Ist Semester Subject: Principles of Epidemiology

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Ist semester Subject: Principles of Epidemiology

and practical 25 hours): 45 hours Contents: 1. Concept of epidemiology Total: hours Historical context Modern concept Definition, scope and uses of epidemiology Common epidemiological terms Natural history of disease Etiology Risk factors Theory : hours Tutorial: hours Theory : hours Tutorial: hours Total Time duration (Theoretical 20 hours, Tutorial

2. Epidemiological triad Total: hours - Agent, Host and Environmental factors - Dynamics of disease transmission - Herd immunity 3. Measurements in epidemiology Total: hours - Basic epidemiological tools - Measures of occurrence - Morbidity measurement tools - Mortality measurement tools - Standardization of rates

Theory : hours

Tutorial: hours

4. Epidemiological studies Total: hours - Descriptive studies - Cross-sectional study - Analytical Studies: Case-control Study Cohort Study - Intervention Studies: Randomized Controlled Trial Quasi-experimental Studies 5. Risk: hours Total: hours - Relative Risk - Odds Ratio - Attributable Risk -Population Attributable Risk 6. Causation in epidemiology Total: hours

Theory : hours

Tutorial: hours

Theory : hours


Theory : hour

Tutorial: hours

- Concept of cause and association - Guideline for cause/Hills criterias for causal inference 7. Surveillance Total: hours - Basic principles of surveillance - Types - Steps Theory : hour Tutorial: hours

- Objectives - Analysis and reporting of surveillance data 8. Screening Total: hours - Basic concept of screening - Quality of screening tools 9. Investigation of epidemic/outbreak Total: hours - Objective and steps 10. Errors in epidemiology: Total: hours Random error and Systematic error (Bias) Confounding Control of confounding Theory : hour Tutorial: hours Theory : hour Tutorial: hours Theory : hour Tutorial: hours Theory : hour Tutorial: hours

11. Validity and Reliability Total: hours - Internal and External validity - Threats to validity - How to improve validity - Source of variation - Agreement

2nd semester 1. Field epidemiology 2. Applied epidemiology 3. Clinical epidemiology 4. Epidemiological research methods 5. Bioethics 6. Data analysis plan 7. Biostatistics 8. Infectious disease epidemiology 9. Noncommunicable disease epidemiology 10. Epidemiology in the context a. Social epidemiology b. Environmental epidemiology c. Genetic epidemiology

d. Injury epidemiology e. Molecular epidemiology f. Pharmaco epidemiology g. Nutritrional epidemiology h. Disaster epidemiology 11. Mental health a. Smoking b. Alcohol c. Drug abuse 12. Advance epidemiology a. Causal relationship b. Risk assessment 13. Advance and applied biostatistics a. Statistical modeling 14. Data analysis software package

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