ICT Essay: What Can Government Do To Assist Cybercrime's Victim

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ICT Essay

What can government do to assist cybercrimes victim The world we are in today is all about Information Technology (IT) because we are in the age of Information Technology and the people is equipped with the right information about information , communication and technology (ICT). Computers have become the mainstay of business and government processes. Today our student also were been exposed with ICT in order to enhance their learning process and thus making the learning process become more interactive and interesting. However there are some peoples who had abused the use of ICT. This situation are usually are referred as cybercrime. Cybercrime is any crime that involves computer and network. Government and community plays a big role in assisting cyber crime victims. One of them is physical security.

Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, programs, networks, and data from physical circumstances and events that could cause serious losses. Physical security is most sensitive component and become one of the alternative method for the prevention from cyber crime. Physical security is often overlooked and its importance underestimated in favor of more technical and dramatic issues such as hacking, virus Computer network should be protected from the access of unauthorized persons. Programs and data can be secured by issuing passwords and digital certificates to authorized users. However, passwords only validate that a correct number has been entered, not that it is the actual person.

Access control refers to exerting control over who can interact with a resource. Often but not always, this involves an authorities, who does the controlling. Access control is the traditional center of gravity of computer security. It is where security engineering meets computer science. Its function is to control which principals persons, processes, machines. have access to which resources in the system which files they can read, which programs they can execute, how they share data with other principals, and so on.

In order to assist the victim, government should make an effort in finding the holes in network. We use the term hackers for determining the person who has this bad behaviours. Usually the hackers will try to discover how to slip through the cracks in a companys data security measures by sending spear phishing emails to gullible employees, using malicious emails disguised as legitimate business correspondence. All it takes is one person to click on a link or open an attachment, and the hackers have found a way into your network. That is why it is so important for every employee to understand how to prevent cybercrime. Therefore, the government needs to make an improvement to detect criminals better. For one, the government also have to upgrade their systems. Better employee training and funding should also be done to help catch criminals on cyber. The government should set up the National Infrastructure Protection Center and regional Computer Intrusion Squads to stop cyber criminals.

The system manager should take a quick action to track down the holes before the intruders or hackers get to do it. In the aspect of organization, they should work hard to discover the security holes, bugs, weakness and report their findings as they are confirmed about it. The another way that can be taken by government is by changing the password regularly. Password is actually a system which are programmed to ask for username. This system refers to security features that can control who can access resources in operating system. For example, after the users enter their passwords, the system will ask them to do verification of users code. The password used have to be changed regularly to prevent from the hackers. We are also recommended to change it for at least once a month and not reusing the password. Moreover, the password used also need to be in alpha numeric because this will make the hackers difficult to hack the system. Simple words and number strings may be easy to remember, but they are also easy for cybercriminals to uncover with password-cracking software. For example, the password STOP-PHISHING might be referred as $T0P-P#!$#!N6. Developing a complex passphrase is another option for us to avoid from being hacked.

Network scanning programs can be used in order to improved the security. There is a security administrations tool called UNIX, which freely available on Internet. is

This utility scans and gathers information

about any host on a network, regardless of which operating system or services the hosts were running. It checks the known vulnerabilities include bugs, security weakness, inadequate password protection

and so on. There is another product available called COPS (Computer Oracle and Password System). It scans for poor passwords, dangerous file permissions, and dates of key files compared to dates of CERT security advisories.

The latest technologies make it easier for criminals to contact children in ways that were not previously possible. Children are particularly vulnerable to the exploitation of online predators because they rely heavily on networking websites for social interaction. Offenders use false identities in chat rooms to lure victims into physical meetings, thus connecting the worlds of cyber and physical crime. When this happens, virtual crime often leads to traditional forms of child abuse and exploitation such as trafficking and sex tourism. There are many ways to assist the children from cybercrime.

The first one is never give out personal information. Personal information includes name, the names of friends or family, address, phone number, and school name. It also includes pictures and e-mail address. Second is do not believe everything they read. Children cannot tell when a male pretends to be a female online or a 50 year old pretends to be a 12 year old online. People online may not send their own photographs either. Also do not be fooled by pictures that the so-called online friends send them.

Besides that, passwords should be kept secret. Never tell anyone the password except for parents or guardians. The password is for children protection, giving strangers the password could be really harmful. If

someone calls and says they are with an online service or the Internet Service Provider and need the password, get their name and number and email address. Call the service and ask if such a person works there and whether they allow employees to ask for passwords. Last but not least is never open the strange emails. Strange e-mails must be deleted and please do not open e-mails from strangers. E-mails from strangers could contain malicious codes such as Viruses, Worms and Trojans. That would be harmful to the childrens computer. If in doubt, ask parents, guardian or another adult. Lastly is to protect the children. They must never arrange to meet with someone they met online unless their parents go with them. If they are meeting them, make sure it is in a public place and they are accompanied by parents or a guardian.

There are also steps that need to be taken for parent to assist their children from getting into cybercrime. Parents must be proactive and vigilant. They have to spend some time listening to and speaking with other parents. Think of ways and means to communicate with their children and inform them of the dangers of Internet surfing. It is never too early to speak to their children. Parents also must look for graphic files downloaded like files ending in .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, and .pcx format. They have to know that files with these extensions may be inappropriate material from the internet. Moreover, it is important for the parents to do research on blocking, filtering, and rating programs. There are now services that rate web sites for content as well as filtering programs and browsers that empower parents to block the types of sites they consider to be inappropriate. These programs work in different ways. Some block sites that

are known to contain objectionable material and some prevent users from entering certain types of information such as their name and address. Other programs will keep the children away from chat rooms or restrict their ability to send or read email.

Children probably do not know about the problem they are facing and they are very afraid if the computer has any problem related to what they are doing. For the parents, they must make a promise to their children that they will not get angry if the children come to them with a problem about an online situation. Parent must stay calm and remember that the children trusted their parent to help them. Lastly, parent must also encourage their children on other interest because children should not spend too much time online instead of studying. They have to encourage them in their other activities such as outdoor sports.

In order to overcome crime cyber issues, individual also should take actions and responsibilities. This problem occurs almost due to social network such facebook, twitter of myspace. To reduce the probability becoming the next victim of cyber crime, peoples should aware and careful when excess internet. In the social site, people should always careful when choosing chatting nickname. Nickname that contributed to sensitivity in religious or politicians should be avoided. This action to make sure the opposite party from attack and done a bad thing.

Personal information sharing to public also should be extremely careful. Peoples should remember that all other internet users are

strangers. Furthermore we do not know who we are chatting with. The cyber criminals will easier detect if we share our personal information to public. Nowadays, technologies are advance to change a girl photo to a porno photo. Using this technique, the criminals will use victims as their money supplier. Peoples especially women should be extremely cautious about meeting online introduced person. The person may have a bad intention to the women. If they choose to meet, make sure they do so in a public place along with a friend. This precaution to avoid bad situation happen.

During online chat and discussions with other users, getting into huge arguments should be avoided. This prevents other users to vengeance about the issues to us. If we feel any immediate physical danger, we contact local police immediately and try not to panic. In addition, all communications such email, chatting and discussions should be save for evidence.

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