"After Art" - Gay Art Model Erotic Story (With Audio)

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After Art


Author: Robert Bergin Editor: Shannon Edwards Publication Date: 09.2011

It all started when I made the bold move to model for one of my universitys art classes, nude model that is. I figured, Hey, Im a senior. Ive already established my reputation. Why the hell not? After all, I was captain of the soccer team and had been with enough chicks to have also established the reputation of a ladies man, to say the least. Nude modeling was nothing, a no-brainer, and I certainly needed the extra cash the university was offering to shell out to anyone willing to do the job.
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So, my first day of posing for the class went well, no real problems. As I was a jock myself and tended to run with that crowd, I didnt know anyone in the class. They were more of the artsy type, if you know what I mean. None of the chicks really struck my fancy, so I knew that me pitching a tent by accident and getting really embarrassed was nothing I needed to worry about.
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I showed up next class ready to go. I had already changed into my cover up as the instructor called it, in other words my bathrobe, and was just shooting the shit with some of the not so cute chicks until the rest of the class arrived when he walked in. I had never seen him around campus before, but he was gorgeous. What was I thinking? I started to question myself. I am straight, I reminded myself over and over again.
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But he was the epitome of what chicks describe as tall, dark, and handsome; he truly was. His hair was jet black, and it fell down around his eyes. He was obviously going for that shaggy beach look, and it worked to say the least. His eyes were a deep hazel, and his smile was delicious. His shoulders were broad; I could tell he had a great back and abs just by the way he carried himself into the room. He must have been an athlete too, I thought. With a body like that he must hit the gym a lot.
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What is going on? I finally brought myself back to reality when I realized I was starting to get hard just looking at him.
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Ok everyone, The instructors voice sent me into a panic. I was hard as hell. Ready to get started? Michael, she continued despite my attempts to will her to cancel class for the day. Are you ready?
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Fuck! I panicked more and more. What was I going to do? This was beyond embarrassing. I had a stiffy in art class. What the fuck was going on with me?
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Uhhh, I stammered. Can I talk to you for just a minute first, I gathered my bearings. Im sorry, I had meant to before class, but I didnt see you come in earlier. I got up from my seat, grabbing the

pile of clothes that I desperately wished I was still wearing, and held them in front of my crotch as I walked over towards the instructors desk, thankfully in the corner. Oh sure Michael. The rest of you get your pads out and pencils sharpened. Were going to work on shading in particular today, so make sure you have different pencil grades ready to go. Also, make sure you all have your soft erasers. Tomorrow were going to use charcoal, so stick with your leads and graphites today please. I was beyond grateful for her distraction. It was almost as if she knew what happened. I was already sitting in the chair in front of her desk when she walked back over, Everything ok? You did so well yesterday. Im hoping that you havent had a change of heart and decided against this. I know its hard to get up there in front of the class and pose nude. Are you still ok with doing this? Thank God my erection had finally gone away. I dont know if it was the sudden panic that made me lose it, or if it was because the gorgeous guy was no longer in my sight range, but nevertheless it had gone away, and now more than ever I wanted to stick this out, even if it was just to look at him. Who was this guy? I wondered to myself again. Uhh no, Im ok. I stammered again. Make something up quick, I urged myself. I ummm was just wondering how many classes you were going to be needing me. No one had really specified to me the details before I started. Oh certainly, she nodded. We will be using you for 6 sessions, and you will be paid at the end of every class. I forgot last week dear, youll have to forgive me. I have two checks for you today after class is over. Okay, I said. Thanks. Nodding, she smiled and then looked up, That all? You ready now? Still in the clear I nodded yes, stood up, walked over to my perch as I liked to call it, and dropped my robe. Again, just like the first day, stifled giggles erupted from a few of the not so cute chicks. I didnt care though; I just needed to make sure I didnt get hard again thinking about the guy with black hair. I made it through classes three and four all right, with no accidental hard-ons that is. Thank God, I thought to myself after each of the classes had ended. Although I do have to say that the boy with black hair was still driving me wild. I had learned, through eavesdropping while standing up in front of the class, that he was a freshman and before coming to school he had been a skier, an alpine skier. So that explains his body, I thought to myself, and why I havent ever seen him around before. Every now and then I would think I caught him looking at me and feel a twinge of excitement, but as soon as I remembered he was looking at me, he was supposed to be drawing me in great detail, I came back down to earth. I still wanted him though, or rather I wanted to know where my fascination with him was coming from. I, of course, hadnt told any of my friends how I had been feeling and what I was thinking about doing to this kid, about him doing to me, but I couldnt get him, or it, out of my mind, and I found myself looking forward to each and every class. Class five came and went, again with no problems, but I found myself dreading class 6, and only because I knew it was the last one. But thats when it happened. Even to this day we laugh about it together, but it was one fucking incredible class. As the end of the hour and a half approached, all the students began packing up their pencils and erasers, neatly filing their sheets of me back into their portfolios. Everyone but John that is; I had learned his name by then. He stuck around and just kept sketching. I was getting excited at the prospect of being alone with him, but I was also freaking, knowing that if that were the case I might not be able to control myself. I didnt want to get hard in front of him and totally weird him out. All right boys, the instructor yelled from behind her desk. Im heading out. John, you almost done? Surely you have enough rough sketches to fill in the details without Michael actually being here. Im sure he has things to do this afternoon.

Yep almost, he answered her, looking up to give me a quick wink. What! my head almost exploded. Be out of here in one second. You can go ahead. Well lock the studio. Okay, see you tomorrow. Michael, your last check is right here, she indicated to her desk. Thank you again. You helped produce some wonderful pieces of art. No problem professor, I answered her, embarrassed as hell by this point. We both heard the door shut behind her, and then he spoke. Is that all you got? What! I replied, not knowing what he was getting at, but at this point hoping for the best. Its not very big. Excuse me? He was starting to piss me off, but just when I was about to lash out at him, he got up out of his chair, walked over to where I was standing, on my little modeling perch, and took my cock, which was already growing hard, in his hands. Thats better, he said, as he felt my cock start to harden. Ive seen the way you look at me during class, he continued. You straight boys always want what you cant have. It doesnt matter if its a man or a woman. If you know you cant have it, you want it. And I know that you want me. His authoritative tone was kind of pissing me off, but at the same time it made me more and more curious as to what it would be like to suck him off, or have him suck me off. Say you want me, and Im all yours. What? I gasped. This was getting weird, and I was getting turned on, even weirder for me. Tell me you want me. Admit it, and you can have me. Right here. But I couldnt say it. I just couldnt. He put his mouth on my cock and almost instantaneously it turned into a full-fledged, rock hard erection. He felt it happen within his lips and smiled, Say it. I still couldnt. I dont know if it was because I was in shock at what was happening, what he was doing and what I was allowing, or if it was because I just couldnt admit it to myself. Say it. He took more of me into his mouth and grabbed onto my shaft with his other hands. He began stroking my cock and sucking me off at the same time. No chick had ever given me 'head' like that before. Say it or Ill stop, he threatened. And when I didnt say anything he did stop. He even started to stand up and looked like he was ready to pack up his things and get out of there. Okay fine, I gave in. I want you. I have since the first day I saw you. I want you to keep sucking me off. I want to cum in your mouth. I want I blabbered away, but lucky for me he came to my rescue, taking me back into his mouth and stroking my shaft as he did so. There was pre cum oozing out of the tip of my cock, and I noticed he was hard too. I got down off my perch, and we pushed each other into the back room, me ripping off his clothes as we went. His dick was so hard, and I was surprised at how much I was fascinated by it. I took it in my hands and began to stroke it, slowly at first and then harder. Suck it, he commanded.

I was in no place to not comply, so I took him into my mouth. I liked the way he tasted; I liked the feel of him in my mouth. I began to move my head up and down his shaft, using my hands to play with his nuts and stroke his shaft. Thats it, he encouraged me. I sucked him hard until he exploded into my mouth. I did my best to swallow it all, but there was so much that some of it ran down my chin. I wiped it off with the back of my hand and just stared at him. I had no idea what to do next. He answered though, Your turn, and quickly placed his hand back on my cock, which was still rock hard. He moved his hand up and down, and reached around for my ass. Nothing could have prepared me for what he did next. No girlfriend of mind had ever gone near there. His face was smashed into my ass, his tongue doing things to me I never thought possible. Then, I felt him start to poke at my asshole. That is not going to happen, I thought to myself, realization of what I was doing slapping me in the face. But it felt so good, so fucking good; his finger was inside my ass now, fucking me. He stroked my cock and pounded my ass with his fingers harder and harder. Tell me you want me, he barked out. Say it. Say you want me to make you cum. I started to. By then I was completely at his mercy, but even so I couldnt finish the statement. I shot my load so hard my head spun from the sensation. It had never felt like that before, and I had been with a lot of chicks. So Im not completely done with my drawings yet, he broke the silence. Would you mind posing for me at my place later on this week. I want to make sure theyre all done by Monday. That was the first and only art class I decided to pose nude for, but one things for sure, a good piece of art really can inspire you to reach new levels!

To Your Gay and Bisexual Enjoyment, Shannon E.

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The End

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