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Analysis of an Issue Template

Paragraph 1 Introduction
Acknowledge the complexity of the issue: The issue/belief/opinion that ____________________ is a complex/controversial/interesting one. Upon first glance at ___________________, it would appear that the speaker is correct. However, _________________. ____________________________________ is a complex issue. Many/Some people believe __________________________, but these people overlook _________________.

Thesis statement: I agree/disagree with the statement that ______________ because ____(overview of paragraph 2&3)___________. My opinion is that ___________________________. I will show that _____________________________. I shall present arguments to show that __________________________. However, I intend to agree that ___________ is __________________________ because _____________. In this essay I will argue that _____________________.

Paragraph 2 First Point

Transition: First, __________________

Statement of Point Example Relate the Example

Paragraph 3 Second Point

Transition: Second, _____________________

Statement of Point Example Relate the Example

Paragraph 4 Rejection of the Counter-Point

Statement of Counter Point: On the other hand, some may argue that _________________. One compelling argument against/for_______ is that ________________. A second compelling argument ________________.

Rebuttal to Counter Point Examples Supporting Rebuttal Relate the Example

Paragraph 5 Conclusion
Transition Phrase: In conclusion/sum, ____________.

Recap of Thesis Statement Summary of Outline

Analysis of an Argument Template

Paragraph 1 - Introduction
Dissection of the argument (name the parts: premises, conclusions, assumptions) Thesis Statement: The argument that ____________ is flawed because __(paragraph 2 overview)___ and ____(paragraph 3 overview)___. Though his claim may well have merit, the author presents a poorly reasoned argument, based on several questionable premises, and based solely on the evidence the author offers, we cannot accept his argument as valid.

Paragraph 2 First Point

Transition: First, __________________

Statement of Point Example Relate the Example

Paragraph 3 Second Point

Transition: Second, _____________________

Statement of Point Example Relate the Example

Paragraph 4 How to Fix Argument

Transition Phrase: Moreover,

How to fix the argument Valid research studies, statistics would _____________. _____________ would better be able to state his case. ______________ would be better able to prove that ___________. ___________ will make it more likely to believe the statement. Gap between evidence and conclusion ___________. __________ explain robustly _______.

Paragraph 5 Conclusion
Transition Phrase: In conclusion/sum, ____________. Iffy research Poor reasoning

Recap of Thesis Statement Summary of Outline

Other Words/Phrases to use

________ may be true, but ________ Vague, unsubstantiated fact ______________ muddies his conclusion. Unspecific, unimpressive and unrelated facts. No reason to trust its validity, Weak and unconvincing statement Refers, cites, Bring into question Credible Trust the information that/validity of __. Insightful /thoughtful. Transition: In addition, Furthermore, However, For example, First of all, In fact, Finally, ____ then leads into the claim that ____ The article goes on to say that _______.

Reference: Author Article Argument Writer

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