North Wind

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Northwind Database

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Table of Contents
Northwind Database...................................................................................................................................... 3 Tables.......................................................................................................................................................... 4 Categories.................................................................................................................................................. 5 Customers.................................................................................................................................................. 6 Employees..................................................................................................................................................7 Order Details.............................................................................................................................................. 8 Orders........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Products..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Shippers..................................................................................................................................................... 12 Suppliers.................................................................................................................................................... 13

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Northwind Database
Description This database reference documents the Northwind database. See Also Tables

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Tables: Northwind
Tables Name Categories Customers Employees Order Details Orders Products Shippers Suppliers Description Categories of Northwind products. Customers' names, addresses, and phone numbers. Employees' names, titles, and personal information. Details on products, quantities, and prices for each order in the Orders table. Customer name, order date, and freight charge for each order. Product names, suppliers, prices, and units in stock. Shippers' names and phone numbers. Suppliers' names, addresses, phone numbers, and hyperlinks to home pages.

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Table: Categories
Description Categories of Northwind products. Columns Name CategoryID CategoryName Description Picture Type AutoNumber Text(15) Memo Binary Description Number automatically assigned to a new category. Name of food category. Description of the category. A picture representing the food category.

Relationships Primary Table Categories Primary Key CategoryID Foreign Table Products Foreign Key CategoryID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Unique Columns CategoryName CategoryID

Check Constraints None

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Table: Customers
Description Customers' names, addresses, and phone numbers. Columns Name Address City CompanyName ContactName ContactTitle Country CustomerID Fax Phone PostalCode Region Type Text(60) Text(15) Text(40) Text(30) Text(30) Text(15) Text(5) Text(24) Text(24) Text(10) Text(15) Description Street or post-office box. Name of city where customer is located. Name of customer company. Name of contact person. Title of contact person. Name of country where customer is located. Unique five-character code based on customer name. Phone number includes country code or area code. Phone number includes country code or area code. ZIP code where customer is located. State or province.

Relationships Primary Table Customers Primary Key CustomerID Foreign Table Orders Foreign Key CustomerID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Columns CustomerID City CompanyName PostalCode Region

Check Constraints None

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Table: Employees
Description Employees' names, titles, and personal information. Columns Name Address BirthDate City Country EmployeeID Extension FirstName HireDate HomePhone LastName Notes Photo PostalCode Region ReportsTo Title TitleOfCourtesy Type Text(60) Date/Time Text(15) Text(15) AutoNumber Text(4) Text(10) Date/Time Text(24) Text(20) Memo Text(255) Text(10) Text(15) Long Integer Text(30) Text(25) Description Street or post-office box. Employee's date of birth. Name of city where employee lives. Name of country where employee lives. Number automatically assigned to new employee. Internal telephone extension number. First name of employee. Date that employee was hired. Phone number includes country code or area code. Last name of employee. General information about employee's background. Picture of employee. ZIP code where employee lives. State or province. Employee's supervisor. Employee's title. Title used in salutations.

Relationships Primary Table Employees Primary Key EmployeeID Foreign Table Orders Foreign Key EmployeeID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Non-unique Non-unique Columns EmployeeID LastName PostalCode

Check Constraints Name BirthDate Check <Date()

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Table: Order Details

Description Details on products, quantities, and prices for each order in the Orders table. Columns Name Discount OrderID ProductID Quantity UnitPrice Type Single Long Integer Long Integer Integer Currency Description Discount percentage applied. Same as Order ID in Orders table. Same as Product ID in Products table. Number of units. Price per unit.

Relationships Primary Table Orders Products Primary Key OrderID ProductID Foreign Table Order Details Order Details Foreign Key OrderID ProductID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Columns OrderID, ProductID OrderID OrderID ProductID ProductID

Check Constraints Name Discount Quantity UnitPrice Check Between 0 And 1 >0 >=0

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Table: Orders
Description Customer name, order date, and freight charge for each order. Columns Name CustomerID EmployeeID Freight OrderDate OrderID RequiredDate ShipAddress ShipCity ShipCountry ShipName ShippedDate ShipPostalCode ShipRegion ShipVia Type Text(5) Long Integer Currency Date/Time AutoNumber Date/Time Text(60) Text(15) Text(15) Text(40) Date/Time Text(10) Text(15) Long Integer Description Same entry as in Customers table. Same entry as in Employees table. Shipping cost. Date of order. Unique order number. Required by date. Street address only -- no post-office box allowed. Name of city where order was shipped. Name of country where order was shipped. Name of person or company to receive the shipment. Date that order was shipped. ZIP code where order was shipped. State or province. Same as Shipper ID in Shippers table.

Relationships Primary Table Customers Employees Shippers Orders Primary Key CustomerID EmployeeID ShipperID OrderID Foreign Table Orders Orders Orders Order Details Foreign Key CustomerID EmployeeID ShipVia OrderID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Columns OrderID CustomerID CustomerID EmployeeID EmployeeID OrderDate ShippedDate ShipVia ShipPostalCode

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

Northwind Database

Check Constraints None

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample


Northwind Database

Table: Products
Description Product names, suppliers, prices, and units in stock. Columns Name CategoryID Discontinued ProductID ProductName QuantityPerUnit ReorderLevel SupplierID UnitPrice UnitsInStock UnitsOnOrder Type Long Integer Yes/No AutoNumber Text(40) Text(20) Integer Long Integer Currency Integer Integer Description Same entry as in Categories table. Yes means item is no longer available. Number automatically assigned to new product. Name of the product (e.g., 24-count case, 1-liter bottle). Minimum units to maintain in stock. Same entry as in Suppliers table. Price per unit. Number of units in stock. Number of units on order.

Relationships Primary Table Categories Suppliers Products Primary Key CategoryID SupplierID ProductID Foreign Table Products Products Order Details Foreign Key CategoryID SupplierID ProductID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Non-unique Columns ProductID CategoryID CategoryID ProductName SupplierID SupplierID

Check Constraints Name ReorderLevel UnitPrice UnitsInStock UnitsOnOrder Check >=0 >=0 >=0 >=0

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample


Northwind Database

Table: Shippers
Description Shippers' names and phone numbers. Columns Name CompanyName Phone ShipperID Type Text(40) Text(24) AutoNumber Description Name of shipping company. Phone number includes country code or area code. Number automatically assigned to new shipper.

Relationships Primary Table Shippers Primary Key ShipperID Foreign Table Orders Foreign Key ShipVia

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Columns ShipperID

Check Constraints None

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample


Northwind Database

Table: Suppliers
Description Suppliers' names, addresses, phone numbers, and hyperlinks to home pages. Columns Name Address City CompanyName ContactName ContactTitle Country Fax HomePage Phone PostalCode Region SupplierID Type Text(60) Text(15) Text(40) Text(30) Text(30) Text(15) Text(24) Memo Text(24) Text(10) Text(15) AutoNumber Description Street or post-office box. Name of city where supplier is located. Name of supplier. Name of contact person at supplier. Title of contact person at supplier. Name of country where supplier is located. Phone number includes country code or area code. Supplier's home page on World Wide Web. Phone number includes country code or area code. ZIP code where supplier is located. State or province. Number automatically assigned to new supplier.

Relationships Primary Table Suppliers Primary Key SupplierID Foreign Table Products Foreign Key SupplierID

Indexes Name PrimaryKey Type Unique Non-unique Non-unique Columns SupplierID CompanyName PostalCode

Check Constraints None

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample


Index C
Categories 5 Customers 6

Employees 7

Northwind Database 3

Order Details 8 Orders 9

Products 11

Shippers 12 Suppliers 13

Tables 4

TechWriter 2007 for Databases Sample

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