Different Sectoprs

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SECTORS OF THE INDIAN ECONOMY Primary Sector Secondary Sector Tertiary Sector Growth of Different Sectors Employment Generation

Other Classifications
SECTORS Primary Sector When the economic activity depends mainly on exploitation of natural resources then that activity comes under the primary sector. Agriculture and agriculture related activities are the primary sectors of economy. Secondary Sector When the main activity involves manufacturing then it is the secondary sector. All industrial production where physical goods are produced come under the secondary sector. Tertiary Sector When the activity involves providing intangible goods like services then this is part of the tertiary sector. Financial services, management consultancy, telephony and IT are good examples of service sector. Other Classifications of Economy Organised Sector The sector which carries out all activity through a system and follows the law of the land is called organized sector. Moreover, labour rights are given due respect and wages are as per the norms of the country and those of the industry. Labour working organized sector get the benefit of social security net as framed by the Government. Certain benefits like provident fund, leave entitlement, medical benefits and insurance are provided to workers in the organized sector. These security provisions are necessary to provide source of sustenance in case of disability or death of the main breadwinner of the family. Otherwise the dependents will face a bleak future. Unorganised Sector: The sector which evade most of the laws and dont follow the system come under unorganized sector. Small shopkeepers, some small scale manufacturing units keep all their attention on profit making and ignore their workers basic rights. Workers dont get adequate salary and other benefits like leave, health benefits and insurance are beyond the imagination of people working in unorganized sectors. Public Sector Companies which are run and financed by the Government comprise the public sector. After independence India was a very poor country. India needed huge amount of money to set up manufacturing plants for basic items like iron and steel, aluminium, fertilizers and cements. Additionally infrastructure like roads, railways, ports and airports also require huge investment. In those days Indian entrepreneur

was not cash rich so government had to start creating big public sector enterprises like SAIL (Steel Authority of India Limited), ONGC(Oil & Natural Gas Comission). Private Sector Companies which are run and financed by private people comprise the private sector. Companies like Hero Honda, Tata are from private sectors. Government Aided Schemes to Fight Unemployment Government, from time to time, announces and implements various employment scheme to fight unemployment or hidden employment to help the weaker section of society. Shcemes like NREG (National Rural Employment Guarantee) is the latest announced by the UPA government in 2004. This programme guarantees a minimum of 100 days of employment to at least one person from every rural household. This is part of governments effort to ensure the Right to Work to the rural poor citizen.

Agriculture provides the principal means of livelihood for over 58.4% of India's population. It contributes approximately one-fifth of total gross domestic product (GDP). Agriculture accounts for about 10 per cent of the total export earnings and provides raw material to a large number of industries. Low and volatile growth rates and the recent escalation of agrarian crisis in several parts of the Indian countryside, however, are a threat not only to national food security, but also to the economic well-being of the nation as a whole. In this section important links are given regarding the policies and plans made by Government and numerous other things which may be of a great help to the farming community and a lot of other people dependent on agriculture in one way or the other.

Commerce and Industries

Directorate of Industries & Commerce is charged with the responsibilities of facilitating industrial growth in the country by providing funding for Infrastructure in the form of industrial estates, incentives for capital Investment and other subsidies. It provides the entrepreneur, power, land and water, besides sanction of fiscal incentives.

The Ministry of Finance is responsible for administration of finances of the Government. It is concerned with all economic and financial matters affecting the country as a whole. Regulatory and Budget formulation are some of the most important functions of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry is also entrusted with key responsibilities such as framing rules, regulating pays, emoluments and other service conditions of the government employees. It has an administrative control over the departments of Local Fund Audit, Directorates of National Savings, Lotteries, Insurance and Treasuries. The Ministry regulates expenditure of the Government including transfer of resources to different states. It is the nodal center for monitoring all financial transactions of the country. Besides performing the most important function of budget preparation, it monitors the receipts and expenditure incurred during the year. Another important task of the Department is to monitor the reappropriation of funds. Preparation of rules relating to financial matters and its interpretation sought by the departments is also another important function.

Communication and IT
Electronics and Information Technology is the fastest growing segment of the Indian Industry both in terms of production and export. Today, the electronics industry is completely de-licensed with the exception of aerospace and defence electronics. Along with the liberalization in foreign investment and export-import policies of the entire economy, this sector is attracting considerable interest not only as a vast market but also as a potential production base by/for international companies.In recent times, 'Software Development and IT Enabled Services' have emerged as a niche opportunity for India in the global context.

The origin of the Indian Education Department dates back to pre-independence days when for the first time a separate department was created in 1910 to look after education. However, soon after India achieved its Independence on 15th August, 1947, a full fledged Department of Education (under the Ministry of Human Resource Development) was established on 29th August 1947

Rural Development

India is a country of villages and about 50% of the villages have very poor socio-economic conditions. Since the dawn of independence, concerted efforts have been made to ameliorate the living standard of rural masses. So, rural development is an integrated concept of growth and poverty elimination has been of paramount concern in all the consequent five year plans. Rural Development (RD) programmes comprise of following: Provision of basic infrastructure facilities in the rural areas e.g. schools, health facilities, roads, drinking water, electrification etc. Improving agricultural productivity in the rural areas. Provision of social services like health and education for socio-economic development. Implementing schemes for the promotion of rural industry increasing agriculture productivity, providing rural employment etc. Assistance to individual families and Self Help Groups (SHG) living below poverty line by providing productive resources through credit and subsidy.

Agriculture commerce & Industries Finance Communication & IT Defence Education Rural Development Water Resources Consumer Affairs, Food& Public Distribution Transport Science & Technology Health & Family Welfare Environment & Forest (india.gov.in)

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