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The Chosen one

A rhyming history of the life of Imam Hasan Al-Mujtaba (AS)
By Syed Sarfaraz Hussain Shah Shahr-e-Ramadan, 1432 AH

An epic poem of three parts, detailing the major events that took place in the life of the first grandson of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Foreword: .................................................................................................................................... 2

Part one: Early life ........................................................................................................................ 3 Describes the first part of the Imam's life, his birth, childhood, and youth.

Part two: Caliphate ...................................................................................................................... 5 Describes the six month period of the Imam's caliphate after his father Ali was martyred on 21st Ramadan, 40AH.

Part three: Later life and martyrdom ............................................................................................ 7 Describes the last ten years of his life and how he also left the world as a martyr at the age of 47 on Safar 28th 50 AH.

Some Sayings of Imam Hasan (AS) ................................................................................................ 9 A short collection of the Imam's legacy in terms of advice and wisdom.

By the Power, Might and for the Sake of Allah, the Beneficent and Merciful, I humbly begin.

Foreword: In this blessed month of Ramadan, and upon the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Holy Prophet, Imam Al-Hasan, I present to you this poem. I thank God for the opportunity and ability to write about such an extraordinary individual. I say ability in the context that I may compose some simple lines in praise, but I completely acknowledge that it is truly impossible for one like me to speak about him as is his due. I have tried to ensure as far as is possible a sound historical basis for what I have written, through reliable sources. I hope you will forgive any mistakes. I pray that you find some benefit through this effort of mine, and that collectively we may grow in love and admiration for the Holy Prophet (SAW) and His family (upon them may limitless blessings, descend), and that through that love, we may find our way to and along the straight path towards God. Ameen.

This work may be redistributed, freely without profit, in its original format.

- Sarfaraz Hussain Shah (August 2011)

Idaara Maarif-e-Islam, Hussania Mosque and Community Centre Herbert Road (off Coventry Road) Small Heath Birmingham B10 0QP Email: Or 2

Part one: Early life

1 He

was born in the middle of the sacred month, 1 month of the Quran, and the exalted night, Fatima, the rose, came this beautiful one,

2 The

3 From 4 In

Medina, he was like a star, wonderfully bright.

5 In

appearance he resembled the Prophet, same kind of softness and nobility, like honey, flowed from his mouth,

6 The

7 Words, 8 He

was the foremost of creatures in superiority.

9 He

would walk the streets with a smiling face, he went, Husayn would be following,

10 Wherever 11 The 12 How

people would come out to catch a glance,

wonderful a sight was Zahras2 two darlings!

13 They

loved their grandfather, and he loved them, would gaze at them with such affection, slept in his arms, and climbed on his back, whilst in prostration, he had no objection.

14 He 15 They 16 Even

17 As

a child, he would teach those greater in age, a man, was performing ablution incorrect,

18 Once 19 He

asked him to judge between him and his brother, that he would learn in way full of respect.

20 So

1 2

That is 15 of the Islamic month of Ramadan, 3 AH. Their mother Fatima was given this title meaning the Radiant.


21 He

was there on the day of Mubahila, 3 his little hands, at the Prophets side,

22 Raising 23 And

included amongst the five, tah-tul Kisa, 4 ones thoroughly spotless and purified.


25 In 26 A

Medina, huge crowds would surround him, Hashemite prince, truly generous and wise, he spoke, all would eagerly listen.

27 Whenever 28 That

the people adored him was no surprise.

29 With

the poor, he would sit down and eat, Surely God loves not the arrogant,

30 Saying, 31 At

every prayer time, he would tremble and shake, God changed his whole temperament.

32 Remembering

33 He

had learnt from the school of heavenly manners, strangers abused him, he would only smile,

34 When 35 He

offered his home, some clothes, and a horse, the one who spoke some things truly vile!

36 To

37 "Before 38 Said 39 "But

this, there was no one I more despised",

the man, so affected, he started to cry,

now I will defend you and your right till the day I die, the greatness of your household I have realised."


The day of Mubahila, or mutual cursing, is mentioned in the Quran, verse 3:61. Imam Hasan (AS) along with his brother Imam Husayn (AS) are referred to as the Prophets sons, exclusively representing the entirety of youth.

That is, Underneath the cloak See Quran, verse 33:33 and Hadithe-Kisa.

Part two: Caliphate

1 Al-Hasan 2 But

was of the Prophet, parcel and part,

his enemies were those, on account of his father, Muawiyah, power-hungry and vicious at heart, everything he could to make his life harder.

3 Especially 4 Doing

5 Ali

was martyred in Kufa; then a few months later, men had decided to assassinate Hasan too,

6 Some 7 They 8 But

waited in ambush in the mosque as he prayed,

his hidden armour deflected the arrow they threw.

9 The

enemies from Syria, grew quite audacious to the leadership, is what they claimed,

10 Right 11 In

exchange of letters, Hasan overcame them, they were like animals, wild and voracious.

12 Still

13 He 14 But 15 And 16 With

gathered an army for the sake of Islam, amongst them were enemies concealed,

those with no obedience towards the Imam,

a simple test, their true colours were revealed. Kharijites5 once again, turned their backs. stole his cloak, some plundered his tent, struck him in his thigh with an axe,

17 The

18 One

19 Another


The wound reaching right up to the bone.

"Those who went out", a term used to refer to a group of people who betrayed Ali after the battle of Siffin. The Quranic verse 2:11 perfectly describes them. They martyred Ali in the month of Ramadan, 40 AH as he led the prayers, but in Syria, Muawiyah and his right hand man, Amr ibn al-Aas, both survived attempts made on their life.

21 And

while the Imam, was carried off in a stretcher, of the commanders formed a secret alliance, the world, they wrote to Abu Sufyans son, to give him obedience, and Hasan defiance.

22 Some

23 Desiring 24 Promising

25 The

traitors in his camp were getting to ready to pounce, a few of his men, were upright and true, showed him the letters, and offered a truce, had to yield what else could he do?

26 Only

27 Muawiyah

28 Hasan

29 For 30 At 31 The

a peace treaty, He drew up some terms -

Hudaybiyah6 the Prophet had done the same. affairs of government, handed over for a time, which it would return to whence it came.

32 After

33 Muawiyah 34The 35 He

must follow Quran, and the Prophets tradition,

Syrians must stop cursing Ali from pulpit and prayer,

cannot harm Hasan or his followers, openly or in sedition, absolutely, no successor was he allowed to name.

36 And

37 The 38 As 39 He 40 And

Umayyad was known for trickery and cunning, shrewd as a politician, and as lavish as a king,

broke every term, once the treaty was concluded, with a mass of propaganda had the people deluded.

The Treaty of Hudaybiyah was a peace treaty between the Holy Prophet and the pagans of Makkah in 6 AH. After the latter violated it, the Holy Prophet peacefully conquered and purified Makkah. Imam Hasan was following in the footsteps of his grandfather, because by resorting to diplomacy, the hidden character of Muawiyah was made apparent, just as had happened with Abu Sufyan.

Part three: Later life and martyrdom

1 Muawiyah 2 Of 3-

was a tyrant, with devious ways

this, the Imam, was all too aware

His father, Ali had gone through a similar phase.

4 And

thought it wiser to patiently bear.

5 Some 6 Why 7 But

criticised him for maintaining silence, was it that he gave up and ignored?

he had a better plan, aiming for guidance, a place that never would, the sword.

8 Reaching

9 While 10 A 11 In

the caliphate became a centre of vice,

watering-place, for the worldly minded,

Medina, the two leaders of heavens youth, people to truth and constantly reminded.

12 Exhorted

13 The

Syrians cursed, and people were not at ease, traditions, they found opposition,

14 Fabricating 15 They

murdered Hujr7, and it disturbed the peace, to notice in the hearts, a troubling transition!

16 Starting

17 Day 18 No

by day, Muawiyah grew increasingly afraid,

matter, what he tried; coins, sword or the whip, for Al-Hasan just would not fade,

19 Support 20 So

he arranged for him, the deadliest of sips.

Hujr ibn Adi was a prominent and pious companion of the Holy Prophet (SAW). A sincere follower of the Imam, he was killed along with seven of his companions, by Muawiyah because they refused to curse Ali ibn Abi Talib.

21Poison 22 So 23 For

so strong, it damaged his liver,

was he was given by Jodah8, his wife,

many days he suffered, vomiting out blood, stayed with him till the end of his life.

24 Husayn

25 O 26 First 27 In

my dearest brother Husayn, he softly said, take me to visit our grandfather, the Prophet,

carrying out my command, let no blood be shed, they refuse, then in Al-Baqi9, bury me instead.

28 If

29 Moment

by moment, he began to grow pale, by his brother, he whispered to say,

30 Embraced 31O

Aba Abdillah! There is no day like your day, is the day when every tyrant will fail!

32 That

33 As

Al-Hasans sacred body, was lifted and carried, in great numbers were following the bier,

34 Mourners 35 But

some10 raised the cry, Do not bury him here! arrows at his coffin so he wouldnt come near.

36 Shooting

37 How 38 That 39 And

great must be the burden on his shoulders, of his brothers body, martyred by poison,

now to be of Imammate bearer and holder, Husayn, till Ashuras red rising sun.

40 Patience,

Jodah bint Al-Ash'ath, was one of the Imams three wives. Muawiyah provided the poison, promising that he would give her a great reward and marry him to his son Yazid, soon to be caliph. After she carried out the deed Muawiyah turned back on his word, saying If you killed your husband Hasan, how can I trust you with my son? She died not long after. 9 Jannat-Al-Baqi, the everlasting garden, the graveyard where Al-Hasan is buried. 10 One of the major culprits was Marwan ibn Hakam, who also played a role In Husayns martyrdom a decade later.

Some Sayings of Imam Hasan (AS)

His knowledge came from straight from the Holy Prophet and Imam Ali. We end with a selection of twenty of his sayings so that their message and way of life may be renewed within our hearts. 1. Piety is the gateway to all repentance, the principal of all wisdom, and the distinction of all deeds. 2. Whoever relies on the excellence of Allahs choices, doesnt wish to be in other than the situation that Allah has chosen for him. 3. The height of intelligence is associating with people amicably. 4. Magnanimity is adhering to the religion, honouring ones self, having a lenient conduct, permanency of favours, and the discharging of rights. 5. Silence is concealment of ignorance, adornment of ones self, and the one performing it is in ease, and his companion is safe. 6. How can a believer be a believer when he is discontent with His (Allahs) predestination, and disparages His (Allahs) Status, when it is Allah whom rules over him? And I guarantee, for the one whose heart does not harbour other than satisfaction, that if he supplicates Allah, he will be granted. 7. O Son of Adam, abstain from the unlawful and you will be a worshipper, and be content with what Allah has predestined for you, you will be sufficient, be benevolent to those who take up proximity in your neighbourhood, you will be a Muslim. 8. Do not be hasty in punishing (someones) sin, and leave (room) between the two (fault and punishment) for apology. And tolerance of the noble is forgiving, if apologizing is difficult for the sinner. 9. The most preferable adornment is graceful manners. 10. The best wealth is contentment and the worst poverty is humility. 11. Clemency is suppression of anger and self-restraint. 12. Generosity is giving in prosperity and adversity. 13. Put what you seek from this world, but you know is unattainable, in the same rank as that which does not cross your mind. 14. If the recommended actions harm the obligatory actions, then abandon them. 15. I wonder at a person who ponders over the things that he eats, how he does not ponder over his reasoning. He preserves his stomach from that which harms him, yet deposits in his breast that which is a cause for his destruction. 16. O Son of Adam! Since the day you left your mothers womb you life has been on the decrease. Therefore, avail yourself of that between your hands for the hereafter because the believer takes provisions (from this world) and the disbeliever only takes his leisure. 17. The most discerning eye is the one that penetrates (views) into the blessings and the most auditory ear is the one heeds reminding and benefits from it. And the most pure of hearts is the one purified from doubt. 18. Befriend people in the same manner you would like them to befriend you. 19. Brotherhood is loyalty during adversity and during comfort. 20. Teach the people of your knowledge, and learn from their knowledge. Hence you would have become adept and learnt that which you do not know. 9


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