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EU Transport Policy

Mag. Samo KOTNIK

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Definition (White book) Policy and Benchmarks for 2008 TINA Intelligent Energy - Europe MARCO POLO (recap.) Motorways of the sea, GALILEO, Eurovignette,Single sky Discussion

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Definition White BOOK


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Definition a real change in the Common Transport White BOOK Europe must bring about

Policy. The time has come to set new objectives for it: restoring the balance between modes of transport and developing intermodality, combating congestion and putting safety and the quality of services at the heart of our efforts, while maintaining the right to mobility. One of the main challenges is to define common principles for fair charging for the different modes of transport. This new framework for charging should both promote the use of less polluting modes and less congested networks and prepare the way for new types of infrastructure financing.

The Transport White Paper adopted by the European Commission on

12 September 2001 paints a realistic picture of the present situation with regard to transport and sets out an ambitious action program comprising 60 or so measures between now and 2010.

Loyola de Palacio

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Principal measures proposed in the White Book

1. 2. 3. 4.

Definition White BOOK

Shifting the balance between modes of transport Eliminating bottlenecks Placing users at the heart of transport policy Managing the globalisation of transport

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Shifting the balance between modes of transport REGULATED COMPETITION Improving quality in the road sector Revitalising the railways Controlling the growth in air transport LINKING UP THE MODES OF TRANSPORT Linking up sea, inland waterways and rail Helping to start up intermodal services: the new Marco Polo programme Creating favourable technical conditions

Definition White BOOK

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Definition White BOOK

Starting next year, the Commission will propose a package of measures which should restore the credibility, in terms of regularity and punctuality, of this mode in the eyes of operators, particularly for freight. Step by step, a network of railway lines must be dedicated exclusively to goods services so that, commercially, railway companies attach as much importance to goods as to passengers.


The European Union suffers from overfragmentation of its air traffic management systems. By a series of specific proposals establishing Community legislation on air traffic and introducing effective cooperation both with the military authorities and with Eurocontrol the problem shall be solved.


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Definition White BOOK


The way to revive short-sea shipping is to build veritable sea motorways within the framework of the master plan for the trans-European network. This will require better connections between ports and the rail and inland waterway networks together with improvements in the quality of port services.




The priorities must be technical harmonisation and interoperability between systems, particularly for containers. In addition, the new Community support programme Marco Polo targeted on innovative initiatives.

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Eliminating bottlenecks UNBLOCKING THE MAJOR ROUTES Towards multimodal corridors giving priority to freight A high-speed passenger network Improving traffic conditions Major infrastructure projects THE HEADACHE OF FUNDING Limited public budgets Reassuring private investors An innovative approach: pooling of funds

Definition White BOOK

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Placing users at the heart of transport policy (1) UNSAFE ROADS Death on a daily basis: 40 000 fatalities a year Halving the number of deaths THE FACTS BEHIND THE COSTS TO THE USER Towards gradual charging for the use of infrastructure The need to harmonise fuel taxes

Definition White BOOK

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Definition White BOOK


Two measures for the trans-European network only: The first will be to harmonise signs at particularly dangerous black spots. The second will be to harmonise the rules governing checks and penalties for international commercial transport with regard to speeding and drink-driving.


harmonisation of fuel taxation for commercial users, particularly in road transport;

alignment of the principles for charging for infrastructure use. (The integration of external costs.)

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Placing users at the heart of transport policy (2) TRANSPORT WITH A HUMAN FACE Intermodality for people Rights and obligations of users RATIONALISING URBAN TRANSPORT Diversified energy for transport Promoting good practice

Definition White BOOK

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Good practice in road transpotation

Reducing the impact of each mode through cleaner engines, cleaner

fuels, new fuels and in the case of road freight, energy efficient truck design Driver training and behaviour Switching to environmentally friendly modes of transport, e.g. rail, coastal shipping, waterways and any of these in combination with road transport Reducing the actual number of vehicles running, vehicle kilometres and tonne kilometres by increasing load factors (reducing empty or partly loaded running of lorries), improving routeing, utilising new information technology to maximise backloading, consolidate deliveries, sharing loads and pick-up deliveries with other companies City logistics

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Managing the globalization of transport (1) ENLARGEMENT CHANGES THE NAME OF THE GAME The infrastructure challenge The opportunity offered by a well-developed rail network A new dimension for shipping safety

Definition White BOOK

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Definition White BOOK


The Commission proposes to concentrate the revision of the Community guidelines on removing the bottlenecks in the railway network, completing the routes identified as the priorities for absorbing the traffic flows generated by enlargement, particularly in frontier regions, and improving access to outlying areas.

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Managing the globalization of transport (2) THE ENLARGED EUROPE MUST BE MORE ASSERTIVE ON THE WORLD STAGE A single voice for the European Union in international bodies The urgent need for an external dimension to air transport Galileo: the key need for a global programme

Definition White BOOK

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Definition White BOOK

The Commission will propose legislation allowing harmonisation of certain clauses in contracts in order to protect carriers from consignors and enable them to revise their tariffs in the event of a sharp rise in fuel prices.


Shifting the balance between modes of transport

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Renewable Energy Sources Wind Solar thermal Photovoltaic Geothermal Small hydro Biogas Biomass Indicative targets for renewable electricity have been set by the European Union at 22.1% of total electricity production by 2010. 15 000 MW new capacities of windturbine 35 million m2 of solar thermal installations 1500 MWp of photovoltaic installations 15 new power plants and 10 new low-mid temperature plants and 250 000 new installed geothermal heat pumps 2 000 MW new capacities of small hydro installations 6 000 new biogas plants 450 new combined heat and power plants and 13 000 new district/centralized heating unit installations Indicative targets for biofuels have been set by the European Union at 5.75% of total fuel for transport use by 2010. Fivefold increase in the production of bioethanol Threefold increase in the production of biodiesel

Fuels for transport Bioethanol Biodiesel

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Energy performance in buildings General The EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings (2002/91/EC) points to an energy saving potential of 22% in the building sector by 2010 5 million inspections and assessments of heating systems 2 million inspections and assessments of cooling systems 10 000 new Energy services contracts between public authorities and private companies 2 million new Energy performance certifications

Existing residences (small buildings)

10 million residences to reduce energy consumption by 30-40% Existing residences compared to actual consumption (single and multi-family 1 million additional residences with 50% of delivered energy provided by housing) renewables 100 000 Energy performance certifications Existing buildings 50 000 additional buildings with 50% of delivered energy provided by (> ) renewables New residences (single family housing) All residences in EU 50 000 very low energy houses built 1 low-energy appliance and 1 low-energy light source (CFL) monitoring at the level of sales

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The TINA network comprises 18,683 km of roads, 20,924 km of railway lines, 4,052 km of inland waterways, 40 airports, 20 seaports, 58 river ports and 86 terminals (out of which, 20 are situated in seaports and river ports, and 66 stand alone).

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The general steps of the process were: (a) to set the main rules on which the hypothesis of constructing the network should be built; (b) to identify a multi-modal backbone network using global criteria, such as those which led to identification of the Crete Corridors and their adjustments and additions as endorsed at the third Pan-European Transport Conference of Helsinki; (c) to identify those additional network components (i.e. links (rail, road, inland waterways) and nodes (airports, ports, terminals)), which are necessary to transform the Helsinki "Corridor approach" into a real transport network approach, with similar attributes to those described in Decision 1692/96/EC for the TENs; (d) to identify all possible investment measures which contribute to develop the TINA network as defined in the previous steps; to make an estimation of their cost; (e) to report on the network development in certain years (2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015); (f) to develop a GIS for the TINA network linking geographical, economic and traffic information.


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Countries Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Poland Romania Slovakia Slovenia
1.5 % of the accumulated GDP 1998 2015 (ref.: Table 2-2)

A possible conclusion could be that, for some countries, the complete realisation of the network would have to be extended beyond 2015. Cost of the network 5.3 1.1 10.2 0.6 10.2 2.0 2.3 36.4 11.2 6.5 5.8

3.0 2.8 12.0 1.3 13.4 1.4 2.1 42.1 7.8 6.1 5.9 -

3.2 - 3.8 2.9 - 3.2 13.2 - 14.4 1.3 - 1.6 14.8 - 17.2 1.5 - 1.7 2.2 - 2.5 47.4 - 49.3 9.5 - 10.3 6.3 - 6.8 6.4 - 6.7

Table 3-16: 1.5% of accumulated GDP till 2015 (Low, Moderate and High Growth Scenarios) in comparison with TINA network construction costs

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Intelligent energy - Europe

Jmtland County a region fuelled by biomass Renewable Energy Sources 22.1% by 2010

Fuels for transport 5.75% by 2010

wind; solar thermal; photovoltaic; geothermal; small hydro; biogas; biomass

Energy performance in buildings 2002/91/EC to save 22% by 2010

bioethanol 5x; biodiesel 3x; tax reduction

heating and cooling systems, low energy houses, low-energy light sources

Are you involved in any of the following types of activities?

Sustainable energy communities: Working together at a local, regional or national level, towards a genuine change in energy supply and energy use on the basis of a coherent plan, involving a range of public and private stakeholders Market transformation activities: Working to reduce market barriers and effect positive lasting change in the market for energy efficient goods, appliances and services, with the objectives of increasing their market share and informing the consumer of their advantages Cooperation programms: Working to transfer sustainable energy know-how to developing countries. Promotional, communication and educational actions: Working to increase public awareness on a range of sustainable energy issues and products Actions in the buildings sector: Improving the energy performance of existing buildings and new building stock, or showcasing and promoting new concepts in sustainable living Actions in the transport sector: Working to promote action and policy measures that lead to the market uptake of alternative fuels, sustainable mobility patterns and increased knowledge on energy issues in this sector and among consumers Promotion of renewable energy installations and projects: Working to ensure effective implementation of a range of technologies, including wind energy projects, solar technologies, biomass powered plants, and geothermal applications

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The Program's objective is to reduce road congestion and to improve the environmental performance of the freight transport system within the Community and to enhance intermodality, thereby contributing to an efficient and sustainable transport system. To achieve this objective, the Program supports actions in the freight transport, logistics and other relevant markets. Marco Polo I (2003-2006) 100 m Marco Polo II (2007-2013) 400 m Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 2006 to SHIFT: 12 billion tkm per year to short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways or to a combination of modes of transport in which road journeys are as short as possible

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16 projects selected for funding in the 2005 selection procedure under Council Regulation 1382/2003

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GALILEO (recap.)

GALILEO is based on a constellation of 30 satellites and ground stations providing information concerning the positioning of users in many sectors such as transport (vehicle location, route searching, speed control, guidance systems, etc.), social services (e.g. aid for the disabled or elderly), the justice system and customs services (location of suspects, border controls), public works (geographical information systems), search and rescue systems, or leisure (direction-finding at sea or in the mountains, etc.).

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Tolls and user charges for vehicles (including Eurovignette) Directive 99/62/EC as modified by Directive 2006/38/EC sets common rules on distance-related tolls and time-based user charges for goods vehicles (above 3.5 tones) for the use of certain infrastructure. The Directive: (i) improves the functioning of the internal market through the approximation of the conditions of competition in the transport sector by reducing the differences in the levels and in the systems of tolls and user charges applicable in Member States (ii) takes better account of the principles of fair and efficient pricing in transport by providing for greater differentiation of tolls and charges in line with costs associated with the road use

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2012 target to reduce CO2 emissions

A long-term target has been established for new car fleet average

emissions of 95g/km by 2020. Interim targets have been established to help manufacturers phase in the changes. By January 2012 65 per cent of fleets must meet the target; by January 2013 75 per cent; 80 per cent in January 2014; and 100 per cent by 2015. The original proposal required 100 per cent implementation by 2012. Excess premiums will be charged to manufacturers that exceed the carbon dioxide targets. From 2012 to 2018 these will be as follows:

1. 5 Euro for the first gram of CO2. 2. 15 Euro for the second gram of CO2. 3. 25 Euro for the third gram of CO2. 4. 95 Euro from the fourth gram of CO2 onwards.

The CO2 targets for passenger cars will be defined as a function of the

utility on a linear basis with mass selected as the initial parameter.

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Single Sky Europe

The Single European Sky is an ambitious initiative to reform the architecture of European air traffic control to meet future capacity and safety needs. Delays cost airlines between 1.3 and 1.9 billion a year. The delays are due to a combination of factors: insufficient capacity of the air traffic control system, adverse weather, problems of airports or within airline operations. Latest news... 10/01/2007International Aviation Commission proposes to open aviation negotiations with Canada 21/12/2006Air Passenger Rights in the European Union Update of National Enforcement Bodies according to Regulation [EC]261/2004 from 17 February 2005

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Mission statement
Large sacrifices are easy: it is the small continual sacrifices which are difficult.

Elective affinities, Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Minister for the Rebuilding of Roads in the State of Weimar)

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Credits dex_en.htm ng_tolls_en.htm (1999-2003) Prof. Kummer WU-Wien

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