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IPCCA Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment

Annex for Methodological Toolkit for Local Assessments

A methodological guide for implementing Local Assessments under the IPCCA initiative

Stage 0: Communication and consensus

Stage 0 Task Description Introducing the IPCCA Project to Communities and Key Stakeholders Community Visits Organizing and carrying out meetings within communities to inform the population about an initiative, to consult with them and build trust and understanding. Brieng Workshop Brieng workshops are simple, easy-to-organise working sessions held to establish a project agenda or brief. Simultaneously they can: introduce people to the project; help establish the key issues; get people involved and motivated; identify useful talent and experience; identify the next steps needed. Participatory Presentation This tool may help to break down the barrier between presenter and audience, creating an open forum for sharing opinions. The group controls the course of the presentation. Picture Stories Illustrations of problems and solutions that can be prioritised or put in sequence to tell a story. They can be used as an educational tool to inform, but participation is increased when people can add to the drawings. Participatory Development Communication Participatory development communication is about encouraging community participation with development initiatives through a strategic utilization of various communication strategies. Interpersonal Communication Tools Discussion and debate, lm or video sessions, role-plays, outsider visits, learning tours. Traditional Communication Tools Theatre, song, music. Mass Media Tools Rural radio, local press, local television. Information Resources




Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide


Involving the Community


Involving the Community Involving the Community Involving the Community

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit

Stage 1: Identifying and Establishing a Steering Committee & Management Process

Stage 1 Task Description Identifying potential Steering Committee members Stakeholder Analysis Ways of identifying key stakeholders, decision-makers, resource people and key informants in the community and to analyse the relationships between them. Relationship Mapping A quick and eective way of exploring perceptions on relationships among and within stakeholder groups. Very useful to illuminate grievances or conicts that people may be uncomfortable to discuss verbally. Scored Relationship Mapping Used to understand how relationships aect tension within the community. The Relationship Mapping tool can be used to show the various connections between actors and groups, and track changes over time. Venn Diagram To learn about the organizations and groups that are active in the community, determine how they are perceived by their members, and understand how they interact with one another. 4 Rs Framework A way of analyzing stakeholder roles and power relations by breaking them down into four categories: rights, responsibilities, relationships, revenues/returns. Who counts matrix A simple, preliminary way to identify quickly the stakeholders who are most important in the sustainable management of forests. Social Networks Analysis Maps and measures formal and informal relationships to understand what facilitates or impedes the knowledge ows that bind interacting Units. Sociogram A diagram of social interaction between people or groups of people. A visual representation of linkages. Livelihood Analysis To understand income levels within the community, as well as the conditions in which people have access to sources of income. Decision Analysis Can quickly determine who or what institution is responsible for making decisions on a number of issues, such as the use of certain resources. It can play a crucial role in determining institutional arrangements and responsibilities. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Information Resources


Whos in and Why?


Enhancing stakeholder participation

Mercy Corp Assessment Tools Resource Base

80 Tools for Participatory Development Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Social Network Analysis

Evaluating Collaboratives 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

80 Tools for Participatory Development

2 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 2: Baseline Development

Stage 2 Task Methodology Description Gather information on the social make up of the community or communities, based on a preliminary analysis of social groups and networks. Stakeholder Analysis (See Annex 1) Relationship Mapping A quick and eective way of exploring perceptions on relationships among and within stakeholder groups. Very useful to illuminate grievances or conicts that people may be uncomfortable to discuss verbally. Scored Relationship Mapping Used to understand how relationships aect tension within the community. The Relationship Mapping tool can be used to show the various connections between actors and groups, and track changes over time. Venn Diagram To learn about the organizations and groups that are active in the community, determine how they are perceived by their members, and understand how they interact with one another. 4 Rs Framework A way of analyzing stakeholder roles and power relations by breaking them down into four categories: rights, responsibilities, relationships, revenues/returns. Who counts matrix A simple, preliminary way to identify quickly the stakeholders who are most important in the sustainable management of forests. Social Networks Analysis Maps and measures formal and informal relationships to understand what facilitates or impedes the knowledge ows that bind interacting Units. Sociogram A diagram of social interaction between people or groups of people. A visual representation of linkages. Livelihood Analysis To understand income levels within the community, as well as the conditions in which people have access to sources of income. Decision Analysis Can quickly determine who or what institution is responsible for making decisions on a number of issues, such as the use of certain resources. It can play a crucial role in determining institutional arrangements and responsibilities. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Information Resources


Enhancing stakeholder participation

Mercy Corp Assessment Tools Resource Base

80 Tools for Participatory Development Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Social Network Analysis

Evaluating Collaboratives 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

80 Tools for Participatory Development

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit

Stage 2 Task Methodology


Description Gather general information on the community or communities including the characteristics of the local biocultural system. Participatory Rural Appraisal A set of tools and techniques used with households to gather and analyse information on community resources, problems, potential and needs. Semi-structured interviewing / Key Informants Discussing the community with well informed people is a way of rapidly obtaining relevant information to guide the project. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Maps and Mapping Maps produced by the group to assist with planning, assessing change, constructing community/institutional proles, monitoring or evaluation. Seasonal Calendar Calendars showing the distribution of activities, products, natural phenomena or problems through the year are vital for identifying seasonal variations which may not be immediately obvious to an external person unfamiliar with the locality. Transect walk To conduct a eld discussion on various items (topographical or otherwise) found within the communitys sphere of inuence, focusing on their uses, the problems they entail, and their potential for development; and to illustrate these features in a diagram. Development Wheel Used to present the situation of the communitys dierent development aspects in the form of wheel. Time line Identify signicant changes in a communitys past that continue to inuence events and attitudes in the present. A timeline is a list of key events as the participants remember them. Trend Analysis Used to explore temporal dimensions with a focus on change of dierent aspects in a community or an entire region. It captures changes and trends related to certain variables over dierent spans of time. Historical narratives Personal testimonies of past events and conditions usually presented and documented in chronological order. Historical Transect Helps to identify successful and unsuccessful management systems so that a new management system can avoid the same mistakes and promote the positive aspects endorsed by the community. Historical Mapping Meet with the residents of the community who have lived there longest to discuss how its natural resources have changed, in order to better understand its current problems. Historical Graphing of Production Systems To visually describe past changes in the production system with regard to income sources, crop varieties, management practices, etc.

Information Resources

PRA Facilitator Manual 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development Participatory Tools Handbook Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Tools Handbook

MSP Resource Portal Participatory Rural Appraisal for Community Forest Management 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

4 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 2 Methodology

Description Gender Analysis Focuses on understanding and documenting the dierences in Gender roles, activities, needs, and opportunities in a given context. Gender-based farm map To foster mutual learning on the dierent roles of gender in family farming, using the farm map as a guide. Use of time To foster mutual learning among men and women regarding the true contribution of the latter to the family farm. Gender-based seasonal calendar To create a production calendar which shows how responsibilities are distributed by gender. Mobility map Its main objective is to determine where each member of the family spends his or her time outside the farm, in order to study roles and responsibilities by gender. Benet analysis To determine who has access to the products of family labor, and how decisions are made regarding those products. This allows for a more detailed analysis of gender roles within the family. Asset Based Community Development According to the ABCD approach, community is built by focusing on peoples gifts rather than their deciencies. Simply put, this declares that if we want to make communities stronger, we should study their assets, resources, and talents. Community Asset Mapping Refers to the process of creating an inventory of the skills, talents and resources that exist within a community or neighbourhood.

Information Resources World Bank Participation Source Book 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development What Are Asset-Based Approaches to Community Development? Community Asset Mapping Workbook




Gather local knowledge on climate, climate change and local impacts Participatory Climate Change Assessment Approaches designed to help communities and planners understand the likely local hazards and risks of climate change and look at the vulnerability of their environment and livelihoods. Climatic Hazard Mapping Map local climatic hazards and assess their risk. Climatic Hazard Trend Analysis Gain insight into past climatic hazards and identify trends in their nature, intensity and impacts. Climatic Hazard Ranking Compare and prioritise the most critical local climatic hazards. Community-based adaptation to climate change Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts



IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit

Stage 2

Description Climate Timeline Used to determine the main climate features that aect livelihoods and discuss and diagram historical trends Rainfall Calendars Designed to gather community perception of rainfall patterns, to determine the parameters for good, average, and bad years in terms of rainfall, and to provide a platform for discussing risk management strategies to adapt to changing rainfall patterns. Livelihood Seasonal Monitoring Calendar Documents through the year the important seasonal livelihood activities on which communities depend. The concept is very similar to the seasonal calendar. Semi-structured interviews with Resource Persons Used to obtain a greater depth of information on the implications of climate and other changes on the lives of mountain people and on their capacity to deal with these changes. Seasonal Analysis To portray seasonal variations in parameters and activities in community life.

Information Resources Community-based adaptation to climate change Community-based adaptation to climate change Framework for Community-Based Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment Framework for Community-Based Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment 80 Tools for Participatory Development


Gather information on local conceptions of climate, climate change, adaptation and resilience and information on local inquiry methods. Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Semi-structured interviewing / Key Informants Discussing the community with well informed people is a way of rapidly obtaining relevant information to guide the project. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Case studies A case study is a description and analysis of a specic situation or issue from a local perspective. Open Ended Stories Open-Ended Stories have the beginning, middle or ending of a relevant story, purposely left out. The audience discusses what might happen in the part of the story that has been purposely omitted. Drawing and discussion The Drawing and Discussion tool is most useful in a culture with a strong visual tradition. It can be used to gauge individual perception of a situation or develop a group analysis. Community-based adaptation to climate change 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide



6 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 2

Description Dialogue Methodologies Processes of people coming together to build mutual understanding and trust across their dierences, and to create positive outcomes through conversation. World Caf Enables groups of people to participate together in evolving rounds of dialogue with three or four others while remaining part of a single, larger, connected conversation. Circle Process A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process. Story Dialogue The process is structured so that valuable personal experiences are used to draw out important themes and issues aecting the community, and then action can be planned around these insights. Narrative Research An approach that seeks to emerge episodes that might illuminate a greater whole and create insight into the qualities of an experience that is not easily accessible through other analytical methods. Study Circles Study circles create small group democracy that facilitates the qualities of equal participation, deliberation, knowledge that informs standpoints, recognition of diverse identities, horizontal relationships, internal democratic decision-making and action to inform society. Graphic Facilitation and Information Design Involves the work of a graphic recorder who captures the essence of the conversation on large sheets of paper, using colourful images and symbols as well as words. Rich Pictures To make a pictorial representation of the elements that need to be considered or are important to a particular (project) situation, including stakeholders and issues, and the interactions and connections between them.

Information Resources Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners


Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Story guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques

From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

MSP Resource Portal

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit

Stage 2

Description Appreciative Inquiry Appreciative Inquiry (AI) encourages groups to inquire about, learn from, and build on what is working when they are at their best, rather than focusing on whats gone wrong and xing problems. Cognitive Psychological Approaches & Mental Modelling Mental Models A visual tool that allows various stakeholders to depict how they understand drivers and impacts of climatic changes. Structured Mental Model Approach Combines the Sustainable Livelihood Framework with the Mental Model Approach and consists of three steps: (i) denition and weighting of dierent livelihood capitals; (ii) analysis of livelihood dynamics, and (iii) denition of the social capital by means of agent networks. Cognitive Network Analysis & Cultural Modeling A collection of methodologies for building cultural models. CNA includes methods to: elicit the mental models of a sample of individuals within the population, analyze the mental models in terms of their culturally-shared elements across individuals and consolidate the elements as cultural models, and represent the cultural models in accessible format for a variety of uses.

Information Resources An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry



Community-based adaptation to climate change Structured Mental Model Approach for Analyzing Perception of Risks to Rural Livelihood in Developing Countries

Cultural Network Analysis: A Cognitive Approach to Cultural Modeling

Methodology Methodologies

System Methodologies Soft Systems Methodology Designed to shape interventions in the problematic situations encountered in management, organisational and policy contexts, where there are often no straightforward problems or easy solutions. Rich Picturing A means for the group to express its preliminary vision concerning a matter of common concern. Soft Systems Methodology Rich Pictures: a means to explore the Sustainable Group Mind? -


8 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 3: Adapting the Conceptual Framework

Stage 3 Task Methodology Description Training and capacity building in the IPCCA Conceptual Framework. Participatory Development Communication (See annex 1) Interpersonal Communication Tools Discussion and debate, lm or video sessions, role-plays, outsider visits, learning tours. Traditional Communication Tools Theatre, song, music. Mass Media Tools Rural radio, local press, local television. Methodology Methods Participatory Training Methodology (See Annex 1) Knowledge Based Learning Session If the focus of learning is increasing knowledge then the methods used may be lectures, eld visits, demonstrations, self-study etc. Awareness Generating Sessions If the focus of learning is to generate awareness then the methods used would be role-plays, small group discussion, case studies, simulation, learning games, structured exercises etc. SARAR An education/training methodology for working with stakeholders at dierent levels to engage their creative capacities in planning, problem solving and evaluation. Cascade/Echo Workshop A process of cascade learning, in which participants in any participatory workshop can be trained as local facilitators. Methodology Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) Study Circles Study circles create small group democracy that facilitates the qualities of equal participation, deliberation, knowledge that informs standpoints, recognition of diverse identities, horizontal relationships, internal democratic decision-making and action to inform society. Adapting the IPCCA Conceptual Framework by learning about and engaging with local holistic frameworks that translate the generic concepts for local meaning. Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Semi-structured interviewing / Key Informants Discussing the community with well informed people is a way of rapidly obtaining relevant information to guide the project. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom Participatory Training Methodology and Materials Participatory Training Methodology and Materials Community-based adaptation to climate change Involving the Community Involving the Community Involving the Community Information Resources


World Bank Website Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Task Methodology Methods

Annex Toolkit

Asociacin Andes

Stage 3

Description Synthesis brainstorming A simple but eective way of democratically capturing the collective views of a stakeholder group. Has many purposes. For example, as a preparatory step before a debate, allowing separate stakeholder groups to clarify their position statements before presenting them to the multi-stakeholder group.

Information Resources

Enhancing stakeholder participation


Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) World Caf Democratic Dialogue A Enables groups of people to participate together in evolving rounds of Handbook for dialogue with three or four others while remaining part of a single, larger, Practitioners connected conversation. Circle Process Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Practitioners Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness Practitioners and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process. Story Dialogue Democratic Dialogue A The process is structured so that valuable personal experiences are used to Handbook for draw out important themes and issues aecting the community, and then Practitioners action can be planned around these insights. Narrative Research An approach that seeks to emerge episodes that might illuminate a greater whole and create insight into the qualities of an experience that is not easily accessible through other analytical methods.


Story guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques

Study Circles Study circles create small group democracy that facilitates the qualities of equal participation, deliberation, knowledge that informs standpoints, recognition of diverse identities, horizontal relationships, internal democratic decision-making and action to inform society. Expert Panel (e.g. Elders) Synthesizing a variety of inputs testimony, research reports, outputs of forecasting methods, etc. and produce a report that provides a vision and/or recommendations for future possibilities and needs for the topics under analysis.

From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom

Participatory Methods Tool Kit

10 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 3 Task Methodology Methods

Description Developing a symbolic representation of the local conceptual framework. Mixed Methodologies Drawing and discussion The Drawing and Discussion tool is most useful in a culture with a strong visual tradition. It can be used to gauge individual perception of a situation or develop a group analysis.

Information Resources

Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Graphic Facilitation and Information Design Democratic Dialogue A Involves the work of a graphic recorder who captures the essence of the Handbook for conversation on large sheets of paper, using colourful images and symbols Practitioners as well as words. Rich Pictures To make a pictorial representation of the elements that need to be considered or are important to a particular (project) situation, including stakeholders and issues, and the interactions and connections between them. Image Theatre Allows people to articulate and represent their thoughts on a topic in an active and visual way by constructing physical sculptures and tableaux. Methodology Cognitive Psychological Approaches & Mental Modelling Mental Models A visual tool that allows various stakeholders to depict how they understand drivers and impacts of climatic changes. Structured Mental Model Approach Combines the Sustainable Livelihood Framework with the Mental Model Approach and consists of three steps: (i) denition and weighting of dierent livelihood capitals; (ii) analysis of livelihood dynamics, and (iii) denition of the social capital by means of agent networks. Cognitive Network Analysis & Cultural Modeling A collection of methodologies for building cultural models. CNA includes methods to: elicit the mental models of a sample of individuals within the population, analyze the mental models in terms of their culturally-shared elements across individuals and consolidate the elements as cultural models, and represent the cultural models in accessible format for a variety of uses. Methodology System Methodologies Soft Systems Methodology Designed to shape interventions in the problematic situations encountered in management, organisational and policy contexts, where there are often no straightforward problems or easy solutions. Rich Picturing A means for the group to express its preliminary vision concerning a matter of common concern. Soft Systems Methodology Rich Pictures: a means to explore the Sustainable Group Mind? Community-based adaptation to climate change Structured Mental Model Approach for Analyzing Perception of Risks to Rural Livelihood in Developing Countries

MSP Resource Portal

80 Tools for Participatory Development

Cultural Network Analysis: A Cognitive Approach to Cultural Modeling



IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 4: Designing the Local Assessment: Defining the Scope and Outputs, and Developing and Testing Methodology
Stage 4 Task Methodology Description Communicating the Practical Limits and Scope of the IPCCA & LA to the Community Community Visits (See Annex 1) Brieng Workshop Brieng workshops are simple, easy-to-organise working sessions held to establish a project agenda or brief. Simultaneously they can: introduce people to the project; help establish the key issues; get people involved and motivated; identify useful talent and experience; identify the next steps needed. Participatory Development Communication (See Annex 1) Interpersonal Communication Tools Discussion and debate, lm or video sessions, role-plays, outsider visits, learning tours. Traditional Communication Tools Theatre, song, music. Mass Media Tools Rural radio, local press, local television. Logical Framework Methodology The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is an analytical, presentational and management tool which can help planners and managers to: analyse the existing situation during project preparation; establish a logical hierarchy of means by which objectives will be reached; identify some of the potential risks; establish how outputs and outcomes might best be monitored and evaluated; and present a summary of the project in a standard format. HIPPOPOC Table Facilitates the identication of the components of an intervention, oering a schematic representation of inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes. More important, it distinguishes among dierent levels of project objectives. Dening the local Bio-Cultural System Presentation and discussion of baseline information for example: Participatory maps Social network/Relationship/Institutional mapping and diagrams. Local histories, stories and narratives. ORID Conversation method A structured list of questions, that takes a group on a journey of consciousness and learning. This method is useful for reecting on experiences such as a lm, a project site visit, a planning session, a work day or any common or extraordinary life event. Involving the Community Involving the Community Involving the Community Information Resources


Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Methodology Methods


MSP Resource Portal


Comprehensive Participatory Planning Evaluation

Task Methodology



12 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 4 Task Methodology

Description Community selection of objectives and scope for the local assessment. Logical Framework Methodology (See Annex 3) Problem Tree Identify the main problems and establish the cause and eect relationships between these problems so that these are suciently addressed in a project design. Objectives Tree An objectives tree is a hierarchical owchart of objectives. Within the Logical Framework Approach, this is the positive opposite of the problem tree. Objectives Hierarchy An objectives hierarchy is a hierarchic list starting with the overall goal of a project and moving down in levels to (component) purposes or outcomes, outputs and specic activities. Cause and Eect Mapping To understand the contributing causes or reasons for a particular problem or issue, or to identify eects or impacts of a particular change. Logframe A logical framework (logframe) is a matrix that summarizes what a project intends to do and how, what the key assumptions are, and how outputs and outcomes will be monitored and evaluated.

Information Resources


80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development


Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Nominal Group Technique To enable a group to quickly develop a ranked list of problems, issues or actions. Synthesis brainstorming A simple but eective way of democratically capturing the collective views of a stakeholder group. Has many purposes. For example, as a preparatory step before a debate, allowing separate stakeholder groups to clarify their position statements before presenting them to the multi-stakeholder group. Needs Assessment Provides the means to identify principal constraints and to elicit opportunities for project intervention based on community preferences. Ranking Tools Common tools exercised to prioritise activities. Ten Seeds Technique The use of ten counters to represent relative amounts or preferences SWOT/SWOL An excellent assessment framework ideal for both the Analysis and M&E phase MSP Resource Portal

Enhancing stakeholder participation

PACA: Using Participatory Analysis for Community Action Participatory Tools Handbook Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Tools Handbook

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 4

Description Flow Diagramming and Webbing Method of problem analysis illustrates relationships between situations, problems, and their causal relationships on a ow diagram, or web, of interconnected text blocks or sketches. Historical Mapping Meet with the residents of the community who have lived there longest to discuss how its natural resources have changed, in order to better understand its current problems. Historical Graphing of Production Systems To visually describe past changes in the production system with regard to income sources, crop varieties, management practices, etc.

Information Resources Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

Methodology Methods

Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) Circle Process A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process. Discourse Based Valuation A public debate where small groups of citizens openly discuss economic and social values. The process is public; therefore the discussion tends to revolve around maximizing the public good instead of beneting individuals. Charette An intensive face-to-face process designed to bring people from various subgroups of society into consensus within a short period of time. Consensus Conference Consensus conference is a public enquiry centred around a group of laypeople who put their questions and concerns to a panel of experts, assess the experts answers and then negotiate among themselves. Citizen Choicework Based on a deep respect for the publics capacity to address issues when circumstances support, rather than thwart, dialogue and deliberation. This process is based on a commitment to helping citizensindividually and collectivelyconfront tough choices in productive ways. Citizen Deliberative Councils Convened on an ad hoc basis to serve as a microcosm of a community, state or country and report on the views and concerns of that community, state or country in an interactive setting. Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Participatory Methods Tool Kit Participatory Methods Tool Kit

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

14 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 4 Task

Description Develop the Local Assessment methodology Collaborative Research Approaches Dened as researchers working together to achieve the common goal of producing new scientic knowledge. The focus is on empowering local people to take charge of the research process, and this empowerment may be achieved via numerous methods that should be determined by the details of the population and project at hand. Community Based Participatory Research A collaborative approach to research that equitably involves all partners in the research process and recognizes the unique strengths that each brings. Action Research / Participatory Action Research Action Research is a participatory process in which researchers work collaboratively with participants (organisations, families, communities) to plan, implement and evaluate evidence-informed actions that address issues they have identied. Cooperative Inquiry In traditional research on people, the roles of researcher and subject are mutually exclusive. In co-operative inquiry these exclusive roles are replaced by a co-operative relationship of bilateral initiative and control, so that all those involved work together as co-researchers and as co-subjects. They design, manage and draw conclusions from the inquiry, and they undergo the experience and action that is being explored. Appreciative Inquiry Appreciative Inquiry (AI) encourages groups to inquire about, learn from, and build on what is working when they are at their best, rather than focusing on whats gone wrong and xing problems.

Information Resources


Collaborative Research: an "indigenous lens" perspective


Developing and sustaining community based participatory research

Katoa Website

Doing Cooperative Inquiry

An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry


System Methodologies Soft Systems Methodology Designed to shape interventions in the problematic situations encountered in management, organisational and policy contexts, where there are often no straightforward problems or easy solutions. Soft Systems Methodology


IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 5: Assessing Conditions and Trends Using Indigenous Inquiry

Stage 5 Task Methodology Description Identify and select Local Assessment facilitation team members. Stakeholder Analysis (See Annex 1) Relationship Mapping A quick and eective way of exploring perceptions on relationships among and within stakeholder groups. Very useful to illuminate grievances or conicts that people may be uncomfortable to discuss verbally. Scored Relationship Mapping Used to understand how relationships aect tension within the community. The Relationship Mapping tool can be used to show the various connections between actors and groups, and track changes over time. Venn Diagram To learn about the organizations and groups that are active in the community, determine how they are perceived by their members, and understand how they interact with one another. 4 Rs Framework A way of analyzing stakeholder roles and power relations by breaking them down into four categories: rights, responsibilities, relationships, revenues/returns. Who counts matrix A simple, preliminary way to identify quickly the stakeholders who are most important in the sustainable management of forests. Social Networks Analysis Maps and measures formal and informal relationships to understand what facilitates or impedes the knowledge ows that bind interacting Units. Sociogram A diagram of social interaction between people or groups of people. A visual representation of linkages. Decision Analysis Can quickly determine who or what institution is responsible for making decisions on a number of issues, such as the use of certain resources. It can play a crucial role in determining institutional arrangements and responsibilities. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Task Methodology Training and capacity building for the Local Assessment facilitation team Participatory Training Methodology (See Annex 1) Knowledge Based Learning Session If the focus of learning is increasing knowledge then the methods used may be lectures, eld visits, demonstrations, self-study etc. Participatory Training Methodology and Materials Enhancing stakeholder participation Information Resources


Mercy Corp Assessment Tools Resource Base 80 Tools for Participatory Development Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Social Network Analysis Evaluating Collaboratives 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

16 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 5

Description Awareness Generating Sessions If the focus of learning is to generate awareness then the methods used would be role-plays, small group discussion, case studies, simulation, learning games, structured exercises etc. SARAR An education/training methodology for working with stakeholders at dierent levels to engage their creative capacities in planning, problem solving and evaluation. Cascade/Echo Workshop A process of cascade learning, in which participants in any participatory workshop can be trained as local facilitators.

Information Resources Participatory Training Methodology and Materials

World Bank Website Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Task Methodology

Determining Bio-Cultural and Community Indicators Mixed methodologies Bio-cultural diversity indicators Begins with an analysis of the driving forces that exert pressure on the state of the natural and cultural environment and ends with an assessment of resulting impacts and possible policy responses. Barometer of Sustainability Enables users to organize and combine indicators, and to draw broad conclusions from often confusing and contradictory signals about people, the ecosystem, and the eects of interactions between the two. Questions of Survival A set of questions intended as a starting point for reecting on human and ecological well-being. Community-based Indicators A guide to developing indicators that enable communities to assess their own strategies for sustainability. Community Indicators Tools for simplifying, measuring and drawing attention to important issues. Local people decide together what is important to them and agree how best to measure whether things are getting better or worse. Follow-up Indicator Matrix A matrix showing the indicators to be used in monitoring or following up on the project. Measuring and Monitoring State and Trends in Biodiversity and Culture New Tools and Methods of Assessment for Determining Progress Towards Sustainability New Tools and Methods of Assessment for Determining Progress Towards Sustainability New Tools and Methods of Assessment for Determining Progress Towards Sustainability

Participation Works! 80 Tools for Participatory Development

Task Methodology Methods

Conducting the Local Assessment (Tools for complementing the local inquiry methodology) Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Semi-structured interviewing / Key Informants Discussing the community with well informed people is a way of rapidly obtaining relevant information to guide the project. 80 Tools for Participatory Development

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 5

Description Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Maps and Mapping Maps produced by the group to assist with planning, assessing change, constructing community/institutional proles, monitoring or evaluation. Seasonal Calendar Calendars showing the distribution of activities, products, natural phenomena or problems through the year are vital for identifying seasonal variations which may not be immediately obvious to an external person unfamiliar with the locality. Transect walk To conduct a eld discussion on various items (topographical or otherwise) found within the communitys sphere of inuence, focusing on their uses, the problems they entail, and their potential for development; and to illustrate these features in a diagram. Development Wheel Used to present the situation of the communitys dierent development aspects in the form of wheel.

Information Resources 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development Participatory Tools Handbook

Methodology Methods

Gender Analysis (See Annex 2) Gender-based farm map To foster mutual learning on the dierent roles of gender in family farming, using the farm map as a guide. Use of time To foster mutual learning among men and women regarding the true contribution of the latter to the family farm. Gender-based seasonal calendar To create a production calendar which shows how responsibilities are distributed by gender. Mobility map Its main objective is to determine where each member of the family spends his or her time outside the farm, in order to study roles and responsibilities by gender. Benet analysis To determine who has access to the products of family labor, and how decisions are made regarding those products. This allows for a more detailed analysis of gender roles within the family. Time line Identify signicant changes in a communitys past that continue to inuence events and attitudes in the present. A timeline is a list of key events as the participants remember them. 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

18 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 5

Description Trend Analysis Used to explore temporal dimensions with a focus on change of dierent aspects in a community or an entire region. It captures changes and trends related to certain variables over dierent spans of time. Historical narratives Personal testimonies of past events and conditions usually presented and documented in chronological order. Historical Transect Helps to identify successful and unsuccessful management systems so that a new management system can avoid the same mistakes and promote the positive aspects endorsed by the community. Historical Mapping Meet with the residents of the community who have lived there longest to discuss how its natural resources have changed, in order to better understand its current problems. Historical Graphing of Production Systems To visually describe past changes in the production system with regard to income sources, crop varieties, management practices, etc.

Information Resources Participatory Tools Handbook

MSP Resource Portal Participatory Rural Appraisal for Community Forest Management 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

Methodology Method Methodology Method

Asset Based Community Development (See Annex 2) Community Asset Mapping Refers to the process of creating an inventory of the skills, talents and resources that exist within a community or neighbourhood. Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) Circle Process A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process. Story Dialogue The process is structured so that valuable personal experiences are used to draw out important themes and issues aecting the community, and then action can be planned around these insights. Narrative Research An approach that seeks to emerge episodes that might illuminate a greater whole and create insight into the qualities of an experience that is not easily accessible through other analytical methods. Study Circles Study circles create small group democracy that facilitates the qualities of equal participation, deliberation, knowledge that informs standpoints, recognition of diverse identities, horizontal relationships, internal democratic decision-making and action to inform society. Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners Story guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom Community Asset Mapping Workbook

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 5

Description Graphic Facilitation and Information Design Involves the work of a graphic recorder who captures the essence of the conversation on large sheets of paper, using colourful images and symbols as well as words. Rich Pictures To make a pictorial representation of the elements that need to be considered or are important to a particular (project) situation, including stakeholders and issues, and the interactions and connections between them.

Information Resources Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

MSP Resource Portal

Methodology Methods

Participatory Climate Change Assessment (See Annex 2) Climatic Hazard Mapping Map local climatic hazards and assess their risk. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts

Climatic Hazard Trend Analysis Participatory Tools and Gain insight into past climatic hazards and identify trends in their nature, Techniques for Assessing intensity and impacts. Climate Change Impacts Climatic Hazard Ranking Compare and prioritise the most critical local climatic hazards. Climatic Hazard Impact Assessment Identify the most likely impacts of local climatic hazards. Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts

Assessing Climatic Hazard Impacts on Livelihoods Participatory Tools and Compare and contrast the impacts of major climatic hazards on livelihoods Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts of the community. Methodology Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies Dierentiate vulnerability to climatic hazards across dierent sectors and social groups. Participatory Vulnerability Analysis A systematic process that involves communities and other stakeholders in an in-depth examination of their vulnerability, and at the same time empowers or motivates them to take appropriate actions. Participatory Climate Change Assessment Approaches designed to help communities and planners understand the likely local hazards and risks of climate change and look at the vulnerability of their environment and livelihoods. Participatory Climate Risk Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A methodology that incorporates Climate risk into commonly used Vulnerable and Capacity Assessment. PCR-VCA set of tools are broadly categorised under three dierent themes. 1) Assessing the communitys overall risk context; 2) Assessing livelihood assets base; 3) Assessing the enabling environment. Social Vulnerability, Sustainable Livelihoods and Disasters Participatory Vulnerability Analysis


Community-based adaptation to climate change

elds tools @ participation

20 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 5

Description Capacities & Vulnerabilities Analysis Based on a simple matrix for viewing peoples vulnerabilities and capacities in three broad, interrelated areas: physical/material, social/organisational and motivational/attitudinal. Household Livelihood Security Intended to be holistic and multi-disciplinary, and use a systems approach which recognises that poor people live and interact within broader socioeconomic and sociopolitical systems that inuence resource production and allocation decisions. Vulnerability & Capacity Assessment A participatory investigative process designed to assess the risks that people face in their locality, their vulnerability to those risks, and the capacities they possess to cope with a hazard and recover from it when it strikes. Vulnerability & Resilience Assessment Resilience and vulnerability assessment is one aspect of community proling and local emergency management planning. These guidelines oer some alternative, but not exclusive, perspectives on evaluating, understanding and managing resilience and vulnerability Vulnerability & Risk Assessment

Information Resources Social Vulnerability, Sustainable Livelihoods and Disasters Social Vulnerability, Sustainable Livelihoods and Disasters

VCA Tool Box

Assessing Resilience & Vulnerability: Principles, Strategies & Actions Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts


Livelihood Resources Assessment Identify and categorise local livelihood assets and resources. Livelihood Resource Vulnerability Assessment Assess the intensity of impact of climatic hazards on livelihood resources.

Vulnerability Assessment Participatory Tools and Dierentiate vulnerability to climatic hazards across dierent sectors and Techniques for Assessing social groups. Climate Change Impacts Vulnerability Matrix Participatory Tools and Gain an overview and quantify climatic hazard risk and resilience capacity of Techniques for Assessing local communities. Climate Change Impacts Social Vulnerability Mapping Mapping Exposure to climate hazards: physical, ecological mapping of dierent risks and potential hazards. Methodology Over-arching or guiding methodologies for the entire Local Assessment process Community Based Adaptation An innovative approach that focuses on enabling communities to enhance their own adaptive capacity, and empowering vulnerable communities to increase their own resilience to the impacts of climate change. Adaptive Social Protection Combines key elements of social protection (SP), disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CAA) approaches as a means to promote climate-resilient rural livelihoods in policy and practice in developing countries. eld tools @ participation Mapping Vulnerability: Concepts, Narratives and Numbers

eld tools @ participation

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 6: Conducting Futuring Activities

Stage 6 Task Conducting futuring activities. Scenario Development Methodologies Stories about the future that creatively answer the question What if?... using local understanding of climate change trends combined with technical information, to build narratives that allow discussion of potential impacts and adaptation strategies. Scenarios A participatory planning and strategy tool for envisioning possible future outcomes. Scenario-building Exercise Scenarios are narrative descriptions of potential futures that focus attention on relationships between events and decision points. Scenario Planning This technique is meant to identify and stimulate analysis around alternative (hypothetical) futures as a way of short circuiting biased and entrenched views of the world and prepare for developments which could not be anticipated by simply extrapolating from past trends. Participatory Scenario Development A process that involves the participation of stakeholders to explore the future in a creative and relevant way. Task Methodology Conducting forecasting activities Forecasting Methodologies Forecasting or projection methods use information on past trends to forecast into the future. The methodology tends to use data that already exists on historical trends. SNN Community Based Adaptation This method adopts a community based approach to dealing with the reduction of poverty. It is carried out through participatory needs assessment to identify countries most vulnerable regions to the impact of climate change. Participatory multi-scale scenario approach The participatory multi-scale scenario approach is structured into three main steps: synthesizing global scenarios of climate change (Step 1); downscaling global climate change scenarios (Step 2); and visualizing local climate change scenarios (Step 3). Conducting forecasting activities Visioning Methodologies Visioning is a powerful tool that supports the empowerment of communities in deciding how to shape their own future. A collective vision emerges out of discussion in a forum where all can discussion their hopes and expectations of the future. Visioning & Pathways Visioning and Pathways are creative tools to develop a long-term group vision and strategies to reach that vision. During Visioning exercises, participants think about their ideal future, discuss the possibilities, and come to a consensus. Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Participatory Methods Toolkit Description Information Resources



Participatory Tools Handbook Community-based adaptation to climate change


eld tools @ participation

eld tools @ participation




Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities

22 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 6

Description Enspirited Envisioning Where people listen to the voice of their spirit and share their vision with others to discover which parts t together and support each other. Guided visualization A tool that encourages a mental trip into the future, unconstrained by what is in place in the present. Engaging in a deliberately imaginative exercise helps people to overcome their daily preoccupation with personal and short-term interests. Future Search A Future Search conference is a way for a community or organisation to create a shared vision for its future. It enrols a large group of stakeholders, selected because they have power or information on the topic at hand or are aected by the outcomes. Interactive Backcasting An exercise in which stakeholders choose one or several future images(s) as the starting point for the analysis and, subsequently working backwards to the present situation, explore which interventions are needed to realize this future.

Information Resources Participation Works!

Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Participation Works!

A dialogue approach to enhance learning for Sustainability


Appreciative Inquiry (See Annex 2) Dream Participants imagine their desired future and give it shape. A dream may be in form of a written vision of the future, or it may be expressed in artwork, songs, poetry, stories, dance, celebrations, and skits. Commonly both written and artistic or action modes are used to express the dream. Imagine Understands and appreciates the best of the past as a basis for imagining what might be, and then creating it. Community Visioning A capacity building process that identies and builds collective capacity and competence of local communities through dialogue that creates positive images and leads to commitment to action. Indigenous Peoples Poverty Alleviation Community Action Tool


Participation Works!

The Power of Visioning

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 7: Developing Adaptation Response Strategies

Stage 7 Task Description Analysis of responses - local/external forms of adaptation to climate and climate change. Information Resources


Participatory Rural Appraisal


Semi-structured interviewing / Key Informants Discussing the community with well informed people is a way of rapidly obtaining relevant information to guide the project. Focus Group Discussions To rapidly obtain relevant information, working with a small group of people directly involved in the issue at hand. This is a group application of the semistructured dialogue technique. Case studies A case study is a description and analysis of a specic situation or issue from a local perspective. Local Solutions A group exercise to investigate local solutions to a problem, list and explain the strengths and weaknesses, and investigate how development workers or other partners could support the solution. Identication of local or imported solutions To enable people to identify, with the help of facilitators, what solutions for each problem considered have been tried locally, and if none have, what solutions might be imported or validated. Discourse Based Valuation A public debate where small groups of citizens openly discuss economic and social values. ORID Conversation method A structured list of questions, that takes a group on a journey of consciousness and learning. This method is useful for reecting on experiences such as a lm, a project site visit, a planning session, a work day or any common or extraordinary life event.

80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide 80 Tools for Participatory Development Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities STEPS & METHODS TO MOBILIZE THE COMMUNITY


Participatory Climate Change Assessment (See Annex 2) Coping and Adaptation Strategies Assessment Participatory Tools and Identify and assess the eectiveness of the current coping mechanisms Techniques for Assessing practiced by communities to secure and improve their livelihoods and Climate Change Impacts conserve ecosystem bio-diversity in the context of climate change. Assessing the Eectiveness of Coping and Adaptation Strategies Participatory Tools and Analyse eectiveness of existing coping and adaptation strategies against the Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts severity of climatic hazards.

24 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 7 Methodology

Description Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2)

Information Resources


Circle Process Democratic Dialogue A A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak Handbook for from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Practitioners Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness Practitioners and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process. Story Dialogue Democratic Dialogue A The process is structured so that valuable personal experiences are used to Handbook for draw out important themes and issues aecting the community, and then Practitioners action can be planned around these insights. Narrative Research An approach that seeks to emerge episodes that might illuminate a greater whole and create insight into the qualities of an experience that is not easily accessible through other analytical methods. Study Circles Study circles create small group democracy that facilitates the qualities of equal participation, deliberation, knowledge that informs standpoints, recognition of diverse identities, horizontal relationships, internal democratic decision-making and action to inform society. Story guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom

Task Methodology

Designing dierent adaptation strategies Logical Framework Methodology (See Annex 4) Problem Tree Identify the main problems and establish the cause and eect relationships between these problems so that these are suciently addressed in a project design. Objectives Tree An objectives tree is a hierarchical owchart of objectives. Within the Logical Framework Approach, this is the positive opposite of the problem tree. Objectives Hierarchy An objectives hierarchy is a hierarchic list starting with the overall goal of a project and moving down in levels to (component) purposes or outcomes, outputs and specic activities. Cause and Eect Mapping To understand the contributing causes or reasons for a particular problem or issue, or to identify eects or impacts of a particular change. 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development


IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 7 Methodology

Description Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) Logframe A logical framework (logframe) is a matrix that summarizes what a project intends to do and how, what the key assumptions are, and how outputs and outcomes will be monitored and evaluated. Relevance Tree An analytic technique that subdivides a broad topic into increasingly smaller subtopics. The output is a pictorial representation with a hierarchical structure that shows how a given topic can be subdivided into increasingly ner levels of detail.

Information Resources

Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development RELEVANCE TREE AND MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS

Methodology Methods

Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Delphi technique Grouping, sorting and ranking ideas, issues or questions. Synthesis brainstorming A simple but eective way of democratically capturing the collective views of a stakeholder group. Has many purposes. For example, as a preparatory step before a debate, allowing separate stakeholder groups to clarify their position statements before presenting them to the multi-stakeholder group. SWOT/SWOL An excellent assessment framework ideal for both the Analysis and M&E phase. Bridge Model The Bridge is a tool for visioning and planning, helping people to identify where they are, where they want to be, and how to bridge the gap between the two. Visioning & Pathways Visioning and Pathways are creative tools to develop a long-term group vision and strategies to reach that vision. During Visioning exercises, participants think about their ideal future, discuss the possibilities, and come to a consensus. MSP Resource Portal

Enhancing stakeholder participation

Participatory Tools Handbook Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities


Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) Democratic Dialogue A Circle Process Handbook for A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Practitioners Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because Democratic Dialogue A the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness Handbook for Practitioners and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process.


26 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 7

Description Story Dialogue The process is structured so that valuable personal experiences are used to draw out important themes and issues aecting the community, and then action can be planned around these insights. Narrative Research An approach that seeks to emerge episodes that might illuminate a greater whole and create insight into the qualities of an experience that is not easily accessible through other analytical methods. Study Circles Study circles create small group democracy that facilitates the qualities of equal participation, deliberation, knowledge that informs standpoints, recognition of diverse identities, horizontal relationships, internal democratic decision-making and action to inform society. Open Ended Stories Open-Ended Stories have the beginning, middle or ending of a relevant story, purposely left out. The audience discusses what might happen in the part of the story that has been purposely omitted. From Vision to Action This is a workshop, ideally taking six hours, but tting comfortably into three. There are three stages: 1. The long-term vision 2. How did we get there? 3. Getting started Change Lab Multi-stakeholder dialogic change process designed to generate the shared commitment and collective insight needed to produce breakthrough solutions to complex social problems.

Information Resources Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners Story guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Participation Works!

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners


Appreciative Inquiry (See Annex 2) Community Visioning A capacity building process that identies and builds collective capacity and competence of local communities through dialogue that creates positive images and leads to commitment to action. Dream Participants imagine their desired future and give it shape. A dream may be in form of a written vision of the future, or it may be expressed in artwork, songs, poetry, stories, dance, celebrations, and skits. Commonly both written and artistic or action modes are used to express the dream. Design Working toward the direction implied in the Dream, the group begins to dene the values, ideals, and methods of change and growth that will achieve these dreams. These are written in the form of provocative Propositions bold statements written in the present tense that challenge the group to give form to its dreams.


The Power of Visioning

Indigenous Peoples Poverty Alleviation Community Action Tool

Indigenous Peoples Poverty Alleviation Community Action Tool

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 7 Task Methodology Methods Selecting an adaption strategy


Information Resources

Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Ranking Tools Common tools exercised to prioritise activities. Ten Seeds Technique The use of ten counters to represent relative amounts or preferences. SWOT/SWOL An excellent assessment framework ideal for both the Analysis and M&E phase. Target scoring A very quick and versatile evaluation method for large groups to assess how they feel about various options, strategies or criteria. H-diagrams A hybrid method that combines attributes of SWOT analysis with those of ranking exercises, to cover both qualitative and quantitative assessment. Produces useful results in a short time. Fishbowl debate Levels the communication playing eld for a multi-stakeholder debate when there are power imbalances among the stakeholders taking part. Contains the dominant and provides opportunity for others to take part. Synthesis brainstorming (strategies/solutions) A follow-up tool to another one, such as the shbowl debate, problem analysis, SWOT analysis or synthesis brainstorming on problems. Priority auction An energetic and fun way of carrying out a priority ranking. Can be used with multi-stakeholder groups to encourage them to negotiate to reach compromise or consensus on strategies. Forceeld Analysis Diagramming technique to examine forces that help or restrain organisations and communities. These forces inuence the ability of the group in question to achieve its goals. Impact Assessment Provides a framework for groups to assess a development activity and judge the value of any change. Gender Diversity Analysis Matrix A matrix tool to investigate the impact of proposed development interventions. It was originally designed to analyse gender impacts but with scope to investigate other dimensions of diversity. Solution Matrix To evaluate ex ante with the community the feasibility and/or sustainability of the dierent solutions considered. Participatory Tools Handbook Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Tools Handbook Enhancing stakeholder participation Participatory Tools and Enhancing stakeholder participation Participatory Tools and Enhancing stakeholder participation Participatory Tools and Enhancing stakeholder participation Participatory Tools and Enhancing stakeholder participation Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide 80 Tools for Participatory Development

28 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 7

Description Visualized questionnaire To quickly establish the views of participants based on a series of questions or subjects. They do not vote, but rather they indicate their opinion by simple images. Yes sir, No sir Exercise To foster open dialogue on a contradictory subject using dynamic role playing to overcome obstacles to the discussion.

Information Resources 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development


Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) SYNCON Designed to answer the questions: what future could all people work toward, and what misunderstandings need resolution prior to such collaboration? If a diverse group could come together, share their dreams, nd common ground, then new awareness might be generated that could accelerate progress for all.



Circle Process Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for A small group dialogue designed to encourage people to listen and speak Practitioners from the heart in a spirit of inquiry. Lekgotla Process This form of an African council process is always held in the open air,because the outdoors belongs to no one. This provides a sense of freedom, openness and invitation to people to attend and speak honestly. There is also no time limit to the process. Discourse Based Valuation A public debate where small groups of citizens openly discuss economic and social values. The process is public; therefore the discussion tends to revolve around maximizing the public good instead of beneting individuals. Charette An intensive face-to-face process designed to bring people from various subgroups of society into consensus within a short period of time. Consensus Conference Consensus conference is a public enquiry centred around a group of laypeople who put their questions and concerns to a panel of experts, assess the experts answers and then negotiate among themselves. Citizen Choicework Based on a deep respect for the publics capacity to address issues when circumstances support, rather than thwart, dialogue and deliberation. This process is based on a commitment to helping citizensindividually and collectivelyconfront tough choices in productive ways. Citizen Deliberative Councils Convened on an ad hoc basis to serve as a microcosm of a community, state or country and report on the views and concerns of that community, state or country in an interactive setting. Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Participatory Methods Tool Kit

Participatory Methods Tool Kit

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 7

Description Deep Democracy A facilitation methodology based on the assumption that there is wisdom in the minority voice and in the diversity of viewpoints, and that this wisdom has value for the whole group. The approach helps to bring to the surface and give expression to what is otherwise left unsaid. Citizens Jury A means for obtaining informed citizen input into policy decisions. The jury is composed of 12-24 randomly selected citizens, who are informed by several perspectives, often by experts referred to as witnesses.

Information Resources Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners

Participatory Methods Tool Kit


Systems Theory Methodologies Structural Analysis (Systemic Analysis) Impact matrices have become one of the most commonly used tools of the futures eld. With the objective to investigate systems and their dynamics, impact matrices can be divided into three categories: structural analysis, actors strategies and probabilistic cross-impact matrix. Structural Analysis with the MICMAC Method and Actors Strategies Analysis with the MACTOR Method


Logical Framework Methodology (See Annex 4) Objectives Oriented Planning (ZOPP) The approach provides a systematic structure for identication, planning, World Bank Participation and management of projects developed again in a workshop setting, with Source Book principal interest groups. Problem Tree Identify the main problems and establish the cause and eect relationships between these problems so that these are suciently addressed in a project design. Objectives Tree An objectives tree is a hierarchical owchart of objectives. Within the Logical Framework Approach, this is the positive opposite of the problem tree. Objectives Hierarchy An objectives hierarchy is a hierarchic list starting with the overall goal of a project and moving down in levels to (component) purposes or outcomes, outputs and specic activities. Cause and Eect Mapping To understand the contributing causes or reasons for a particular problem or issue, or to identify eects or impacts of a particular change. Logframe A logical framework (logframe) is a matrix that summarizes what a project intends to do and how, what the key assumptions are, and how outputs and outcomes will be monitored and evaluated. 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development


30 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Stage 7

Description Problem Tree Identify the main problems and establish the cause and eect relationships between these problems so that these are suciently addressed in a project design. Participatory Rural Appraisal (See Annex 2) Local level participation planning approach (LLPPA) Participatory planning approach we developed and used to prepare local level plans and implement them. The ideas generated by communities will be enriched by additional simple biophysical and socio-economic surveys.

Information Resources 80 Tools for Participatory Development




MSP Resource Portal

Appreciation-Inuence-Control AIC is a workshop-based technique that encourages stakeholders to consider World Bank Participation the social, political, and cultural factors along with technical and economic Source Book aspects that inuence a given project or policy. Participatory Project Planning Oers processes and practical activities that maximize the input and ownership of your project, long before you raise the rst dollar. Community Visioning A capacity building process that identies and builds collective capacity and competence of local communities through dialogue that creates positive images and leads to commitment to action. Strategic Planning For community development, strategic planning becomes equally important to allow the community to formulate a vision, identify a mission and set goals to determine their future. A clear and practical strategy will ensure that your organization grows to meet its vision and does not lie on the shelf and collect dust. Participatory Strategic Planning Enables a group to come to a shared vision of its desired future, and to create a detailed participant-owned plan of action. Methods Action plan matrix The action plan includes the objectives and corresponding actions, and should indicate goals, persons in charge, and timelines. Responsibility Matrix To clarify and reach consensus on the assignment of responsibilities among the community and external agents, and encourage participants to take on responsibilities. Matrix of needs and available resources In any type of project, it is important to identify all the resources needed to achieve the objectives. Community planning map To produce a map representing the nal objective envisioned by the community, in terms of the planning of natural resources within its area of inuence. Planning for Success

The Power of Visioning

Community Development Tool Box

Participation Works! 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development 80 Tools for Participatory Development

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Stage 7

Description Developing a toolbox and action plan Helps participants to develop the practical steps, responsibilities and methods for taking strategies forward. Is also useful in encouraging consensus and compromise building when multi-stakeholder groups plan together.

Information Resources

Enhancing stakeholder participation


Dialogue Methodologies (See Annex 2) Planning Cell Engages approximately twenty-ve randomly selected people, who work as public consultants for a limited period of time (e.g. one week), in order to present solutions for a given planning or policy problem. From Vision to Action This is a workshop, ideally taking six hours, but tting comfortably into three. There are three stages: 1. The long-term vision 2. How did we get there? 3. Getting started Participatory Methods Tool Kit

Participation Works!

Methodology Methodologies

Appreciative Inquiry (See Annex 2) Community Visioning A capacity building process that identies and builds collective capacity and competence of local communities through dialogue that creates positive images and leads to commitment to action. Appreciative Participatory Planning and Action (APPA) APPA is the combined approach of PRA and Appreciative Inquiry (AI). It is not a complete methodology in itself, but a concept that has greater role to make other methodologies more eective. The Power of Visioning

Participatory Tools Handbook

32 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Further Information
Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis Guidelines 80 Tools For Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide World Bank Participation Source Book

Gender Analysis
World Bank Participation Source Book 80 Tools For Participatory Development Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis

Community Visits
Community Mobilization Programming Community Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide

Participatory Development Communication

Involving the Community

Participatory Rural Appraisal

80 Tools For Participatory Development Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide Indigenous Peoples Poverty Alleviation Community Action Tool Enhancing stakeholder participation The Community's Toolbox: The idea, methods and tools for participatory assessment, monitoring and evaluation in community forestry MSP Resource Portal

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Field Tool @ Participation Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Participatory Tools Handbook

Participatory Climate Change Assessment

Community-based adaptation to climate change Participatory Tools and Techniques for Assessing Climate Change Impacts Framework for Community-Based Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment Methods and Tools for Assessing the Vulnerability of Forests and People to Climate Change

Asset Based Community Development

What Are Asset-Based Approaches to Community Development? Community Asset Mapping Workbook From Clients to Citizens: Deepening the Practice of Asset-Based and Citizen-Led Development The Asset-Based Community Development Institute Asset Based Approaches to Rural Development

Dialogue Methodologies
Democratic Dialogue A Handbook for Practitioners Story guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques From the Margins to the Mainstream: the other transforming knowledge and wisdom Documentation Sistematizacin Capitalisation MSP Resource Portal The National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD) Participation Works! PARTICIPATORY METHODS Participatory Methods Tool Kit

34 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Cognitive Psychological Approaches & Mental Modelling

Community-based adaptation to climate change Structured Mental Model Approach for Analyzing Perception of Risks to Rural Livelihood in Developing Countries Cultural Network Analysis: A Cognitive Approach to Cultural Modeling Ecology and Society Website Systems Thinking and Modelling: Managing Change and Complexity. 2nd edition Maani, K, and Cavana, R. (2007)

Appreciative Inquiry and Asset Based Community Development

How-to Guides - Community Research: Appreciative Inquiry Appreciative Enquiry and Community Development The Partnership Toolbox A Facilitators Guide to Partnership Dialogue Appreciative Inquiry and Kaupapa Maori Indigenous Peoples Poverty Alleviation Community Action Tool The Power of Visioning

Logical Framework Methodology

MSP Resource Portal Handbook of Participatory Project Planning Part 1 Handbook of Participatory Project Planning Part 2 Comprehensive Participatory Planning Evaluation

Collaborative Research Approaches

Collaborative Research: an "indigenous lens" perspective Checklist of Characteristics of Collaborative Research Relationships with Indigenous Partners Participatory Research: Strategies and Tools

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Community Based Participatory Research

Developing and sustaining community based participatory research Community-based Participatory Action Research Making Community Partnerships Work: A Toolkit Pimatisiwin - A Journal of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community Health Community-based participatory research with traditional and indigenous communities of the Americas

Action Research / Participatory Action Research

Katoa Website Participatory Action Research: An Outline of the Concept An Overview of the Methodological Approach of Action Research Reconsidering Participatory Action Research within the Context of Decolonisation

Cooperative Inquiry
Doing Cooperative Inquiry South Pacific Centre for Human Inquiry

Working with Indigenous Research Methodologies

Indigenous Child Welfare Research Network Mixed Methodologies as a Process towards Indigenous Methodology Indigenous Heuristic Action Research: Bridging Western and Indigenous Research Methodologies

Related Methods for Collaborative Research with Indigenous Peoples

Deep listening Deep listening in research Research protocols PRC Tribal Research Regulation Toolkit DECLARATION OF KEY QUESTIONS ABOUT RESEARCH ETHICS WITH INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES

36 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Ownership, Control, Access, Possession (OCAP) Ownership, Control, Access, Possession (OCAP) or Self-Determination Applied to Research Partnership Trust Tool PRC Partnership Trust Tool Protecting Intellectual Property Rights Protecting Community Rights over Traditional Knowledge Traditional Resource Rights and Indigenous People in the Andes

Vulnerability Assessment Methodologies

Social Vulnerability, Sustainable Livelihoods and Disasters Participatory Vulnerability Analysis Community-based adaptation to climate change fields tools @ participation VCA Tool Box Assessing Resilience & Vulnerability: Principles, Strategies & Actions Vulnerability and Risk Assessment Mapping Vulnerability: Concepts, Narratives and Numbers Provention Consortium

Scenario Development Methodologies

Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Participatory Methods Toolkit Participatory Tools Handbook Community-based adaptation to climate change

Forecasting Methodologies
Field tools @ participation

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

Annex Toolkit


Visioning Methodologies
Guide to Participatory Tools for Forest Communities Participation Works! Participatory Approaches: A facilitators guide A dialogue approach to enhance learning for Sustainability

Systems Theory Methodologies

Soft Systems Methodology Soft Systems Methodology Soft Systems Methodology as a Social Science Research Tool Rich Pictures: a means to explore the Sustainable Group Mind? Climate Change and Organisations: Soft Systems Thinking and the Rich Picture Toolkit Structural Analysis with the MICMAC Method and Actors Strategies Analysis with the MACTOR Method

38 Annex Toolkit

IPCCA - Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

IPCCA Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Assessment

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