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There are two types of data such as Primary data and Secondary data.

Sources of Data
Primary Data Secondary Data

We use only Primary and secondary data for the term paper Primary sources: We make a research on different department stores about the different provider gaps. Secondary Sources: We used main book named Service Marketing, 5th edition, Valarie A Zeithaml, Mary Jo Bitner, Dawyne D Gremler, Ajay Pandit (Integrating Customer Focus Across The Firm)

Provider Gap 2: The Service Design and Standards gap The difference between company understanding of customer expectations and development of customer-driven service designs and standards is the provider gap 2. Service designs and performance standards reflect the accurate perceptions of customers expectations. So it essential to avoid the provide gap 2. Department stores can also have the service designs and standards gap. When department stores fail to understand the customer expectations and to develop customer-driven designs and standards, the provider gap 2 occur. Department stores are not always able to understand the customers expectations as there are different classes of customers comes with different types of expectations. Though management level people of a department store are responsible for creating the gap, sometimes customers expectations are also unreasonable and unrealistic. There are some factors that can lead a department store to the provider gap 2 or the service design and standards gap. They are discussed below

If the service design of a department store is very poor then it creates provider gap 2. If the department store wants to develop a new service like home delivery, then they have to follow a systematic development process. They have to make some certain rules like the payment of the home delivery should be in credit card. Then they have to appoint a delivery person in order to deliver the service. The department store will also need to provide a transportation to deliver the service. Without all these, the department store will fail to connect the new service design to service positioning.

If there is an absence of customer-driven standards of the department store, then it will create provider gap 2. Customers always expect to get their services as soon as possible. If a department store fails provide service within the time that customers expect then it will be a lack of customer-driven service standard. It happens when a department store dont have enough personnel to deliver service.

Provider gap 2 might create in a department store if they dont have appropriate physical evidence and servicescape. If a department store wants to develop a new service of home delivery then they needs to provide a transportation to deliver the service. Now if they will not be able to provide transportation, they will be failed to develop tangibles in line. Again they provide a bicycle as transportation for the delivery person; he will not be able to deliver services quickly. If they provide a motor van; the delivery person will be able deliver services quickly. This will met customer and employee need.

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