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SAP Product Hierarchy

Step 1 Access PwC IDES 900 to define Product Hierarchies

T-Code V/76 SAP Easy Access IMG Logistics General Material Master Setting for Key Fields Data Relevant to Sales and Distribution Define Product Hierarchies

Based on the PD code what you have chosen to Create a new level 1 - Product hierarchy as following, then click SAVE (eg. PJ1-003-2000 )

Initial a request code as follow to record the changes ( e.g costing workframe)

SAP Product Hierarchy

Create a new level 2 - Product hierarchy as following, then click SAVE

Since we follow the standard composition of PD in IDES, so that there are 5 digits in length for level 1 and 5 digits in length for level 2. It applied also we have to add another two digits 00 as prefixed of level 1 and level 2.

Create a new level 3 - Product hierarchy as following, then click SAVE.

There reserved 5 digits in Level 3 in standard IDES, however we might take out 4 digits only and leave others blank.

SAP Product Hierarchy

Step 2 Specify Product Hierarchies code to Material Master Data

Per idea, you might choose 20 material items ( FERT, ROH and HALB ) to assign its corresponding PD code Create Material Mater Data Basic View SAP Easy Access Logistic Material Master Material Create (General) Immediately Input the Material Number, Industry sector, Material Type, then select the Basic Data 1 and click Enter

T-Code MM01

SAP Product Hierarchy


beside of Prod. hierarchy at the Basic Data 1 view

Then choose the 00PJ1 as Main group and click next level.

SAP Product Hierarchy

Then choose the 00003 as Main group/Group and click next level.

Then choose the 2000 as Main group/Group/Subgroup and click Choose.


SAP Product Hierarchy

Click Save.

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