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Netlist Entry with DC Operating Points (bias) Analysis using LTSPICE

Introduction: The purpose of this manual is to guide students on how to simulate a simple DC circuit using netlist entry. Netlist is a text file that describe on how the components in the circuit is connected. The description of the circuit connection is written using SPICE format. Refer to SPICEtutorial.pdf to get better understanding on how to write circuit description using SPICE (Download Basic Steps to Run Simulation

Figure 1: Simple schematic diagram 1. For this manual, the circuit shown in Figure 1 is used to do the simulation to get the currents and voltages at each node. The circuit description (netlist) is written using a text editor (e.g. Notepad).

Figure 2: Netlist written using Notepad

2. Save the file with any name (preferably the name consists of one word only) followed by extension .cir. Make sure to set the Save as type: to All files. (Refer Figure 3

File name followed by .cir extension

Set Save as type: to All files

Figure 3: Saving the netlist

). Go to menu File > Open. Then, set the 3. Open up the LTSPICE software( Files of type: to Netlist(*.cir,*.net,*.sp). Find the file that has been saved before and open it.

Set the Files of type: to Netlist (*.cir,*.net,*.sp)

Figure 4: Opening the netlist in LTSPICE

4. Once the netlist is loaded, click the Run button.

Run button

Figure 5: Clicking the Run button 5. The simulation result will be obtained as shown in Figure 6

Figure 6: Simulation result 6. To print the simulation result it will be easier to convert it into a text form. To do that, left click at the simulation result. Then press <Ctrl> + <C> on the keyboard. Next, open a word processing program ( Microsoft Word, Notepad ..). After that press <Ctrl> + <V> to copy the simulation result into the word processing program Interpret the Simulation Result The simulation results obtained using the .op commad in the netlist will show the voltages at each node referring to ground and the current follow through each component. The notation used for voltage is -> V(node label). The node label is always referred to the netlist. For example, V(2) is referred to voltage at node 2 with respective to ground as been label in the schematic as shown in figure 1. To obtain other voltages which is not specify in the simulation result, the user need to manually compute by doing necessary arithmetic operation. For example, the voltage across the resistor R1 is equal to V(1) minus V(2).

The notation used for current is -> I(component). The component will also always refer to the netlist. The positive value of current shows the current flow from the first node to the second node as been specified in the netlist. On the other hand, negative value of current indicates the current flow from the second node to first node. For example, referring to the netlist as shown in figure 2, R1 connection is described as follows:

Component R1

First Node 1

Second Value Node 2 2k

The value current flow through R1 [I(R1)] is 0.003A or 3mA. Since the value is positive, the direction of current flow is from Node 1(First Node) to Node 2(Second Node). Another example, referring to the netlist as shown in figure 2, V1 connection is described as follows: Component V1 First Node 1 Second Value Node 0 DC=12

The value current flow through V1 [I(V1)] is -0.003A or -3mA. Since the value is negative, the direction of current flow is from Node 0(Second Node) to Node 1(First Node)

Authors note This manual is prepared to help students to do the simulation assignment of Experiment 3 of Electrical/Electronics Measurement Labs. Any comment to further improve the manual is much appreciated and can be forwarded to Your comment and suggestion may help other student to better utilize the manual. Thank you!

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