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Name : NURHASYANAH Nim : 10535 4139 09

Class : V H

ASSALAMUALAIKUM WARRAHMATULLAHI WABARAKATUH. In the name of Allah the beneficent and the merciful. Praise be to Allah, the God who permits the good things, those are food, beverage and fragrances. He expressly probohits us to concumen every nauseating, intoxicating and reason-destroying thing. I bear witness that there is not God but Allah, no partners with him. I also bear witness that Muhammad SAW is His devotee and messenger. May peace and blessings be upon Muhammad SAW, His family and His followed. Amma badu Moslem Brothers and Sisters! Do you drug? Well, drug is actual issue and very popular for us. So that, in this occasion, Id like to present the topic about THE DANGER OF DRUGS Allah said in the Glorious Al-Quran: Yaa ayyuhalladziina aamanuu kuluumintoyyibaa maa rojaqnaakum wasykuruulillahi inkuntum iyyahutabuduuna. O who believe! Eat of the good things that we have provided for you and be grateful to Allah, if it is Him worship (Al-Baqarah: 172). Nowdays many people especially young generation are addicted in drug. If we dont have good protection to care ourselves well join them. So I appeal you all lets protect ourselves from drug. My dear friends!

We need to know that drug is our enemy. Because of drug well lose our future and drug well kill ourselves gradully. Once again because of drug well be useless people and will send us to the hell soon. Ladies and gentlement! We often watch televion, newspapers, and radio exposing that people who consumen drug, they are caught by the police and break the law especially its forbidden by our religion. Because of that, keep away from the drugs. Of course, we can avoid it by spending our leisure with the meaningful and positive activities, such as taking courses, joining sport club, activating in the youth organization, learning religion and so on. Once again, my beloved friends especially the students of uneversity. We as the young generation must face the future with the full enthusiasm. So we have to say no drug. Trust to me, well have a good and happy future without drug. Happy brothers and sisters! Before I close my speech, let me conclude that: First, drug will make our life so bad and miserable so that we have to say no way for drug. Second, we have to make friends who have good personality. Third, we have to spend our leisure time with the positive activities. Thats all about my speech, I apologize for any mistake from me. And thank you very much for attention. Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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