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Theme : My Story Speaker Samyak S Chakrabarty , MD Electronic Youth Media , President, Concrean Communications Summary What an introduction The

story which is I am going to narrate is the best story I have heard in SIMSR. The speaker has so many accolades to his name that too at a very young age. He is named the youngest CEO of media recently by the Time magazine. When he arrives on stage, he exclaims sometimes it feels very embarrassing when you have so many awards on your name and people consider you older but I am still 23 years old and bachelor. His Story Then he starts narrating his story not of entrepreneurship but his life. He exclaims you cant teach entrepreneurship in a class and in a college. Then he takes a dig at colleges which teach entrepreneurship as a separate course, unknowingly that in SIMSR the course is also taught. Then he realized by the reactions of students and faculty members including Dr Radha Iyer and other faculties. Then he smartly modifies it by saying that he frankly admits course cant be taught, he says he knows that he will not be allowed to enter SIMSR again but he continues that you can just mentor the ideas of students, refines them into a viable business model but if you teach how to get an idea, it is suicidal both for teacher and students. It has to be come from within, not an externally motivated. One thing that was very impressive on his part was his saying that never ever speak about yourself , let people speak about you and introduce you to their friends. He emphasis on the right time and right occasion to be heard. But there is no conceptually any definition of right time, it is by your own instincts. He refers to his story that at the age of 16, he started his own company. He emphasis on the right networking that has to be done before venturing into any business. He started making

good relationships at the age of 18. He gives an example of how to make relationships. It is not like that you go to any organization and started exchanging business cards. He says that we all have must of 100s of that business cards but ever we used them to have a conversation with any one of them. He further explains go to any party, where you want to meet your clients and let them people introduce you to him, then he asks about your work and here is our chance, in first minute you have to elevate a pitch of your work. But he cautions about never oversell your products like I have done this and that i.e. never exaggerates the simple things. Conclusion In the end, he gives insights into his first failure and how he learnt from them and urged the budding entrepreneurs to first finalize the idea on which they have to work and then start working on it right now. He gave a humorous insight that you have to do it no matter what your spouse and parents say because it is your life and you have to live it, thus telling the importance of being a selfish.

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