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Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) - 10

LIST OF ATTEMPTED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Who identify the manner in which the organisation will carry out mission? Correct Answer Value and beliefs Your Answer Vision Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Behaviour of Critic is :Correct Answer Open Your Answer Destructive Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Types of Resisting Behaviour are :Correct Answer Terrorist , Critic , Skeptic Your Answer Terrorist , Critic , Skeptic Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Areas of Productivity Increase are :Correct Answer Quality , Quantity , Rejection Level Your Answer Quality , IT , Quantity Select The Blank Question High success potentials flip side is called as ________. Correct Answer High project risk Your Answer High project risk Select The Blank Question ________ weigh the efficiency and productivity by characteristics of a process. Correct Answer PCM Your Answer CTS True/False Question During implementation of re-engineered processes, top management should provide a support. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer MIS Management Information System Management Information System Role A Strong Facilitator Strong Facilitator Role B Team Member Team Member Role C Subject Expert Subject Expert True/False Question For successful implementation of ERP, it is necessary to carry out business process re-engineering in the organization to derive full advantage from the ERP system. Correct Answer True

Your Answer True Select The Blank Question A strong facilitator & experienced practitioner who brings the methodology with him is ________. Correct Answer Role A Your Answer Role A Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various Types of Risks are :Correct Answer Technical , Financial , Functional Your Answer Technical , Financial , Functional True/False Question The skeptic demonstrates a similar behaviour to the critic. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question A business process re-engineering model has main activities as :Correct Answer Business Definition , Process Identification , Process Evaluation Your Answer Business Definition , Process Identification , Process Evaluation Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Saboteur Behaviour Extremely Negative Extremely Negative Critic Behaviour Open Communication Open Communication Skeptic Brhaviour Similar to Critic Similar to Critic Terrorist Behaviour Warns Everybody Warns Everybody True/False Question The Terrorists seems to constantly warn everybody regarding a negative outcome of the project. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Business Processes are set of activities that transform a set of inputs into set of outputs using people & tool. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question IT applications to improve business process are :Correct Answer In supporting product development process , In supporting order fulfillment process , In supporting logistical process Your Answer In supporting product development process , In supporting order fulfillment process , In supporting logistical process Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question BPR is required for which type of company? Correct Answer Manufacturing , IT , Process Your Answer Manufacturing , IT , All Departments

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following points are considered for similarities between reengineering and continuous improvement? Correct Answer Time investment , Organizational change Your Answer Time investment , Organizational change Select The Blank Question ________ is considered as point of similarity between re-engineering & continuous improvement project. Correct Answer Organizational Change Your Answer Organizational Change Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Surveys, annual report, interviews are potential sources for identifying :Correct Answer Future vision Your Answer Market research True/False Question Empowered employees can take decisions with speed. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Who governs the conduct in an organization? Correct Answer Beliefs , Values Your Answer Values , Beliefs Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Integrated Information Systems built to meet the Information & Decision needs of all the functional units of an enterprise is referred as :Correct Answer ERP Your Answer ERP Select The Blank Question In a Re-engineering project the Third phase is ________. Correct Answer Creating vision for new process Your Answer Creating vision for new process True/False Question The software selection process may not involve errors of project content & project management. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Research activity is a ________ process. Correct Answer Knowledge based Your Answer Knowledge based Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Who are located within the organisation? Correct Answer Internal customers Your Answer Internal customers

Select The Blank Question Financial Year in India ends on ________. Correct Answer 31st March Your Answer 31st March Select The Blank Question ________ is the starting point for process reengineering efforts. Correct Answer Customer identification Your Answer Customer identification Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The BPR activities are used in conjunction with :Correct Answer Workflow Analysis Your Answer Workflow Analysis True/False Question A completely new computer application system need not be tested thoroughly. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question Based on the feedback from the prototype, the business process is not redefined & the instantiated within a business system. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Select The Blank Question In BPR, you can manage E-Processes through ________. Correct Answer E-Commerce Your Answer E-Commerce Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Vision statement is a :Correct Answer Framework that guides to choice that determine the nature & direction of an organisation. Your Answer Statement that defines the cause of existence of an organisation True/False Question Work should be broadened without sacrificing depth of expertise in strategic areas. Correct Answer False Your Answer True True/False Question The Information Technology cannot be faulty at all. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Continuous improvement process consists of :Correct Answer Documentation of existing process , Establishing the measures , Carrying the process Your Answer Establishing the measures , Carrying the process , Learning from others

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Critical Success factor in business are :Correct Answer Cost reduction , Quality enhancement , Service improvement Your Answer Cost reduction , Quality enhancement , Service improvement Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Managing E-Processes consists of :Correct Answer ERP , E-Commerce , E-Governance Your Answer ERP , E-Commerce , E-Governance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Critical questions are to be answered while formulating the :Correct Answer Vision statement Your Answer Mission statement True/False Question Process orientation organize companies around their processes. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Select The Blank Question Internal Resistance is ________ Correct Answer Manager Your Answer Manager Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Incremental change in the process is:Correct Answer Process Simplification Your Answer Continuous improvement Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which process is not dominant in Business Process Re-engineering? Correct Answer Product development Your Answer Delivery of goods Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Barriers which are related People Problems are called as :Correct Answer Soft Barriers Your Answer Soft Barriers Multiple Choice Single Answer Question QMS means :Correct Answer Quality Management System Your Answer Quality Management System

Business Process Re-Engineering - 9

Select The Blank Question ________ BPR methodology has a source as a "Vsens". Correct Answer Kodak Your Answer Hammer/Champy

True/False Question Not to Capture information digitally at the source & propagate it through the process is Digitize & Propagate Principle. Correct Answer False Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question During Design Phase, the Top Management should :Correct Answer Listen , Respond , Feedback Your Answer Listen , Respond , Feedback Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are organizational attributes? Correct Answer Mission , Vision Your Answer Mission , Vision True/False Question The Business Re-engineering project does not require a new culture. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question EPC represents an event which triggers of a set of the functions & functions culminate in events & so on. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question From a process view point, highest priority in an organization is given to : Correct Answer Satisfaction of customer Your Answer Satisfaction of customer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question MRP II is associated with :Correct Answer Men , Machine , Material Your Answer Men , Machine , Material True/False Question Customer identification is an end of process re-engineering efforts. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following activity is not included in planning phase of re-engineering project? Correct Answer Conducting benchmarking Your Answer Conducting benchmarking Select The Blank Question Hard Barrier example could be ________. Correct Answer Legal Obstacles Your Answer Legal Obstacles

Select The Blank Question Print Media Clippings are produced by ________ Correct Answer Media Partners Your Answer Media Partners True/False Question Organization has both internal & external customers. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Keep the other Senior Managers & stake-holders informed about :Correct Answer Project , Status , Obstacles Your Answer Status , Obstacles Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Sales and manufacturing business process covers :Correct Answer Market/Marketing research , Stimulation of end users interest , Developing customers partnership Your Answer Market/Marketing research , Stimulation of end users interest , Developing customers partnership Select The Blank Question ________ quantity the response and cycle time characteristics of a process. Correct Answer PTM Your Answer PTM Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Internal Individual resistance describes :Correct Answer People Behaviour Your Answer People Behaviour Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The BPR principles state that when an inspector is inspecting goods the inspection report should be :Correct Answer Made by the inspector himself to eliminate the probability of errors Your Answer Made by the inspector himself to eliminate the probability of errors Select The Blank Question Activities performed by top management level are called as ________ activities Correct Answer Strategic Your Answer Strategic Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Pitfalls of ERP implementation are :Correct Answer Longer Implementation Times , Communication Gap , Inability to support continuous improvement & change management Your Answer Longer Implementation Times , Communication Gap , Inability to support continuous improvement & change management Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Political Risks People Resistance People Resistance

Financial Risks ROI ROI Technical Risks IT Solution IT Solution Functional Risks Organization Resistance Organization Resistance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In a continuous process improvement mode 4th step is Correct Answer Measure the performance Your Answer Measure the performance Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Process orientation means :Correct Answer Organizing companies around their processes Your Answer Organizing companies around their processes Select The Blank Question ________ is the operational process. Correct Answer Procurement of raw material Your Answer Procurement of raw material Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Micro level reengineering deals in relation to time frame which is :Correct Answer Short Your Answer Short Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following activity is included in planning phase of re-engineering project? Correct Answer Defining scope and boundaries of project Your Answer Defining scope and boundaries of project Select The Blank Question In Kaizen, focus is on ________ Improvement. Correct Answer Continuous Your Answer Continuous Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Characteristics of operational information systems are :Correct Answer Information is generated regularly/repeatedly. , Information is in very detailed form , Source of data is internal Your Answer Information is generated regularly/repeatedly. , Information is in very detailed form , Source of data is internal Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Who governs the conduct in an organization? Correct Answer Values , Beliefs Your Answer Values , Beliefs Select The Blank Question ________ BPR methodology has a source as "Academics". Correct Answer Daven port Your Answer Daven port True/False

Question The process matrix illustrates process and information system dependencies. Correct Answer False Your Answer False True/False Question Process orientation organize companies around their processes. Correct Answer True Your Answer True True/False Question Former experiences with the organizational projects forms the behaviour of people. Correct Answer True Your Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Only one Group consisting of representatives from purchase, manufacturing, operation, finance etc. is :Correct Answer Single Entity Your Answer Multiple Entity Select The Blank Question In BPR, you can manage E-Processes through ________. Correct Answer E-Commerce Your Answer E-Commerce Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Reducing lead time is related to :Correct Answer Procurement Process Your Answer Procurement Process Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Project does not yield the high ROI expected is termed as :Correct Answer Financial Risk Your Answer Financial Risk Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which activity is performed during second phase analysis of re-engineering project? Correct Answer Conducting benchmarking Your Answer Conducting benchmarking Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Due to long-term implementation of strategic plan, leader has to guard against :Correct Answer Frustration , Waning of enthusiasm , Commitment Your Answer Frustration , Waning of enthusiasm True/False Question The fourth step in business system planning is the development of process map. Correct Answer False Your Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question MIS stands for :Correct Answer Management Information System Your Answer Management Information System Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Continuous improvement process consists of :Correct Answer Documentation of existing process , Establishing the measures , Carrying the process Your Answer Documentation of existing process , Establishing the measures , Carrying the process Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The results of SWOT analysis are used to develop :Correct Answer Breakthrough objectives in strategic plan , Business plan , Process reengineering plan Your Answer Breakthrough objectives in strategic plan , Business plan , Process reengineering plan Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following points are considered for similarities between reengineering and continuous improvement? Correct Answer Time investment , Organizational change Your Answer Time investment , Organizational change Select The Blank Question The view which integrates all views & also imparts the logic dynamics of a process is called ________. Correct Answer Control View Your Answer Organization View Select The Blank Question The process of ordering from a supplier is called as ________ process. Correct Answer Interorganised Your Answer Interorganised

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