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Hrm practices at telenor Document Transcript

1. Dynamics of Professional Management (SPRING 2010) Submitted to: MAJOR GENRAL(R) KHALID MUSHTAQ By: KAMRAN ARSHAD HAFIZ MUBASSHIR ZAMAN F-09-204 (SP-08-208) MIAN FAHEEM KHUBAIB RAZA JAWAD HASHMI SP-10-210 SP-10-201 F-09-202 -12. Table of Contents: Table of Contents:................................................................................................................2 1.INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................4 1.1.OBJECTIVE..............................................................................................................4 1.2.METHODOLOGY....................................................................................................4 1.3.SCOPE.......................................................................................................................4 1.4.LIMITATIONS..........................................................................................................5 2.HRD STRUCTURE IN TELENOR.................................................................................5 2.1.TELENOR INTRODUCTION..................................................................................5 2.2.TELENOR VISION &VALUES...............................................................................8 2.2.1.Vision..................................................................................................................8 2.2.2.Core Values:........................................................................................................8 2.3. TELENORS HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE..................9 2.3.1.People Excellence (P.E)....................................................................................11 Operations...............................................................................................12 Development.........................................................................13 Care Services......................................................................................13 2.3.2.Business Process Improvement.........................................................................14 2.3.3.Organizational Support Services.......................................................................17 2.3.4.Safety and Security...........................................................................................17 3.HRM STRATEGY & PRACTICES IN TELENOR......................................................18 3.1.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY.........................................18 3.1.1.Strategic Planning.............................................................................................18 3.1.2.Strategic Direction ...........................................................................................19 3.1.3.Strategic Initiatives ..........................................................................................19 Their Customer Proposition ........................................................19 Data Strategy. ........................................................................20 3.2.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES........................................21 3.2.1.Recruitment and Selection................................................................................21 Telenor Looks For?..............................................................................22 Require Joining Telenor.......................................................................22 Process.......................................................................................24 Experience...........................................................................................29 Sources....................................................................................32

3.2.2.Training and Professional Development...........................................................32 of the Training Process......................................................................33 of Training Programs..........................................................................34 -23. 3.3.Code of Conduct......................................................................................................37 3.4.Performance Appraisal ..............................................................................38 Development Process (Web competence)........................................39 3.2.1IVC - Employee Survey.....................................................................................40 3.5.General Policies.......................................................................................................41 3.5.1.Further Education .............................................................................................41 3.5.2.Gratuity.............................................................................................................41 3.5.3.Internship..........................................................................................................41 3.5.4.Laptop ..............................................................................................................42 3.5.5.Leave Fare Assistance ......................................................................................42 3.5.6.Leave.................................................................................................................43 3.5.7.Life Insurance...................................................................................................43 3.5.8.Long Service Awards........................................................................................43 3.5.9.Maternity Leave................................................................................................43 3.5.10. Medical & Hospitalization..........................................................................44 3.5.11. Mobile Connection and Handset Allowance..............................................44 3.5.12. Mobile Connection for Family and Friends................................................44 3.5.13. Pick and Drop Service for Females ...........................................................45 3.5.14. Provident Fund ...........................................................................................45 3.5.16. Relocation .................................................................................................45 3.5.17. Retirement Age ..........................................................................................46 3.5.18. Salary Increments and Salary Adjustments................................................46 3.5.19. Travel..........................................................................................................46 3.5.20.Working Hours................................................................................................46 3.5.21.Working on Holidays and Late Sittings .........................................................47 4.End note..........................................................................................................................48 5.References.......................................................................................................................49 -34. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1.OBJECTIVE The objective of this research is to analyze Human Resource Management (HRM) practices in Telenor, Pakistan. This research project is a requirement of Dynamics of Professional Management Course. 1.2.METHODOLOGY The methodology followed for collecting information is as follows: Interaction with concerned HR people of Telenor, Pakistan and other employees. Internet. E-mails. Consulting Human Resource Management Text Book. Telenor, Pakistan Website. Telenor Annual Reports. Various Business Magazines We held several meetings with Telenors HR Manager, Assistant Managers and other concerned employees. We tried to access the policy documents but due to company policy we were not able to access them. However, people at Telenor helped us a lot to collect the information for this research. 1.3.SCOPE Scope of this research is limited to Telenor Pakistan HR Department which is known as Human Capital Division within Telenor. -45. 1.4.LIMITATIONS Due to Telenor confidentiality policy, exact policy documents couldnt be shared but the managers conveyed the information required by us via verbal


7. 8.


communication in meetings and e-mails. 2. HRD STRUCTURE IN TELENOR 2.1.TELENOR INTRODUCTION Telenor is the largest mobile telecommunications operator in Norway and a significant international mobile operator, with a number of operations outside Norway. Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by Telenor ASA and adds on to its operations in Asia together with Thailand, Malaysia and Bangladesh. Telenor Pakistan launched its operations in March 2005 as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further foreign investments in the telecom sector. In two years, they have grown to become a leading telecom operator in the country. In fiscal year 2006, they achieved nearly 200% growth in subscriber base the highest in the industry by a wide margin. Telenor Pakistan is the fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage reaching deep into many of the remotest areas of Pakistan. In the most difficult terrains of -5the country, from the hilly northern areas to the sprawling deserts in the south, at times they are the only operator connecting the previously unconnected. Telenor is keeping ahead by investing heavily in infrastructure expansion. With $ 1 billion already invested, they have extended agreements with their vendors for network expansion and services until. The agreements, with a potential to result in $750 million worth of orders from Telenor Pakistan, are some of the biggest of their kind in the industry. They are spread across Pakistan, creating 2,500 to 3,000 direct and 20,000-plus indirect employment opportunities. Have a network of 32 company-owned sales and service centers, more than 350 franchisees and some 120,000 retail outlets. -6(Organization Structure of Telenor Pakistan) -72.2.TELENOR VISION &VALUES Telenor vision crystallizes customer focus as the cornerstone of everything they do. Their values describe what behaviors are necessary to realize that vision. Our corporate responsibility mindset ensures that our vision and values nurture social concern and help us create shared value. 2.2.1.Vision Telenor vision is simple: We're here to help We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily live. The key to achieving this vision is a mindset where every one of us works together: Making it easy to buy and use our services. Delivering on promises. Being respectful of differences. Inspiring people to find new ways. 2.2.2.Core Values: Make it Easy We're practical. We don't complicate things. Everything we produce should be easy to understand and use. Because we never forget we're trying to make customers' lives easier. Keep Promises Everything we set out to do should work, or if it doesn't, we're here to help. We're about delivery, not over promising, actions not words. Be Inspiring We are creative. We strive to bring energy to the things we do. Everything we produce should look good, modern and fresh. We are passionate about our business and customers. -8Be Respectful We acknowledge and respect local cultures. We do not impose one formula worldwide. We want to be a part of local communities wherever we operate. We believe loyalty has to be earned. 2.3. TELENORS HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE Telenor Pakistan HR Department which is known as Human Capital Division within Telenor. The philosophy at Human Capital Division (HCD) is simple - "Creating Passion, Making a Difference". They strive to enthuse their people with a passion to contribute to the growth of Telenor Pakistan through their culture and environment which empower! This allows them to make a difference at every level. Their customers are people who consistently add value to the organization and are

loyal, sensitive and respectful of their colleagues. They take their responsibility towards these people very seriously and pledge the following: - Aspire to make a difference within division, company and within the community in which they live. - Build a culture which infuses passion for achievement and contribution and instills pride for the Company. - Make Telenor Pakistan the best and the safest place for their people to work in. - Embrace change & constant renewal and will always be available for their people. 910. HCD Four pillars HCD division stands on four pillars: Operational Excellence Telenor strive to meet the highest standards in all its operations. Operational Excellence means having the most efficient and the most effective processes. It means ensuring that their customers get the best possible service. Telenors mission is to provide its customers with service delivery that is consistent and reliable. People Excellence Telenor strive to provide opportunities to grow and shine. People Excellence means having a framework that helps Telenors workforce rank high on productivity and performance. Telenors aim to give each and every one a platform from which people can hone their talents, develop leadership capabilities, expand their horizons and add value to all that their set out to do. Cultural Excellence Telenor strive to provide the most challenging and satisfying environment to work in. Cultural Excellence means ensuring that the culture employees see around them is steeped in the vision and values that are unique to Telenor. This means having processes and policies designed to develop and enhance a highperformance culture. Social Excellence Telenor strive to give something back to the society. Social Excellence means reaching out to the community through various outreach programs and events, ensuring that those around us also enjoy a higher standard of living. The Human Capital Division, named to reflect their commitment to Telenor Pakistan's most important asset, comprises of the following areas: People Excellence, 10 11. Business Process Improvement, Organizational Support Services and Safety & Security. 2.3.1.People Excellence (P.E) The PE Team works in the following major areas: Recruitment. - HR Operations. - Organizational Development. - Health Care Services. Compensation and Benefits. The first area focuses on the most effective ways to attract and recruit high- performance candidates to the business. The second area is responsible for human capital retention, compensation & benefits, and HR administration. The third works towards ongoing development of all employees. The fourth works towards providing all types of health related services to Telenor Pakistan employees as well as promoting employee well-being and safe work practices. The fifth handles all salary and benefits related issues. The PE team is responsible for delivering cost effective, valueadded human resource management practices to all Telenors internal clients. Recruitment is responsible for personnel selection for all of Telenor Pakistan. Personnel selection is the methodical placement of individuals into jobs during which applications are evaluated against available vacancies and assessed as per applicants' skills and experience in compliance with TP selection process as specified in the recruitment policy. - 11 12. Main processes include: -Coordination with all departments on sourcing and recruitment of qualified candidates in accordance with the approved hiring plan. - Job advertisements (website and newspaper). - Screening, short-listing of CVs, conducting interviews, assessment centers and tests. - Maintenance of the TP Online application system at - Communication and feedback to all applicants through the HC link: - Cooperation with recruitment agencies on sourcing suitable candidates. - Coordination with selected universities for graduate placements, internships and alumni network (including job fairs and Telenor Pakistan presentations). Operations PE Operations is responsible for nationwide human resource related operations activities. PE Operations effectively contributes to the growth of the organization and all its units according to the company's strategy and plans. Main processes include: - Employment contracts. - Maintenance & update of employee database & keeping track of employee personal files and HR documents. Administration of PE and payroll systems. - Compensation and benefit policies and administration. Making and applying reasonable policies and rules to create an effective and efficient work environment. - PE intranet/info sharing and update. - Manage employee provident fund & EOBI record. - Manage and process annual performance appraisals and salary reviews. - Ensure understanding and adherence to HCD policies across the organization. - Health insurance of employees. - Management of employee leaves records. - 12 13. - Coordinate with departments/divisions in the processes of employee confirmations, transfers, resignations, promotions, salary changes, cost & benefit analysis, final settlement, audit, etc. Development OD is responsible for implementing the organizational development strategy across the organization, and to involve all teams/departments to ensure that the HCD Vision is cascaded down to every level. Some of the focus areas for OD are to: Main processes include - Create, lead and nurture a culture within the organization which is based on performance, teamwork, and continuous learning. - Introduce Telenor Vision & Values and start initiatives that will enable employees to practices these. - Create and implement behavioral competencies of leadership and management development processes in the company, which enable and facilitate professional and personal growth of employees. - Introduce the latest training and development concepts, and work for management development. - Identify, manage, and develop talent within the organization which can take up higher levels of responsibility in leadership positions at any given time. Care Services In line with the h2h (Here to Help) initiative, HCD started a new service in December 2006 - The Health Care Service - housed at CRD Bahria, Lahore. Initially the purpose was to provide basic in house health cover to CRD employees, identify workplace hazards, manage absenteeism, create a healthy, well-designed and safe place - 13 14. to work in, in order to revive a "culture" that supports employee well-being and effective work practices. Later on, the role of Health Care Service was extended and currently they are offering comprehensive in house primary health care services, first aid, home visits, online health care email service available to all TP, health education, counseling, referral services, medical coverage for different outdoor activities, medical certificates and insurance claim verifications, identification of physical and psychosocial hazards, lectures and presentations, health screening of new employees, vaccination advice, travel advice, preventive medicine, and health wire & medical alerts. Currently the service is being run by two experienced postgraduate doctors providing cover seven days a week except for public holidays. So we can conclude that, the first area of PE focuses on the most effective ways to attract and recruit high-performance candidates to the business. The second area is responsible for human capital retention, compensation & benefits, and

HR administration. The third works towards ongoing development of all employees. The fourth works towards providing all types of health related services to TP employees as well as promoting employee well-being and safe work practices. The fifth handles all salary and benefits related issues. The PE team is responsible for delivering cost effective, value-added human resource management practices to all internal clients. 2.3.2.Business Process Improvement The fourth focuses on continuously improving business processes throughout the organization using the six sigma methodology. - 14 15. Introduction to Business Process Improvement (BPI) Business Process improvement (BPI) is a Department within Human Capital Division and is striving to help improve the quality of business Processes. So why improve Business Processes continuously? In the recent years, a new management truth has emerged; Companies pursuing quality as a competitive strategy have found that improved quality, increased productivity, reduced cost and enhanced customer satisfaction go hand in hand. At the same time they have found external customer satisfaction is to satisfy every internal customer at each step of the "process". This condition is true for manufacturing and service operations / industries. In service industry "improvement" takes the form of increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the "Business" processes that provide output to internal and external customers. Barriers that interrupt the flow of work must be removed, and the processes are streamlined to reduce waste and lower cost. The best way to do this is through the concept called "Business Process Improvement" (BPI). BPI Methodology In Telenor Pakistan BPI uses "Six Sigma" as the body of knowledge to bring improvement in business processes. Six Sigma - What is Six Sigma Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection. Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach and methodology for - 15 16. eliminating defects (driving towards six standard deviations between the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process from product to service. The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3 to4 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the total quantity of chances for a defect. The fundamental objective of the Six Sigma methodology is the implementation of a measurement-based strategy that focuses on process improvement and variation reduction through the application of Six Sigma improvement projects. This is accomplished through the use of two Six Sigma sub-methodologies: DMAIC and DMADV. The Six Sigma DMAIC process (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) is an improvement system for existing processes falling below specification and looking for incremental improvement. The Six Sigma DMADV process (define, measure, analyze, design, verify) is an improvement system used to develop new processes or products at Six Sigma quality levels. It can also be employed if a current process requires more than just incremental improvement. Both Six Sigma processes are executed by Six Sigma Green Belts and Six Sigma Black Belts, and are overseen by Six Sigma Master Black Belts. Six Sigma at Telenor Pakistan Telenor believes that it is essential to continuously improve business processes. They should constantly be looking for opportunities to improve or reengineer business processes in order to: - Continuously manage costs effectively & efficiently. This does not necessarily translate into cost cutting initiatives which are more

often one-time endeavors with limited scope. - Enhance employee productivity. Improve quality of services & products for its customers. - 16 17. - Design new products/processes with significantly reduced error rates and faster time to market. - And to simply move ahead of its competitors. 2.3.3.Organizational Support Services Organizational Support Services' (OSS) core function is to provide support related solutions from a single window operation for internal customers. Keeping the four fundamentals of quality, speed, cost, and innovation at the forefront, OSS provides services including event management, fleet management, travel related services, PABX management, mail courier management, office upkeep, consumable management, caf management as well as business cards and stationary management. 2.3.4.Safety and Security The main function of the Safety & Security department is to provide a safe and healthy work environment for employees as well as to safeguard all Telenor Pakistan assets. The department not only looks after the physical security of all Telenor premises but also manages the risks and threats faced by the business. - 17 18. 3. HRM STRATEGY & PRACTICES IN TELENOR 3.1.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY Some of the very salient features of the strategic planning are highlighted as under HR Planning Process: 3.1.1.Strategic Planning The company does not use any statistical technique or method for the determination of labor shortage or surplus. The company however, relies on subjective judgmental methods. The judgmental methods are based on the expert judgment that ascertains the supply and demand of labor. Whenever the company feels the need of a required person, the company conducts interviews of the aspiring applicants. DETERMINING LABOR DEMAND Labor demand at Telenor is forecasted, through the demand of the product in the market, through the introduction of new technology or service and through the present availability of labor in the organization. If the demand for Telenors connections in the market increases or a new technology is adopted, this may result in an increased demand for employees within the organization. Similarly, the present state of labor force within the organization may suggest future demand. Demand forecast of labor is developed around specific job categories or skill areas relevant to the organizations current and future state. The job description helps examine the need of the person according to his/ her skills and abilities. DETERMINING LABOR SUPPLY The labor supply, at Telenor, is determined by the analysis as to how many people are currently in the job with specific skills within the company. The analysis reflects the changes in the near future due to promotions, demotions, and retirement or through transfers etc. The HR department has the responsibility of helping other departments overcome the problems of labor shortages and labor surpluses. The - 18 19. company usually realizes the labor shortage whenever there is an introduction of the new technology within the organization or whenever the company is offering a new service. The excess of qualified people in the labor market, struggling to get jobs in help conquer the problem of labor shortages. Telenor gives a short-term contract usually of two to three months to such qualified unemployed people to avoid the possible labor shortage. In case of labor surplus, the company decreases the number of employees by downsizing. Retirements and internal transfers are traditional procedures for reducing the number of employees. But the company does not emphasize more on downsizing. 3.1.2.Strategic Direction Telenors current strategy is based on building a closer relationship with its customers by taking advantage of their position as a global market leader. The strategy is

focused on winning and retaining a growing market share in all customer groups. 3.1.3.Strategic Initiatives Their Customer Proposition Telenor customers, mobility means immediacy, convenience, ubiquity and personalization. These attributes give them many opportunities to interact with their customers in ways that will enrich their lives. Local execution remains essential, but they believe that they can build on their global advantage by adopting more consistent marketing approaches, based on best practices gathered from across the Group. They have begun a usage crusade, the aim of which is to significantly increase the average number of minutes their customers use their services each day. As part of this, Telenor is launching a range of marketing initiatives to highlight the functional and emotional benefits they bring to their customers. These initiatives promote the number and type of occasions their customers can use their services. At the same time, they are enhancing the convenience and usability of the products themselves. They are also increasing their - 19 20. efforts for business customers, particularly because their global scale gives them competitive advantages in the business market. Data Strategy. Their data strategy rests on four pillars; Developing the Right Service They are developing a portfolio of easy-to-use, branded data services. Key applications include new text, picture and video messaging services, easy access to e-mail, remote access to business applications, and provision via a Telenor user interface to information and entertainment provided by business partners. They would continue to work with many third parties to create and deliver the range of services that their customers want. By combining their distinct capabilities with those of their partners, Telenor believes they can turn substantial business segments into early adopters of mobile data. Inter-operate Technically, Differentiate Commercially. It is important for them to remain very active in industry standardization to ensure full inter-operability of our services with those from other mobile operators and fixed-Internet companies. Their strategy is to offer the whole world to their customers, ensuring they can communicate with anyone they wish. They will then create a differentiated service and customer proposition on top of these interoperable technology platforms. Promoting Appropriate Pricing Models They promote a pricing model that allows them to match their pricing most closely and transparently to their customers' understanding and perception of value. Competitive Environment Customers' needs are expanding to include access to information, data and multimedia services over mobile devices. They are uniquely placed to meet these needs, using their scale and talent to create the most - 20 21. compelling services and to develop partnerships helps them exceed their customers' expectations. With the saturation in market and the introduction of new 3G technologies, they can expect to go through a period of market turbulence, which will probably lead to some consolidation in the industry. Indeed, they are already seeing evidence of this happening in some of their markets. Throughout this process, Telenors prime interest will be in ensuring the development of a vibrant, competitive mobile sector in order to bring maximum benefit to their customers and remove the need for regulatory interventions. 3G can be expected to bring substantial long-term business advantages, both in terms of providing additional functionality for future data services and in providing much-needed capacity enhancements for usage increases in voice as well as data. At the same time, maintaining the lowest-cost position in the industry remains a basic premise for their success and so they will continue to build on their existing

programs to drive productivity and efficiency improvements across their business. 3.2.HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 3.2.1.Recruitment and Selection In this particular section, an endeavor has been made to discuss the salient aspects of recruitment selection and placement at Telenor. As we know that Telenor is the worlds leading mobile telecom company. They were the first to introduce GSM technology. Telenor sees it as a constant adventure to create unprecedented capabilities in the mobile arena. If you feel a similar urge to challenge the old and realize the new, talk to Telenor. If you want more than just a job and the chance to be part of a large and ambitious company, to innovate, influence and drive, then you should consider joining Telenor. Joining Telenor will give you the chance to influence the daily lives of people throughout the world. Telenor Pakistan consists of energetic, youthful and dedicated employees aged 27 to 28 on average. An appropriate match is required between the culture and employees at - 21 22. recruitment and hiring. If People Excellence Division feels that a person will not be able to adjust into the organizations environment, even if he/she is performing functionally well, the person is rejected. The dynamic group of people, sharing similar mind-sets, love being with each other and meet on other occasions if unable to meet during work-hours. They even stay back late, employees can be seen roaming around till 9 at night. Telenor Looks For? Telenor is looking for people who share its vision and values and are looking for more than just a job. You must be enthusiastic about change and keen to grow with Telenor and share in its success. You should be ready to take on new responsibilities and develop new ways of working. At Telenor, it will integrate your development with the development of the business. This means that, at whatever level you work at, you will have a keen awareness of the overall objectives of the organization, and a clear understanding of how and where your contribution makes a difference. Telenor offers an ideal learning environment. The fast-changing nature of industry means that they are focused on continuous learning, always looking for new ways to support, coach and develop their people. Ultimately, there's the chance to study a huge range of subject areas, from developing customer products and services to marketing and governmental work. Require Joining Telenor In Telenor each role requires specialist abilities, dealing with change at this rate call for certain core skills. And throughout the selection process, Telenor looks for evidence that applicants can demonstrate the under mentioned critical skills. a. Communication. The flexibility to communicate when moving through different environments is paramount. Success hinges on the ability to tailor style, tone and content to suit specific audiences. - 22 23. b. Customer Focus. It's vital that employees constantly strive to provide world- class customer service, establishing and responding flexibly to exceed customer expectations. c. Drive for Results. Clear objectives and knowledge to achieve, depends on clarity of thought. It's important to care passionately about realizing their goals, understanding what this requires and acting on it. d. Developing Self and Others. At Telenor employees will need to take responsibility for their own development, learn from experiences, seek and act on constructive feedback. e. Innovation and Change. This is an industry, and a company, which thrives on change. Employees will need to be the same, embracing positive developments and adapting quickly to ever-changing circumstances and situations, as well as generating innovative ideas and solutions. f. Working with Others. As a global business, Telenor cannot function on an individualistic basis. To be

successful with Telenor employees will need to build and develop positive working relationships based on mutual trust, taking full advantage of the networking opportunities available. In addition to demonstrating the right mixes of skills and personal qualities, applicant will need the right kind of qualifications. The same are discussed as under; a. Technology. In any of the following; Computer Science Computer Systems Computing Construction E-business - 23 24. E-commerce Electronics Engineering Hardware IT Mathematics Opt electronics Physics Semiconductors Software Systems Technology Telecommunications b. Commercial Position: Marketing. In a discipline which contained marketing modules. Finance. In any degree discipline. Prepared to work in both retail and corporate divisions of Sales. Work experience in a customer facing role. In addition to the above program applicants should be graduating in the current year or have graduated in the last three years. If you're still studying, or awaiting your degree results at the time of application, any offer made will be subject to the achievement of the required grade. Process Telenor aims to make the whole selection process as clear as possible so that applicants know exactly what's happening and expected by you. - 24 25. Any person can make his resume by using Telenor online CV building tools. Telenor does not accept resumes except this online CV system. When an applicant builds his CV he is allotted a CV tracking number against his e-mail address and NIC number. An applicant can change his password at any time and can update / edit his CV. When an applicant applies for a specific post his CV is scanned through an automatic system, his qualification, skills, experience and any other criteria specified for the job are compared, and only those CVs are accepted which fulfill the criteria. Then the selected CVs are examined by concerned HR people and only the short listed candidates are contacted for interview. Telenor online CV building and applying for a job process is given below as an example: Online Job Application System - 25 26. Forgot password? click here Apply For Internship Please login to apply Available Jobs: 26 27. Careers Careers - 27 28. Application processes for various positions are discussed in succeeding paragraphs; a. Technology. For technology positions if the individuals meet the criteria they will have to go through the psychometric tests. If successful, they will receive a letter inviting them to a first round telephone interview. Successful applicants will then be invited to an assessment center in near by. The assessment center is made up of a range of assessment methods. The individuals will be invited down the evening before the assessment centre to join graduates and managers from their chosen function for dinner. This event does not form part of the assessment center. Telenor will then tell the individuals whether they have been successful in a matter of days. b. Commercial Positions The individuals will be asked some basic qualifying questions to assess whether they meet their specified criteria. The individuals will be asked some basic qualifying questions to assess whether they meet their specified criteria. Once Telenor has received completed form, they would review application. Should the application meet their requirements, they will receive an email inviting the individuals to complete two on-line - 28 29. psychometric tests. If successful, the individuals will receive a letter inviting them to a first round telephone interview. Successful applicants are then invited to the assessment

center. Assessment center is made up of a range of assessment methods. The individuals will be invited down the evening before the assessment center to join graduates and managers from their chosen function for dinner. This event does not form part of the assessment center. Telenor will tell the individuals whether they have been successful in a matter of days. The selection process isnt just about finding out whether it is right for Telenor; its also about whether Telenor is right for them. So before the individual applies, its worth thinking about how their preferences fit with Telenors culture. Telenor has put together a short quiz that will put the individual in the shoes of a Telenor graduate. After each question the company would tell the individual how well the individual actions compare to the Telenor way, and at the end the individual would have a clearer picture of how well they might work together. Experience Telenor does not offer industrial placements or internships; however there are plenty of other ways to get an insight into what working at Telenor is really like. In the first place, view of the profiles from existing graduates can be seen. These are all people who've been there, and done it. The individuals can expect to be part of a small team and, in an industry as fast moving as this, there's not much room for bureaucracy. The individuals would find processes and procedures are a lot more flexible giving them leeway to express their ideas and show just how much they are capable of. Telenor has full time vacancies and an in store career path that means the individuals can quickly progress to Senior Advisor or Assistant Manager positions. - 29 30. Telenor is widely recognized as one of the worlds top brands. Telenor challenges now are to enhance their reputation for innovation and market leadership, to drive the business through the development of their people, and to add value to the services that the company provides through the implementation of ideas and strategies. As a Graduate on one of their Commercial Programs, be it Marketing, Finance or more recent Sales scheme, the issues the individual would tackle and the solutions, the individual would deliver will be company-critical to say the least. Moving from one area to the next will give the individual valuable business insights, allowing them to see the results of their actions in the way the business develops, the services the company introduces and the market share they gain. The aim of the Commercial and Marketing division is to enhance the range of services available and to continuously develop new and innovative products and services for the company growing customer base. Their overall purpose is not only to attract new customers, but more importantly, to retain and develop their existing customers from the corporate, business and consumer markets. The Graduate Development Program consists of four, six-month placements in a selection of departments, tailored to give the individuals maximum exposure to different marketing activities. The individual would basically be dealing in Brand and Channel, Core Products, Acquisition, Corporate Marketing, Commercial planning and strategy, corporate marketing, customer development Telenor offers a first class opportunity for exceptional graduates to launch their financial careers in one of the worlds most exciting companies. The individual will need to be hard working, energetic and thrive on a challenge. The individual will consider himself to be an outstanding communicator with the sharpest of business minds. The company looks for graduates who can see solutions where others cant. In return the - 30 31. company offers the chance to work as part of a young, professional team supporting a rapidly evolving business. Working in the Telenor finance team gives individual a unique

viewpoint to study all aspects of the telecommunications business. The finance team is critical to Telenors success - whether its monitoring the success of a marketing campaign, the sales through their High Street stores or the costs of building their 3rd generation network. Telenor sponsors the individual for their Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) qualification. The company covers the costs of courses, materials and exams as well as providing study leave to give the individual the best chance of success. During the three-year scheme the individual works in different areas of the business. Each placement provides the individual with the relevant finance experience to pass his CIMA exams. Telenor believes in giving its finance graduates a wide variety of challenges, exposing them to work in the following areas: Financial Planning Commercial Support Financial Analysis Financial Accounting Management Accounting Tax Internal Audit On completion of the scheme finance graduates are well placed well to take advantage of the enormous opportunities that derive from Telenor's position as the global mobile telecommunications leader. Whether the individuals aspirations lie in sales, account management, customer relationship manager (CRM), project leadership or running a store the individual could join Telenor with anything up to three years' post graduate experience on a two-year program that will equip the individual for a post as a regional manager; or senior management in three to four years' time. And until then, the individual can look forward - 31 32. to a salary review every six months for the first two years. Problem-solving skills and ability to anticipate customers' needs whether they are customers in Telenors retail outlets, small to medium sized businesses; large national business or international business clients equip the individual to establish long-term relationships. And the individuals creative approach prepares him for the development of innovative strategies to create demand for exciting new launches in the years to come. Right from the beginning the individual would be responsible for managing and meeting the expectations of customers. Therefore it is essential that the individuals sales technique is honed to deal with not only the public but when negotiating with organizations. In an industry that evolves on a daily basis, it's important that product and service knowledge are up-to-date to provide Telenors customers with the most appropriate solution, whatever their requirements may be. The training provided covers all technical aspects of the relevant products and services, as well as sales and other non-technical skills. This is in addition to the Unlock Your Potential soft skills program, which is available to all graduates. Within the first two years completing four, six-month placements within different areas of Telenors Sales and Distribution function. At least one of which is within one of their retail stores, where the company can be accommodating with location, however the company requires the individual to be flexible to support the store, which may mean working weekends. Sources Telenor recruits both internally and externally, by giving advertisements in the newspapers, by employees referrals, by notifying the Job centers of the potential vacancy, through private employment agencies like Job pilots and also through online recruiting. 3.2.2.Training and Professional Development The Group, encourage young employees to develop their confidence and important skills such as communication, planning and working in teams. A program of - 32 -

33. business related the Group also sponsors further education and programs exist to help employees meet the training and qualification requirements of their chosen professional institution, thereby continuing to raise the existing professionalism of the Group. Create, lead and nurture a culture within the organization which is based on performance, teamwork, and continuous learning. Introduce Telenor Vision & Values and start initiatives that will enable employees to practices these. Create and implement behavioral competencies of leadership and management development processes in the company, which enable and facilitate professional and personal growth of employees. Introduce the latest training and development concepts, and work for management development. Identify, manage, and develop talent within the organization which can take up higher levels of responsibility in leadership positions at any given time. of the Training Process Training process generally encompass as three main phases. The training process begins with the Assessment phase. This phase involves identifying training needs, setting training objectives, and developing criteria against which to evaluate the results of the training program. Training requirements are determined by conducting a need analysis. A Need Analysis is an assessment of an organizations training a need that is developed by considering overall organizational requirements, tasks associated with a job for which training is needed, and the degree to which individuals are able to perform those tasks effectively. The next part of the process is the Training Design and Implementation phase. This involves determining training methods, developing training materials, and actually conducting the training. A considerable amount of training is conducted using On-the- - 33 34. Job Training methods. With such methods, trainee learns while actually performing the job, usually with the help of knowledgeable trainer. The final part of training process is the Evaluation phase. This entails evaluating the result of the training in terms of the criteria developed during the assessment phase. of Training Programs The most common type of training programs are Orientation Training, technical skill training, and management development training. Orientation Training is usually a formal program designed to provide new employees with information about the company and their jobs. Technical Training is oriented towards providing specialized knowledge and developing facility in the use of methods, processes, and techniques associated with a particular discipline or trade. Management Development Program focuses on developing managerial skills for use at the supervisory, managerial, and executive levels. Overall training has positive impact on both productivity and employee morale. Telenor offered three main categories in which offered programs are: Leadership, Culture, and Competency. I. The Leadership Category. Within the Leadership category, several programs are offered which include: Outdoor Leadership With activities related to trust building, team building, and exploration in the wilderness, the leaders are able to identify their true leadership styles, their managerial skills are put to test, making them better and brining in more teamwork and transparency in the organization. - 34 35. LUMS/Telenor Post Graduate Certificate in Business Management To give managers holistic business understanding, and manage succession planning for various cadres, this academic program focuses on strategy, pricing, market segmentation etc within its various courses and help employees to build the organization. Core Leadership The program helps to build leaders in accordance with the Telenor Expectations so that employees can use their abilities within the perimeters of the organizations expectations.

This is used for TMA to develop the Hi-pos for future positions. Leadership-The Care & Growth Model This three day workshop for all those in command positions, teaches managers and supervisors what they should be contributing to those who report to them. II. The Culture Category Within the Culture category the following programs are being offered which are open to all employees: Mastery of Self To enable people to overcome obstacles and dysfunctions in their behaviors, and therefore create new perceptions by exercising the power of mind. Emotional Intelligence - 35 36. Including the emotional quotient to employees intelligence quotient enables one to be smarter in work, relationships and health. To bring emotional maturity, this training focuses on increasing energy and effectiveness under pressure, dealing with turbulence, and developing personal power. Change Management: Who Moved My Cheese? Most people are fearful of change because they don't believe they have any control over how or when it happens to them. Since change happens either to the individual or by the individual, the course shows that what matters most is the attitude about change. To complement our inculcation of the new vision and values, this program will present change as a natural and positive agent that leads employees to embrace change and explore new opportunities. FISH: Choosing Your Attitude This training helps the organization become more vibrant, energetic, positive and optimistic. This helps to improve morale in the troops and reduce negativity. III. The Competency Category Within the Competency category we Telenor is offering program which is required as the basic skill builders in the organization. These include: Creative Problem Solving To ensure that people have the ability to think out of the box and are not stuck with old thought patterns. - 36 37. Breaking Communication Barriers To help employees come out of their inhibitions and improve interpersonal communication and public speaking. Team Work To enable employees to rise above the individual objectives and come together as a team with one vision. Results Through Resources To help employees manage their resources at work efficiently and effectively. Facilitation Skills To enable all line managers, supervisors, team leads etc, to lead and facilitate IVC workshops on their own. 3.3.Code of Conduct In 2003, Telenor established a Code of Conduct, covering a broad set of ethical issues. The Code of Conduct constitutes the basis upon which all our policies and procedures are built. Ethical Council: Based on Telenor's values and its Code of Conduct, the Ethical Council helps to ensure a high level of ethical awareness at Telenor. Issues related to ethics and the reputation of the company are discussed in the Council. - 37 38. 3.4.Performance Appraisal Evaluating performance based on the judgments and opinions of subordinates, peers, supervisors, other managers and even the employees themselves. Designing the system Performance measurement and feedback Employee development Provide rewards for improvement If no improvement, make adjustments 3.4.1 Factors that Influence Motivation & Translate Motivation into Performance Performance expectations and goals Performance of interdependent others Employee confidence and competencies Access to required resources Ongoing feedback 3.4.2 Performance Appraisal Methods Goal Setting, or Management by Objectives (MBO) Multi-Rater Assessment (or 360-Degree Feedback) Work Standards Essay Appraisal - 38 39. Critical-Incident Appraisal Graphic Rating Scale Checklist Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) Forced-Choice Rating Ranking Methods o

Alteration Ranking o Paired Comparison Ranking o Forced Distribution Telenor Appraisal System Telenor Development Process (Web competence) TDP, the Telenor Development Process, is Telenors global people and organizational development process. The TDP aims to set direction and develop individual, team and organizational capabilities to deliver business results. The TDP - 39 40. obtains key input from inspired leaders, business-critical objectives and IVC-analyses. Output from the TDP provides motivated employees with improved performance, a competence development plan and talent and succession management strategy. The Telenor Development process is supported by Atlas TDP, a web based centralized IT system. The Atlas TDP replaces the Web Competence tool with enhanced functionality covering the various process steps with many improved features. Web Competence is the tool used in the Telenor Leadership Development Process (TLDP) for registering the dialogues and Review Meeting. It is also used for Performance Management in certain Business Units. 3.2.1 IVC - Employee Survey The Internal Value Creation (IVC) survey is an annual process that allows employees to voice their opinion and managers to develop their organization and leadership. The IVC survey measures people's perception of aspects within the organization that has an effect on internal value creation and in turn the customers' perception of the company. However, IVC is more than an Employee Satisfaction Survey or a Climate Survey. IVC goes beyond measuring how satisfied or happy the employees - 40 41. are and identifies factors so that these satisfied employees can be converted into drivers of business success. 3.5. General Policies Telenor Pakistan Employee Policies are intended to create a productive work environment, which will enable employees to maximize their contribution and satisfaction in the Company. These policies establish clarity and increase your understanding of the rights and obligations of an employee working within the Company. Telenor Pakistan Employee Policies have been developed taking into account the industrial norm in Pakistan. Therefore, they are based on the standards which exist in outstanding companies operating in the country. LIST OF POLICIES 3.5.1. Further Education Telenor Pakistan actively encourages employees to pursue relevant further education which enables you to learn new skills and acquire new knowledge, so that you and TP can mutually benefit from the transformation that learning and knowledge brings. 3.5.2. Gratuity Gratuity is a long-term incentive designed to motivate and encourage committing to a long-term career in Telenor Pakistan. It is adopted to provide financial relief at the time of retirement or separation from the company. It is for permanent employees only. 3.5.3. Internship - 41 42. To contribute towards the development of talented students by providing them the opportunity for industrial exposure at Telenor Pakistan. The process of internship is to assess and identify future employees. Recruitment of Internees Selection of internees is similar to any other recruitment activity in Telenor Pakistan. Potential students are selected via the same merit based recruitment process which is followed for permanent employees. 3.5.4. Laptop Every employee of Telenor Pakistan, as per Job Description, will be allocated maximum one laptop on his joining. Employees who use shared/individual desktops for their daily job tasks are not given laptops e.g. employees of S&SC and CROs in call centre. Regular and confirmed employee, who has completed at least one year with the company, will be entitled to the personal ownership of the laptop free of cost once it has reached its useful life of three years. 3.5.5. Leave Fare

Assistance To assist employees with their expenses when they take annual leave for rest, recreation and holidays with their families. Its equivalent to one gross salary paid once in the year and its paid along with the salary once in a year. - 42 43. 3.5.6. Leave Annual Leave: Policy is to enable employees to take annual leave to spend extended time with their family and to ensure well-being, health and satisfaction. Telenor culture encourages its employees to avail there annual leaves every year and there is no appreciation to those who do not avail this facility. All the employees from Top Management to the lower staff are equally eligible to this policy. Casual Leave: To assist employees to take casual leave when they require leaves to attend personal problems, obligations and emergency situations. Sick Leave: To provide with sick leave when somebody is unwell. The number of sick leave is undefined as per Telenor policy. 3.5.7. Life Insurance Provide employees with insurance coverage so that in the eventuality of death, their family is cared for. All permanent employees are covered for Life Insurance from the date of joining Telenor Pakistan. 3.5.8. Long Service Awards Telenor entitles awards upon completion of the number of years of service. it could be in the form of shields or gifts depending upon the number of years of completion. 3.5.9. Maternity Leave To allow female employees maternity leave and to encourage continuity of service. All permanent married female employees are eligible. The said must be confirmed in employment with at least one year of full time continuous service with Telenor Pakistan. - 43 44. 3.5.10. Medical & Hospitalization To provide employees and their families with medical support and to help them during their time of need. Eligibility If the said is a full time employee, then employee is covered along with his spouse, children and dependent parents no matter what designation he or she have. Telenor has one generalized health policy which applies to every one in Telenor from CEO to an engineer. Employees are covered comprehensively for both OPD and Inpatient Hospitalization expenses. 3.5.11. Mobile Connection and Handset Allowance A full time employee of Telenor Pakistan is provided with a mobile phone connection upon joining Telenor Pakistan free of cost for official use. 3.5.12. Mobile Connection for Family and Friends Policy is to provide an opportunity for Telenor employees family and friends to enjoy a cost effective subscription of Telenor Services. Employees are entitled for the some specific concessions on post paid connections for family and/or friends for confirmed employees. Those special connections are issued on non commercial tariffs. In addition permanent employees are entitled for one pre paid connection free of cost ever month. - 44 45. Upon joining employees are also provided with a handset which is followed by an annual handset allowance every year. 3.5.13. Pick and Drop Service for Females Pick and Drop facility is only for female employees. 3.5.14. Provident Fund All permanent employees are eligible for provident fund and deductions /reimbursement is made as per standard provident fund procedures. 3.5.15. Recognize Heroes at Work and In Life To identify, recognize and reward outstanding contributions made by employees At Work and In Life in certain key categories during the year. Each year, Telenor Pakistan identifies Heroes for outstanding contributions made at work which go beyond the normal call of duty. 3.5.16. Relocation This Policy is made to help employees if they are relocated at Telenor Pakistans request within the country. While every effort is made to ensure that they are not financially disadvantaged, the Company recognizes that it is not possible to financially compensate for every disruption, which may be caused by relocation. - 45 -

46. All full time employees are eligible if the decision to relocate has been made by Telenor Pakistan. However, if Telenor Pakistan relocates to accommodate employees desire for relocation, then the relocation policy is not applicable. 3.5.17. Retirement Age All employees retire from the Company upon reaching their 60th birthday. 3.5.18. Salary Increments and Salary Adjustments To ensure that employees receive an annual salary boost in relation to the contribution he has made in Telenor Pakistan during the year and the companys performance in the market. To review and adjust salaries to ensure internal equity and to stay abreast of the market norms. 3.5.19. Travel To make employees travel and accommodation as comfortable as possible. To communicate Telenor Pakistans guideline for business travel. Air Travel Telenor allows travel by air if the distance to destination town is considered too far or unsafe by normal road travel. This refers to destinations where airlines operate. There is a separate department which is totally responsible to make travel arrangements for the employees when requires and the whole process is quite comforting and hassle free for the employees 3.5.20.Working Hours Normal Working Hours - 46 47. Week Days Office Timing Monday Friday 0900 hours 1800 hours If somebody is required to work on weekends or on a national holiday, as a part of his/her normal work timing, in order to keep the business operations functional 24 hours a day, then a shift arrangement is applied. 3.5.21.Working on Holidays and Late Sittings Objective: To compensate for your working beyond the normal office hours and during holidays. 1. Reimbursement for Working on Weekend/Holidays 1a. Eligibility: An employee is entitled if he/she works for five or more consecutive hours on any given holiday. 1b. Meal Reimbursement An employee is eligible for the reimbursement of meal expenses 47 48. 4. End note We tried our best to get the maximum information about Telenors Human Resource Management systems but due to companys confidentiality policy we could not got the exact policy documents. At the same time we are very thankful to our course instructor, who at every stage of this research project guides us in a proper way. We are sure that this report explains all the HRM activities in Telenor Pakistan. - 48 49. 5. References 1. 2. 3. Telenors Business Magazine 4. Telenor Portal 5. Telenor Human Capital Division 6. Telenor People Excellence Department - 49 -

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