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Mu i r H e r i t a g e L a n d t r u s t
By Sherida Bush
Message from the
Executive Director
Dear Land Trust Supporters,

Welcome to Keep It Wild,
the Muir Heritage Land Trusts
five-year campaign to raise
$8.5 million needed to purchase,
restore and maintain key open
space in Contra Costa County.
As you know, in 2009 MHLT
will mark its 20th year as a
nonprofit organization working
to ensure a lasting quality of life
for future generations through
the preservation and stewardship
of local natural areas. In prelude
to that very important anniversary,
please join me this November 4,
by going to the polls and voting
Yes on Measure WW. If Measure
WW is approved by the voters,
the extended park bond will be
used during the next 20 years,
to restore urban creeks, purchase
and save additional open space,
wetlands, and bay shoreline. On
behalf of the entire Muir Heritage
Land Trust family, thank you for
your Yes vote on WW and for
your partnership in helping us
Keep It Wild. I continue to
be amazed at the passion and
generosity of our supporters.
Thank you once again for
allowing me the honor and
privilege of being part of this
great organization.
Linus Eukel
Executive Director
atch air-filled bones and
near-weightless feathers conquer
gravity as a bird takes wing. See
tiny lizards zoom faster than seems possible.
Hear the rustle of hooves in dry leaves.
Breathe in the earthy aroma and feel
warm air leave your lungs to mingle
in frosty dampness. Work to keep these
experiences alive. Keep It Wild.
Life and living things can be
indescribably beautiful. The design
of those wings, the elegance of those
hooves, the feeling of
being a part of it all can
overwhelm when we stop to
observe and appreciate them.
And when we do, we want
them all to continue forever,
to be there for the future.
The Muir Heritage
Land Trusts most important
and visible reason for being
is to accomplish just that
to acquire our most wonder-
ful open spaces and preserve
them for the future. A simple
idea, resting on so much that isnt simple.
Not unlike those fascinating wing
feathers, which overlap and interlock, shine
in both dull and iridescent colors, are so
light yet incredibly strong, the Land Trust
is more complex than first appears. Our
work relies on a balance of efficiency
and inspiration. Efficiency is ingrained,
necessarywith limited resources, we
have to be efficient. Inspiration in the
face of day-to-day tasks and hard work
can be more elusive. Yet it is always
Keep It Wild continues on page 2
ouve seen them, most likelythe
hills rising beyond the Franklin
Canyon Golf Course south of
Highway 4, saturated in deep greens, pale
golds and subtle browns. For those driving
by, they look to be part of the pastwild,
intriguing and impenetrable.
For nearly two decades, the fate of
this land was uncertain, its future plotted
on developers maps and drawings, and
recounted in endless city reports. As the
propertys future was tugged in one
direction, it was wrestled back in another.
Now, at last, a happy ending is in sight.
We have signed a purchase agreement
for Franklin Canyon423 acres of
gorgeous open space and critical wildlife
habitat. With this purchase, the land will
remain the undisturbed home of native
and threatened species of plants and animals.
The watershed and riparian areas will be
protected. And the area could close a
critical gap in the 550-mile Bay Area
Ridge Trail, for those who crave a calm,
beautiful place to unwind in the outdoors.
Franklin Canyon is the first action
of our Keep It Wild Campaign (see article,
this page). The property represents a
Franklin Canyon continues on page 4
Photo: Paul Garber
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 2
renewed with the hope of a new
acquisition, the discovery of a rare
creature on one of our protected lands,
the support of so many people and the
energy created by our shared vision.
Our Keep It Wild Campaign, which
we introduced at the Fresh Aire Affaire in
August, is an ambitious, comprehensive
effort to protect our endangered wild
lands. We plan to raise $8.5 million over
the next five years, be inspired and inspire
others with what it will mean for our
community. Our goals and the ability to
achieve them are powered by engaging
each of our partnersyou, our members,
our volunteers and public and private
organizations of all kindsin the future
of our local wild places.
The success of Keep It Wild, in a
curious twist of the expected, lies to a
great extent in intangibles. Keep It Wild
is an investment in a lasting quality of
life, and in helping each generation
understand the importance of our local
natural resources. If the Land Trust is to
remain strong, our work both rests on and
creates an investment in this continuity.
When we think of our countrys
most venerable institutions of education,
our most precious historical monuments,
our most recognizable landmarks,
we know they are more than their
physical presencethey represent an
ongoing acknowledgment of whats
important. The Keep It Wild Campaign
aims to enlist this same understanding
that preserving whats important is a
part of our belief in continuity, our hope
for the future. A successful Keep It Wild
Campaign will assure that a
growing number of our nearby
natural treasures will always
be there, and that each of us
feels the power of a shared
understanding. This continuity
is the framework that will
Keep It Wild continued from page 1
keep The Land Trust working for many
more tomorrows.
Without question, the Land Trusts
work is an investment in the future, said
Land Trust Executive Director Linus
Eukel, and the Keep It Wild Campaign
is essential to that work. Its like sending
a contribution to a beloved alma mater.
Youre supporting more than buildings,
he said. Youre supporting the students,
the future of education, and even a better
society to live in.
The Land Trust is the only private
land preservation organization working
in our area of interest, which is a corridor
west of Interstate 680, roughly bordered
by the upper San Leandro watershed to
the south, Tilden Park to the west, and
Pacheco Marsh to the north (see map
on page 5). We work collaboratively with
other land preservation organizations
working in regions near ours, such as
the Brentwood Agricultural Land Trust,
Save Mount Diablo and the Tri-Valley
Our first project under the Keep It
Wild banner is the planned acquisition
of 423 acres of Franklin Canyon property
(see cover article). This is exciting news
for those who have followed the proposed
plans for massive development of the land
since 1990. We now have the opportunity
to permanently protect this spectacular
open space.
For Franklin Canyon as well as all
of our acquisitions, the cost of purchasing
the property is just part of the funding
needed to sustain a project. Support for
restoration and continued stewardship
of habitat are crucial, as is providing safe
access for the public and enjoyable trails.
We also strive to help both children and
adults understand and be inspired by the
legacy we are creating together.
This legacy relies in part on the voters
who support the public funding of open
space, who understand the hope imbedded
in preserving our best wild places. Public
funding gives voters a way to invest in
their future, and allows us to complete our
goals. An example is Proposition 40, which
voters approved in 2002. This proposition
funded our most recent grant of $515,000
from the California Coastal Conservancy
(see article on page 8).
One of our valued partners, the East
Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), has
Mui r He ri tage
Land trus t
P.O. Box 2452
Martinez, CA 94553
925-228-5460 925-372-5460 fax
Linus Eukel
Executive Director
Suzanne Jones
Land Program Manager
Beth Pardieck
Stewardship Manager
Ellen Visser
Outreach Coordinator
Johna Winters
Administrative Manager
of directors
Ken Fischer
Donn Walklet
Vice Chair
Ann Cormack
Louis E. Stoddard
Bob Aston
Peter Colby
Paul Craig
Denis Huston
Mark Wilson
Linus Eukel
Sherida Bush
Linus Eukel
Suzanne Jones
Beth Pardieck
Ellen Visser
Johna Winters
Mount Diablo sunflower


mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 3
placed Measure WW on the ballot this
November to extend Measure AA, which
voters passed 20 years ago. Measure AA
funds were used to help preserve 34,000
acres of open space, develop more than
100 miles of trails, and fund hundreds
of local parks and recreation projects.
If it passes, Measure WW will continue
to save open space, protect and restore
natural habitat, allocate funds to each
city in its service area and much more.
EBRPDs continued strength will assist
in our goals as well; both organizations
working together can leverage cooperative
efforts on behalf of our local wild places.
The wild places the Land Trust
protects are irreplaceable homes for the
animals and plants who live on them. We
are concerned about the species whose
populations have plummeted in recent
years, whose existence is in question. The
Land Trusts protected lands, along with
Franklin Canyon, are the confirmed
homes for many special status (endangered
or threatened) species. These plant and
animal species need more than isolated
pockets of habitat, and ensuring their
survival is a race with time.
Tales from long-time residents of
the area can be unsettling. We hear stories
of the super speedy Alameda whipsnake
(a state and federally threatened species),
being abundant in the area just a couple
of generations ago. Locals called them
striped racers or just racers. Children
at play would catch them when they
couldnot an easy feat. One of the
fastest snakes around, these creatures once
had lots of room to roam. Today, spotting
one is a rare event. From commonly to
scarcely seen in so short a time.
Like the Alameda whipsnake, many
species are in trouble. Yet we also need to
protect our native species before they are
in distress, before they are struggling to
survive. Preserving their shrinking habitat
is the best chance we have to make sure
they dont disappear forever.
The Keep It Wild Campaign will
give us the opportunity to acquire the
highly valued lands among usthe
unspoiled open space, crucial habitat,
and the life-giving natural resources they
possess. Resources that provide a clean
and healthy environmentnot just for
the animals and plants that live there
but for the people who live near them,
work near them, and love to escape into
the beautiful outdoors.
It is in the nature of green things to
grow and fade, creatures to bring others
of their kind into the world, skies to
sculpt landscapes with wind and water.
Living land is always changing, yet the
foundation for all this change is the land
we protect and our desire to be a part of
such continuity. Only if we succeed will
children today be able to show these
timeless processes to their grandchildren,
to let them connect with the earth and
enjoy its indescribable pleasures. This is
the essence of Keep It Wild.

Extension of Regional Open Space,Wildlife, Shoreline and Parks Bond
The East Bay Regional Park District
Board of Directors voted to place a $500
million park bond extension measure on
the November 4, 2008 ballot. This measure
is an extension of Measure AA, passed by
East Bay voters 20 years ago, that helped
preserve 34,000 acres of open space,
develop over 100 miles of new trails,
and fund hundreds of local parks and
recreation projects. While much has been
accomplished, the growing East Bay
population further increases the need for
acquiring new parklands, protecting and
restoring natural habitat, and helping
communities with their local park and
recreation facilities. If approved by the
voters, Measure WW will be used to
continue to restore urban creeks; protect
wildlife; purchase and save open space,
wetlands, and bay shoreline; and acquire,
develop, and improve local and regional
parks, trails, and recreational facilities
close to home for East Bay residents.
Measure WW will not increase our
tax rate, it simply retains the current tax
rate set by the 1988 bond measure of a
maximum of $10 per year per $100,000
assessed valuation (A homeowner will
pay $40 a year for a home assessed at
$400,000, maintaining the current rate.)
For more information see
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 4
spectacular acquisition to begin this
five-year effort to protect our local
endangered wild places.
The Franklin Canyon property is
adjacent to the Land Trusts 702-acre
Fernandez Ranch, so adding this
acquisition will preserve 1,125 acres of
contiguous open space. The purchase will
help protect important riparian areas for
both Rodeo Creek and Refugio Creek.
When Franklin Canyon is added to
Fernandez Ranch, the Muir Heritage
Land Trust will own nearly one-fifth
of the Rodeo Creek watershed.
We can only begin to understand
what preserving this land means to all
of the animals, trees and plants that live
there. Habitat fragmentation is a serious
threat to the survival of native, threatened
and endangered species. Providing this
unbroken habitat and undisturbed
watershed will be an immense step
in protecting local wildlife.
One creature that dwells in Franklin
Canyon is the California red-legged frog
(federally listed as threatened), who likes
to hang out in ponds and riparian areas.
The amphibian was once abundant
throughout the county and beyond. As the
west was settled, the frog became a popular
food source, its habitat dwindled, and the
predatory bullfrog was introduced into the
ecosystem. As with many species before it,
the population of this creature declined.
Yet this little animal continues to live on
a patch of earth in Franklin Canyona
celebrity of sortsand now has the hope
of flourishing undisturbed on the 156
acres of red-legged frog habitat identified
on the property.
The red-legged frog is just one of
many species in jeopardy that lives on
Franklin Canyon. The entire property
is designated as critical habitat for the
Alameda whipsnake. This reptile, also
federally listed as threatened, lives near
rock piles and scrub. Thats where it often
finds its favorite food, the western fence
lizard (featured in our last newsletter). The
speedy whipsnake may travel considerable
distanceshome ranges of up to 20 acres
have been recordedover grasslands and
other terrain in search of food and mates
(see article on page 9).
The western pond turtle cools itself
near Rodeo Creek on Franklin Canyon.
Federally listed as a species of concern, this
Franklin Canyon continued from page 1
animal is not only losing habitat, its losing
the battle with a non-native competitor,
the red-eared slider turtle.
Coopers hawks (a California species
of special concern) and red-tailed hawks
are known to nest on the property, and
nesting habitat on the land is suitable
for a number of raptors, such as the great
horned owl, American kestrel, sharp-
shinned hawk, marsh hawk, white-tailed
kite, and loggerhead shrike. Golden eagles
forage in the open grasslands.
Freshwater seeps in grasslands supply
important sources of water for birds and
mammals during the dry summer months.
Plant communities on the land include
oak-bay woodlands, riparian scrub, coyote
brush scrub, and grasslands. Coast live oaks
and California bays form dense stands on
the property. Other trees include valley
oaks, California buckeye, black oak and
elderberry. When nearly 3,000 trees were
surveyed, representing only a portion of
the total trees, more than nine percent
had a diameter greater than three feet.
The Mount Diablo sunflower unfurls
its bright yellow flowers in sunny spots on
higher elevations of the property. This rare
native plant prefers the open grasslands
on the edge of oak-bay woodlands on
Franklin Canyon.
The number and diversity of living
things on the land caught the eye of con-
cerned citizens back in 1990 when they
learned about the scale of the proposed
developments. So began the clash of two
visions for the future of Franklin Canyon.
The land is part of the City of
Hercules, and is bordered on the south
and east by undeveloped properties that
are part of the Briones Hills Agricultural
Preservation Area, including the Land
Trusts Fernandez Ranch. The area drew
regional interest, due to its scenic value
and diversity as a natural resource.
The City of Hercules approved
project applications in 1990 to build 1,156
housing units, a 200-300 room resort and
golf course improvements on the land.
Although the first proposal was still
pending, Hercules approved a general
plan amendment and proposal allowing
822 units in 1992. Citizens, labor
organizations and the environmental
community launched a referendum to
put Measure G on the ballot. Hercules
voters passed the measure, overturning
both the general plan amendment and
With your support, the
Muir Heritage Land Trust has
been fulfilling its promise to
preserve our communitys
natural heritage since 1989.
One important way you can
continue to help provide a
solid foundation for our
sustained conservation efforts
is through the donation of
a planned gift. Giving to the
Muir Heritage Land Trust in
any way has an enormously
positive impact on the life of
our community. As the Land
Trust continues to reach out
to the future, we hope you
will consider the benefits
of planned giving. Contact
Linus Eukel at 925-228-5460
for more information.


mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 5
822-unit project. In 1994, the golf course
was removed from the proposed project
site by Hercules and Contra Costa County.
The most recent development
proposal included more than 500
houses, a hotel, offices and stores on
483 acres. That project would have
required extensive grading (moving 5.5
million yards of earth), removing 3,000
oak trees and the destruction of 273
acres of habitat. The developer began
an environmental impact report (EIR),
necessitated by CEQA (California
Environmental Quality Act). The EIR,
completed in 2002, is a ponderous
document. Page after page identifies the
unavoidable impacts the project would
have on the land, the animals, the
plants, the watershed.
Concerned about these impacts,
citizens advocated limiting development
and providing more protections for
ecologically sensitive areas. They created
a ballot initiative, Measure M, to let the
voters decide. The measure proposed a
40-acre minimum parcel size with one
single-family residence per parcel. The
provisions permitted some types of
agricultural uses as well. The initiative
described the property as providing
watershed, wild animal and plant
habitat, recreation, beautiful views,
proximity to nature, and a striking,
peaceful, rural contrast to the heavily
built-up parts of the City. Measure
M passed in 2004.
Although Measure M put significant
restrictions on development of the land,
the vision is unfinished. The impacts of
even limited development are not clear.
Also, the land still remains in private
ownership and is cut off from the public,
including the residents of Hercules.
The Land Trust plans to complete
the story. We have signed a sales agreement
to buy the property and have two years
to make the sale final. To do that, we
must raise the $1.8 million purchase
price, and another $700,000 for costs
associated with the sale, and to establish
a fund for restoration, stewardship and
organizational support.
Sixty of the 483 acres that were part
of the most recent development proposal
are not part of the Land Trusts acquisition,
but remain subject to the provisions of
Measure M.
Once we raise the needed funds,
and the property is under Land Trust
ownership, we can begin plans to bring
the public to the land. Visitors will one
day experience the unsurpassed views
from the hilltops, feel refreshed under
the cooling tree canopies, and enjoy the
discovery of a captivating critter or two.
The Land Trust staff and board of
directors are proud to be a part of the
vision that protects this landthis fertile
watershed, essential habitat, and delightful
open spacenow and for generations
to come.
Franklin Canyon
MHLT Property
MHLT Planning Corridors
San Leandro
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 6
Los Lomas High School graduate
Liz King spent her 21
birthday this past
spring giving back to her community.
She grew up running and hiking
everyday in the open spaces of the East
Bay and believes they are a big part of
what makes our region so special. Since
others before her have worked hard to
preserve the land she enjoys, she wanted
to give back to ensure future generations
have the same opportunity.
In addition to a fundraiser Liz
organized in 2004 that raised $2,000 for
the Dutra Ranch acquisition, this years
birthday party attracted more than 100
guests and raised over $2,100 for MHLT.
Thanks again to Liz and her entire
family for taking the initiative to
support the Land Trusts work.
Liz King with Beth Pardieck,
Stewardship Manager,
Muir Heritage Land Trust
Liz King hiking at Fernandez Ranch
Fresh Aire Affaire auction winner and
Land Trust supporter Valerie Sheaff took
a lively group of hiking friends up to Sky
Ranch this past April to enjoy beautiful
scenery and find out more about local
land preservation. The event was hosted
by Doug McConnell of OpenRoad.TV
and MHLT. John Muirs great grandson,
Michael Muir of Access Adventure, took
participants on horse-drawn carriage
Sky Ranch tour participants with Doug McConnell of OpenRoad.TV (fifth from right)
and Pat OBrien of EBRPD (far right)
Michael Muirs Access Adventure
rides and spoke of the special experience
of being on the lands where his great
grandfather walked. Hikers discovered the
new Tina Batt Trail and talked with Pat
OBrien, General Manager of the East Bay
Regional Park District about the regional
importance of preserving open space.
Watch the video at
Hiking the
Tina Batt
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 7
MHLT, in partnership with The
Leukemia & Lymphoma Societys Hike
For Discovery Program, the John Muir
Association and the National Park Service,
hosted an Earth Day hike on the beautiful
325-acre Mt. Wanda preserve. Participants
learned about the history of the moun-
tain named after John Muirs daughter;
the Hike for Discovery Program; Muir
Heritage Land Trust preserved lands; and
about progress on the Bay Area Ridge
Trail. After refreshments, everyone gathered
to enjoy the John Muir Birthday - Earth
Day Celebration and to find out about
exciting environmental activities
happening in our community.
Land Trust volunteers convened in
early April to steward the newly-built
Tina Batt Trail. Constructed in the
spring of 07 by more than 300
volunteers, this beautiful 2-mile
winding trail has views of the
Carquinez Strait and Mt. Diablo.
The volunteer crew used classic
trail building tools to sculpt and
maintain the trail. Environmental
Studies Academy students and families
helped with the project and offered
a tour of their restoration activities
on the ranch.
The Nature Trail on Mount Wanda

Volunteers maintain the Tina Batt Trail
This past May, more than 80 people
enjoyed an evening outdoors on Fernandez
Ranch. As the heat subsided and a cool
breeze creeped in off the bay, MHLTs
Stewardship Manager Beth Pardieck led
a guided tour of the property and spoke
about restoration plans in progress for
the ranch. After refreshments, the Mount
Diablo Astronomical Society set up their
amazing telescopes and took participants
on a fascinating tour of the night sky.
Hikers explore Fernandez Ranch
Environmental Studies Academy
restoration project signage
Stargazing participants
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 8
The Muir Heritage Land Trusts plan
to improve the habitat for the many native
plants and creatures living on Fernandez
Ranch is closer to becoming a reality
with a recent grant of $515,000 from
the California Coastal Conservancy. The
grant will help fund habitat restoration
to stabilize and re-vegetate failing creek
banks, and improve the quality and
diversity of the native riparian corridor.
The restoration will reduce sedimentation,
improving habitat and water quality for
downstream creeks.
The grant will also help fund 3.5
miles of new public trails that will accom-
modate equestrians, mountain bikers, and
hikers. A portion of the trails will be ADA
accessible. The new multi-use trails will
provide 1.4 miles of trail for the 550-mile
Bay Area Ridge Trail, a key link in this
around-the-bay trail corridor.
Visitors will arrive at a new staging
area that will provide parking for cars,
trucks and equestrian trailers. Two of the
parking spaces are dedicated for persons
with disabilities (ADA compliant).
The California Coastal Conservancy
funding was generated by Californias
Proposition 40, which voters passed in
2002, and whose goal in part was to
maintain a high quality of life
for Californias growing population,
requiring a high investment in
parks, recreation facilities, and in the
protection of the states natural and
historical resources.
Work on the restoration, trails and
staging area is scheduled to begin next
summer. In the meantime, the East Bay
Conservation Corps has been preparing
for the restoration by clearing trash out
of the creek and sorting it for recycling.
The Environmental Studies Academy
students have been working on native
planting and creek restoration. For the
trail work this summer, the Land Trust
will enlist the help of volunteers, as
we did on Sky Ranch, and V-O-Cal
(Volunteers for Outdoor California) will
again assist in coordinating that effort.
The Bay Area Conservancy Program
of the California State Coastal Conservancy
has launched its campaign to offer a special
new license plate to California drivers.
You can invest in the Bay Areas future
by signing up for a license plate that
features an iconic image of the Golden
Gate Bridge and the tagline Nature
Within Reach.
With your help, the Bay Area
special license plate will be issued by the
Department of Motor Vehicles in the
second half of 2009. Proceeds from the
sale and renewal of the plate will directly
fund restoration, conservation, and public
access projects throughout the Bay Area.
The Bay Area special license plate
campaign needs 7,500 paid pledges to
become a reality. The plates cost $50 for
initial registration ($90 for personalized
plates), with a $40 annual renewal fee
($70 for personalized plates). The goal
is to raise $1 million per year with the
license plate and have more than 25,000
of the plates in circulation.
The project is supported by the
Golden Gate Bridge District, Bay Area
Open Space Council, Golden Gate
National Recreation Area, Gordon and
Betty Moore Foundation, San Francisco
Bay Joint Venture, San Francisco Estuary
Project, and City Car Share, among others.

For more information and to make a
pledge, visit
or call 1-877-4SF-BAY1.
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 9
Feature Creature:
By Beth Pardieck
One special resident of East Bay hills is the Alameda
whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus). Listed as a
threatened species by both the state and federal governments,
the Alameda whipsnake resides mostly in Contra Costa and
Alameda counties, and nowhere else in the world. Almost
all of the Muir Heritage Land Trusts protected lands are
considered critical habitat for this species.
Sometimes called the Alameda striped racer, this
snake was traditionally thought to primarily inhabit chaparral
and scrub habitats. However, recent research shows that the
Alameda whipsnake also utilizes other adjacent habitats such as grassland, oak woodlands
and riparian habitat, and can have a home range of up to 20 acres.
This beautiful snake is typically three to four feet long and slender
with a sooty black or dark brown colored body, a yellow-orange
stripe down each side, and is easily distinguished from the
more common garter snake by its lack of a yellow dorsal
stripe down the center of the back. Known for their
distinctive hunting style, in which they elevate their heads
well off the ground to peer through tall grass looking for
prey, they eat mostly lizards but have also been known to
eat birds, frogs, rodents and even other snakes! Though
this fast moving snake is hard to locate, you might be lucky
enough to spot one sunning itself on a rocky outcrop or
hunting for a western fence lizard.
Due to population decline, the Alameda whipsnake was
listed as a threatened species by the State of California in 1971
and by the federal government in 1997. Federal listing under
the Endangered Species Act means it is illegal to kill, harm,
harass, possess or remove an animal from the wild.
Though the exact number of whipsnakes left in the wild is not
known, it is clear that the biggest threat to this animal is further habitat loss
due to residential and commercial development.
Preservation of Alameda whipsnake habitat is the most effective way to
protect this species and the Muir Heritage Land Trusts protected lands are
in prime Alameda whipsnake territory. The species has been documented
on MHLTs Dutra Ranch as well as the 423-acre Franklin Canyon property
which MHLT is currently working to purchase.
If youre very fortunate, you might spot this beautiful shy snake on
your next hike to Dutra Ranch or Fernandez Ranch, but even if you dont,
take heart in knowing that whipsnakes are there and that their habitat on
MHLTs lands is protected.
Let us know if you want to get on our email list. . . We will send you periodic email
updates about our hikes, events and activities. Call the offce at 925-228-5460 or email to get your email address on our list. Hope to see you soon!
Photos: Rob Fletcher
Photo: Joe DiDonato
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 10
Doug McConnell of OpenRoad.TV and hundreds of other Land Trust supporters joined together on August 16th for a
very special evening at the John Muir National Historic Site. The event was the launch of MHLTs five-year $8.5 million
Keep It Wild fundraising campaign, which includes the new Franklin Canyon acquisition. This year we honored the The
California Coastal Conservancy, Contra Costa County Department of Conservation & Development and the Bay Area Ridge
Trail Council upon its 20
anniversary. Guests enjoyed a champagne and wine reception, silent auction, light hors doeuvres
and music by the Jack Eskridge Jazz Duo. Dinner was served al fresco in the orchard with speakers and an exciting live
auction with John Pereira.
The event was dedicated to the memory of Everett Turner who passed away last Spring. Everett and Petal Turner were
instrumental in the Land Trusts beginning and have been long-time supporters.
Access Adventure
Adagia Restaurant
AG Ferrari Foods
Alhambra Valley Olive Oil Company
Ann & Rob Cormack
ArtVisions Portraiture
Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Blue Water Kayaking
Bob Lauderdale
Bovine Bakery
Bray & Bray
Bridges Restaurant and Bar
Broadway Plaza
California Magic Dinner Theatre
California Symphony
Casa Orinda Restaurant
Cesar Restaurant
Chabot Space & Science Center
Cowgirl Creamery
Denise DiBetta
Diablo Rock Gym
Dorrie Bosley Langley
Dr. Kent Hobert
East Bay Regional Park District
Elephant Pharm
Ellen Visser
Eloise Cotton
Gelateria Naia
George Ehrenhaft
Hafner Vineyard
Hagins Automotive
Hein Photography
Heyday Books
Igor Skaredoff
Janet Dalen
Jennifer Sauer Photography
John Finger
Ken & Martha Fischer
Lark Creek Walnut Creek
Laura Williams
Lesley Stiles
Linda Burkard Yoga
Lindsay Wildlife Museum
Lou & Marilyn Stoddard
Mark & Ann Wilson
Mary Alice and Joe Stadum
Mary Ann & Jim Gaebe
McEvoy Ranch
Mt. Diablo Nursery and Garden
Norm & Janet Pease
Office of Congressman George Miller
Office of Senator Tom Torlakson
Orchard Nursery and Florist
Pamela Della
Paul Craig & Kay Cox
Peg Steunenberg
Peter & Susan Colby
Peets Coffee, Lafayette
Pleasant Hill Wine Merchants
Point Reyes Country Inn & Stables
Renaissance ClubSport
Restoration Design Group
Saint Marys College Athletic Dept.
Savoy Catering
Scharffen Berger Chocolate
Scott Williams
Sharp Bicycle
Si Si Caffe
Sleep Train Pavilion
Stephen Joseph
T.R. & Co. Salon
Terrier Interiors
Tiffany & Co.
Title Nine
Tom Taneyhill
Tommy Toys
Trader Joes Walnut Creek
UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film
Va de Vi Bistro
Velvet Oak
Vine Hill Inn Bed and Breakfast
Walnut Creek Yacht Club Restaurant
Westwind Adventures
Whole Foods
Wild Birds Unlimited
Willows Theatre Company
Wine Styles
Wine Thieves
Thanks To our Generous aucTi on Donors:
Doug McConnell
Master of Ceremonies
Honorable Gayle B. Uilkema
Contra Costa County Board of
Supervisors, District 2
Honoree Janet McBride
Bay Area Ridge Trail
Honoree Nadine Hitchcock
California Coastal Conservancy
Naomi Torres
National Park Service
Honoree Pat Roche
Contra Costa County
Department of Conservation
& Development
Ted Radke
East Bay Regional
Park District
Dawn Block
Restoration Design Group
Restoratlon Deslgn Group, LLC
2560 Nlntb Street Sulte 216
8erkeley, CA 94710
T 510.644.2798 F 510.644.2799
Thanks to our generous sponsors.
Photos: Paul Garber
Oil painting and leaf art: Tom Taneyhill
California State Coastal Conservancy
State of California - The Resources Agency
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation

John & Cheryl Abel
Chris & Kelly Attebery
Tina Batt
Bay Area Barns and Trails
Lesley Benn
Dawn Block
Carone & Company, Inc.
Chevron Products Company
Johnson & Louise Clark - Clark Family Trust
Peter & Susan Colby +
ConocoPhillips Company
Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Committee
Ann & Robert Cormack +
Paul Craig & Kay Cox +
Joffa & Ellen Dale
Dawn Block Consulting
Edward & Yoshimi Downer
East Bay Regional Park District
Employers Advocate, Inc.
Linus & Stephanie Eukel
Ken & Martha Fischer +
Kenneth Gerlack
Bob & Elizabeth Griego
William Hansen & Joan Herrick
George & Judith Helder
David & Susan Hodges
Kaiser Permanente
John Kiefer
Nancy Kittle
Mark & Teresa Makarewicz
Michael & Elizabeth Mallonee
Clark & Amara Morrison
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Sylvia & Eugene Onopko
Jerry & Kim Overaa
Pease Family Fund
Lawrence E. & Mary Peirano
Brad & Trish Piatt
Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union No. 159
Praxair, Inc.
Ray Benton Family Fund
Carl & Terry Runyon
Thomas & Valerie Sheaff
Shell Oil Products U. S., Martinez Refinery
W. Dirk Sikkema & Linda Young
Richard & Sharon Smith
Lou & Marilyn Stoddard +
Bret & Valerie Taber
Bruce Teel & JoAnne Dunec
John & Wilma Telfer
Telfer Oil Company
Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.
The Dow Chemical Company
The Mechanics Bank
The Overaa Family Group - Charitable Trust
Donn & Tracy Walklet +
Whole Foods Market
Michael & Juliana Williams
Mark & Anne Wilson +
Thurston Womack & Charlotte Cranmer
Paul & Pamela Abad**
Janet & Ross Abbott
Denise Acker
Gary & Amanda Adams
Seth Adams
Ernesto Aguirre**
Terry Airaudi
Jacqueline Albano**
Carol Alderdice & Roger Epperson
Burt Anderson
Carol Anderson
Paul & Hanako Andrews
Janet K. & Konston Andronis
Carl & Sharon Anduri
Karla & Martin Angle
Andrew & Margaret Antkowiak**
Dimitris & Luz Argyriou
Ronald & Elena Arrajj, Jr.**
Ronald & Judith Arrants
Patricia Ashley
Robert & Laurie Aston +
Michelle Augenstein
Jean Autrey
Diane Aven
Miriam Awenius
John Baas
Aaron Baggs
Carol Baier
Hal & Heather Ballenger
Levi & Katherine Barger
Ival & Sharon Bargil**
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 12
(More than $25,000)
($10,000 - $24,999)
($1,000 - $9,000)
Many thanks to our generous donors.
July 2007 - June 2008 (partial list)
Francis & Alice Barham
Michael Barry
Charles Beaman
Richard & Linda Beidleman
Frank & Joanne Bellecci
Edward & Mildred Bennett
John & Lucia Bennhoff
Gregory & Regina Benz
Scot & Carol Bergren
Belinda Berry
Suzan & Robert Best
Bruce & Sandra Beyaert
Frank Bindt
Sandra Bishop
Barbara Blalock
James Blickenstaff
Robert & Marie Blits
Becky Bloxham
Mildred Blumberg
Polly Boissevain
Susan Bonilla
Art Bonwell
Ann Borden
Marcella Boyer
Madaline Boyes
Sandra Bozarth
Michael Branning
Richard & Christine Braunlich, Jr.
Larkin Breed, Jr.
Jennifer Brodie
Kurt Brombacher
Allynee Brown
Dorothy Brown
Erik Bruce
Eric Brugger
John & Molle Brunemeier**
Pamela Burns & William Edick
Harriet Burt
Sherida Bush & Timothy Platt
Dennis Butkowski
Thomas & Shirley Butt
Noriene Butterfield
Cecilia Cabanag
California Bluebird Recovery Program
David L. & Susann Calkins
Ellen Carlson Carlson
Kerry Carney & Thomas Campbell
Carmelo & Alicia Carone
Andrew Carota
Thomas & Cindy Casey
Theresa Caygill
Connie Chapman
Karen Chapman
Tina Chou & Steven Harrison
Priscilla Christensen**
Christopher G. Meredith Charitable Fund
Harold Chubb
Harvey & Donna Clar
Monica Clark
Cameron Clarke & Ellen Visser
Roy Coats
Chris Codding & John Ricca
Christine Codding*
(up to $999)
Colin & Mila Coffey
Lucy Cohen
Nairy Colello
Kathleen Conroy
Contra Costa Hills Club
Contra Costa Resource
Conservation District
Jennifer Cook
Michael & Sandra Cook
William Cooper & Susan Horn
Douglas & Rosemary Corbin
Patricia Corr
Ralph Cotter, Jr.
Marc & Diane Coventry
Kimberley Crossley
Kenneth & Louise Cunningham
John Curtis
Vincent & Mary Custodio*
Sylva Dajani
Danville Alamo Garden Club
Mickey & Joe Davis
Ramona Davis
Vickie Dawes
Donald de Fremery
Deborah Deas-Oelschlaeger
John Deeming
Janet & Donnell Degraf
Steve & Lisa DellAnno**
Pamela Della
Howard & Leilani Denn
Nishan & Paula Derderian**
Mark DeSaulnier
Linda Deschambault
Patricia Deutsche
Stephen & Ruth Dexter**
Dr. Jeffrey D. & Melinda A. Dieden*
Stephanie & Thomas DiPalma
Jean Dominguez
Marika & Victor Dragotti
Jill & Bruce Dresser
Mary Dubitzky
Linda & Duane Duchscherer
Norm Dyer
E. P. Edgar
Carolyn Edwards
El Cerrito Garden Club
James H. Eldredge & Anne M. Breedlove
Robert Elia & Suzanne Jones
Marie & Anthony Emerson
Dee England
John & Ruth Enrico
Karen Erickson
William Espey
Kenneth Everett & Linda Bloom
Michael Fahy
Linda Fairchild Abbott*
Chris & Allison Farnitano
Abby Fateman
Martin & Julia Faulkner
Gary & Laura Febus
Ray & Elaine Feeley
Gavin Feiger
Jane Fernandez
Jim Fernandez
Paul & Fernanda Ferrara
Marjorie & Raymond Ferrari
Elaine Ferre & Roger Herrmann
Barbara Fierner
Anthony Fisher & Margaret Bentson
Vicki Flickinger
Larry Ford
Christopher Forrest & Manisha Ojha
Brett & Marguerite Foster
Helene & Randall Frakes
Fernanda Franco-Ferrara
Eugene Franz
Jack & Catherine Frost
Rhonda Futterman
Barbara Gabrysiak*
Jim & Mary Ann Gaebe*
Pauline Gaebe*
Kent & Judy Garvens
Dorothy & Raymond Gaschk
Winifred Gegan
Jeannine Gendar
Walter Gillfillan
Barry & Penny Gilmore
Sabiha Gokcen
David Goldman*
Lisa Gorrell
John Gravell
Sheila Grilli
Paul & Mary Grunland
Rich & W. Faye Guarienti
Darla Guenzler
Thomas Hagler
Jean Halford
Debbie & Peter Halliday**
Maureen Hallisy
Laura Hansen
Melva & Thomas Hansen
Patricia Harris
Grace & Peter Hartdegen
Alfred & Marian Harvey
James Haynes
Jacqueline Heath
Russ & Kathy Heath*
Al Hector & Patty Telfer-Hector
Claudia & Scott Hein
Karl & Linda Hempfling
Mary Henrekin**
Daniel Hersh
Alice Hewlett
Alison Hill
Jeanne Hilson
Joan Hishida
Kent & Nancy Hobert
Judie & Jack Hockel
Betty Hodge*
Maureen Hogan
Russell & Betty Holt
Mary Hook
Hillary Hoppock
Hulet Hornbeck
Jo Anne Hosting
Fred Howard
Susan Howell &
Rexford Weichhart**
Irja Howton
Linda Huffman
William & Lesley Hunt
Denis & Cathy Huston +
Independent Printing Co.
Tiara Inserto**
Cathy Ivers
Annie Jacobsen
Eleanor Jardine
Helen Jedele**
David Jesson
Robert & Barbara Jirsa*
Robert E. Johnson
Kevin & Joan Johnston
Eric & Constance Jorgensen
Laury Joseph & Doug Rowe
Stephen Joseph & Susan
Carol Jurasin
David & Lois Kail
Steven Kaspar
Steve & Michelle Katzaroff
Diane Kauffman
Richard Kawin
Allen Keyes**
Helen Kimball
Marian King
Elizabeth King**
Don & Diane Kinkela
Katherine Kinoshita
Glenn & Ro Kirby
Steven Kirby
Norman Kirshen
George Kleeman
Ron Kline
Al & Ruth Klobas
Werner Koellner
Andrew Krimstock
Patricia & Jeffrey Kroger
Wally Kubicek
Nancy Kuchins
William & Stephanie Kuehn
Donald & Charlotte Kuehne
Anneliese Kurz
Christine & Detlef Kutzscher
Juliet Lamont & Phil Price
Carol Lane & Larry Bradley
Peter & Early Langley
Matt Larkin
Jeri & Steven Larsen
Bernice Lasell
Don & Gladys Laston
Bob & Beverly Lauderdale
Dan Levy
Heloise & Michael Levy**
Glen Lewis & Martha Joseph
Stuart & Mary Beth Lilly
Samuel & Sabiha Lipson
Jane Logan*
Nancy & Ernest Lompa
Bob & Carol Lowitz
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 13
Wencke Lubbock
Teresa Lucchesi
Janet Luhmann
Norm & Christy Lundberg
David & Juanita Luther
Suzanne & Nathan Lutz
Barbara & Theodore Lynch
James & Shirley Lynch
Peggy & Craig Lyon
Don MacPhee
Judith Ann Mahan
Carol & Hugh Maiocco
Cathy Malkin & George Currea
Michael & Jennifer Mann*
Steve Manthe
Joe Mariotti, M.D.
Valerie Mark
Helen & Donald Marlow
Virginia Marques
David & Marilyn Martin
Louise Massante
Marjorie & Kimble Mattingly
Gene & Deborah McCabe
Otis McCain
Joye & Charles McCoy
Stuart & Barbara McCullough
Helene & Mark McElyea
Andrea & Michael McGill
Michele McGrady
Joyce & John McIntyre
Marianne McKay
Rose McKinnon
Mary McMullen
Shirley McPheeters
Joan & Royal McPherson
Virginia McRae
Lynn Meisch
Mike & Jamie Menasco
Donald Miller**
Nancy Millick
Carolyn Mills
Charles & Carol Mink*
Barbara Minneman
Terri Mockler
Angeline Moeller
Ann Moldenschardt
Richard & Jean Mollberg
Rey & Ray Monson
Bob & Joan Montgomery
Diane Moore
Andree Kelly Moran*
Constance Morris
Dolores Morrison
Morrison & Foerster LLP
Kristi Mortensen
Betty Morton
Mt. Diablo Audubon Society
John Mulgrew**
Paul Muniz
Joyce Munson
Alexander & Joohee Muromcew
Ellis & Rose-Mary Myers
Candice & Stephen Newburn*
Francis & Alice Barham
Michael Barry
Charles Beaman
Richard & Linda Beidleman
Frank & Joanne Bellecci
Edward & Mildred Bennett
John & Lucia Bennhoff
Gregory & Regina Benz
Scot & Carol Bergren
Belinda Berry
Suzan & Robert Best
Bruce & Sandra Beyaert
Frank Bindt
Sandra Bishop
Barbara Blalock
James Blickenstaff
Robert & Marie Blits
Becky Bloxham
Mildred Blumberg
Polly Boissevain
Susan Bonilla
Art Bonwell
Ann Borden
Marcella Boyer
Madaline Boyes
Sandra Bozarth
Michael Branning
Richard & Christine Braunlich, Jr.
Larkin Breed, Jr.
Jennifer Brodie
Kurt Brombacher
Allynee Brown
Dorothy Brown
Erik Bruce
Eric Brugger
John & Molle Brunemeier**
Pamela Burns & William Edick
Harriet Burt
Sherida Bush & Timothy Platt
Dennis Butkowski
Thomas & Shirley Butt
Noriene Butterfield
Cecilia Cabanag
California Bluebird Recovery Program
David L. & Susann Calkins
Ellen Carlson Carlson
Kerry Carney & Thomas Campbell
Carmelo & Alicia Carone
Andrew Carota
Thomas & Cindy Casey
Theresa Caygill
Connie Chapman
Karen Chapman
Tina Chou & Steven Harrison
Priscilla Christensen**
Christopher G. Meredith Charitable Fund
Harold Chubb
Harvey & Donna Clar
Monica Clark
Cameron Clarke & Ellen Visser
Roy Coats
Chris Codding & John Ricca
Christine Codding*
Shirley Nootbaar
Kathy OMelia
Iola OGrady
Jean & Dale Olds
John & Dianne Ollila
M. D. & R. P. Olowin
Mary Olowin
Charles & Anne Olsen
Harold & Marie Olson*
William & Kay ONeil
Diana & Peter ORourke
Lorraine Osborn
Elizabeth OShea
Dr. Joseph & Elin Ovick
Donald & Shiela Pallota
Susan Palo
Steve & Cathy Pardieck
Kathleen Parker
Nancy & Thomas Patten
Marsha Patterson
Johanna Payne
Anne-Lise Peachee
Martha Pearsall
Anita Pearson
Judith Pemberton
John & Dianne Pereira
Cyrle Perry
Thomas & Cynthia Peters
Thomas Petersen & John Mills
Alice Philipson
Charles & Jean Phillips
Elizabeth & Tom Piatt
Cleone Pink
Jordan & Noreen Pitta
Beatrice Pixa
Janet Popesco Archibald
Eleanor Pozzesi
Peter & Robyn Praetz
Albert Price
Barbara Profe
Lewis & Margaret Pruitt
Alyce Quadros*
Wendy Raggio
Charleen Raines
Mitch & Kirsten-Taylor Randall
Maya Rappaport
Wayne & Barbara Rasmussen
Jack & Ria Raven*
Janet Read & David Skyhawk**
Constance Regalia
Kay & Paul Regan
Clara Richert
Charles Rickenbacher
Dolores Ricks
Garrett Riegg
Marilyn Roach
Peter & Eileen Robertshaw
John & Pat Robertson
Robinson Family Trust
Kathy Robishaw & John Sala
Aldo & Irena Rocca
June Rogers
Robert Rogers**
Ed & Dawn Roth
Joyce Rovanpera
Rosalie Rowsey
Robert Runyon**
Robert & Kathleen Russell
David & Shari Safianoff
Jan Sanderson
Subir & Mary Sanyal
Edward & Julie Sattler
Save Mount Diablo
C. E. Schmidt
Richard Schneider
Laura Schooley
Eric Schroeder
Jacqueline & Jeff Schubert
David & Adele Seaborg
Anne Seaman
Bill & Jeanne Sharkey
Thomas & Barbara Sharman*
Charlotte Shea
Peter & Helen Sheaff
Robert & Michele Sheehan
William Shewry
Richard & Barbara Shoop
Rafael Siero
Sierra Club - Delta Group
Richard Silbert
Doris Silva
Rick Silvey
Connie Simpson**
Barry & Theresa Sims
Laurel Singer
Igor & Shirley Skaredoff
Elizabeth & Thomas Slate
Dana Slauson
Kathryn Smick
Robert & Elizabeth Smith
David Smith & Theresa Blair
Smith Living Trust
William D. & Phyllis Smith*
Charles & Muriel Sonne
Betty Anne Soreide
John & Paula Spafford
Robert Speck & Sloan McDonald
Arline Spieler**
Judith Ann Stadler-Lothrop
Mary Alice & Joe Stadum
Edward Stadum
Standard Pacific of
Northern California
Linda Stanley
State Farm Companies
Foundation Good Neighbor
Grant Program
Margaret Steele
Donald & Beverly Steffen
Jean Steffensen
Mr. & Mrs. B. Albert Stern, Jr.
Michael & Sherry Sterrett
Karen Stevenson
Lewis & Diane Stewart
Donald & Gail Stock
George & Helene Strauss
James Strong
Tom & Karen Sturges
David & Linda Sturgis
Fred & Georgine Sullivan
Mark Sullivan
Susan Sullivan
Alan & Dawn Surges
John & Elouise Sutter
Karen Swaim
Brad Swint & Alissa Levy**
T & K Images
Dennis & Sally Teeguarden
Steve & Kathy Terusaki
The Children of David Delehanty*
The De Goff Family*
The Elvin J & Sarah L Connelly
Family Trust
The Orinda Roadrunners
The Usual Suspects
Brian Thiessen
Marlene Thompson
A. Thorwirth
Carol Ting
Rita Tischler
David & Betty Jo Tittle
William Tomlinson
Helen Tonti
Kathryn Toronto
Richard & Kathryn Torp*
Robert & Cherie Trautz
Ray & Helen Trebino
Leslie Tremaine, L.M.F.T.*
Harvey & Ramona Trowbridge
Doris Tucker
Barbara Tyler
Gayle Uilkema
Grace Underwood
Jim & Rita Utz
Kim Valkner
Janet & David Van Etten
Vicki Van Fleet Smith
Marta Van Loan &
Barbara Hannafan
Reverand Sylvia Vasquez**
Diane & Frank Vervoort
Joan Visser
Martin & Polina Vitz
Carollyn Vogler**
Penny & Jere Wade
Philip Waggoner
Eleanor Wagnor
Michael & Joyce Wahlig
Niels & Elizabeth Waidtlow
Phyllis Wainwright
William & Susana Wainwright
William J. & Elizabeth Walsh*
Linda Waring
Franz & Sarah Wassermann
Thomas Watt
D. L. Webster
Anne Weiner
Mary Wells
Hermann Welm
Edwin West
Robert & Karen Wetherell
Mark Whatley & Danuta Zaroda
David & Alan Whippy
Helene Whitson
Billie & Barry Whittaker
Gary & Betsy Willcuts
Bobbe Williams
Jeff & Karen Williams
Margie Williams & Mark Anderson
Virginia Williamson
Chris & Teri Wills
Peter & Amelia Wilson
Hugh & Mary Anne Winig
Michael Wood & Birgit Hueglin-Wood
Tracy Woodruff & William Clark
Stephanie Woods
Mary Carolyn Yandle
Steven Young & Rochelle Lipman
Monica Youngquist
Susan & Jeffrey Zahn
Zell & Associates
Archer Norris
C. Overaa & Co.
Contra Costa Times
Diablo Magazine
Domaine Chandon
Doug McConnell - Open Road TV
East Bay Business Times
Pyramid Ale
Shell Oil Products US
SJGraphics & Printing
Starbucks Coffee
Union Bank of California
United Site Services
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Chevron Humankind Matching
Gift Program
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Tesoro Refining & Marketing
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 14
* Memorial Donation(s)
** Donation in Honor of Liz Kings 21
+ Current Member, MHLT Board of Directors
D. L. Webster
Anne Weiner
Mary Wells
Hermann Welm
Edwin West
Robert & Karen Wetherell
Mark Whatley & Danuta Zaroda
David & Alan Whippy
Helene Whitson
Billie & Barry Whittaker
Gary & Betsy Willcuts
Bobbe Williams
Jeff & Karen Williams
Margie Williams & Mark Anderson
Virginia Williamson
Chris & Teri Wills
Peter & Amelia Wilson
Hugh & Mary Anne Winig
Michael Wood & Birgit Hueglin-Wood
Tracy Woodruff & William Clark
Stephanie Woods
Mary Carolyn Yandle
Steven Young & Rochelle Lipman
Monica Youngquist
Susan & Jeffrey Zahn
Zell & Associates
Archer Norris
C. Overaa & Co.
Contra Costa Times
Diablo Magazine
Domaine Chandon
Doug McConnell - Open Road TV
East Bay Business Times
Pyramid Ale
Shell Oil Products US
SJGraphics & Printing
Starbucks Coffee
Union Bank of California
United Site Services
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Chevron Humankind Matching
Gift Program
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Tesoro Refining & Marketing
mui r He ri tAge LA nd trus t Hor i zons 15
Jerri Alden
Mike Alden
Bob Aston+
Sue Bainbridge
Heath Bartosh
Mark Biles
Deann Bolgna
Michael Branning
Sherida Bush
Bob Chapman
Kathy Chapman
Cameron Clarke
Peter Colby+
Tom Coleman
Laura Cohen
Nick Compaglia
Shay Cook
Ann Cormack+
Rob Cormack
Diane Coventry
Kay Cox
Paul Craig+
Janet Dalen
Stacy Duenas
Ken Fischer+
Jim Gaebe
Mary Ann Gaebe
Melissa Gardner
Steven Gardner
Bill Granados
John Gravell
Sheila Grilli
Jim Head
Kathleen Heath
Russell Heath
Claudia Hein
Scott Hein
Denis Huston+
Dean Kelch
Todd Kiker
King Family
Will Kuehn
Chuck Lewis
Glen Lewis
Cecilia Magna
Beth Mallonee
Mike Mallonee
Cheryl Marlar
Joe Matta Jr.
Laura Matta
Nancy Millick
Elizabeth Moorehead
Michael Muir
June Nakatani
Larry Nunes
Morris Older
Cathy Pardieck
Steve Pardieck
Dianne Pereira
John Pereira
Jolanta Piekarski
Timothy Platt
Brian Pretti
Patrick Roche
Jerry Roe
June Rogers
Bob Sanders
Brody Sanders
Nancy Schaefer
Rafael Siero
Mark Sinclair
Igor Skaredoff
Joe Stadum
Mary Alice Stadum
Brett Stevenson
Louis Stoddard+
Joanna Subia
Don Ulrich
Anna Vernardi
Mary Walker
Donn Walklet+
Tracy Walklet
Darryl Wagner-Washbourne
Joshua Watson
Bill Weiner
Mark Wilson+
Rona Zollinger
Development Committee
Education & Outreach Committee
Finance Committee
Land Acquisition Committee
Stewardship Committee
Access Adventure
Archer Norris
California Rescue Dog Association
Contra Costa Fire District
East Bay Conservation Corps
East Bay Regional Park District
Environmental Studies Academy
John Muir Association
Leukemia & Lymphoma Societys
Hike for Discovery Program
Mt. Diablo Astronomical Society
National Park Service
Nomad Ecological Consulting
Organic Solutions
Overaa Construction
Roadrunner Sports
Rodeo/Hercules Fire District
Tilden Wildcat Horsemens Association
Volunteers for Outdoor California
Washington Mutual Bank
+ Current Member, MHLT Board of Directors
MHLT has been fortunate to
engage wonderful new offce
volunteers. Kathy Heath, who
also serves on our Education &
Outreach Committee, has
helped with many hours of
data updating as we convert
to a new database. Janet Dalen
assists with ongoing offce needs,
and was instrumental in Fresh
Aire Affaire planning. Laura
Cohen helps with data entry
and administrative tasks. In the
spring, Stacy Duenas, a business
major at San Francisco State,
completed an internship with
MHLT through the Universitys
Community Involvement Center.
Stacy assisted with press
archiving, offce organization and
event planning. Thanks so much
to all our wonderful volunteers!
Many thanks to our amazing volunteers. (partial list)
Save the Date
P.O. Box 2452, Martinez CA 94553



Thursday, November 13
6:00 - 9:00 pm
Please join us for our annual Autumn Celebration at the historic McMahon-Telfer
Building, 604 Ferry Street, Martinez. Learn more about our exciting Keep It Wild
campaign and the Franklin Canyon acquisition. Stephen Joseph and Bonnie
Gisel will present and sign copies of their new book, Natures Beloved Son,
Rediscovering John Muirs Botanical Legacy. The evening will include
complimentary wine and hors doeuvres and our annual volunteer awards.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. Please RSVP to
For more information and directions please visit
or call the Land Trust at 925-228-5460.
Nonprofit Org
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Martinez, CA
Permit No. 189


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