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Altair License Manager Version 11.0.

2 Release Notes
Altair Licensing is no longer based on Flexera Softwares FlexNet Publisher (formerly known as FLEXlm). It is replaced by the new Altair Licensing System based on X-Formations LM-X. This allows for more flexibility to address customers licensing needs and for further innovations to the HyperWorks business model.

Altair License Manager 11.0 is compatible with HyperWorks 9.1, 10.1, 11.0 and above, as well as certain versions of other Altair and Partner Products. Please refer to the Installation and Operations Guide Version 11.0.1 for details on installation and setup. The included appendix LM-X Reference for FLEXlm/FLEXnet Users may be useful for customers familiar with FLEXlm. Applications should now use the environment variable ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH to point to either the local license file or the network based license server. This change allows multiple versions of products to be installed and point to different licensing systems without interfering with each other. The format is documented in the Installation Guide or in specific product documentation. The general format is ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=path_to_local_file (ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=c:\licenses\license.dat) or ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=port@host (ALTAIR_LICENSE_PATH=6200@licserver1). The new system does not allow a local file to point to a server. Officially supported platforms for the license server are shown in the table below: (a * indicates a note in the appropriate section below.)
Platform OS Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and 2008 Windows XP SP2, Vista, 7, Server 2003 and 2008 HPUX 11.11* RHEL 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, SLES 9,10,11 RHEL 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, SLES 9,10,11 RHEL 4.0, 5.0, SLES 9,10,11 AIX 5.3*, 6.0 AIX 5.3*, 6.0 Solaris 10 Solaris 10 Solaris 10 HPUX 11.23 OS X 10.5/10.6 OS X 10.5/10.6 Architecture LM-X Platform ID Dongle Support (Nodelock and/or Server) Package Name

x86 x86_64 PA-RISC 32bit x86_64 x86 IA-64 Power 4,5 32-bit Power 4,5 64-bit Sparc UltraSparc x86_64 IA-64 (64bit ONLY) x86 x86_64

win32_x86 win64_x64 hpux_hppa_ilp32 linux_x64 linux_x86 linux_ia64 aix_ppc aix_ppc64 sunos_sparc sunos_sparc64 sunos_x64 hpux_ia64_ilp64 darwin_universal darwin_universal


altair_licensing_11.0.win32_x86.exe altair_licensing_11.0.win64_x64.exe altair_licensing_11.0.hpux_hppa_ilp32.bin altair_licensing_11.0.linux_x64.bin altair_licensing_11.0.linux_x86.bin altair_licensing_11.0.linux_ia64.bin altair_licensing_11.0.aix_ppc.bin altair_licensing_11.0.aix_ppc64.bin altair_licensing_11.0.sunos_sparc.bin altair_licensing_11.0.sunos_sparc.bin altair_licensing_11.0.sunos_x64.bin altair_licensing_11.0.hpux_ia64_lp64.bin

Known Issues and Additional Information

All Platforms: The output of lmxendutil licstatxml contains several lines at the top before the <?xml version> tag that may confuse some xml parsers. You may need to remove those lines prior to parsing the information.

IMPORTANT: The license servers default configuration will write the log file named <installation>/logs/hostname.log This log file is appended to when the server restarts and is not overwritten. The system administrator should monitor this file as all platforms have file size limits that can cause the license server to be shut down due to file size limitations. The log file should be rotated to maintain a manageable size. You should be able to move or rename the file even while the license server is running. Using cron (on Linux/Unix) or some other method to accomplish scheduled rotations is highly recommended to keep the file size in check. Using a rough limit of 1GB in size should ensure that there are no issues.

11.0.2 contains the following fixes in addition to the fixes in 11.0.1: 1. Dongles with Server licenses. 2. Issue that the URT would sometimes not quite after 2 failed attempts 3. On rare occasions the server might crash when rolling the log files if there were licenses borrowed. 4. Several minor packaging/installation bugs were fixed

Transactional Log Information: In transaction records that have status OTHER than LMX_SUCCESS, LMX_SOFTLIMIT and LMX_VENDORDENY the fields for Requested Number of Features and Actual Number of Features are interpreted differently. The Requested Number will be 0 and the Actual Number will contain the actual count requested. This has to do with the internal methods used to produce these logs.

Windows Specific Issues: When the installer asks you to choose a license file and you click the browse button, there is a small chance the installer will crash. To avoid this situation you may either type in the full path of the file in the input box or indicate you dont have a license file in the previous step.

When using lmxconfigtool (the GUI configuration tool) it may not pick up the entire configuration for the installed service. The boxes for license file path and log file path may not be populated. While the server will operate correctly (the values by default are in the config file,) you may not be able to press/use the view log file button. You have to uninstall and remove the service and then reinstall it using lmxconfigtool if you want this functionality.

If you installed a beta release of the 11.0 Licensing system on a license server that also was running an earlier (Flex based) Altair Licensing system, it is important to make sure that the environment variable ALUS_CONF_FILE is NOT set in the systems environment. The value is now held in the registry and having this in the systems environment will cause the older license system to become confused on which configuration file to use.

Linux/Unix Specific Issues: When trying to run the installer in command line (or console) mode without graphics, the installer may fail. The install may try to initialize the X windows libraries. To work around this problem make sure the environment variable DISPLAY is unset and provide the -i console argument on the command line.

MAC OS X specific issues: The installer only supports GUI mode. The server is installed (by default) in /Applications/Altair/licensing11.0 and the server startup/shutdown script is located in /Library/StartupItems/altairlmxd. In order to uninstall the license server you will need to open a terminal and stop the server first. If you attempt to run the uninstaller with the server running the uninstaller may hang. Open a terminal window and run /Library/Startupitems/altairlmxd stop to stop the license server. Then change directories to the install directory (cd /Applications/Altair/licensing11.0 by default) and run ./Run_uninstaller from the command line. On OSX 10.5 (Leopard) running altairlmxd as a different user, as it is written in the script, doesnt work properly. It should however work on 10.6 (Snow Leopard)

Solaris 10 specific issues: On Solaris 10 there may an issue when installing or removing the license server with the service not starting or stopping correctly. For the installation issue you can use the svcadm command to check to see if the service was put in maintenance mode. If so, you can change it with svcadm restart altair_lmx. It is recommended that you simply stop the service before running the uninstaller. You can use svcadm clear altair_lmx to stop and disable the service before removal. HPUX specific issues: On HPUX 11.23 you must have the HPUX "BUNDLE11i B.11.23.0409.3 Required Patch" installed. This adds support for IPV6 ONLY sockets and is needed by the license server to run correctly. If receive a message similar to Unable to create TCP Acceptor then this patch is not installed. HPUX 11.31 and above seem to not have or need this patch. IBM/AIX specific issues: On AIX 5.3 you must be at Maintenance Level 4 or higher. Use the output of oslevel r to determine this. The trailing number (after the -) should be -04 or higher and have version (or higher) of bos.rte.libpthreads installed.

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