The Advertisers Are Coming To Get You

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Departamento de Educacin y Ciencia



Escuela Oficial de Idiomas n 2 de Zaragoza

For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answers A,B,C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 A large B grand C big D vast THE ADVERTISERS ARE COMING TO GET YOU Prepare yourself for a (0) . surprise. Imagine the shock, while (1) . through your favourite magazine, of suddenly finding an advertisement with your (2) . name in the headline. It could suggest that its (3) . you changed your car for a more up-to-date (4) ., and it might (5) . mention the make of the old wreck you drive now. It could say what you would look (6) . if you should try a new shampoo. Even (7) . , it might suggest that you switch deodorants. Some people may not like their names being used in an advertisement without their (8) . , even if they are the (9) . ones to see it. There does not, though, (10) . to be any law to protect the reader. Advertising agencies claim that response rates increase by at (11) . fifty per cent when people see their name printed on a catalogue or direct mail communication. So, given the possibility of greater (12) . , will the television companies get in on the act next, with personalized commercials perhaps? (13) . seeing a TV advertisement for, say, a (14) .... agency, sympathetically suggesting that you look in need of a holiday. How (15) . you resist? The adman is coming. And, this time, hes got your name. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A seeing A own A late A mark A even A so A worse A permit A single A sound A less A profits A Think A journey A may B watching B self B time B fashion B too B as B though B allowance B unique B look B least B benefits B Imagine B travel B are C staring C personal C due C pattern C although C like C if C permission C only C occur C minimum C prices C Suppose C tour C were D looking D belonging D now D model D extremely D after D then D admission D alone D seem D lowest D fees D Guess D trip D could

KEY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 A seeing A own A late A mark A even A so A worse A permit A single A sound A less A profits A Think A journey A may B watching B self B time B fashion B too B as B though B allowance B unique B look B least B benefits B Imagine B travel B are C staring C personal C due C pattern C although C like C if C permission C only C occur C minimum C prices C Suppose C tour C were D looking D belonging D now D model D extremely D after D then D admission D alone D seem D lowest D fees D Guess D trip D could

From Knockout First Certificate Workbook, by Jackie Martin and Peter May, O.U.P. O.U.P. This material may only be used for individual study; multiple copying and distribution are prohibited

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