatzia|_;well all as it wouldseem apparent-at letslips place.around. dredgedheavens.ah,littlebitz to scratch along bella.a fragrance kept ripe. along the floor, the gougfed, out from the spilges, along the blood gorged form hevens, the rised, rights, srung agest cour. flesh. as apart for itseld. with rased. light, picked

off white find it gone, along with yet, and winever before tkane carged along the flesh, rptured from heven pours forth, all of hevens flood, sangs rush down, swim.hiahks. finditbegealong withyet.andwinterwhitebefore,rupturedformforth heavens,poursalltheflood. gorgedbloodalongtheflesh.crusheddown danslleve. becoming skizoa!., anyonealelz want your deluztioan. rewrote? ha... no ones findz this funnyright? ahz. well. idjez gotnaz th wordz ent anwyhzo... turn the pages, and peal back and keep oh.with another.. with the other i kept... but. i'd rather, just keep on./ \ notez. on the above gorund, cosater. wiped along|=grvoakz. and picked up along the sign.t. more then. wavers, et alla. crimpled pour vert..

whenebere, evere,e ritz. staked,and dil;\ed,z dilution.surell,y,a,,,,,,,,,k. il y a vous avioir, mort par, elle voisha. suonta, apparent, tu l?? si, ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssoooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee eeeeee went, ans looked pretty good, ground in the lights, stratic, forced between, the light hoolds,and picksupyour just as still... forzen in the foir. breathed would it be embraced,.

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