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Beach Point

Service Leadership

Circle K Pledge
I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, To foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, To develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, And to dedicate myself to the realization of mankinds potential!

Cheer Section
We Say Long Beach! What do we say? We say, we say, we say We Long Beach Circle K (x3) (clapping then clapping and stomping)

Table of Contents
Presidents Update Page 1 Past Events Page 2 Executive Board Page 11 Appointed Board Page 12 Calendar of Events Page 13 Club Updates Page 14

Presidents Update
Greetings CSULB Circle K! I hope you are all having a wonderful winter break free from the tortures of school! Ohyou enjoy school? I am indeed sorry for you. Anyway! I cant believe weve made it through one semester of Circle K already! It seemed like just yesterday I saw all the new faces at the first meeting, weve come a long way since the first meeting. Things have changed, however something that hasnt changed is how proud I am of every single one of you all, board member or general member, heck- even if youre reading this as a prospective member to our club, thats fine by me! But you all are the reason that Circle K as Cal State Long Beach is what it is today, why it is so amazing, and why I am so proud of you all. Your hard work not only for the communities that we service but also the work that you all have put into the club, it is indeed amazing. Keep it up 49ers! So youre probably wondering what comes next after winter break in terms of Circle K. Its simple, we have week of welcome the second week we return to school, filled with another week of awesomeness and a general meeting. Then in February, elections will come up, so if youre interested in running for an executive board position, then go for it! After elections comes DCON [District Convention] one of the biggest events of the year, and essentially the end of the 20112012 boards term. More information will be announced as the date nears! I, honestly cant wait to see all your faces once the school year begins again, I just hope you feel the same to me! Well, its about time for me to go, since Im running out of space to write, but this current sentence is a filler! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a wonderful Winter Break! Signed, Sean Dylan Nguyen

Serving Food With Arc

By Renee Eguia
It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and the Downey Los Amigos Kiwanis Club invited us to collaborate with them and the Arc organization to serve food to those who are mentally and intellectually disabled. We had to serve over a hundred or so people and each member helped by setting up the tablecloth and the centerpiece. I must say, I had a lot of fun making it rain and by it, I am referring to the leaves that were a part of the centerpiece decoration. We also helped arrange the paper mats, utensils and napkins for each table. [Teamwork for the win!] In addition, we helped serve salad, the main course, pumpkin pie as their dessert and drinks to each person who is a part of the Arc organization. Many of them were thankful for the food they received despite having to wait awhile to get the food. The coordinator of Arc organization was also appreciative of our club for attending and even wanted to share with us at the Arc organization is. He showed us an informative video of the Arc organization and the organization thrives on creating the lives of the mentally and intellectually disabled as normal as they can be. Some noteworthy events include sporting events such as the Lakers Parade, Thanksgiving Dinner, a Christmas Party, celebrating the New Year, learning how to take public transportation and teaching them how to be prepared for the workforce. We were then awarded with the food we helped serve and boy was it delicious! (: <3

Past Events

Meals On Wheels
By Renee Eguia

Past Events

On a early Friday morning, more than 10 Circle Kers woke up to help pack food in brown lunch bags for about 400 residents of the Long Beach and Signal Hill area. Members were assigned various tasks on a type of assembly line such as packing the sandwiches, packing a roll of bread, placing condiments and folding the bags. Unfortunately, I was at the end of the assembly line and because I was given two tasks that took more time than other tasks, Michael and I had to work diligently and fast yet efficient to create some nice looking bags! Luckily other members and people helped save the day by making our tasks easier with more helping hands! Afterwards, we took a short break and were then assigned to pack the hot foods. Once again we were in a type of assembly line and one of the coordinators from Meals on Wheels wanted to know more about our club. Once we shared a bit of information, she wanted to know what else we do. When she heard that we have some cheers, she was more than thrilled to hear what we knew. We shared the Oh Yeah Cheer, the Oh No Cheer, and many others. Overall, its great to know that there are organizations that help out the less fortunate and we even have members from our club who were willing to sacrifice sleep and do some service for the community! (: <3

A Day in Irvine Social

By Jennie Nguyen
It was a glorious Tuesday morning. No classes for the day sleeping in. Not only that but a few of us Circle Kers were planning on going to the Irvine Spectrum for that day just to hang out. It all began with us meeting up by the dorms and carpooling to Irvine. For me, it was my first time ever being there and needless to say, this mall was HUGE. It was beautiful. A few of us girls split up from the boys and started to shop. We eventually metup with them again and went into the Apple Store to play with all the cool electronics and take loads of funny pictures. Hunger caught up with us pretty soon so we went to go grub on some Veggie Grill and Panda Express. Because Im a vegetarian, I was more than happy to try new veggie food, which was totally delicious by the way. After dinner, we all headed over to Urban Outfitters to just look at all the weird stuff they sold in there and read some funny books. It was definitely a fun time. The night gradually came to a smooth ending and everyone began to head home. Lots of laughs, good food, and good company. What more can you ask for in a day? :)

Past Events

Clothe the Children

By Kaci Nashimura

Past Events

Early as it was, we had almost 20 Circle K members meet up in the icy cold at 6am to help with project Clothe the Children at the Walmart on Beach and Talbert. There the less fortunate families in the community could bring their children to get clothes and toys for the holiday. Walmart supplied each child with a $100 gift card, tax free to make their holidays a little brighter. We all had a great time helping them pick out clothes and buying them toys to help more people enjoy the holiday. So with a free meal, new clothes and toys and a picture with Santa, the kids of all ages had a great time.

Friends of Animals
By Jennifer Kheang

Past Events

It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and El Dorado park was fundraising to help find homeless animals homes and raise money for a dog park. CSULB Circle K helped set up the booths which were giving away and selling an assortment of dog treats, food, and accessories. We then helped give away free gift bags to the visitors. There were many dogs and many were dressed in festive dog clothing! It was very cute. Many dogs even took pictures with Santa for Christmas photos. There were a few food trucks serving food for the visitors, including the infamous Grilled Cheese Truck. It was absolutely delicious! We helped tear down the tents and put stuff away after the event ended. A very friendly lady selling walking animal balloons kindly made us all a balloon to take home. It was a great ending to an already wonderful day.

Winter Wonderland
By Kaci Nashimura

Past Events

Its the ho-ho-holidays and everyone was having fun with Johnny Dao/Santa and the enormous 10 foot tall backdrop gorgeously decorated by some of our amazing members and artists. Gathering donations for PTP, handing out candy and fliers advertising Circle K and having fun with Santa by the SRWCs skating rink made it overall a very fun and profitable day for everyone! It may have taken a long time to put up the backdrop and get set up, but in the end it was all worthwhile. Being one of only about 3 groups tabling at the event, we got a lot of peoples attention and hopefully many new members.

Breakfast with Santa

By Renee Eguia On an early Wednesday morning, five of us Circle Kers decided to partake in eating a delicious and scrumptious buffet style breakfast with our Downey Los Amigos Kiwanians, children from elementary schools in the Downey area and their teachers. One Kiwanian shared with me that many of the children who were present may only receive this one gift from Santa and therefore many would like to wait until Christmas to open the gifts. I later learned that the elementary students who chosen based on the familys annual income and hence realized many of the students come from impoverished families. The children were filled with excitement and surprise once Santa entered the meeting room and sat in his designated chair. Each student received a gift and if the student was a male, he received a glow in the dark car set and track set and if the student was a female, she received a large doll. All in all, the event was a great opportunity to see the happiness a child receives when his/her Christmas is a little brighter due to the help of Santa and the Kiwanians.

Past Events

Fun Time Dance

By Renee Eguia Numerous Circle Kers spent their Friday evening, setting up the decorations for the dance, providing delicious cookies, donuts and drinks for the guests, and cleaning up once the dance ended. However, the most important aspect of the event were the guests. The guests are individuals who are intellectually disabled and therefore we had to chaperone and keep an eye out for anything that may seem out of the norm. Some of the guests asked us to dance with them, which really made their night. Some Circle Kers formed relationships with the guests that would only last either several minutes or several hours, but some guests would quickly find another person he/she was interested in. Personally, I wasnt sure if we were allowed to approach the guests and ask to dance with them, but I decided to do it anyways with the confidence booster and help from a fellow Circle Ker. The gentlemen I danced with were filled with joy and genuine happiness to know that they would not dance alone and it was probably one of the most heartfelt moments I have ever experienced.

Past Events


Caroling for Cans

By Brenda Soriano

Past Events

The wind was chilly as we made our way to the beautiful streets full of Christmas decorations. As we gathered in front of the first house to meet and greet the members of CKI ECC and CKI CSUDH, we started to practice our Christmas songs. We walked around the decorated neighborhood with our holiday cheer brightening up the neighborhood with our slightly off key voices. The plan was to go around collecting cans and donations throughout the neighborhood, but we did not seem to have a set plan for our good intentions. Thus we concluded the night with our best song, Feliz Navidad; with the feeling that we had made a someones night.


Executive Board

Sean Nguyen-President Kristel Eclarino-Vice President of Administration Michelle Huynh-Treasurer Joe Reguindin-Secretary Alex Nauta-Vice President of Service And Education Chair


Appointed Board

John Nguyen-Spirit Chair Jennie Nguyen-Public Relations Co-chair Jasmine Chavez-Fundraising Co-chair Renee Eguia-MRP & KFAM Chair Kaci Nashimura-Web Tech Kevin Paul Edwards-Service Co-chair Andrew Wang-Public Relations Co-chair

Enam Duong-Scrapbook Co-chair Jennifer Kheang-Bulletin Editor Lorraine Ito-Scrapbook Co-chair Johnny Dao-Service Co-chair Tierney Kelly-Social Co-chair Caroline Sanchez-Fundraising Co-chair David Ly-Historian Jesse Tran-Bulletin Editor


January 2012
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1st Sat Stewards





14 UCLA Pillow Fight 21

Monthly Wetland Cleanup


Working Wardrobe for a New Start






23 24 Sem. Begins! 30 31







Want to be on the newsletter? Submit your article that summarizes the event and your positive feedback on it to: Length: 100-200 words

Club Size: Last year: 45 members This year: 84 members!

Social Hours: 1522.5 hours Service Hours: 1175 hours And counting! Happy Holidays!!!

Club Website:

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