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To all Men and Women of the Galactic Empire, Yesterday, when morning came to Sluis Van, it came in the

form of fireballs streaking across the sky. Yesterday, we destroyed a massive fleet of New Republic ships. Almost a hundred freighters and capitol ships were destroyed in the blink of an eye. I would like to personally thank the ingenuity of our spacetroopers in the attempt to capture as many of the ships as possible, but circumstances changed and we had to instead scrap them. We did, however, manage to seize control of one star cruiser completely and put it into hyperspace. Hopefully we can have it refitted and sent to the front soon. With this victory, we have officially announced our presence to the New Republic, and have given them cause to fear us. Our battle really first developed at Nomad City at Nkllon, where we stole special mole miners, cloaked them, and then loaded them onto a hollowed vessel which took them through hyperspace, along with forty of our test TIE fighters. When the ship arrived, a portion of the legendary Rogue Squadron tried to investigate our odd present, at which point it unwrapped, burst at the seams, and released the deadly gift within. The New Republic fleet didnt even have a chance to move before the mole miners dug in, and eventually through their hulls, engines, and other compartments. Most exploded after that, though some were merely disabled with little chance of repair. Our Tie Fighters provided cover for the following assault. Thirty nine ships of our fleet came in and devastated the remainder of their fleet, destroying at least one Mon calamari Cruiser, three GR-75 medium transports, four Corellian Corvettes, and one Nebulon-B frigate that thought they escaped from the mole miners. Then, the few remaining ships of the New Republic attempted to go into hyperspace before realizing that their own point defenses were firing on them, as our special operations teams had redirected their fire. Only a few starfighters survived to tell the tale as we jumped from the system. In total, at least 43 New republic ships were disbled, another 24 were destroyed outright, and a further nine were hunted down. Countless starfighters were destroyed as well. Know this; our war may be only beginning, but if the New Republic is this easily defeated in the field then our glorious Empire shall be reborn all the sooner. Now, celebrate with our fighting men and women, and join the Armed Forces for your own taste of glory. For the Empire! P.S. Enjoy the following choice photographs taken by our own Imperial Photographers!

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