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Get free chart (kundli) at || Free Vedic Chart by || Basic Details
Sex Date of birth Time of Birth Day of birth Ishtkaal Place of Birth Country Time Zone Latitude Longitude Local Time War Time Correction LMT at Birth GMT at Birth Tithi Hindu Week Day Paksha Yoga Karan Sunrise Sunset Day Duration Female 13 : 12 : 1981 1 : 20 : 0 Sunday 045-48-49 Nasik India 5.5 20 : 0 : N 73 : 52 : E 00.34.32 00.00.00 00.45.27 Dvitiya Sutarday Krishna Sukla Gar 07.00.28 17.56.50 10.56.22

Avkahada Chakra
Paya (RasiBased) Varna Yoni Gana Vasya Nadi Balance Of Dasha Lagna Lagna Lord Rasi Rasi Lord Nakshatra-Pada Nakshatra Lord Julian Day SunSign(Indian) SunSign(Western) Ayanamsa Ayanamsa Name Obliquity Sideral Time Tamra Sudra Shwan Manushya Manav Adi RAHU 2 Y 11 M 25 D Virgo Mer Gemini Mer Ardra-4 Rah 2444952 Scorpion Sagittarius 023-36-15 Lahiri Ayan 023-26-29 06.11.08

Ghatak (Malefics)
Bad Day Bad Karan Bad Lagna Bad Month Bad Nakshatra Bad Prahar Bad Rasi Bad Tithi Bad Yoga Evil Planets Monday Kaulava Kark Ashad Swati 3 Kumbh 2, 7, 12 Parigha Jupiter, Mars

Favourable Points
Lucky Numbers Good Numbers Evil Numbers Good Years Lucky Days Good Planets Friendly Signs Good Lagna Lucky Metal Lucky Stone 2 1, 3, 7, 9 5, 8 11,20,29,38,47 Sat, Wed, Sun Sat, Merc, Sun Vir Cap Aqua Leo, Sco, Cap, Pis Silver Diamond, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 1

Name: Gender: Date: Day: Time: SID: kiran Female 13 : 12 : 1981 Sunday 1 : 20 : 0 06.11.08 Latitude: Longitude: Place: Ayanamsa Val: Bal. Dasa: 20 : 0 : N

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Sun Rise: Tithi: Yoga: Lagna: Rashi: Nakshatra: 07.00.28 Dvitiya Sukla Virgo Gemini Ardra-4 Karan: Lagna Lord: Rasi Lord: Gar Mer Mer Sun Set: 17.56.50 73 : 52 : E Nasik 023-36-15

Ayanamsa Type: Lahiri RAHU 2 Y 11 M 25 D

Nakshatra Lord: Rah

Lagna Chart
Pl Ju Ur Su Me
7 8

Navamsa Chart


Mo Me Su Ve

11 10




12 6 3 3 12 9 6



Mo Ra


Ve Ke



2 1

Planetary Positions Planets Sign Asc Virgo Sun Scorpion Moon Gemini Mars Virgo Merc Scorpion Jupt Libra Venu Capricorn Satn Virgo Rahu [R] Cancer Ketu [R] Capricorn Uran Scorpion Nept Sagittarius Plut Libra Ashtakvarga Table Sign No 1 2 3 SUN 4 3 6 MOON 4 5 5 MARS 5 1 4 MERC 7 4 3 JUPT 4 4 4 VENU 5 6 4 SATN 2 1 5 Total 31 24 31 Chalit Table Bhav 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Vimshottari Dasha
RAH -18 Years From 13/12/81 To 8/12/84 RAH 00/00/00 JUP 00/00/00 SAT 00/00/00 MER 00/00/00 KET 00/00/00 VEN 26/ 6/81 SUN 20/ 5/82 MON 20/11/83 MAR 8/12/84 MER -17 Years From 8/12/19 To 8/12/36 MER 5/ 5/22 KET 2/ 5/23 VEN 2/ 3/26 SUN 8/ 1/27 MON 8/ 6/28 MAR 5/ 6/29 RAH 23/12/31 JUP 29/ 3/34 SAT 8/12/36 SUN -6 Years From 8/12/63 To 8/12/69 SUN 26/ 3/64 MON 26/ 9/64 MAR 2/ 2/65 RAH 26/12/65 JUP 14/10/66 SAT 26/ 9/67 MER 2/ 8/68 KET 8/12/68 VEN 8/12/69 JUP -16 Years From 8/12/84 To 8/12/00 JUP 26/ 1/87 SAT 8/ 8/89 MER 14/11/91 KET 20/10/92 VEN 20/ 6/95 SUN 8/ 4/96 MON 8/ 8/97 MAR 14/ 7/98 RAH 8/12/00 KET -7 Years From 8/12/36 To 8/12/43 KET 5/ 5/37 VEN 5/ 7/38 SUN 11/11/38 MON 11/ 6/39 MAR 8/11/39 RAH 26/11/40 JUP 2/11/41 SAT 11/12/42 MER 8/12/43 MON -10 Years From 8/12/69 To 8/12/79 MON 8/10/70 MAR 8/ 5/71 RAH 8/11/72 JUP 8/ 3/74 SAT 8/10/75 MER 8/ 3/77 KET 8/10/77 VEN 8/ 6/79 SUN 8/12/79 SAT -19 Years From 8/12/00 To 8/12/19 SAT 11/12/03 MER 20/ 8/06 KET 29/ 9/07 VEN 29/11/10 SUN 11/11/11 MON 11/ 6/13 MAR 20/ 7/14 RAH 26/ 5/17 JUP 8/12/19 VEN -20 Years From 8/12/43 To 8/12/63 VEN 8/ 4/47 SUN 8/ 4/48 MON 8/12/49 MAR 8/ 2/51 RAH 8/ 2/54 JUP 8/10/56 SAT 8/12/59 MER 8/10/62 KET 8/12/63 MAR -7 Years From 8/12/79 To 8/12/86 MAR 5/ 5/80 RAH 23/ 5/81 JUP 29/ 4/82 SAT 8/ 6/83 MER 5/ 6/84 KET 2/11/84 VEN 2/ 1/86 SUN 8/ 5/86 MON 8/12/86

Longitude 009-00-58 027-07-12 017-47-21 004-53-19 028-21-11 009-21-44 008-57-57 026-34-52 000-35-46 000-35-46 008-03-03 000-48-44 002-39-43

Nakshatra Uttaraphal Jyeshtha Ardra Uttaraphal Jyeshtha Swati Uttarashadha Chitra Punarvasu Uttarashadha Anuradha Mula Chitra

Pada 4 4 4 3 4 1 4 1 4 2 2 1 3

4 6 5 4 6 6 6 4 37

5 5 4 4 3 4 4 5 29

6 4 4 6 8 5 5 4 36

7 3 3 1 5 5 4 1 22

8 3 6 3 3 5 4 6 30

9 5 1 3 3 6 2 3 23

10 1 5 2 3 4 6 2 23

11 3 4 1 2 6 4 5 25

12 5 3 5 7 3 2 1 26

Sign Leo Virgo Libra Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

Bhav Begin 24.00.18 24.00.18 23.58.59 23.57.40 23.57.40 23.58.59 24.00.18 24.00.18 23.58.59 23.57.40 23.57.40 23.58.59

Sign Virgo Libra Scorpion Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo

Mid Bhav 09.00.58 08.59.39 08.58.19 08.57.00 08.58.19 08.59.39 09.00.58 08.59.39 08.58.19 08.57.00 08.58.19 08.59.39, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 2


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You are more clever than most other people. This is due to the fact that you can learn things quickly and without much effort.At times, you show that you are endowed with brilliant attainments, you are far-seeing, you are charitable and kind, you are hospitable. However, you are advised to think in terms of strength and act in terms of strength so that you can really achieve whatever you want to show.Though you are an excellent person but when anger overtakes you, you are irritable, quickly roused, easily annoyed and devoid of patience. The great thing for you to do on these occasions is to practice the art of mastering your own actions. Make up your mind to be strong and cultivate such qualities as determination.You are a considerate person. But we advise you to be more considerate to others so that they need your support and endeavor to be a little better not so that you may crow over them but in order to give them a helping hand.

Happiness and Fulfillment

You have the ability to truly enjoy yourself in the company of others. Quite cheerful and pleasant, you are not afraid to laugh and usually have an excellent sense of humor. Your mind is influenced strongly by beauty, and you may bring it prominently into your environment. Anyone who can bring beauty into his or her surroundings is more prone to happiness.

Life Style
Your co-workers serve as an inspiration for your success. Thus, you can rely on others to give you the inspirational spirit you need to pursue goals.

Your career must offer you both intellectual stimulation and diversity. You like to do many things at one time, and probably will have two professions.

You will not be happy in any occupation that is humdrum and safe. As long as every day brings its fresh set of problems to be solved and surmounted, you will be satisfied. But anything with a spice of danger or intrepidity in it will please you even more. Some examples of this type of profession are : surgeon, construction engineer, top management posts. A surgeon would appeal to you because people's lives and your own reputation depend upon your actions. A construction engineer has to overcome exceptional difficulties in building, say, a mighty bridge. What we meant to say is that any job which require very high caliber and have some spice of danger is suitable for you.

Your health need not cause you any worry, but it must not be neglected. Your chief danger lies in submitting yourself to excesses of heat and cold, particularly the former. Either are bad for you. Beware of sunstroke especially if you have to travel in the Cold regions, and avoid anything that might tend to send up your temperature. Apoplexy, in later life, must be guarded against. It is highly important that you get plenty of sleep and do not keep late hours. This is imperative because, in your waking hours, you are excessively energetic and never still - all of which use up your vitality very rapidly. It is only with the aid of ample sleep that the loss can be repaired.

You have the bump of acquisition strongly developed. It follows that you like to collect things, it may be old china, postage stamps, old coins - anything. Moreover, you find it difficult to throw things away or to part with them. You always think that you may want these some day and thus, you are a born collector. Such other hobbies as you have are more of the indoor kind than the outdoor. You have the patience to make things, and if you have not the skill you could easily acquire it.

Love Matters, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 3


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In love matters, you are just as vigorous as you are in work and play. Once you fall in love, you want to be in the company of your intended-one every available minute of the time. You are too wise to neglect your work. But, once the work is accomplished you will hurry off to trysting-place to keep the appointment. When marriage is an accomplished fact, you will want to rule the home. The ruling will not be done, necessarily in an aggressive manner, it will certainly be efficient. If you are a woman, you often help your husband in his business affairs and this you perform with marked efficiency.

In matters of finance you will be fortunate and will be likely to acquire considerable wealth. You will be careful in speculation, investing your money in solid concerns and in building up industry and business. As a rule, you will be more lucky in money matters than otherwise, having much given to you and meeting great opportunities. If you had to go into business you would make a success of enterprises connected with the luxurious side of life more than any other, such things as the decorations of homes, millinery, dresses and flower shops, the catering of food, restaurants or hotels. Your class of brain is of a very clever order but so quick and versatile that you would tired easily of any routine or monotonous life., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 4


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Generally Manglik Dosha is considered from the position of Lagna and Moon in the birth chart. In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in First house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in Fourth house.

Hence Mangal Dosha is present in Lagna Chart as well as Moon Chart.

Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha results in frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s). It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets cancelled and has no effect.

Some Remedies (in case Mangal Dosha is present) Remedies (needs to be performed before marriage)
Kumbha Vivah, Vishnu Vivah and Ashwatha Vivah are the most popular remedies for Mangal Dosha. Ashwatha vivaha means the marriage with peepal or banana tree and cutting the tree after that. Kumbha Vivah, also called Ghata Vivaha, means marriage with a pot and breaking it after that.

Remedies (can be performed after marriage)

* Keep Kesariya Ganapati (Orange coloured idol of Lord Ganesha) in worship room and worship daily * Worship Lord Hanuman by reciting Hanuman Chalisa daily * Mahamrityunjaya paath (recitation of Mahamrityunjaya mantra)

Remedies (based on Lal Kitab, can be performed after marriage)

* Feed birds with something sweet * Keep ivory (Haathi Daant) at home * Worship banyan tree with milk mixed with something sweet

We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 5


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Sun is in Scorpion in your 3rd house

This is a relaxing period for you. Your outlook will be confident and you will feel positive. On the domestic front you will be happy and your desires will be fulfilled. Though there is possibility of problems to your borther. Traveling is on cards. Short distance journeys will be fruitful and bring luck. Monetary gains are likely to happen. You will socialize with family and friends. You are blessed with good health. There will be victory over enemies.

Moon is in Aries in your 8th house

There may be some bad news regarding business or new venture. Don't get indulge in taking risks as it is not a very favorable period for you. Family member's health may cause anxiety. Speculation must be avoided or else they may cause financial losses. Opponents will try to create problems on your personal as well as professional front. Stay away from water as there is fear from drowning. Fever and cold will give some health problems.

Mars is in Leo in your 12th house

You should avoid complacency and easy-going attitudes, tone down the flashier side of your nature, and get back to old-fashioned hard-work in an attempt to succeed in life. Financially it will be a difficult period. You may have to confront theft, scandals and disputes during this period. You will find increased work-loads and heightened levels of responsibility at work. This is considered somewhat a bad period for health. You can face ear and eye troubles. Your life-partner can also have health issues. Your peace of mind will remain disturbed.

Mercury is in Scorpion in your 3rd house

Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with compatible persons. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give your best to both these vital aspects of life. Your cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits. Meeting with old friends is also indicated. You will get company of opposite sex. You will get some help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions

Jupiter is in Aries in your 8th house

You take care of yourself now and not let yourself be overburdened, and that way you can keep yourself going for long. There might be a few disappointments. Your courage and convictions are your strongest qualities, but it might hurt to get a little too pigheaded. Don't go for big investment because things may not turn up according to your expectations. You may not get proper support from your friends and associates. Family members attitude will be quite different. Health will be an issue and you will see diseased like nausea, fever attacks, ear infection and vomiting.

Venus is in Sagittarius in your 4th house

You will yield a lot of power, the likes of which you have probably not experienced before. On the personal front, your loved ones will rely on you for providing them and comforting them. You will earn a lot of fame and recognition. Your mental energy will be great. Most importantly, things between you and your spouse will be at their sweetest. Birth of a child is on the cards. Your subordinate shall extend their full support towards you. Overall this period will be very pleasant.

Saturn is in Libra in your 2nd house

The period will not be awfully beneficial to you. You might face problems related to money matters. Tuning with your own people and your relatives may get disturbed. Give proper attention to our day to day pursuits. This is not a perfect time for taking any risk regarding business matters as the chances of loss are very high during this period. Health ailment of your parents can disturb your peace of mind. You will not be able to fulfill your family's expectations.

Rahu is in Scorpion in your 3rd house

You will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. You can make great progress professionally. Business/trade prospects will be very good, a promotion should be anticipated if employed somewhere. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of your official duties/ travels. Your relationship with your brothers and sisters will be fine. Though there will be problems to your siblings.

Ketu is in Taurus in your 9th house

This is a good time for self-expression and the use of your creative abilities in various fields. Some auspicious ceremony, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 6


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may be celebrated in your family. The most unexpected changes could be expected in your work area and in professional activities which are outstanding for you. Positive changes in your personal and professional life will take place and you will undertake journeys in connection with your business which will be very rewarding and fruitful. Make the best use of this wonderful period. You will attend relegious functions and will come in contact with respected and religious people., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 7

Rahu Mahadasha Phal (birth - 8/12/84)

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Rahu is in Cancer in your 11th house. During this period you will be courageous and rise to a high level. You will enjoy conjugal happiness during this time. Your contacts with influential people will definitely increase. Your opponents will lack conviction and courage to face you. Long distance travel is going to be beneficial. For love and romance this is going to be a boon. You will be heroic in strife and overcome your enemies. Minor ailment can be seen. Family relation will be quite satisfactory. Though relationship with your children may not be good.

Jupiter Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/84 - 8/12/00)

Jupiter is in Libra in your 2nd house. You enjoy sharing your musical talents, and creating a new musical piece is a very strong possibility. You can be very successful in expressing your higher principles, whether it is work related or community oriented. Expect monetary returns when you put your ideas into practice. Money will definitely be coming your way and will greatly influence your personal beliefs, dreams and philosophies. Your enemies will not be able to prevail over you. Overall, happiness is assured in this period. There will be addtioan to your family members.

Saturn Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/00 - 8/12/19)

Saturn is in Virgo in your 1st house. This is not the best period to begin new long-term relationships/ friendships. There could be vital issues in professional or personnel life which can cause anxiety. It's always better to be optimistic than to be pessimistic .There is also a contraction in love and feelings mostly due to which the satisfaction level would be poor. The chance of happiness in love is low. Birth of an issue may bring happiness in your home. New relationships will have less than normal chances of taking off controversy and issues could come up. There may be diseases related to wind and cold. Good stability of mind is seen at the last phase of this period.

Mercury Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/19 - 8/12/36)

Mercury is in Scorpion in your 3rd house. Travels will prove interesting and may pave the way for exciting interactions with compatible persons. You will be able to balance professional and domestic commitments intelligently and give your best to both these vital aspects of life. Your cherished desires will be fulfilled with difficulty but will ultimately bring you prosperity fame and good income or profits. Meeting with old friends is also indicated. You will get company of opposite sex. You will get some help from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions

Ketu Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/36 - 8/12/43)

Ketu is in Capricorn in your 5th house. Hurdles in personal and professional front are seen. Try to handle the difficult situation in a calm and intelligent way because rashness is definitely not going to help you in this period. Travel is not beneficial so try to avoid it. You will not get full support from your family side. Progeny related problems will be observed during this period. Your enemies will leave no stone unturned to harm you. Better be bold and sticky to your fair decisions. Stomach ailments may be the cause of anxiety.

Venus Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/43 - 8/12/63)

Venus is in Capricorn in your 5th house. Somehow, time and fortune will throw the spotlight at you, and your activities. It is high time that you are given credit for your efforts and other recognize you and look up to you. You will be able to carry out your responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your parents, sibling and relatives. You might receive a very good piece of news through communication.Keep up the tempo and believe in your abilities, the period will see you off in a completely new position. A long distance travel will be rewarding. During this period you will live an aristocratic life., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 8

Sun Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/63 - 8/12/69)

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Sun is in Scorpion in your 3rd house. This is a relaxing period for you. Your outlook will be confident and you will feel positive. On the domestic front you will be happy and your desires will be fulfilled. Though there is possibility of problems to your borther. Traveling is on cards. Short distance journeys will be fruitful and bring luck. Monetary gains are likely to happen. You will socialize with family and friends. You are blessed with good health. There will be victory over enemies.

Moon Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/69 - 8/12/79)

Moon is in Gemini in your 10th house. Very successful and perspective period is waiting for you ahead. Creative approaches and opportunities for additional earning are on the cards. You will share a very good rapport with seniors and supervisors. A marked increase in your income is indicated. There will be expansion of trade and increase iof reputation. Overall this is a period of all round successs.

Mars Mahadasha Phal ( 8/12/79 - 8/12/86)

Mars is in Virgo in your 1st house. This is the time which will show you mixed results. Dont overlook minor health related problems because it may turn into a big one. Some diseases that require special attention are ulcer, rheumatism, vomiting, head an eye troubles, pain in joints or injury due to falling of heavy metallic lump etc. Difficult situations may arise in your path but dont lose your heart in the adversities as your self-confidence will work in your favor. Dispute with government and senior officials are on the card, so you are advised to be careful. This is not a favorable time for speculation or taking risks., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 9

Name: Kiran Gender: Female
S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Get free chart (kundli) at || Sadesati Report || Birth Date: 13 : 12 : 1981 Birth Time: 1 : 20 : 0 Tithi: Dvitiya Rasi: Gemini
Sade Sati / Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Sani Rashi Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Gemini Taurus Gemini Cancer Gemini Cancer Cancer Virgo Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Taurus Gemini Cancer Virgo Virgo Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Gemini Taurus Gemini Cancer Gemini Cancer Cancer Virgo Capricorn Capricorn Taurus Taurus Gemini Start Date 7/27/1980 3/21/1990 12/15/1990 10/16/1993 6/7/2000 7/23/2002 1/9/2003 4/8/2003 9/6/2004 1/14/2005 5/26/2005 1/11/2007 9/10/2009 5/16/2012 1/24/2020 7/13/2022 8/8/2029 4/17/2030 5/31/2032 7/13/2034 10/23/2038 7/13/2039 2/6/2041 3/7/2049 12/4/2049 5/28/2059 7/11/2061 2/14/2062 3/7/2062 8/24/2063 2/6/2064 5/10/2064 2/4/2066 8/30/2068 1/15/2079 8/3/2081 7/18/2088 4/6/2089 9/19/2090

Birth Place: Nasik Nakshatra: Ardra

End Date 10/5/1982 6/20/1990 3/5/1993 11/9/1993 7/22/2002 1/8/2003 4/7/2003 9/5/2004 1/13/2005 5/25/2005 10/31/2006 7/15/2007 11/14/2011 8/3/2012 4/28/2022 1/17/2023 10/5/2029 5/30/2032 7/12/2034 8/27/2036 4/5/2039 1/27/2041 9/25/2041 7/9/2049 2/24/2052 7/10/2061 2/13/2062 3/6/2062 8/23/2063 2/5/2064 5/9/2064 10/12/2065 7/2/2066 11/4/2070 4/11/2081 1/6/2082 10/30/2088 9/18/2090 10/24/2090 Rising Rising Peak Rising Peak Rising Peak Setting Peak Setting Setting Rising Rising Peak Setting Rising Peak Rising Peak Setting Peak Setting Setting Phase, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 10

40 41 42 43 44 45 Sade Sati Sade Sati Sade Sati Small Panoti Small Panoti Small Panoti Taurus Gemini Cancer Virgo Virgo Virgo

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10/25/2090 5/21/2091 7/3/2093 10/12/2097 6/20/2098 3/18/2100

5/20/2091 7/2/2093 8/18/2095 5/2/2098 12/25/2099 9/16/2100

Rising Peak Setting

Shani Sade Sati: 'Rising' Phase

This is starting period of Shani's Sade Sati. In this period Saturn will be transiting in 12th house from the Moon. It generally indicates financial loss, problems by hidden enemies, aimless travel, disputes, and poverty. During this period, you may face problems created by your hidden enemies. Relationship with your colleagues will not good enough and they will create problems in your work environment. You may also face challenges on your domestic front. This may create pressure and tension. You need to exercise control over your spending otherwise it be lead to bigger financial problems. Long distance travels may not be fruitful during this period. Saturns nature is of delay and dejection, but generally you will get results eventually, so be patient and wait for your turn. Take this period as learning period, put your hard work and things will fall in place. You are advised not to take high risks in business matters in this period.

Shani Sade Sati: 'Peak' Phase

This is the peak of Shani's Sade Sati. Generally this phase of Saturn is the most difficult one. Saturn transiting over natal Moon indicates health problems, character assassination, problems in relationship, mental afflictions, and sorrows. You will find it difficult to achieve success in this period. You may not get results of your hard work and feel restricted. Your constitution and immune system will not be strong. As first house is the house of health, you should start exercising and taking care of your health, otherwise you can be caught by chronic diseases. You may suffer from depression, unknown fear or phobia. Your will lack clarity in thinking, action, and decision making. You will be spiritually inclined and will be attracted by intricacies of nature. Acceptance and doing basics right will sail you out of this period.

Shani Sade Sati: 'Setting' Phase

This is 'setting' period of Shani's Sade Sati. Saturn will be transiting in the 2nd house from the natal Moon, which indicates difficulty on financial and domestic front. You will start feeling slight relief after having two difficult phases of Sade Sati. Still, misunderstandings and financial stress can be seen during this period. Expenses may keep soaring high and you need to continue exercising control. Sudden financial losses and fear of theft is also a possibility. You may be pessimistic in thinking, you are advised to deal with matters enthusiastically. You will require paying good attention to family and personal front, otherwise those can also lead to a bigger problem. For students, education may be slightly affected and they will have to work harder to hold on to their existing level. Results will be slow and almost always with the delay. This is a period which indicates danger and apart from other things, you need to be careful while driving. If possible, stay away from non-veg and your drinking habits to keep Saturn happy. You will be able to sail through this period by intelligently handling your domestic and financial matters.

Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Any conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt, consult a good astrologer., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 11

Sun in your 3rd house

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If benefic: (1) The native will be rich, self-dependant and having younger brothers. (2) He will be blessed with divine grace and will earn profits intellectual by pursuits. (3) He will be interested in astrology and mathematics. If malefic: (1) If the Sun is not auspicious in the 3rd house and the Moon is also not auspicious in the horoscope, there will be daylight robbery or theft in the native's house. (2) If the 9th house is afflicted, the forefathers would have been poor. (3) If the 1st house is afflicted, the neighbours of the native will be destroyed. Remedial Measures : (1) Obtain blessings of the mother by keeping her happy. (2) Serve others with rice or milk. (3) Practice good conduct and avoid evil deeds.

Moon in your 10th house

The 10th house is in every manner ruled by Saturn. This house is aspected by the 4th house, which is similarly ruled by Moon. Hence the Moon in the 10th house ensures a long life of about 90 years for the native. Moon and Saturn are inimical, therefore, medicines in liquid form will always prove harmful to him. The milk will act as poison if taken during night. If he is a medical practitioner, dry medicines administered by him to the patient will have a magical effect for cure. If a surgeon, he will earn great wealth and fame for surgery. If the 2nd and 4th houses are empty money and wealth will rain on him. If Saturn is placed in the 1st house, the native's life will be destroyed by the opposite sex, especially a widow. The things and business represented by Saturn will prove beneficial for the native. Remedies (1) Visits to religious places of worship will enhance the fortune of the native. (2) Store the natural water of rain or the river in a container and keep it within your house for 15 years. It will wash off the poisons and evil effects generated by the Moon in the 10th house. (3) Avoid taking milk during night. (4) Milch animals can neither live long in your house nor will they prove beneficial or auspicious. (5) Abstain from wine, meat and adultery.

Mars in your 1st house

Mars in the 1st house makes the native good natured, truthful and richer from the 28th year of age. He wins favours from the government and victory against the enemies without much effort. He earns large profits from the business associated with Saturn i.e., iron, wood, machinery etc. and the relatives represented by Saturn i.e., nephews, grandsons, uncles etc. Spontaneous curses from the mouth of such a native will never go waste. Association of Saturn with Mars provides physical trouble to the native. Remedies (1) Avoid the acceptance of things free of cost or in charity. (2) Avoid evil deeds and telling lies. (3) Association with saints and Faqirs will prove very harmful. (4) Things of ivory will give very adverse effects. Avoid them., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 12

Mercury in your 3rd house

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Mercury in the 3rd house is not considered good. Mercury is inimical to Mars. But Mars does not have enmity with Mercury. therefore the native could receive benefits from his brother, but he will not be beneficial to his brother or others. By virtue of its aspects of 9th and 11th houses Mercury affects the income and the condition of the father very adversely. Remedies (1) Clean your teeth with alum everyday. (2) Feed birds and donate a goat. (3) Don't live in a south facing house. (4) Distribute medicines of asthma.

Jupiter in your 2nd house

The results of this house are affected by Jupiter and Venus as if they are together in this house, though Venus may be placed anywhere in the chart. Venus and Jupiter are inimical to each other. Hence both will affect each other adversely. Consequently, if the native engages himself in the trade of gold or jewelery, then the things of Venus like wife, wealth and property will get destroyed. As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will continue gaining honour and wealth despite the fact that his wife and her family may be suffering because of ill health and other problems. The native is admired by females and inherits the property of his father. He may be benefited by lottery or property of a person having no issues, if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are auspicious and Saturn is not placed in the 10th. Remedies (1) Charity and donations will ensure prosperity. (2) Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed in the 10th. (3) Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house.

Venus in your 5th house

5th house is the Pukka ghar of the sun, where Venus will get burnt with the heat of the Sun. Consequently the native is a flirt and amorous by nature. he will face big misfortunes in life. However, if the native maintains a good character he will steer through the hardships of life and obtain great riches and promotions in service after five years of his marriage. Such a native is generally learned and destroyer of enemies. Remedies (1) One should not marry against the wishes of his parents. (2) Serving cows and mother like women. (3) Avoid relationship will other women. (4) Native's wife should wash her private parts with curd or milk.

Saturn in your 1st house

1st house is influenced by Sun and Mars. Saturn in 1st house will give good results only when 3rd, 7th or 10th houses are not inhabited by any planet which is inimical to Saturn. If Mercury or Venus, Rahu or Ketu is in 7th house, Saturn will always give good results. In case Saturn is malefic and the native has a hairy body, the native will remain poor. If native celebrates his birthday it will give very bad results However the native will have a long life. Remedies (1) Abstinence from alcohol and non-vegetarian meals. (2) Burying Surma in the ground will be beneficial for promotion in service and business. (3) Serving monkey will lead to prosperity. (4) Offering sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree will give good results as regards education and health.

Rahu in your 11th house

11th house is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. Native could be rich as long as his father is alive. Alternatively, establishing things of Jupiter would help. Native has wicked friends. He gets money from mean people. After the death of ones father he should wear gold in the neck. If Mars is malefic for a native with Rahu in 11th at time of his birth, there, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 13


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is every thing in his house, but every thing gets destroyed later. If Rahu in 11th house is malefic then the native has bad relations with his father or he may even kill him. Planet in 2nd house would act as enemy. If Jupiter/Saturn are in 3rd or 11th house then wear iron on the body and drink water in a silver glass. If ketu is in 5th house then Ketu gives bad results. There may be diseases of ear, spine, urinary problems etc. There may be losses associated with business concerned with Ketu. Remedies (1) Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water. (2) Never take any electric equipment as a gift. (3) Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an elephant.

Ketu in your 5th house

5th house belongs to Sun. It is also affected by Jupiter. If Jupiter, Sun or Moon is in 4th, 6th or 12th house then one's financial condition will be excellent and the native will have five sons. Ketu becomes benefic by itself after twenty four years of age. If Ketu in 5th house is malefic then the native suffers from asthma. Ketu gives malefic results till five years of age. Sons will not survive. Livelihood starts after twenty four years of age. The native is unlucky for ones sons. Remedies (1) Donate milk and sugar. (2) The remedies of Jupiter would be useful., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 14


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AstroSage Varshphal or Annual Horoscope Report is based on ancient Tajik System of Vedic Astrology. It uses solar return technique and is considered very accurate in predicting good and bad events going to happen in a year. You will get summary of whole year as well as month-wise predictions in this report. This excellent report helps you planning a year and take important decisions at right time. It also helps you preparing yourself for unforeseen upcoming events. In nutshell, it is an excellent year planning tool that you should always keep with you for youself and your family.

Varshphal Year
Janam Female 13/12/1981 1:20:0 Saturday Nasik India 20 73 00.34.32 00.00.00 00.45.27 07.00.28 17.56.50 Virgo Mer Gemini Mer Ardra Rah Sukla Gar Sagittarius 023-36-15 Sex Date of Birth Time of Birth Day of Birth Place of Birth Country Latitude Longitude Local Time War Time Correction LMT at Birth Sunrise Sunset Lagna LagnaLord Rasi Nakshatra Nakshatra Lord Yoga Karan Sun Sign(Western) Ayanamsa AyanamsaName Varshphal Female 13/12/2011 17:55:0 Tuesday Nasik India 20 73 00.34.32 00.00.00 17.20.28 07.00.14 17.56.41 Taurus VEN Cancer MON Punarvasu Jup Brahma Visit Sagittarius 024-01-24

Year Summary ( Muntha is in 11th house )

You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. You will be benefitted by friends and your brother. You gain from royal favors or favors from higher authorities. Changes you experience in your life will be deeply felt and lasting. You will maintain sound health. Your wishes will be fulfilled., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 15

Planetary Position
Planets Lagna Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu Uranus Neptune Pluto

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Rashi Taurus Scorpion Cancer Leo Scorpion Aries Sagittarius Libra Scorpion Taurus Pisces Aquarius Sagittarius

Longitude 27-37-55 27-07-05 00-53-28 20-21-11 09-51-44 06-35-31 27-01-55 02-50-14 19-55-29 19-55-29 06-42-59 04-22-08 12-31-13

Varshphal Kundli

3 1






5 8




6 7






Ve, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 16


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13/12/2011-03/02/2012 (Dasha Mercury)

Mercury is in 7th house A highly productive year that will leave you feeling satisfied with what you have achieved. During this period you will enjoy the life with full optimism and vivacity. There will be ample opportunity for travel, study, and progress in life. You will find that the opposite sex will help you in your sphere. You will get the respect that you richly deserve and your life will be more stable. Speculative activities will be gainful. There may be acquisition of land or vehicle.

03/02/2012-24/02/2012 (Dasha Ketu)

Ketu is in 1st house A phase of confusion in strategy & misunderstandings with business partners or associates is possible. Major expansion & long term plans should be put on hold. Focus should be on gains from existing sources, throughout the period. It is better to avoid travel as far as possible. Your enemies will put their best efforts to harm you. Even you should be careful about your friends as there are indications of cheating. Take good care of yourself as it may become the reason of anxiety. Health requires special attention as there are possibilities of chonic diseases. Try to be practical in this period. As a matter off act you will be inclined towards unproductive pursuits. Loss of money is on the cards. There can be disputes with the characterless persons.

24/02/2012-25/04/2012 (Dasha Venus)

Venus is in 8th house On the darker side, this might well contribute to disputes and love loss with some loved ones. The important thing is not to involve oneself in others problems at this point of time. Your health and financial situation are at risk. You might get involved in a scandal and your reputation may suffer damage. There could be chances of getting money unexpectedly but needless to say expenses will be very high. This period characterizes with danger, so you need to be extra cautios. Travel will not be rewarding, so avoid it.

25/04/2012-13/05/2012 (Dasha Sun)

Sun is in 7th house This will be a difficult period. Your luck seems against you. Your business associates may create hassles for you. Business trips may not be fruitful. On the domestic front, keep your temper in check from getting into embarrassing situations. Partners ill health may cause worries. You too, may suffer sickness and mental tension. You may also have trouble in head, eye, feet and arm.

13/05/2012-13/06/2012 (Dasha Moon)

Moon is in 3rd house This will prove to be a fantastic period for you. You will be very confident with your thoughts and chance of getting promotion is highly recommended. There are chances of sudden travel which seems to be very fruitful. There will be happiness from siblings and from the opposite sex. This is also a good period for your borthers. Thought of changing place or profession should be avoided., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95607 27992, Printing Date: 07-12-2011, Page No. 17

13/06/2012-04/07/2012 (Dasha Mars)

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Mars is in 4th house Be careful while dealing with friends, relatives or associates, as chances of disputes are very much there. This will not be a good time for business and there are chances of sudden loss financially. Expenditure on secret activities is possible. You may suffer due to mental stress and strain. Injuries and wounds are on the card during this period, so be careful especially while driving.

04/07/2012-28/08/2012 (Dasha Rahu)

Rahu is in 7th house Though you will try a lot to maintain good relation with your partners or associates but all in ruin. Growth & new areas might not come as easily. This period will begin with challenges and difficulties. There could be controversy & unnecessary aggression. Sudden losses are also possible. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Try to develop resistance towards odds. A tendency of taking risk should be curbed and all kinds of speculations must be avoided.

28/08/2012-15/10/2012 (Dasha Jupiter)

Jupiter is in 12th house But sufferings and letdowns are bound to come, and you will need to learn to take things positively and not to leave matters unfinished. You will need to be in the thick of things at your workplace. Sudden losses are also possible. You may gain from foreign sources. Health problems might disturb you. You may have to be involved in unprofitable deeds. Family atmosphere may not be harmonious. Your enemies will try in each and every way to tarnish your image. Not a very sound period for you.

15/10/2012-12/12/2012 (Dasha Saturn)

Saturn is in 6th house The great energy you radiate will definitely attract lots of supportive people in your life. Your rivals will not dare to face you. Financially it is a wonderful period for you. You are learning new ways of maintaining harmony in your individuality at work and around friends and family. You will reap great rewards as you learn to expand your communication skills and be true to your inner self and your own personal needs. Your service/job conditions will definitely improve. You will get all kind of support from your coworkers and subordinates. You may purchase some land or machinery in this period. Little care regarding your health is required.

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