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Strategic Management Assignment

Submitted by: 1) Alston DSouza 01016004 II MBA A AIMIT 2) Abdul Fazal 01016001 II MBA A AIMIT Date: 30-11- 2011

COMPARITIVE STUDY OF VISION AND MISSION OF SHALIMAR PAINTS AND ASIAN PAINTS SHALIMAR PAINTS Vision Shalimar's vision is to become one of the leading paint manufacturing companies of the country, a leader in product innovation and customer satisfaction. Shalimar intends to build long term value relationships with all its suppliers and customers. Mission The Company's mission is to maximize returns of each stakeholder in the Company be it customers, shareholders, suppliers or employees and become a socially responsible global Corporate Citizen. ASIAN PAINTS Vision Asian Paints aims to become one of the top five Decorative coatings companies world-wide by leveraging its expertise in the higher growth emerging markets. Simultaneously, the company intends to build long term value in the Industrial coatings business through alliances with established global partners.


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Future Oriented Precise Clarity Focused on product Customer and share holders (stake holders) Narrow Scope Generality in Aim Societal Concern

Asian Paints 1) Precise on where it wants to be

2) Mentioned the strategy of achieving it goals 3) Also mentioned how it wants to achieve its objective COMPARISON OF VISION PAINTS Shalimar paints is not very precise on where it wants to be whereas Asian paints has clearly mentioned that it wants to be among the top five in the Industry world wide. Shalimar paints wants to achieve its vision by considering the interests of all the stake holders of the company where as Asian paints has just mentioned how it wants to achieve its vision.Shalimar paints has a more flexible Vision and mission statements compared to asian paints MISSION OF ASIAN PAINTS AND SHALIMAR

CRITICAL EVALUATION The vision of Shalimar paints is very general. It does not indicate any measurable goals. It is also not time bound and thinks only in terms of its stake holders and is not really ambitious or motivating. The mission of the company also is the same and looks as if it is a part of the vision. The vision of Asian paints also does not reflect any flexibility, its rigid and is not about any goals or objectives to be achieved but it talks about how it wants to be in the top 5 companies in the world in their industry. It just identifies one way i.e partnering with top companies to achieve its goal and makes its rigid and very volatile to environmental changes

IMPLICATION ON PRESENT AND FUTURE SCENARIO Shalimars paints vision does not reflect a strategic direction. The landmark to be achieved is vague. It gives a unclear idea on the organization needs to do today as its not clear what the organization wants to be. As a result the present day implication is that the vision and mission cannot be effectively converted to actions and hence may not take the company where it wants to be. In other words, the company may progress but may not progress in the right direction. Asian paints mission is specific and clear compared to Shalimar paints but it mentions a particular way of reaching their goal and its not time specific it helps them derive actions from their vision and mission but any changes in the surroundings in the future will have a huge effect on the way things need to be done at Shalimar.

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