Bulletin - December 25, 2011

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(St. Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) (December 25, 2011) (Insert Graphic 2107-0037.


The Nativity of the Lord

Gods plan of salvation for the world depended on a family. Jesus birth to Mary and Joseph was a surprise to them which required soul-searching, prayer, communication and commitment to cooperate with Gods challenging plan for their lives. Fortunately, they chose to say yes to God. This is the pattern for all families. All will encounter surprises. All will be challenged to trust Gods providence for the future. Gods grace and presence is what makes each family holy. In Him all things are possible. (Insert graphic 1106-0086)
362 Holy Hours were kept before our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration this past week. How long will St. Augustine's have Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration? It will last as long as Our Lord's love for us in the Blessed Sacrament lasts, which is forever. As long as Jesus loves us enough to want to be with us day and night, then we want to love Him enough to be with Him day and night. Want to be a part of the Adorers at St. Augustine? Please call Judy Soltis at 330- 212-0926, you can choose any hour that you want! (Insert Graphic 2404-0106.tif)

Barberton Area Community Ministries item for the Month of December is Potato Products, rice, noodles or box dinners. Please bring your donations when you come to Mass and place them in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, together we can help those less fortunate. Items will be delivered to BACM on Monday morning.
(Insert Graphic 2404-0088.tif) The next Coffee and Donuts will be served Sunday, January 15 following the 9:00 and 11:00am Masses. Hosts will be Wane & Mary Jo Goss, Lucina Roth and Pam Ciariariello. (Insert Graphic 2107-0072.tif) My Dear Parishioners: You may have noticed that our church bells had been silent for some time. The bells you now hear are a demo model on loan from Schulmerich Bells. Our Carillon was installed in 1985 by Fr. Clines through the generosity of several parishioners. The Carillon is currently beyond repair. There are no longer parts available to repair it. In addition, the last person who worked on our style of Carillon died a year and a half ago. Although we have many needs, the bells of St. Augustine are a part of our history. They are the voice of St. Augustine that speaks to the community of St. Augustine and beyond to the community of greater Barberton. The sound of the bells provides spiritual outreach that can be achieved in no other way. I am asking you to consider donating toward the purchase of a new Carillon as a memorial gift in memory of a loved one or in honor of a loved one. The sound of bells calling us to worship, striking the Westminster and Hour strike, tolling the death of a loved one, playing a daily hymn, calling us to pause in prayer, sounding the Angelus, or playing a seasonal hymn can enhance all seasons of the year and spread spiritual meaning in our church and community. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once said, For bells are the voice of the Church: they have tones that touch and search the hearts of young and old. Please contact the church office if you would like more information regarding the carillon. Christs Peace! Fr. David Majikas

Springtime of Hopes - item for the month of December is bar soap. Please place your donations inside the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, items will be picked up on Monday morning. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. For more information, please contact Greg Meier at 330-289-3987. ETHNIC DINNER ANYONE? A Parish Dinner is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, January 29, 2012. We are looking for a volunteer or several ladies to be responsible for the meal. Volunteers will also be needed to sell tickets for two weeks prior to the dinner, help with the setup, serve, and help with the cleanup. If you are interested in using your talents to serve our parish in this way, please call Karen (7450011). Thank you.

A retired couple from St. Augustine Parish is in need of simple home care one morning a week. If you are interested in serving and supplementing your income in this way, please call Diane at 330-848-1646.
A CHRISTMAS PRAYER: Come, Lord Jesus, Light of the World, Prince of Peace and Beloved Savior; come into our hearts this Christmas and fill us with Your gifts of love and joy. Thank You for gifting us with Your presence among us. With Mary and Joseph, we rejoice and thank God for You. With the angels and saints in heaven we sing, Glory to God in the highest. With the Magi and the shepherds we bow before You with hearts full of wonder. Dear Jesus, help us to follow You faithfully and to share the good news of Your coming with everyone we meet. Amen. The next VIRTUS training will be held Saturday, January 21, 2012 from 9:00-12:00 (noon) in the St. Augustine School Cafeteria. Anyone wishing to volunteer for St. Augustine School that is 18 years of age and older, must attend a training session. To register, please go online at www.virtus.org and follow the registration instructions. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080. (Insert Graphic 1900-0037.tif) Attention Youth Group Members: Mark your calendars; the next meeting will be Sunday, January 15 from 6-8:00pm in the cafeteria. Hope to see everyone there. Saint Monica Gift Shop is closed for the Christmas Season; it will open again on January 8, 2012. Thank you for your support during the Christmas Season. Happy New Year! (Insert Graphic 1103-0071.tif) For those preparing to have a child baptized in the near future, the next pre-baptism class will be offered on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 beginning at 7:00pm at St. Augustine and Tuesday, April 17 at Immaculate Conception beginning at 7:00pm; should you have any question, please contact St. Augustine at 330-7450011 or Immaculate Conception at 330-753-8429. Please remember to pray for our servicemen and women, both those who are active as well as those who are non-active. May they experience the protection of the Lord and rely on Him for their strength, peace and joy.

ATTENTION PSR FAMILIES: PSR Classes have ended for 2011, the next class will be Sunday, January 8, have a very Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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PRAY FOR THE SICK Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Karl Bartel, Jennifer Marco, Ruth Barker, Jacob Hurley, Donald Williams, Irene Lyle, Margaret Gardner, Mary White, Margaret Ford, Christopher Melody, Sue Gardner, Christopher Sanchez, Sharon Lohan, Kate Ligas, Albert Roth & Vada McNeal If you are in need of a financial statement from the parish for Income Tax purposes, please put a Large

X on your offertory envelope next to your name and a statement will be mailed to your home. All
contributions received into the office, postmarked by December 31, 2011 will be considered received for 2011 donations, anything after that will be considered 2012. Thank you!
(Insert Graphic 1300-0021.tif) Stewardship: Time, Talent & Treasure December 11 $ 8,729 $ 1,792 $ 10,491 $ $ $ $ $ 785 1,195 2,115 1,581 2,465

Sunday Offering Faith Direct Offering Total Offerings St. Vincent De Paul School Support Religious Retirement Immaculate Conception Christmas

Year to date Income Year to Date Expenses Difference

COMPARATIVE FIGURES December 11 11-12 10-11 $ 762,658 $687,159 $ 709,539 $683,575 $ 53,119 $ 3,584 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN $ 1,524,138 $ 79,843

Spent to date Amount on Deposit

Please note: St. Augustine Rectory will be closed Monday, December 26 and Monday January 2 to spend time with our families this Christmastime. There will not be confessions on the evenings of the 26 or the 2. Wishing everyone a very Blessed Christmas!

An elderly adult is looking for a ride to Mass on Sundays, anyone living near State Street that would be willing to help out, please contact 330-232-4788. GENERATIONS OF FAITH Join us on the Journey, Thursday, January 5, 2012 as we discover Noah and a Renewed Creation. Registration forms are available on the bookrack. Sessions will be held at Immaculate Conception Church Waldeisen Hall from 6-9:00pm, all are welcome to attend. Enjoy a meal from 6-6:30pm followed by the session. Come and See On Tuesday, January 3, Sister Mary Ann Wiesemann-Mills, OP will reflect on In Gods image: created as radical events of God at 7:00 p.m. at Blessed Trinity Church (formerly St. Martha) in Akron. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for small group discussion, including time for individual conversations with Sister Mary Ann. Everyone is welcome!

(Insert Graphic 2107-0009.tif) December 26 January 1 Monday, December 26 St. Stephen, First Martyr 6:30 Joseph Shabeck 12:05 Sachiko Benya NO CONFESSIONS Tuesday, December 27 St. John, Apostle & Evangelist 5:15 Mary (Anniversary) & John Herold Wednesday, December 28 The Holy Innocents, martyrs 6:30 Elizabeth (Jackie) Wargo 12:05 Judge John Judge Thursday, December 29 The Fifth Day in the Octave of Christmas 6:30 Joseph Shabeck Friday, December 30 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 6:30 Ruth Deibel Anniversary 12:05 Nicki Pope Saturday, December 31 The Seventh Day in the Octave of Christmas 8:30 Margaret Somerick 4:00 Agnes (Cornacchione) Fierro & Rosa Cornacchione Sunday, January 1 Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God 7:30 Michael Jerin Sr. 9:00 Hugh Royston Anniversary 11:00 Dorothy K. Reynolds 5:15 NO MASS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Readings for the Week of December 26 Acts 6:8-10;7:54-59, Ps 31:3cd-4,6 & 8ab,16bc & 17, Mt 10:17-22 1 Jn 1:1-4, Ps 97:1-2,5-6,11-12, Jn 20:1a,2-8 1 Jn 1:5-2:2, Ps 124:2-3,4-5,7b-8, Mt 2:13-18 1 Jn 2:3-11, Ps 96:1-2a,2b-3,5b-6, Lk 2:22-35 Sir 3:2-7,12-14 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17 Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22,39-40 or Gn 15:1-6;21:1-3 or Heb 11:8,11-12,17-19, Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22,39-40 1Jn 2:18-21, Ps 96:1-2,11-12,13, Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27, Ps 67:2-3,5,6,8, Gal 4:4-7, Lk 2:16-21

The St. Augustine Car Raffle is in full swing.Would you like to be the next cash prize winner? To
be included in the next drawing, simply sell your 10 raffle tickets and return the stubs and raffle money to the school office or parish rectory. Once you sell 10 tickets, your name is entered into all of the early bird drawings through May 2012. Increase your odds, every time you sell an additional 10 tickets. At present, the car raffle has earned $10,820.00 for our school. Thank you for your generous support.

RETROUVAILLE WEEKEND JANUARY 2012 Someone once said marriages may be made in heaven, but they sure take a lot of work on earth. Have you become so distracted by outside pressures that you have neglected your spouse? Retrouvaille (Help our Marriage) can help you put your marriage back on track. The next Cleveland Retrouvaille weekend will be held on Jan 13-15 at the Cleveland Hilton Inn Beachwood. A registration fee of $150 is requested to confirm a reservation. For information concerning the program, or to register, contact Al or Diane Miskinis at (330) 665-3506 or 1-800-470-2230. You may also learn about Retrouvaille at www.helpourmarriage.com.
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