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What is a conflict ?
Conflict may be understood as collision or disagreement. The conflict may be within an individual when there is incompatibility between his or her goals or events; may be between two individuals, when one does not see eye to eye with another, and in the process tries to block or frustrate the attempts of other, or between two groups in an organization. Chung and Megginson define conflict as the struggle between incompatible or opposing needs, wishes, ideas, interests, or people. Conflict arises when individuals or groups encounter goals that both parties cannot obtain satisfactorily. Conflict may be cognitive or affective. Cognitive conflict refers to differences in perspectives or judgements about issues. Affective conflict is emotional and directed at other people. Many a times conflict and competition are used interchangeably but there is a vast difference between them. In conflict one does not try to frustrate the attempt of another but in conflict one does. This difference is clearly is illustrated in sports. Track events are example of competition rather than conflict where all participants run in their own track and they do not obstruct others path while in events like football all players of one team try to interface the activities of the members of another team. In an organization conflict can be constructive and destructive depends upon the level of conflict. Conflict upto a certain level can be positive but after that it gives negative effects.

Positive Effects Of Conflict:

Increased involvement Increased cohesion Increased innovation Personal growth & change Clarification of key issues Organizational vibrancy Individual & group identities

Negative Effects Of Conflict:

Unresolved anger Personality clash Less self-esteem Diversion of energy from work Psychological well being threatened Wastage of resources Negative climate Group cohesion disrupted



Relation between conflict and organizational performance in form of graph

Here the graph shows two characteristics: It increases for a while & then it decreases. The increasing side of graph shows that some level of competition can be helpful in increasing the overall performance of an organization for e.g. a certain level of competition among employees for increment or incentives may be helpful in developing a desire which reflects their effort, leading to high level of performance & thus increases the overall productivity. On the other hand declining graph shows that due to high conflict the overall productivity if organization is affected because the employees will be more involved in solving their conflicts rather than doing some creative activity.

Conflict Management Styles:

When conflict becomes negative it is very much necessary to resolve it and this is the reason for establishing conflict management styles. There are basically five conflict management styles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Competition Collaboration Compromise Avoidance Accommodation

The graph shown below shows various styles with respect to two factors: Co-cooperativeness: Desire to satisfy other persons concerns. Assertiveness: Desire to satisfy ones own concern.



Relationship between various conflict management styles with respect to assertiveness & cooperativeness

According to the graph following are the definitions of all the styles: 1. Competition: It is a situation where every organization or individual tries to satisfy its own needs without considering the needs of others. In this situation every organization or individual may even try to use unethical means to satisfy their needs. Here Assertiveness is high while cooperativeness is low. 2. Collaboration: It is a situation where every organization or individual is interested in not only satisfying its own needs but also the needs of others. In this style no party remains empty handed & this style may lead to great partnerships. Here both assertiveness & cooperativeness are high. 3. Avoidance: In this situation an organization or an individual is neither interested in fulfilling its own motives not the motives of others. It is a lose-lose situation where both cooperativeness & assertiveness are low. 4. Accommodation: It is a situation in which an organization or an individual keeps its own motives aside and gives others a chance to satisfy their motives. This style may later give rise to great business partnerships. Here cooperativeness is high while assertiveness is low. 5. Sharing: It is a situation where both the parties are come to a compromising situation & share the profits with each other. In this situation as both the parties are not satisfied fully so chances of bigger conflict exist. Here both assertiveness & cooperativeness are intermediate.


Situations Where Conflict Management Styles Are Appropriate:

1. 2. 3. 4. When quick, decisive action is vital. On important issues where unpopular actions need implementing. On issues vital to the organizations welfare & where you know that you are right. Against people who take advantage of non-competitive behaviour.

1. To find an integrative solution when both sets of concerns are too important to be compromised. 2. When your objective is to learn. 3. To merge insights from people with different perspectives. 4. To gain commitment by incorporating concerns in to consensus. 5. To work through feelings that have interfered with a relationship.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. When an issue is trivial, or more important issues are pressing. When you perceive no change of satisfying your concerns. When potential disruption outweighs the benefit of resolution. To let people cool down & regain perspective. When gathering information supersedes immediate decisions. When others can resolve the conflict more effectively. When issues seem tangential of other issues.

1. When you find that you are wrong & try to show your reasonableness. 2. When issues are more important to others than yourself to satisfy others and maintain cooperation. 3. To built social credit for later use. 4. To minimize loss when you are outmatched and loosing. 5. When harmony and stability are important. 6. To allow subordinates to learn from their mistakes.

1. When goals are important, but not worth the effort or potential disruption of more assertive modes. 2. When opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals. 3. To achieve temporary settlements to complex issues. 4. To arrive at expedient situation under time pressure. 5. As a back-up when collaboration or competition is unsuccessful.



Pros & Cons Of Using Various Conflict Management Styles:

Pros: Cons: Chance to lose everything. Alienates others. Discourages others from working with you which may result in loss of current or future partnership. Potentially larger scale conflicts in the future which may affect the overall development. Chance to win everything. Exiting gamesmanship because both the parties try to win by hook or by crook without considering the loss or damage to others. Exercise own sense of power.

Pros: Cons: Less stimulation. Less creative problem solving. Little understanding of the needs of others. Incomplete comprehension of work environment. No energy or time expenditure. Conserve for fights that are more important.

Pros: Cons: Lower self-assertion & self-esteem which may affect the creativity of individuals of an organization. Loss of power. Absence of your unique contribution to the situation. Others dependent on you may not feel you go to bat for them and may decide to leave. Little muss or fuss, no features ruffled. Others may view you as supportive and future perspective of developing a successful partnership may develop. Energy free for other pursuits.



Pros: Cons: Since neither sides are fully satisfied so chance of conflict may occur later. Neither sides determines self-determination fully. No one returns home empty handed. Peace is maintained. May or may not encourage creativity.

Pros: Cons: Lot of time is wasted. Loss of sense of autonomy. Both sides win. Better chance for long term solution. Creativity is problem solving. Maintains relationship. New level of understanding of solution. Improved quality of solution & commitment.


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