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ISFOC SCRIPT MANAGER ISM-Publisher Release Note ISM-Publisher 3.04 August 1999.

This version of ISM contains new utilities and enhancements to the some of the existing programs. The installation program reflects these additions. ISM and the Internet -------------------The TrueType fonts provided with ISM are ideally suited for making WEB pages (HTML files) on the Internet. To create HTML files you can use a HTML editor such as MS-Word or Microsoft FrontPage and enter the Indian language text using ISM Keyboard Manager and TrueType fonts. If you do not have access to a HTML editor, you can enter the text in the same way in say WordPad and save the document as an RTF file. Use the RTF to HTML conversion utility RTF2HTM.EXE provided with ISM to convert to HTML format. For the browser to be able to display Indian scripts correctly, the TrueType fonts have to be installed on the local computer. This means that the fonts must be made available for downloading. The TrueType fonts provided with the ISM package can be made available by you for downloading so that your WEB document can be viewed. If you are planning to use fonts provided with this package on the Internet you should do the following: - Inform us of your URL by email at - Include the following files in your Web page. cdacgist.htm cdacgist.gif These files can be found in your ISM300\SAMPLES folder Bilingual font -------------Most ISM utilities now have Bilingual font implementation. This means that the same font contains both English and Indian language capability. It is not necessary to select a different font for English and Indian scripts. The Script toggle key will automatically switch between the two. This facility is particularly useful in applications such as SpreadSheet and Database programs that allow only one font to be selected at a time and where bi-lingual data is to be displayed. The font names are typically: DVB-TTSurekh for DeVanagari Bilingual.(DVB) Additional fonts with English Numerals have been provided in each script. The font names are typically: DVB-TTSurekhEN for DeVanagari Bilingual English Nu merals. Bilingual font support is provided in the following programs Note:Ensure that the bilingual option is selected in the following programs before using bilingual fonts WINKBMGR.EXE A2IWIN.EXE ISM_DBFH.EXE Other Utilities --------------ISM Keyboard Manager ACII to ISFOC conversion utility ISM DBF Handler utility

RTF2HTM.EXE which creates HTML files from .RTF source files created using ISFOC TrueType fonts provided with ISM. HTML files can be viewed using Web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Netscape. RTF files can be created by most word processing software (eg WordPad) For a bilingual source RTF document, only one English font and one Script font is used in the final HTML document, even though the source document may contain more than one font for the same script. This has been done so that only one font need be downloaded to view the document. This utility uses only TrueType fonts. The default size of the English text is +1 and that of the Script text is +2. If required, the HTML file may be edited to change the font or size using a text editor like Notepad. RTF2ACI.EXE which can convert RTF files using ISFOC fonts to ACII(ISCII) code format. ISCII files can be imported in Apex Language Processor (ALP) in DOS and LEAP for Windows. The Official Language Dictionary helps you to translate English words most commonly used in official communications. You can find this utility in the ISM 3.0 program group. The first control shows you a list of available Dictionaries. You can choose the dictionary to work with. In the next control,i.e., Enter English Phrase, you can type the English word/phrase for which you want help. As you type and pause, all the words beginning with the letters you have typed and existing in the Dictionary will appear in the first list box. When you select a word from that list box, all the phrases containing those word s and existing in the Dictionary will appear in the second list box. When you select a word/phrase from the second list box and if the word/phrase exists in the Dictionary, you will see a list of the possible Indian Language meanings for that word/phrase in the third list box. You can choose the most appropriate meaning from this list of meanings to be in line with the context of your text and Click on the Transfer button to copy that text to the clipboard. You can then paste the text in your document after selecting the appropriate monolingual font (do not use a bilingual font while pasting). ============================================================================ ISM dbf Handler Utility ----------------------The ISM dbf Handler utility manipulates Indian Script database files (.dbf), created using the GIST Card/GIST Shell on DOS or using ISM on Windows. Currently this utility supports the following scripts. Devanagari, Gujarati, Punjabi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada. With this utility you can - Sort the database on a selected field - Browse through database records for selected fields - Create reports for importing into Windows applications like MS-Word and LEAP - Convert DOS databases to Windows format and vice versa - Convert DOS PC_ISCII databases to ISCII format and vice versa - Bilingual font support

ISM Spellcaster Utility ----------------------A Windows SpellCheck application is now available for text created using ISM in Windows applications. SpellCheck is available for Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati only. Refer to the SpellCaster online help for details. Note: This utility does not support bilingual fonts. Enhancements to WINKBMGR ------------------------ Supports Typewriter Keyboard layout for Hindi, Marathi - Support for Bilingual font. - Alternate keys for CapsLock script selection have been provided. - Tuning At times, ISM may not work correctly with a new Windows application or a new version of software. An example of this is when you get repeated characters while typing in Indian scripts. When such a case is encountered you may try and Tune ISM to work with the new application. To do this, change the default application category from 0 to 12 one at a time and test ISM with the application. The correct value will be stored for future reference. The default value for ISM is 0. Please report any application for which ISM cannot be tuned by the above method. Notes -----1. On-line hyphenation is available only in Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu. This has been tested and found working fine with PageMaker, MS-Word and MS-Write. It may work in other Windows applications also. In case, any application gives problem with hyphenation 'On', switch it Off. 2. The ISM Keyboard Manager WINKBMGR.EXE, now allows user selectable keyboard overlays. There is a help for the currently selected keyboard overlay which can also be used for practicing the keyboard overlay and taking a printout of it. Ensure that the following fonts for the respective scripts are installed. Devanagari DV-TTSurekh DV1-TTSurekh 3. The Inscript keyboard overlay can be reconfigured by the users. It will be an alphabetic and phonetic keyboard overlay in which an ACII string of maximum 8 characters can be assigned to keys on the QWERTY overlay representing the ASCII characters. This can be done by creating a new keyboard overlay file (*.BIN) using the 'CFGKBD.EXE' DOS utility which resides in the CFGKBD sub-directory under your ISM directory. Read the CFGKBD.TXT file for more information on using the utility. Use the Keyboard Overlay Help feature for seeing the keyboard layout. FONTS ----- For government organizations, Hindi documents must have Roman numerals only. To facilitate this, 3 extra monolingual Devanagari fonts have been provided with Roman Numerals. These are listed below DV-TTSurekhEN, DV-TTYogeshEN, DV-TTGaneshEN English numerals have also been provided with all bilingual fonts For ISM-Devanagari, a special Sanskrit font - SD-Surekh (Normal,Bold) has been provided. Over 50 traditional conjuncts can now be typed.

A sample file "SANSKRIT.ACI" with the conjunct list is provided. Sanskrit is being treated as a different script distinct from modern Devanagari and is denoted by "Sanskrit DEV". - For finding out the Keyboard layout of the characters in the Symbol and Border fonts, you can use the Windows accessory 'Character Map'. The Symbol & Border fonts have been arranged such that the characters are available on the keys 'A' to 'Z' and 'a' to 'z' only. SAMPLE FILES -----------There are some sample ACII (*.ACI) files copied into a sub-directory named 'SAMPLES', residing under your ISM directory. They can be used for testing the ISM utilities and fonts.

SOLUTION FOR SOME OF THE ISM INSTALLATION AND WINDOWS RELATED PROBLEMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------This section lists some common problems you may encounter while start working with ISM and the solutions to resolve the same. If the problem still persists contact your distributor or GIST group, CDAC for further technical support. Problem: While typing, undesired characters appear on the screen. Solution: 1. Check whether ISM is active. If ISM is active check whether the selected "Script Key" is ON and the correct FONT has been chosen from the application. 2. Is this problem specific to an application ? ISM supports most of the popular packages running under Windows. Some applications may require special information in order to run smoothly. Contact your distributor or CDAC and check whether that application is supported. If it is not supported send details about the kind of problems faced and the application you are using so that it can be taken care in the ensuing versions of ISM. Problem: Indian script fonts do not appear on the screen. Solution: 1. Are you running a Windows application that supports multiple fonts usage ? If not ISFOC fonts will not appear in such applications (e.g. Notepad). Also, applications which can show only one font at a time in a specific window such as FoxPro will show junk when a font other then the script of the text is selected. Problem: Printer does not print. Solution: 1. Check the printer driver installed. Install the correct driver if necessary. 2. Check if the printer is configured to the right port and connected properly. 4. In case the problems persist, print a page of normal English text. If it doesn't print, the problem is with the machine configuration. Problem: The application you are running reports an error and quits. Solution: 1. Check if there are too many applications running at the same time. If so, close the unwanted applications and try again or

reboot your system. 2. Check for virus. A system infected with virus can create such problems. Common Don'ts ------------* Never modify or delete any of the initialization files like WIN.INI unless you are sure about what you are doing. * Don't delete or modify files in the ISM directory unless it is required and explained in the ISM manual how to do it. NOTE: For more information regarding ISM related problems and solutions ---- refer to a file named 'ISMHELP.TXT' which is there in your ISM directory. * * *

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