Anatheros Instructions

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Windows 7 recovery tools by Anarethos 2.1.

1 2 3 4 PURPOSE OF THIS SOFTWARE ..................................................................................................... 2 FEATURES .................................................................................................................................. 2 SYSTEM AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION ...................................................................................................... 5 4.1 CONFIGURING THE HARD-DISK PARTITIONS ................................................................................................. 5 4.2 SWITCHING TO AUDIT MODE AND INSTALLING SOFTWARE ............................................................................ 6 4.3 INSTALLING THE RECOVERY TOOLS ............................................................................................................ 7 4.3.1 WinRE Source .......................................................................................................................... 7 4.3.2 Password................................................................................................................................. 7 4.3.3 Drivers ..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.3.4 Sysprep and capture ............................................................................................................... 8 Generalize ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Keep drivers ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Rearm ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Generic image creation....................................................................................................................... 8

ACCESSING THE RECOVERY TOOLS ............................................................................................ 10 5.1 5.2 5.3 FROM WINDOWS ................................................................................................................................ 10 BY PRESSING F7 DURING BOOT .............................................................................................................. 11 FROM THE BOOT MENU ........................................................................................................................ 11

USING THE RECOVERY TOOLS ................................................................................................... 14 6.1 6.2 6.3 SYSTEM REPAIR MENU ......................................................................................................................... 14 SYSTEM RECOVERY MENU ..................................................................................................................... 15 TOOLS MENU...................................................................................................................................... 16

7 8

MEDIA CREATOR ...................................................................................................................... 17 ANNEX A CUSTOM HARD-DISK CONFIGURATION .................................................................... 18 8.1 8.2 8.3 4 PARTITIONS (DATA PARTITION) ............................................................................................................ 18 3 PARTITIONS (RECOVERY PARTITION AFTER WINDOWS PARTITION) ............................................................ 19 4 PARTITIONS (DATA PARTITION WITH THE RECOVERY PARTITION AFTER THE WINDOWS PARTITION) .................... 20

9 10 11 12 13

ANNEX B TRANSLATING IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE ................................................................... 21 ANNEX C UPDATE RECOVERY TOOLS ...................................................................................... 22 ANNEX D USING THE RECOVERY TOOLS WITH TRUECRYPT ...................................................... 24 CHANGE LOG ........................................................................................................................... 25 CREDITS ................................................................................................................................... 29

1 Purpose of this software

The goal of this software is to offer an easy to use and install software for system manufacturer, OEM builder or power-user that will allow reinstalling Windows in case of a system failure. These tools can be accessed from Windows or from the boot loader and will allow performing a non-destructive reinstallation of Windows, keeping all data on the drive. It also offer the option to create a DVD set or a USB key to do a full system recovery in case the computer cant boot anymore or the hard-disk drive has been replaced. These tools use Windows 7 Recovery Environment as the base image to boot the recovery tools, making this software not compatible with previous version of Windows. Also, due to limitation of IMAGEX, these tools should NOT be used to make a regular backup of the computer, but used to create a factory restore image only.

2 Features
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Easy to install Non-destructive Windows reinstallation Boot sector repair and rewrite Password protection of the recovery tools Easy to add drivers not supported by default by Windows (SATA, Raid, Network, etc.) 6) Full 64 bits support 7) Offline file browsing with Dual Commander 8) Recovery console (Windows 7 RE environment) 9) Possibility to create a DVD or USB key to fully restore the computer, including the recovery environment 10) Open-source (except Microsoft ImageX and OsCdImg) 11) Easy to modify and adapt to your own needs 12) Easy to translate 13) Can be used to create a Generic system image that can be used on multiple computers. Just install drivers, run SYSPREP and capture and you are done.

3 System and software requirements

This software will work on any version of Windows 7 (both 32 and 64 bits) and for all editions (Starter, Home, Home premium, Professional, Ultimate).

This software requires some files that are normally included in Windows 7 WAIK from Microsoft. Due to license limitation, these files ARE NOT included in this package. So, you will have to do the following prior being able to use this software to create a recovery partition.
1) Download Microsoft WAIK for Windows 7, burn the file to a CD and install it on the TECHNICIAN computer (and not the target/client computer). You may find Microsoft WAIK for Windows 7 here : 2) Install this package on the TECHNICIAN computer. Once the installation is completed, you should see the following image.

3) Click on OK and browse to the folder where you have installed WAIK, like shown in the following image.

4) Click on OK. You should see the following image.

5) Copy the INSTALLER folder to a USB key and copy it to the CLIENT/TARGET computer.

6) Launch the installation using the good file, like shown in the following image.

4 Installation instruction
4.1 Configuring the hard-disk partitions
To works, hard-disk partition must follow theses rules. Disk 0 0 0 Partition 1 2 3 Label Recovery System Windows Type OEM Active N/A File System NTFS NTFS NTFS Letter R S W Size 12 GB 300 MB N/A

To do this, boot the computer from the Windows 7 DVD. On the main screen, press SHIFT+F10. A command prompt will open. Type the following to configure the harddisk. Diskpart select disk 0 clean create partition primary size=12000 format fs=ntfs quick label=RECOVERY set ID=27 assign letter=R create partition primary size=300 active format fs=ntfs quick label=SYSTEM assign letter=S create partition primary format fs=ntfs quick label=WINDOWS assign letter=C exit To use a different hard-disk configuration, please refer to annex A at the end of the document.

4.2 Switching to AUDIT mode and installing software

This software will use SYSPREP to help you prepare the computer for the end-user. The SYSPREP software has two mode, AUDIT and OOBE mode. The AUDIT mode allows you to install software, drivers, updates, etc. by using a temporary user account that will be deleted when switching to OOBE mode. So, dont waste your time configuration user settings like screen saver, Internet Explorer or anything else that do not apply to all users. The OOBE mode is the welcome screen after the Windows installation, when you are asked to create the first user account of the computer. To enter AUDIT mode, simply press CTRL+SHIFT+F3 when on the welcome screen after the last reboot of the Windows installation. The computer will reboot in AUDIT mode. Each time you will reboot Windows, you will have a SYSPREP windows that will show up. You just have to close it. You may now use the AUDIT mode to install all software, drivers and updated for the current computer. If you plan to create a generic image, DO NOT install any drivers, as they will be removed during the SYSPREP step.

4.3 Installing the Recovery tools

4.3.1 WinRE Source

In the WinRE Source section, please select the winRE.wim file that will be used. The file in C:\Windows\System32\Recovery should be used, but you can also find it in C:\Recovery\{GUID} where {GUID} is a random number.

4.3.2 Password
The password section allows protecting the recovery environment with a password. The password will be needed each time the recovery tools are accessed to prevent unauthorized access to files or restore of the computer. The password will not be required when using DVD or USB recovery media. The password cant be changed later.

4.3.3 Drivers
The Drivers section allows adding drivers (Sata, Raid, etc.) into the recovery environment. Simply select the drivers folders and all drivers in this folder and subfolder will be added to the image.

4.3.4 Sysprep and capture Generalize
The Generalize option allows erasing all computer related information from the image, including the SID and drivers. On some computer, the Generalize option can make a blue screen. In that case, simply uncheck the option. But be careful for not using the same image on multiple computers in an Active Directory since the computer SID will be the same on all computers. Keep drivers

The Keep drivers option can be used if you want to keep drivers when using the Generalize option. This option cant be disabled if you are not generalizing the image. You cant use this option if you plan to create a generic image. Rearm
The Rearm option simply reset the timer (30 days) and makes Windows ask for the installation key on first boot. You should not disable this option unless you have a computer with SLIC 2.1 and have the correct certificate and key configured in Windows. Generic image creation

The Generic Image option allows the creation of a basic Windows image that can be used on multiple computers (system manufacturer, computer shop, business, etc.). This image can have software already installed and critical updates installed. The image is only good for the current version of Windows 7. To use it, simply install Windows on a test computer. Install all software and updates. Do not install any drivers, they will be lost. When ready, install the recovery tools and select the Generic Image option. The computer will reboot and capture the current image. When back into Windows, simply launch the Recovery Tools and Media Creator and create a set of DVD or a USB restore key. Now, simply use the recovery medium on the target computer. Once Windows is reinstalled, the backup from the recovery partition will be deleted and the computer will be rebooted into AUDIT mode.

Now, install all drivers specific to this computer. When ready, execute the following command from a command prompt: C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\SYSPREP.EXE /OOBE /QUIT When Sysprep is finished, reboot the computer into the recovery tools. You will be asked to create a new image, accept it. The computer is now ready.

5 Accessing the recovery tools

5.1 From Windows
To launch the recovery tools from within Windows, simply launch Recovery tools and media creator from the Start Menu. You will have the following menu.

Select the Launch Recovery Tools option. The computer will reboot to the recovery tools.

5.2 By pressing F7 during boot

Pressing F7 several times during the boot process will automatically launch the recovery tools. Please note that this option will not be available after a boot sector repair or full reinstallation until the next logon to Windows.

5.3 From the boot menu

When the computer boot, press F8 until you see this screen.

Then press ESC to go to this screen.

Then press TAB go switch to the lower section (Tools). Using arrow keys select Recovery Tools and press ENTER.

6 Using the recovery tools

6.1 System Repair menu

The Recovery Console option will launch the official Recovery Environment, allowing you to restore system state, repair boot option, etc. The Repair boot manager option will rewrite the boot manager. It will not rewrite the master boot record, leaving other boot manager (Lilo, Grub, etc.) intact.

6.2 System Recovery menu

The Repair Windows option will move all your personal files and folders into a backup folder on the Windows partition and restore Windows from the recovery partition. This option is not available when using DVD or USB recovery media. The Reinstall Windows option will format the Windows partition and then reinstall Windows from the recovery partition. When using DVD or USB media, all partition on the destination drive will be deleted and recreated and the recovery fill will be copied back on the hard-disk. The Repair boot manager MBR option will recreate the boot manager and recreate the master boot record.

6.3 Tools menu

The File Browser option will launch Double Commander. The Help option will open the help file for the selected language. The Command prompt option will open a command prompt.

7 Media creator
One of the options of this software is the option to create a DVD set or format an USB key to restore the computer. By default, restoring from DVD or USB will wipe all partitions on the target disk and recreate them like specified in SETTINGS.INI (Annex A for more details). Then, the recovery environment and backup files are copied back on the recovery partition, Windows is reinstalled from the backup and all boot loader entries are recreated. To access the media creator software, simply launch Recovery tools and media creator from the Start Menu. You will have the following menu.

The Create DVD (ISO) option will create create ISO files that can be burned onto DVD for system recovery. The Create USB drive will format an USB drive (32gb max) and make it bootable. When booting from recovery media, the option to repair the computer (reinstalling Windows without loosing personal files) is not available. If the computer is unbootable, boot from the recovery media, select the option to repair the boot loader and boot into the recovery tools from the hard drive.

8 Annex A Custom hard-disk configuration

8.1 4 partitions (Data partition)
This section will explain how to have 4 partitions, one for the boot manager, one for Windows, one for recovery and one for user data. Suppose you want the following configuration. Disk Partition Label Type 0 1 Recovery OEM 0 2 System Active 0 3 Windows N/A 0 4 Data N/A


Letter R S W N/A

Size 12 GB 300 MB N/A N/A

You will have to modify the following parameters in SETTINGS.INI Parameter Default settings New settings DiskID 0 0 WipeUSBDVD 1 0 RecoveryPartitionID 1 1 RecoveryLetter R: R: RecoveryLabel RECOVERY RECOVERY BootPartitionID 2 2 BootLetter S: S: BootLabel SYSTEM SYSTEM WindowsPartitionID 3 3 WindowsLetter W: W: WindowsLabel WINDOWS WINDOWS Partition1Size 12000 12000 Partition1Type 27 27 Partition1Label RECOVERY RECOVERY Partition2Size 300 300 Partition2Type 07 07 Partition2Label SYSTEM SYSTEM Partition3Type 07 07 Partition3Label WINDOWS WINDOWS The WipeUSBDVD setting is now set to 0, preventing the destruction of all partition on the destination disk. Only the specified Recovery, Windows and System partition will be formatted during the restore process from an USB key or DVD. Please note that if you change your hard-disk, you wont be able to restore from an USB key or DVD unless you recreate the required partition layout.

8.2 3 partitions (Recovery partition AFTER Windows partition)

This section will explain how to have 3 partitions, one for the boot manager, one for Windows and one for Recovery. In this case, the recovery partition will be AFTER the Windows partition. Suppose you want the following configuration. Disk Partition Label Type 0 1 System Active 0 2 Windows N/A 0 3 Recovery OEM


Letter S W R

Size 100 MB 50 GB N/A

You will have to modify the following parameters in SETTINGS.INI Parameter Default settings New settings DiskID 0 0 WipeUSBDVD 1 1 RecoveryPartitionID 1 3 RecoveryLetter R: R: RecoveryLabel RECOVERY RECOVERY BootPartitionID 2 1 BootLetter S: S: BootLabel SYSTEM SYSTEM WindowsPartitionID 3 2 WindowsLetter W: W: WindowsLabel WINDOWS WINDOWS Partition1Size 12000 100 Partition1Type 27 07 Partition1Label RECOVERY SYSTEM Partition2Size 300 50000 Partition2Type 07 07 Partition2Label SYSTEM WINDOWS Partition3Type 07 27 Partition3Label WINDOWS RECOVERY

8.3 4 partitions (Data partition with the Recovery partition after the Windows partition)
This section will explain how to have 4 partitions, one for the boot manager, one for Windows, one for Recovery and one for user data. In this case, the recovery partition will be AFTER the Windows partition. Suppose you want the following configuration. Disk Partition Label Type 0 1 System Active 0 2 Windows N/A 0 3 Data OEM 0 4 Recovery OEM


Letter S W R R

Size 100 MB 50 GB N/A N/A

You will have to modify the following parameters in SETTINGS.INI Parameter Default settings New settings DiskID 0 0 WipeUSBDVD 1 0 RecoveryPartitionID 1 4 RecoveryLetter R: R: RecoveryLabel RECOVERY RECOVERY BootPartitionID 2 1 BootLetter S: S: BootLabel SYSTEM SYSTEM WindowsPartitionID 3 2 WindowsLetter W: W: WindowsLabel WINDOWS WINDOWS Partition1Size 12000 100 Partition1Type 27 07 Partition1Label RECOVERY SYSTEM Partition2Size 300 50000 Partition2Type 07 07 Partition2Label SYSTEM WINDOWS Partition3Type 07 07 Partition3Label WINDOWS DATA The WipeUSBDVD setting is now set to 0, preventing the destruction of all partition on the destination disk. Only the specified Recovery, Windows and System partition will be formatted during the restore process from an USB key or DVD. Please note that if you change your hard-disk, you wont be able to restore from an USB key or DVD unless you recreate the required partition layout.

9 Annex B Translating in another language

Translation is really easy. In Settings.ini , simply modify the Languages= setting with the number of available language. Then, for each language, create a section named [#] where # is a number starting at 1 and ending with the number specified in the Languages= parameter. For each language, simply translate all the required strings. The LanguageName= parameter is the name of the language. The BootLanguageID= parameter is the locale settings for the boot manager The HelpFile= is the name of the help file. Should be into the RecoveryEnvironment\Recovery\Help folder Then RecoveryToolsDescription= parameter is the name shown in the boot manager screen to launch the recovery tools.

10 Annex C Update Recovery Tools

Starting with version 2.0.2, it is now possible to update the installed Recovery Tools on a computer. The update process works the following way: - The current Recovery Environment (Microsoft) is disabled - The current configuration of the boot loader is saved - The Recovery Environment (Anarethos) is deleted - The Recovery Media Creator is deleted - A new Recovery Environment (Anarethos) is created in the new version - The new Recovery Media Creator is copied also to the recovery partition - When restoring, the restore script search for the new Recovery Media Creator on the recovery partition. If found, it will update the one installed in Windows. It is faster to do this than trying to update the Recovery Media Creator currently saved on the backup - The new Recovery Media Creator and the new Recovery Environment (Anarethos) will be copied on future DVD/USB media recovery

To use the update option, simply execute the UpdateX86 or UpdateAMD64 script corresponding to your system.

When the Recovery Tools installer shows up, you must select the No Sysprep option and unselect the Capture now.

If you get a message about a missing WINRE.WIM file, you will have to manually find it on the system. It is a system and hidden file generally in the C:\Recovery\RandomNumber folder (when not in Audit mode). The update script is only in English, but the installed Recovery Tools and Recovery Media Creator will be multi-lingual.

11 Annex D Using the Recovery Tools with TrueCrypt

Starting with version 2.0.8, it is now possible to use TrueCrypt with the Recovery Tools. To enable TrueCrypt support, set the TrueCrypt value to 1 in the SETTINGS.INI file prior installing or updating the recovery tools. When the TrueCrypt value is set to 1, the following options are disabled into the Recovery Tools. Windows Repair (Since the hard disk is encrypted only full reinstallation is supported) Boot sector repair with the MBR option (This would delete the TrueCrypt boot loader) Boot sector repair (Since the hard disk is encrypted, it wont be able to access Windows partition to read boot configuration) File manager (Since partition is encrypted, there is nothing to copy) Windows Recovery Console (Since the hard disk is encrypted, it wont be able to access Windows partition)

When encrypting the hard disk drive, select to encrypt ONLY the WINDOWS partition, not the whole drive. Doing so will prevent the recovery tools from starting.

12 Change log
2.1.1 Removed Microsoft copyrighted files. Downloading and installing WAIK is now required. First version targeted for public release 2.1.0 2.0.9 2.0.8

Added Spanish translation Added Portuguese translation Added Polish translation Added option to launch recovery tools by pressing F7 when computer boot Note: Upgrading from version 2.0.X to this version will works, but F7 option will be lost after restore.

Fixed a bug preventing a full reinstallation of Windows from the recovery partition. This was not affecting repair of Windows or reinstallation from a recovery media. Fix a bug where the progress indicator was going from 99% to 10% instead of 100%.

Added an option to use the tools with TrueCrypt When reinstalling Windows from the recovery partition, extra quotes where added to the drive label. Now fixed.

2.0.7 Fixed the SC% message in the progress bar while capturing New wallpaper 2.0.7Beta1 Added a new wallpaper Added a progress indicator while capturing or applying Windows image. Does not apply to the copy or splitting process. Progress indicator is always in English. 2.0.6 2.0.5

Dutch language was using Deutsch while booting. Now fixed Added an option to select a default language during the initial installation disabling the language menu in the Recovery Environment and the Media Creator In the Recovery Environment, the Help button has been moved from the third tab to the first one.

Translation errors fixed in Slovenian language

2.0.4 New menu for the language selection Added Simplified Chinese Added Slovenian 2.0.3

Added Chinese language Fixed the language of the Installer (was in French)

2.0.2 Bug fix when creating DL DVD (not bootable). It may not work. Added an Update option. 2.0.1

Dutch translation. Romanian translation. Added a step by step guide made by TCNTAD.

2.0.0 Final release for version 2.0.0 Minor correction in the documentation. Correction in the Swedish translation. 2.0.0 RC 1 Italian corrected. Documentation file (this file) updated. 2.0.0 Beta 16 Danish help file added and translation error fixed. Italian added. English translation corrected. 2.0.0 Beta 15 Translation error in Swedish. Now fixed. Fixed a bug with the USB media creator crashing while trying to create the USB restores media. No icons are shown in the tray while running the program. Better error handling with the USB media creator. Danish translation (help file still in English). 2.0.0 Beta 14 Small translation errors in French. Added Swedish translation.

2.0.0 Beta 13 Fixed a bug where the Recovery Environment was not asking for password even if one was set. 2.0.0 Beta 12 Fixed a bug where the installation script was unable to copy the WINRE file if it had hidden or system attributes. Now fixed. 2.0.0 Beta 11 Fixed a bug where the capture image was too big to fid on a DVD or an USB drive. Now fixed. 2.0.0 Beta 10 Added a script named OffLine Settings Update.cmd in the RecoveryCreator folder that allows to changes the SETTINGS.INI file stored inside the Recovery Environment. This can be useful with Generic image if you need to change partition configuration. Better error handling with capture/reinstall/repair script Better space optimization when capturing, reducing the numbers of required DVD when burning Added an option to burn on dual-layer DVD. Restoring from a generic image was giving an error even if everything was OK. Now fixed. When restoring from DVD and putting DVD in the wrong order, the process may think that all files where copied while it was not, generating an error. Now fixed. 2.0.0 - Beta 9 Fixed a bug preventing the boot manager to show up in the correct language Completed instruction manual Once ISO files are created, Windows prompt to burn each disk using the built-in tools of Windows 7. Fixed a bug in the Recovery Environment when executing any function will show the help file. Fixed a bug when restoring a generic image. The script was waiting for user input. Now fixed. Fixed a bug in the Recovery Environment where error message where appearing behind the Please wait window. Fixed a bug with the Restore from DVD and from USB where it was not able to properly create the partition. 2.0.0 - Beta 8 Fixed a bug in the Recovery Environment (Forgot to remove comment on important functions call, nothing worked!)

2.0.0 - Beta 7 Added an option to reboot or shutdown the computer from the Recovery Environment Fixed a bug with the "Generic" option. The old image was not deleted, so it was impossible to recreate a new one once all drivers where installed on the final system. Help file for the Recovery Environment is completed (French and English) Fixed a bug in the installation GUI with the "Generic" option. Fixed a bug with the "Add drivers" dialog. It was not possible to browse on the hard disk drive. Created a new GUI to display help file. No more use of Notepad. Nearly completed installation documentation. Just a few section missing. 2.0.0 - Beta 6 Option to create a generic image for use on different computers 2.0.0 - Beta 5 Fixed a bug preventing the software to work on 64-bit OS 2.0.0 - Beta 4 French translation When WipeUSBDVD was set to 0 (disable), target partition where not formatted while recovering from DVD/USB. Now fixed. Minors errors in the English version Basic instruction file 2.0.0 - Beta 3 Fixed a bug with the installer while copying required file to create DVD/USB recovery media (Boot files where missing) 2.0.0 - Beta 2 Added Command Prompt option into Recovery Environment Corrected a fix making the language selection popping a second time after autocapture Corrected a bug preventing the computer to reboot into Windows if booted into Recovery Tools from Windows 2.0.0 - Beta 1 Initial Release

13 Credits
IMAGEX and OSCDIMG are propriety of Microsoft Corporation. The Hard Disk icon was found on the internet. Web site name lost. All source code (both AU3 and CMD) was made by AnarethoS and can be modified to suit your need.

Thanks to everyone at My Digital Life forums for testing my software and yours comment. More particularly, I would like to thanks: NICK@NUMBER11 TCNTAD Per Henrik Rasmussen AMBIDAV Vois All others I may have forgotten!

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