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8 | || 1|:||1| 1, ||", 1||7, -" | 1|:|| 1||| 7| || |||1| 8 |

1 ||" 1||7 -" 1|:|| 1|||
1- Microeconomics, Financial Management,
Development Economics and International
1 7| ||"
|7|" Macroeconomics, Monetary and Fiscal
Policies, General Management and Human
Resource Management
1 7| ||"
|" Research Methodology, Computer
Operating Knowledge and General Ability
1 7| ||"

1|"-1| | || 8 |

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Microeconomics, Financial Management, Development Economics
and International Trade

" 1-| 1 | --| ||| 8 | 1"1 -7| | 1 || 8 | "|
1-" 1 |"|| " 11| | 18 | 1"1 -7| 7171 11| |
"||" 8 |

; d'x s

Mi cr oeconomi cs

1. Met hodology : I nduct ive and deduct ive met hods; Economic t heories- role and
assumpt ions; I mport ance and uses of micro-economics.

2. Theories of Demand : I ndiff erence Curve analysis; I ncome, subst it ut ion and
price effect s; Revealed Preference Theory.

3. Theories of Product ion and Cost : Law of variable proport ions, I soquant s and
t heir propert ies; Cobb-Douglas product ion funct ion and elast icit y of
subst it ut ion bet ween fact ors; Cost curves.

4. Price and Out put Det erminat ion under Various Market Syst ems: Perfect
compet it ion, monopoly, monopolist ic compet it ion and oligopoly; Price
discriminat ion and t heir degrees.

5. Theories of Dist ribut ion : Marginal Product ivit y Theory; Fact or pricing in
compet it ive and imperfect ly compet it ive market s.

; d'x v

Fi nanci al Management

1. Financial syst em and market ; Capit al market , money market , securit ies
market , market indexes, Bond valuat ion, f inancial derivat ives I nst rument s.

2. Financial planning and capit al st ruct ure management .

3. Financial invest ment analysis; Capit al budget ing; Cost of capit al, Port folio
analysis and select ion.

4. Financial st at ement s and t heir analysis - Analysis of financial st at ement s;
Financial forecast ing; Rat io analysis for measuring perf ormance.

5. Financial inst it ut ions and t heir management Financial sect or reforms in

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Devel opment Economi cs

1. St ruct ure and charact erist ics of developing economies St ruct ural diversit ies
in developing count ries; Det erminant s of economic growt h; Development
issues and challenges; Cont emporary t heories and approaches t o economic
underdevelopment .

2. Povert y, inequalit y, populat ion growt h and development ; Measuring povert y
and inequalit y; Basic issues and challenges of populat ion growt h, Qualit y of
life - issues; Migrat ion and urbanizat ion t rends and issues.

3. Development policy-making and role of t he st at e The nat ure of
development planning, rat ionale, and t he planning process; Problems of
implement at ion and plan failures; Trends in governance and reform.

4. Development planning in Nepal Development issues in Nepal; Relevance of
planning; Tools used in t he planning process Cost -benefit analysis, int ernal
rat e of ret urn, f inancial and economic analysis, logical framework analysis;
Challenges of economic development in Nepal.

5. Policy issues in development Current st at us and dimensions of economic
policies in Nepal; Economic liberalizat ion policies adopt ed by Nepal and t heir
impact ; Privat izat ion policy and it s effect ive implement at ion; Foreign aid
t rend, composit ion and it s ut ilizat ion in Nepal; Maj or I ssues and challenges;
Economic diplomacy; Foreign direct invest ment concept s, current st at us,
and fut ure prospect s in t he cont ext of Nepal.

; d'x #

I nt ernat i onal Trade

1. Theories of int ernat ional t rade and invest ment : from classical t o modern
t heories.
2. Balance of payment s: Causes of dis-equilibrium and t he t heories of
adj ust ment .
3. Foreign exchange rat e det erminat ion - t heories of foreign exchange, f ixed vs
f lexible exchange rat e syst ems.
4. Regional economic cooperat ionconcept , st ruct ure and working of SAARC,
ASEAN, EU and BI MSTEC; Comparat ive perspect ive of t rade and
development .
5. World Trade Organizat ion Obj ect ives, St ruct ure, Nepal's commit ment s and
achievement s.
6. Nepal's foreign t rade policy I mport -subst it ut ion vs export -promot ion;
I nst rument s of foreign t rade policy; Open economy and t he case for free
t rade; Free t rade vs prot ect ion; Basic t ariff analysis; Balance of t rade issues;
Effect s of exist ing t rade policies; Bilat eral and mult ilat eral t rade agreement s
st rat egies and issues.
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|7|" 1

Macr oeconomi cs, Monet ar y and Fi scal Pol i ci es, Gener al
Management and Human Resour ce Management

" 1-| 1 | --| ||| 8 | 1"1 -7| | 1 || 8 |
"| 1-" 1|"|| " 11| | 18 | 1"1 -7| 7171 11|
| "||" 8 |

; d'x s

Macr oeconomi cs

1. Nat ional I ncome Account ing : Concept s of GDP, GDP measurement , GDP
comput at ion in Nepal and associat ed problems.

2. I S-LM Model : The I S-LM curves - comparat ive st at ic analysis of I S-LM
model; Changes in fiscal and monet ary policy inst rument s in t he I S-LM

3. Theories of Consumpt ion and Savings : Life cycle and permanent income
hypot heses; Rat ional and Adapt ive Expect at ions.

4. I nflat ion and Unemployment : Concept s and cost s of inflat ion; Concept s
and cost s of unemployment ; Tradeoff bet ween inflat ion and
unemployment .

5. Growt h Theories : Harrod-Domar; Solow-Swan; Technical progress in
Neo-classical model, I mplicat ions of t he Neo-classical model.

6. St abilizat ion Policies : Prospect s and problems.

; d'x v

Monet ar y and Fi scal Pol i ci es

1. Theories of Money Demand: Quant it y t heory, Keynesian t heory and
Port folio t heory.

2. Money Supply: Definit ion and fact ors affect ing money supply, High
powered money and money mult iplier.
3. Money and I nt erest rat es.

4 Monet ary Policy of Nepal: Obj ect ives, t arget s and t ools; Roles of Nepal
Rast ra Bank in monet ary and financial st abilit y.

5. I nflat ion: Causes measurement and consequences.

6. Fiscal Policy: Obj ect ives, import ance, crowding out effect - st ruct ure of
revenue and pat t ern of expendit ure; Current t ax st ruct ure and issues,
Problems in Value Added Tax; Government budget ary management .

; d'x u

Gener al Management

1. Management Syst em - Management funct ion and processes; Emerging
concept s; Managerial roles and skills; Cont emporary challenges for
managers; Et hics and social responsibilit y; Good corporat e governance-
obj ect ives and challenges.

2. St rat egic Planning - St rat egic planning process; Assessment of
organizat ional environment - environment al scanning and SWOT analysis;
St rat egy formulat ion - mission, goals, obj ect ives, st rat egies, and plans;
Organizat ional port folio plans; St rat egy implement at ion and cont rol.

3. Organizat ional St ruct ure - Dimensions and forms of organizat ional design;
Approaches t o organizing; Depart ment at ion, power and aut horit y
st ruct ure, and decent ralizat ion; Emerging concept s in organizing.

4. Decision making and Problem solving - Processes; Group decision making;
Techniques for st imulat ing creat ivit y; I nformat ion t echnology in decision
making; Crisis management ; Quant it at ive t ools for decision making.

5. Leadership and communicat ion - Approaches and modern views;
Management of work groups and t eam work; I nt er-group conflict s and
t heir management ; Communicat ion st ruct ure - barriers and facilit at ors.

6. Supervision, Monit oring, Cont rol and Qualit y - Supervision and monit oring
syst ems and t echniques; Organizat ional cont rol syst em - dimensions and
necessary condit ions for cont rol; I nformat ion syst em for effect ive cont rol
syst em; Qualit y cont rol; Qualit y management - TQM t echniques, fact ors
affect ing qualit y, and managerial role in QTM; Benchmarking and qualit y
assurance t echniques; Managing change and development in
organizat ions.

; d'x #

Human Resour ce Managment

1. HRM Syst em - Component s, funct ions and design; HRM and organizat ional
performance; Compet it ive advant age t hrough people; HR Planning -
Forecast ing; Job analysis; Select ion t est s; Managing workforce diversit y.

2. HRD Framework, Employee Empowerment , and Capacit y Building -
Met hods of employee t raining and management development ; Met hods of
work-based t raining and management development ; Evaluat ion of t raining
effect iveness; Employee empowerment and capacit y building -
obj ect ives,met hods and processes; Succession planning.

3. Mot ivat ion and Performance - Mot ivat ion t hrough compensat ion, gain
saring, j ob redesign, part icipat ion, qualit y of work life; Mot ivat ion and
ret ent ion issues.

4. Performance Evaluat ion - Crit eria and t echniques; Administ ering
performance evaluat ion; Career development .

5. Employee Commit ment and Product ivit y - Obj ect ives, measurement
t echniques and issues; Organizat ional cit izenship behavior; Flexible
Working - Job rot at ion, j ob sharing, shift -working, family-friendly working,
t ele-commut ing; Team roles at work.

6. Cont emporary challenges and problems of HRM and labour relat ions.

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|" 1

Resear ch Met hodol ogy, Comput er Oper at i ng Knowl edge
and Gener al Abi l i t y

" 1|7 | --| ||| |71| 8 -| - 1 1| "71|, -
- 1|1| "71| 8 | - 1 - ||" | - 1|
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; d'x s

Research Methodology /

"-| | 1 ||8 -" 1| 11| | 18 |

1. I nt roduct ion t o Research Feat ures, nat ure and process of scient ific
research; Basic and applied research; Quant it at ive and qualit at ive
research; Role of research in economics and management .
2. St eps in Research Lit erat ure review-sources of t he lit erat ure, phases in
t he review, and format of review present at ion; Problem definit ion;
Theoret ical framework proposit ions, concept s, const ruct s, and variables;
Hypot hesis formulat ion.
3. Research Design Research design; Types of design explorat ory,
descript ive, development al, explanat ory, survey and act ion research;
Measurement and scaling const ruct ion of at t it ude scales; Reliabilit y and
validit y of measurement .
4. Sampling Sampling design; Sampling process; Types of sampling
probabilit y and non-probabilit y; Det ermining t he sample size; Sampling Vs
non-sampling errors and t he met hods of minimizing such errors.
5. Dat a Collect ion Classificat ion of primary and secondary dat a;
Quest ionnaire cont ent s, design, and administ rat ion; Research int erviews
personal and t elephone; Direct observat ion; Using I nt ernet for dat a
collect ion; Fieldwork management .
6. Dat a Analysis Preparing and present ing dat a; Summarizing dat a
graphs and chart s; St at ist ical analysis descript ive and inferent ial,
paramet ric and non-paramet ric; Analysis of qualit at ive dat a .

7. Research Proposal Purposes; Types; St ruct uring t he research proposal
cont ent s and format s; Evaluat ing t he research proposal.
8. Research Report Present at ion of a research report ; Types of report ;
Report process; Format s and st yles of report writ ing; Uses of cit at ions and

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Comput er Oper at i ng Knowl edge -/

"-| | 1 ||8 -" 1| 11| | 18 |

1 I nt roduct ion t o Comput er Operat ing Syst em
2 Windows Operat ing Syst em
3 Word Processing Packages
4 Spread Sheet Package
5 Present at ion Soft ware: MS Power Point
6 Graphical Package
7 Ut ilit y Soft ware: WinZip
8 I nt roduct ion t o Dat abases

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Gener al Abi l i t y Test -/

"-| " 1 ||8 |
1 Verbal abilit y
2 Quant it at ive abilit y
3 Logical reasoning abilit y
4 General awareness

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