Antonio Leon Sanchez - The Aleph-Zero or Zero Dichotomy

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THE ALEPH-ZERO OR ZERO DICHOTOMY (New and extended version with new arguments)

Antonio Leon Sanchez I.E.S. Francisco Salinas, Salamanca, Spain
Abstract. This paper examines Zenos Dichotomies from the perspective of w-order. The conclusion is a contradictory result that compromises the Axiom of Innity from which w-order derives.

1. Introduction: Zenos Paradoxes and Modern Science Zenos Paradoxes have interested philosophers of all times (see [13], [14], [83], [73], [48], [84], [25] or [56] for historical background), although until the middle of the XIX century they were frequently considered as mere sophisms [13], [14], [72], [73]. From that time, and particularly along the XX century, they became the unending source of new philosophical, mathematical and physical discussions. Authors as Hegel [44], James [49], Russell [72], Whitehead [86], [87] or Bergson [9], [10] focused their attention on the challenging world of Zenos paradoxes. At the beginning of the second half of the XX century the pioneering works of Black [11], Wisdom [88], Thomson [79], [80], and Benacerraf [8] introduced a new way of discussing the possibilities of performing an actual innity of actions in a nite time (a performance involved in most of Zenos paradoxes). I refer to Supertask Theory [69], [74]. In fact, innity machines, or supermachines, are our modern Achilles substitutes. A supermachine is a theoretical devices supposedly capable of performing countably many actions in a nite interval of time. The possibilities of performing an uncountable innity of actions were ruled out by P. Clark and S. Read [23], for which they made use of a Cantors argument on the impossibility of dividing a real interval into uncountably many adjacent parts [20]. Although supertasks have also been examined from the perspective of nonstandard analysis ([58], [57], [1], [54]), as far as I know the possibilities to perform an hypertask along an hyperreal interval of time have not been discussed, although nite hyperreal intervals can be divided into hypercountably many successive innitesimal intervals, the so called hypernite partitions ([77], [35], [50], [45], etc.). Supertask theory has nally turned its attention, particularly from the last decade of the XX century, towards the discussion of the physical plausibility of supertasks ([63], [65], [69],

The aleph-zeoro or zero dichotomy

[73], [40], [42], [41]) as well as on the implications of supertasks in the physical world ([65], [66], [67], [31], [68], [61], [2], [3], [70]), including relativistic and quantum mechanics perspectives [85], [46], [29], [30], [61], [28], [74] In the second half of the XX century, several solutions to some of Zenos paradoxes have been proposed. Most of those solutions were found in the context of certain new branches of mathematics as Cantors transnite arithmetic, topology, measure theory [38], [39], [91], [40], [42], [41], and more recently internal set theory (a branch of nonstandard analysis) [58], [57]. It is also worth noting the solutions proposed by P. Lynds within a classical and quantum mechanics framework [52], [53]. Some of these solutions, however, have been contested [62], [1]. And in most of cases the proposed solutions do not explain where Zenos arguments fail [62], [69]. Moreover, some of the proposed solutions gave rise to a new collection of problems so exciting as Zenos paradoxes [73], [48] [74]. The four most famous Zenos paradoxes are usually regarded as arguments against motion ([4], ([39], [43], [24], [73] etc.) be it performed in a continuous or in a discontinuous world. Achilles and the Tortoise and the Dichotomy in the continuous case, the Stadium and the Arrow in the discontinuous one. The paradoxes of the second case (together with the paradox of Plurality) are more dicult to solve, if a solution exists after all, particularly in a quantum spacetime framework. Most of the proposed solutions to Zenos paradoxes are, in eect, solutions to the paradoxes of the rst group or to the second one in a dense and continuous spacetime framework. This situation is very signicant taking into account the increasing number of contemporary physical theories suggesting the quantum nature of spacetime, as for instance Superstring theory ([36], [37] [81], [32]), Loop Quantum Gravity ([75], [5] [76]), Quantum Computation Theory ([78], [6], [51]) or Black Hole Thermodynamics [6], [78]. Is at this quantum level where physics (the science of changes) will nally meet the problem of Change [7] whose insolvability probably motivated Zenos arguments? Is the problem of Change really inconsistent as some authors ([59], [60]) have defended? These are in fact two intriguing and still unsolved questions related to Zenos arguments [62]. 2. Zenos paradoxes and -order Not less intriguing, though for dierent reasons, is the fact that one immediately perceives when examining the contemporary discussions on Zenos paradoxes. Surprisingly, the Axiom of Innity is never involved in such discussions. Zenos arguments have never been used to question the Axiom of Innity, as if the existence of actual innite u totalities were beyond any doubt [33]. Grnbaum, for instance, proposed that if it were the case that from modern kinematics together

The aleph-zero or zero dichotomy

with the denseness postulate a false zenonian conclusion could be formally derived, then we would have to replace current kinematics by other mechanical theory [39, page 39]. Anything but questioning the hypothesis of the actual innity from which the involved topological denseness derives. And this in spite of the lack of selfevidence of that hypothesis, which is even rejected by some schools of contemporary mathematics as constructivism, among whose precursors we nd scholars as Newton, Fermat or Euler [55] and XX century thinkers of the intellectual stature of Poincar [64] or Wittgenstein [89]. e In the rst half of the XIX century Bernard Bolzano, and in the second one Richard Dedekind, tried unsuccessfully1 to prove the existence of innite totalities [12], [27]. For his part, G. Cantor, the founder of transnite mathematics, simply took it for granted the existence of such totalities. Thus, in 6 of his famous Beitrge (pp. 103-104 of the a English translation) we can read: The rst example of a transnite set is given by the totality of nite cardinals. although, as could be expected, he gave no proof of that existence. In accordance with his profound theological platonism [26], Cantor was rmly convinced of the actual existence of complete innite totalities. He never explicitly declared the hypothetical nature of his innitist assertions (at least not in his most relevant works on the transnite [16], [17], [15], [21], [22]). He even tried to give a proof on the existence of actual innities (quoted in [71], p. 3, from [18], p. 404): ... in truth the potential innite has only a borrowed reality, insofar as potentially innite concept always points towards a logically prior actually innite concept whose existence it depends on. Evidently this is not a formal proof but a personal belief. Cantors innite totality is evidently isomorph to the set N of natural numbers and then his implicit assumption on the existence of that complete totality is equivalent to our modern Axiom of Innity. But convictions do not suce in mathematics and we had nally to state the actual existence of complete innite totalities by the expeditious way of axioms. The (assumed) innite totality of nite cardinals led Cantor to the essential notion of -order (Beitrge, p. 115 [19]): a By we understand the type of a well ordered aggregate (e1 , e2 , . . . , e , . . . ) in which e e+1 and where represents all nite cardinal numbers in turn.

respective proofs were compatible with the potential innity.

The aleph-zeoro or zero dichotomy

Cantor then dened the notion of fundamental series of ordinals of which he proved the existence of a limit (Beitrge, Theorem 14 I). This a limit plays a capital role in the proofs of the following 10 theorems in Beitrge 15 the last of which is the fundamental theorem K-15 stating a that every ordinal of the second class (transnite) is either the result of increasing by one the next smaller ordinal (ordinals of the rst kind), or it is the limit of a fundamental increasing sequence of ordinals (ordinals of the second kind). Cantor construction of transnite ordinals, from to the -numbers of the second number class, strongly depends on Theorem K-15. The imposing cantorian edice was really founded on that theorem. And that theorem, in turn, depends on the hypothetical existence of a complete innite totality: that of the nite cardinal numbers (Axiom of Innity in modern terms), which is anything but selfevident. In modern terms, we say a sequence is -ordered if it has a rst element and each element has an immediate successor. Similarly, a sequence is -ordered if it has a last element and each element has an immediate predecessor. Evidently, both type of ordering are intimately related to Zenos Dichotomies, although surprisingly, the analysis of Zenos arguments as formal consequences of -order remains still undone. For some unknown reasons, it seems we are not interested in analyzing the consistency of the hypothetical existence of actual complete innite totalities. And this in spite of the enormous problems the actual innity poses to experimental sciences as physics (recall for example the problems of renormalization in elementary particle physics [34], [47], [36], [90], [37]). The discussion that follows is just oriented in that direction. Its main objective is to analyze Zenos Dichotomies I and II from the perspective of both -order and -order . 3. The aleph-zero or zero dichotomy2 In what follows, and for the sake of clarity, I will consider a canonical version of the famous Achilles race whose logical impossibility Zeno claimed. In fact, Achilles will be considered as a single point moving rightwards along the X axis, from point -1 to point 1, at a nite velocity v. In the place of the uncountable and densely ordered sequence of points within the real interval [1, 1] we will only consider the -ordered sequence of points: ...,

1 1 1 1 , , , ,1 24 23 22 2


the usual way of reading 0 is aleph-null -it can also be read as alephzero- the original english translation by P. E. B. Jourdain of Cantors Beitrge was a aleph-zero. Section 6 is entitled The Smallest Transnite Cardinal Number Aleph-Zero. The current English edition of Cantors Beitrge is from 1955. a

The aleph-zero or zero dichotomy

all of which Achilles must successively traverse in order to reach point 1 from the starting point -1. In fact, this denumerable sequence of points (Z -points according to classical Vlastos terminology [82]) is not densely by successively ordered, which means that between any two successive Z -points no other Z -point exists. In consequence, and at a nite velocity, Z -points can only be traversed in a successive way: one after the other. Assume now Achilles is just on point 0 at the precise instant t0 . According to classic mechanics he will reach point 1 just at t1 = t0 + 1/v. But before reaching his goal, he has to successively traverse the controversial Z -points. We will focus our attention just on the way Achilles performs such a traversal. For this, let f (t) be the number of Z -points Achilles has traversed at the precise instant t, being t any instant within the closed real interval [t0 , t1 ]. It is quite clear that f (t0 ) = 0 because at t0 Achilles is just on point 0. For any other instant t in [t0 , t1 ] Achilles has already passed over countably many Z -points, for if there were an instant t in [t0 , t1 ] at which Achilles were passed only over a nite number n > 0 of Z -points, these n Z -points would have to be the impossible rsts n points of an -ordered sequence of points. So we can write: f (t) = 0 0 if t = t0 if t0 < t t1 (2)

Notice f (t) is well dened for each t in [t0 , t1 ]. Consequently, f maps the real interval [t0 , t1 ] into the set of two elements {0, 0 }. In this way f denes a clair dichotomy, the aleph-zero or zero dichotomy, regarding the numbers of Z -points Achilles has traversed when moving rightward from -1 to 1 along the X axis. Accordingly, with respect to the number of the traversed Z -points, Achilles can only exhibit two states: (1) State A0 : Achilles has traversed no Z -point. (2) State A0 : Achilles has traversed aleph-zero Z -points. Thus, Achilles directly becomes from having traversed no Z -point (state A0 ) to having traversed 0 of them (state A0 ). Finite intermediate states, as An at which he would have traversed only a nite number n of Z -points, simply do no exist. The set of states Achilles exhibits with respect to the number of traversed Z-points is well dened and has only two elements, namely A0 and A0 Let us now examine the transition from A0 to A0 under the inevitable restriction of the above aleph-zero or zero dichotomy. The topological successiveness of Z -points makes it impossible to traverse them other than successively. And taking into account that between any two successive Z -points a nite distance greater than 0 exists, to traverse 0 Z -points -whatever they be- means to traverse a nite distance greater than 0. This traversal, at the nite Achilles velocity v,

The aleph-zeoro or zero dichotomy

can only be accomplished by lasting a certain amount of time necessarily greater than 0. Achilles, therefore, has to expend a certain amount of time > 0 in becoming A0 from A0 . The -ordering imposes this time has to be indeterminable, otherwise we would know the precise instant at which Achilles becomes A0 and, consequently, we would also know the precise Z -point point on which he reaches that state, and this is impossibly because in that case a natural number n would have to exist such that n + 1 = 0 . The indeterminacy of means both the existence of more than one alternative and the impossibility to determine the actual alternative. Now then, indeterminable as it may be, must be greater than 0, and this inevitable requirement imposed by Achilles nite velocity is incompatible with the aleph-zero or zero dichotomy. In fact, let be any real number greater than zero and assume the transition from A0 to A0 lasts a time . Consider the real interval (0, ), along this interval Achilles state cannot be neither A0 nor A0 . It cannot be A0 because it that were the case the process of becoming A0 would not have begun, which is false because it is being performed. It cannot be A0 because in that case the process would have already nished, which is also false for it is still being performed. Now then, Achilles state has to be either A0 or A0 because it is well dened along the real interval [0, 1] of which (0, ) is a proper subinterval. Consequently, and being any real number, it is impossible for Achilles to become A0 from A0 by lasting a time greater than zero. Notice this is not a question of indeterminacy but of impossibility: no real number greater than zero exists for the duration of Achilles transition from A0 to A0 . He, therefore, has to become A0 from A0 instantaneously. But this is impossible at his nite velocity v. He must, therefore, remain A0 . Or in other words, he cannot begin to move. Evidently, this conclusion is the same absurdity of Zenos Dichotomy II, although in our case it has been directly derived from the topological successiveness of -order, which in turn derives from assuming the existence of complete denumerable totalities [19] (Axiom of innity). To be complete (as the actual innity requires) and uncompletable (because no last -rst- element completes them) could be a contradictory attribute rather than a permissible eccentricity of both -ordered and -ordered sequences. The above argument is conrmed by the following variant. Let us replace each Z -point with a mass Z -sensor capable of emitting a visible laser beam when it is activated by any mass passing over it. Assume the system of Z -sensors is regulated in such a way that each sensor emits its corresponding laser beam if, and only if, it is activated and no other laser beam is being emitted by other Z -sensor of the system. So only one laser beam can be being emitted by the system of Z -sensors: the one corresponding to the rst activated Z -sensor, whatsoever it be. Assume Achilles performs his canonical race from point -1 to point

The aleph-zero or zero dichotomy

1. Will any laser beam being emitted at t1 ? Evidently not, because it would have to be the impossible rst Z -sensor of an -ordered sequence of Z -sensors. But on the other hand, why not? Is there any reason to explain the inevitable malfunctioning of Z -sensors system other than the inconsistency of assuming that it is possible to begin a sequence of discrete and successive actions without a rst action to begin? Let us now examine Zenos Dichotomy I under the same canonical conditions of the above Dichotomy II. Consider again the real interval [1, 1] in the X axis. Let now zi iN be the -ordered sequence of Z-points: 2i 1 zi = , i N (3) 2i Achilles has to traverse in his race from point -1 to point 1. Assume also we remove from [0, 1] all points except just Z-points (we would have a sort of Zenos powder ). In the place of a continuous race from point -1 to point 1, assume that Achilles is on point 0 just at instant t0 and then he begins to step to z1 , to z2 , to z3 , . . . , so that he is on each zi just at ti as a consequence of a Z-jump ji , being ti the i-th term of an -ordered sequence of instants ti iN whose limit is tb . The one to one correspondence f (ti ) = zi proves3 that at tb Achilles has completed the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN on the -ordered sequence of Z-points zi iN . Thus, at tb Achilles has to be on a point x 1 of the X axis. Otherwise, if he were on a Z-point zi , only a nite number i of jumps would have been performed. We have now an uncomfortable asymmetry between the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN and an ( + 1)-ordered sequence of points: the ordered sequence of Z-points plus the last point x Achilles ends up his -ordered sequence of Z-jumps, i.e. the ( + 1)-ordered sequence zi iN , x . By denition Achilles is on each zi at ti as a consequence of the i-th Z-jump ji . The one to one correspondence f (ji ) = zi proves that: (1) No Z-jump ji makes Achilles to reach point x. (2) Achilles comes to point 1 from no Z-point. But the only actions Achilles performs from t0 is the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN on the -ordered sequence of Z-points zi iN . So, Achilles can only come from a Z-point as a consequence of a Z-jump. How is then possible Achilles reaches point x at tb if none of the performed Z-jumps places him there? At this point of the discussion, most
is the way innitists pretend to explain how an -ordered sequence of actions can be completed: by pairing o two endless sequences, the one of actions the other of instants at which the successive actions are carried out. Thus, in order to end an endless sequence of actions we only need to pair the endless sequence of actions with the endless sequence of instants as which they are performed, as if by pairing o two impossibilities a possibility could result.

The aleph-zeoro or zero dichotomy

innitists claim that although Achilles comes to point x from no Z-point as a consequence of no Z-jump, it reaches that point at tb as a consequence of having completed the (uncompletable) -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN . As if the completion of the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN were a place where one may come from (as well as an additional jump). But if the completion of the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN means the completion of the -ordered sequence of Zjumps si iN , i.e. that each one of the countably many Z-jumps j1 , j2 , j3 , . . . , and only them, have been performed, then it is quite clair that Achilles cannot reach point x at tb . Simply because no Z-jump j1 , j2 , j3 , . . . ends on point x. And if no Z-jump j1 , j2 , j3 , . . . , end on point x and Achilles only performs Z-jumps, then he cannot end on point x either. On the other hand, if the completion of the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN were an additional jump then we would have an ( + 1)-ordered sequence of jumps rather that an -ordered one. But we have proved the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN suces to place Achilles on point x at tb . It is therefore that -ordered sequence ji iN which places and does not place Achilles on point x. Achilles ends his -ordered sequence of Z-jumps on point x and this nal position is unexplainable because no nal jump places him there. And no nal jump places him there because no nal Z-jumps exists in the -ordered sequence of Z-jumps ji iN . The asymmetry is quite clair: there exists a last eect (to reach point x) but not a last jump causing it. Innitist, therefore, have to make use of a mysterious last jump by converting the completion of an -ordered sequence of jumps in a subsequent additional jump dierent from all previously performed ones. But an -ordered sequence of jumps plus an additional last jump is not an -ordered sequence of jumps but an ( + 1)-ordered one. Thus, this assumed additional jump does not solve the question, because Achilles reaches and does not reaches point x as a consequence of an -ordered (not of an ( + 1)-ordered) sequence of jumps. As in the case of Dichotomy II, assume that each Z-point zi is provided with a mass Z-sensor, being the system of Z-sensors regulated in such a way that, once a Z-sensor is activated, it will be emitting its corresponding laser beam until other Z-sensor be activated. In consequence, once the system is activated there will always be a Z-beam being emitted: the one corresponding to the last activated Z-sensor. So, once activated, it is impossible to turn o the emission of Z-beams. Assume now Achilles performs an -ordered sequence of Z-jumps on the -ordered sequence of Z-sensorized Z-points. For the same reasons above, Achilles completes this -ordered sequence of Z-jumps at tb . And now the question is: will any laser beam being emitted at tb ? According to the functioning of the Z-sensors system, once Achilles activates the rst Z-sensor by Z-jumping on the rst Z-point, it is impossible to turn o the emission of Z-beams. So, at tb a Z-beam has to

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be being emitted. Although, on the other hand, no Z-beam can be being emitted at tb because, if Achilles has completed his uncompletable -ordered sequence of Z-jumps, that Z-beam would have to be being emitted by the impossible last Z-sensor of the -ordered sequence of Z-sensors. Thus, if Achilles has completed the uncompletable -ordered sequence of Z-jumps, a laser beam will and will not being emitted by the system of Z-sensors. This seems rather contradictory.

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The aleph-zeoro or zero dichotomy

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