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Some rare types of testing: Ques: 1 Whats Ad Hoc Testing ?

Ans: A Ad Hoc Testing is bassically that type of testing where the tester tries to break the software by randomly trying functionality of software. Ans: Adhoc testing is testing performed w/o any formal test cases. This helps in identifying some hidden defects that you might have missed in all your previous test efforts. Ques: 2 Whats the Accessibility Testing ? Ans: The Accessibility Testing is bassically that Testing which is determines if software will be usable by people with disabilities. Ques: 3 Whats the Alpha Testing ? Ans: The Alpha Testing is baissically that testing which is controlled environment by the end user of the software , And It is conducted at the developer sites . Ques: 4 Whats the Beta Testing ? Ans: Beta testing is bassiclaly from the Client side, It's aplication after the instalation at the client side. Ques: 5 What is Component Testing ? Ans: Component Testing is bassically a type of individual software components , its also a Unit Testing. Ques: 6 Whats Compatibility Testing ? Ans: Capability testing is bassiclaly type of testing which is use for only check to the s/w capability. Its mens that we can test that software is compatible with other elements of system. Ques: 7 What is Concurrency Testing ? Ans: Concurrency testing is bassically the Multi-user testing , Its definewd the effects of accessing the same application code, module or database records. Identifies and measures the level of locking, deadlocking and use of single-threaded code and locking semaphores. Ques: 8 What is Conformance Testing ? Ans: The Conformance testing is bassically a process of testing, It is mailny use for the applied to testing conformance to a formal standard. Its implementation conforms to the specification on which it is based. Ques: 9 What is Context Driven Testing ? Ans: The Context-driven Testing is the bassically a school of software testing. Which uses continuous and creative evaluation of testing opportunities in light of the potential.the value of that information to the organization right now. information revealed. It is similar as a Agile Testing. Ques: 10 What is Data Driven Testing ?

Ans: Dta driven testing is bassically whichtype of testing that have done action of a test case is parameterized by externally defined data values, maintained as a file or spreadsheet.Its common technique and its also called as Automated Testing. Ques: 11 What is Conversion Testing ? Ans: Conversion Testing is bassically a testing which programs or procedures used to convert data from existing systems for use in replacement systems. Ques: 12 What is Dependency Testing ? Ans: Dependency testing is bassically for the Examines an applications requirements for pre-existing software, initial states and configuration in order to maintain proper functionality. Ques: 13 What is Depth Testing Ans: Depth Testing is bassiclaly want to be whole details for the any s/w and it will be find out all informaton when it 'll be test. Ques: 14 What is Dynamic Testing ? Ans: Dyanamis s/e is very impoting in the testing world , Its execute thorough the Testing software, Its test also Static Testing. Ques: 15 What is Endurance Testing ? Ans: Endurance Testing is bassiclaly use to check for the memory leaking problems ans or other probleams which is related from prolonged exucutions. Ques: 16 What is End-to-End testing ? Ans: End-to-End Testing is bassicallyuse din the real world , Its a complete application environment in a situation, Such as interacting with a database, using network communications, or interacting with other hardware, applications, or systems if appropriate. Ques: 17 What is Exhaustive Testing ? Ans: Exhaustive Testign is basscially a type of Testing which covers all combinations of input values and preconditions for an element of the software under test. Ques: 18 What is Gorilla Testing ? Ans: Gorilla testing is bassically a tyoe of Testing which one particular module, functionality heavily. Ques: 19 What is Installation Testing ? Ans: Installation Testing is basscially Confirms that the application under test recovers from expected or unexpected events without loss of data or functionality. Events can include shortage of disk space, unexpected loss of communication, or power out conditions. Ques: 20 What is Localization Testing ? Ans: Localization Testing is bassically a which type of testing that term refers to making software specifically designed for a specific locality

Ans: Localization Testing is bassically a which type of testing that term refers to making software specifically designed for a specific locality Ques: 21 What is Loop Testing ? Ans: Loop testing is bassically a type of White box testing technique that exercises program loops. Loop testing is the testing of a resource or resources multiple times under program control. The looping is controlled by the Diagnostic Controller. Loop testing is only supported when running in maintenance mode or service mode, and Advanced Diagnostic Routines have been chosen. The user indicates that loop testing is desired at the Test Method menu. The rule associated with loop testing is that user interaction is only allowed on the first and last pass. The diagnostic applications get notification that loop mode has been invoked by obtaining the value of loopmode in the TMInput object class. The following actions should be taken by the DA when loopmode has the following values: > LOOPMODE_ENTERLM : The Diagnostic Application should perform any tests as usual, plus perform Error Log Analysis if running in Problem Determination mode. > LOOPMODE_INLM : The Diagnostic Application should perform any tests as usual, and not Error Log Analysis. > LOOPMODE_EXITLM : The Diagnostic Application should not perform any tests, nor perform Error Log Analysis. Instead cleanup procedures should be invoked to remove wrap plugs, etc, before exiting. Ques: 22 What is Mutation Testing ? Ans: mutation testing is very expensive to run, especially on very large applications. Mutation testing is bassically used to test the quality of our test suite. This is done by mutating certain statements in our source code and checking if our test code is able to find the errors. However, There is a mutation testing tool, Jester, which can be used to run mutation tests on Java code. Jester looks at specific areas of our source code, for example: forcing a path through an if statement, changing constant values, and changing Boolean values.Mutation testing is bassically a type of method which method for determining if a set of test data or test cases is useful, by deliberately introducing various code changes, bugs and retesting with the original test data/cases to determine if the bugs are detected. Proper implementation requires large computational resources. Ques: 23 What is Monkey Testing ? Ans: Monkey Testing is the bassiclaly type of testing which is ensure that system is given a good performance and its system or application does not crash outwithout check the whole system or application . Ques: 24 What is Positive Testing ? Ans: Positive Testing is the basscially that testing which is only check the s/w aplication is runing mode . Its also known as "Test to pass".

Ques: 25 What is Negative Testing ?

Ans: Negative Testing is just opposite a positive testing . Its baassicay use only the show for the system or application is not working well.Its also known as "Test to fail". Ques: 26 What is Path Testing ? Ans: Path testing is defied as a name . Path Testing is testing which check only all the paths of the programe and also check the source code at least one time . Ques: 27 What is Performance Testing ? Ans: Performance testing is basscially tech only compliances of the system , And also evaluate the component with specified performence requirement .Its also use in the Automated test tool simulate large number of users. Also know as Load Testing. Ques: 28 What is Ramp Testing ? Ans: Ramp testing is the very important for the any system , Becouse it's creat continiously raising and input suignals until the system breaks down . Ques: 29 What is Recovery Testing ? Ans: Shortage of disk space, unexpected loss of communication, or power out conditions also include in Events. Recovery Testing is bassically use for the Confirms that the program recovers from expected or unexpected events without loss of data or functionality. Ques: 30 What is the Re-testing testing ? Ans: Retesting is bassically a a defines by name It is Again testing the functionality of the application. It executing the test scripts which was rasised as defects in earlier builds. It is a type of testing that is performed to check for the functionality of an application by using different inputs after the fix is done for the bugs that were recorded during the earlier testing Ques: 31 What is the Regression testing ? Ans: Regression Testing - Regression testing is the bassically use for Check that change in code have not effected the working functionality. Its a re-execution of selected testcases on modified build to ensure bug fix work completeness and correctness. Its testing after the fixing of defect as bug and solving it ,we test this bug whether it effects any thing in future. Its testing the bug encountered build once again after developing with same inputs. Its testing to make sure that there are no new bugs raised due to fixing one. regression testing follows retesting . Regression testing is of 3 types They are : > Unit regression testing > Partial Regression testing and > Complete regression testing. Ques: 32 What is Sanity Testing ? Ans: Sanity Testing is bassically a Brief test of major functional elements of a piece of software to determine if its basically operational. Its is defined as : > Teswt Engineer cover basic functionality of the buld to validate " whether the build is stable for complete testing or not".

> sanity testing is an Initial effort to check whether the application can be tested further without any interruption. Basic gui functionality,connectivity to database are concentrated here. > Tester conducts the Sanity test to ensure the stability of the application build.Tester finds weather the application build is stable for complete application or not. > A sanity test is a narrow regression test that focuses on one or a few areas of functionality. Sanity testing is usually narrow and deep. > A sanity test is usually unscripted. > A Sanity test is used to determine a small section of the application is still working after a minor change. > Sanity testing is a cursory testing; it is performed whenever a cursory testing is sufficient to prove the application is functioning according to specifications. This level of testing is a subset of regression testing. > Sanity testing is to verify whether requirements are met or not, checking all features breadthfirst. Ques: 33 What is Scalability Testing ? Ans: Scalability Testing is bassically use for testing , Its is a test designed to prove that both the functionality and the performance of a system will scale up to meet specified requirements. Its Performance testing focused on ensuring the application under test gracefully handles increases in work load. Ques: 34 What is Security Testing ? Ans: Secrurity Testing is bassically a Process to determine that an IS or Information System protects data and maintains functionality as intended. Testing which confirms that the program can restrict access to authorized personnel and that the authorized personnel can access the functions available to their security level. The six basic security concepts that need to be covered by security testing are : > Confidentiality, > Integrity, > Authentication, > Authorization, > Availability and > Non-repudiation. Ques: 35 What is Stress Testing ? Ans: Stress testing is a bassiclaly form of testing that is mainly used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. Stress testing may have a more specific meaning in certain industries. Ques: 36 What is Smoke Testing ? Ans: Smoke testing is bassically term used in plumbing, woodwind repair, electronics, computer software development, and the entertainment industry. Stress testing is a form of testing that is used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involves testing beyond normal operational capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. It mainly refers to the first test made after repairs or first assembly to provide some assurance that the system under

test will not catastrophically fail. After a smoke test proves that the pipes will not leak, the keys seal properly, the circuit will not burn, or the software will not crash outright, the assembly is ready for more stressful testing. Ques: 37 What is Soak Testing ? Ans: Soak testing involves testing a system with a significant load extended over a significant period of time, to discover how the system behaves under sustained use. Soak testing is bassically called as Endurance Testing.running a system at high levels of load for prolonged periods of time. A soak test would normally execute several times more transactions in an entire day or night than would be expected in a busy day, to identify any performance problems that appear after a large number of transactions have been executed. Its bassiclaly A quick-and-dirty test that the major functions of a piece of software work. Originated in the hardware testing practice of turning on a new piece of hardware for the first time and considering it a success if it does not catch on fire. Ques: 38 Whats the Usability testing ? Ans: Usability testing is mainly for user friendliness .Usability testing is bassically a technique, Which is used to evaluate a product by testing it on users. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usability practice, since it gives direct input on how real users use the system. This is in contrast with usability inspection methods where experts use different methods to evaluate a user interface without involving users. Ques: 39 Whats the User acceptance testing ? Ans: User acceptance testing (UAT) is a people-focused activity which helps confirm that your software application performs the required functionality while also meeting user requirements. This is especially critical for customer-facing software systems and products. User Acceptance Testing is bassically often the final step before rolling out the application. It is determining if software is satisfactory to an end-user or customer. It is usually a black box type of testing. In other words, the focus is on the functionality and the usability of the application rather than the technical aspects.The steps taken for User Acceptance Testing typically involve one or more of the following : > User Acceptance Test (UAT) Planning > Designing UA Test Cases > Selecting a Team that would execute the (UAT) Test Cases > Executing Test Cases > Documenting the Defects found during UAT > Resolving the issues/Bug Fixing > Sign Off. Ques: 40 Whats the Volume Testing ? Ans: Volume Testing bassically means the software with large volume of data in the database. It is belongs to the group of non-functional tests, which are often misunderstood and/or used interchangeably. Volume testing refers to testing a software application with a certain amount of data. We can perform the Volume testing, where the system is subjected to large volume of data. testing the software with heavy volumes of data. it is done to findout memory leaks and buffer overflows. It is the is the subset of stress testing.In the volume testing we increase the size of the

database to check the performance of the software. It is the application more then peak load, it was identify by grafh.

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