Scoring and Grading

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Scoring and Grading Scoring

n Definition Purwanto (70) says that scoring is the first step of calculating process to the result of a test or a process of changing test-answers into numbers. Arikunto (235) says that scoring is a process of calculating numbers belong to the items with the correct answers. Instrument 1. Answer Key is used to identify the correct answers. 2. Scoring Key is used to select the correct and the wrong answers. 3. Grading Guideline is used to identify the appropriate numbers refer to each item.

Answer and Scoring Key can be applied to the following types of test: n True-false n Multiple Choice n Short Answer Test n Matching n Essay Test n Assignment Answer and Scoring Key for True-false Test n The testee is required to circle, cross, underline, or tick letter T or F. n The answer key is in form of a list of item numbers with the correct answers. n The scoring key is in form of the following steps: 1. Identifying the position of the correct answers. 2. Making holes to the correct answers. n Suggestion: The scoring key is suggested in form of a transparent plastic with circles right to the correct answers. n Scoring Guidelines: Non-penalty Scoring: S= R Penalty Scoring: S=RW T = 10 R = 8 S = T 2.W W=2 Answer and Scoring Key for Multiple-Choice Test n The testee is required to circle, cross, tick, block, darken, or rewrite the letter refers to the correct answer. n The answer and the scoring key for Multiple Choice test are the same as the ones for True-false test. n Scoring Guidelines: Non-penalty Scoring: S=R Penalty Scoring: S=RW (n 1) Answer and Scoring Key for Short-Answer Test n The testee is required to give short answers. n The answer key is in form of a range of short answers based on the item-numbers. n The scoring key is in form of graded scoring.

Scoring Guidelines: 3 2 1 0 = = = = 100% correct answer 50% correct answer wrong answer no answer exists

Answer and Scoring Key for Matching Test n The testee is required to match something in one group with the one in another group. n The answer and scoring key is in form of a range of answers or a range of item- numbers with the letters before/after them. n The Scoring Guideline is the same as the one for True-false test. Answer and Scoring Key for Essay Test n The testee is required to give response in form of explanation dealing with certain questions/instructions. n The scoring key is in form of graded scoring. n Scoring Guidelines: 3 = 100% correct answer 2 = 50% correct answer 1 = wrong answer 0 = no answer exists Answer and Scoring Key for Assignment n The testee is required to finish it individually or in groups at the time provided. n The answer key is in form of the one suitable for the instruction. n The scoring key is in form of graded scoring. n Important Aspects for scoring: A1. Finish in / on time score: 2 A2. Design score: 2 A3. Systematically done score: 2 A4. The whole content score: 2 A5. Working quality score: 2 n Scoring Guidelines: FSA = 2.A1 + 1.A2 + 3.A3 + 3.A4 + 3.A5 12


Definition: Arikunto (235) says that grading is a process of changing scores into grade using certain guidelines.

Condition: T = 20 s =2 R = 12 W =8 Max. Score: 40 Testee gets score: 24 24 x 40 40

n n

Testee understands 60% of the materials tested. 24 is the score 60 is the grade

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