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Rotherham Local Education Authority (LEA): A Barista Skills workshop linked to an NVQ in Preparing and Serving Hot Liquids

and a diploma from the International Food Skills Academy

Summary The quality of vocational learning and vocational relevance has been the subject of much debate in recent years, as documented in numerous inspection reports. Additionally, Design and Technology teachers and learners have sometimes struggled to identify suitable resources and 'real life' situations to both enhance and provide evidence for some aspects of the GCSE and NVQ syllabuses. Any opportunity then, which could support GCSE and NVQ students would be extremely well received. In March 2005 a workshop organised by a local business in Rotherham, presented such an opportunity for pre and post -16 students to gather information, gain an insight into the world of Coffee and get a practical opportunity to prepare and pour that perfect cup of coffee. This was a pilot project within the borough, but whilst developing it, it was hoped, to roll it out to all schools and colleges thus contributing to raising achievement across the borough, improving student motivation and ultimately facilitating progression to higher level programmes and employment. It was also hoped that D&T teachers and lecturers would also have the same opportunities as the students to develop expertise and experience in this speciality area of hospitality and catering. Context Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council has 16 secondary schools, 4 special schools and 4 colleges. One of the colleges is a Centre of Vocational Excellence (COVE) for Hospitality and Catering. The Coffee Exchange is a very successful local Rotherham business, providing coffee, training and equipment to several hundred outlets across South Yorkshire. Barista training is gaining in popularity nationally. It literally means, an Espresso machine operator who understands coffee and the Espresso machines purpose. Most dedicated coffee shops, cafs and restaurants have a Barista machine and it is likely that during visits weve all seen one!

A Barista coffee machine.



Aims and anticipated outcomes The project to organise an enhanced 14-19 activity called for collaboration across the borough, between the LEA, a local business, a Centre of Vocational Excellence and schools and colleges. The aims of the workshop were to: Support vocational learning Introduce the use of coffee making to pre and post 16 students Provide Opportunities to practice and develop communication techniques and skills Develop the confidence of students in relation to practical work Prepare students for higher education or employment Empower learners to take an active part in the workshops Provide a 'real life' opportunity Work with a local employer Meet the individual needs of students Enhance current GCSE / NVQ courses Link the training to an accredited additional qualification Film the training to market and promote the workshop and at the same time provide a useful resource for future training

The workshop was a 'first ' for the LEA and local students. From the outset, the key aim of the workshop was to ensure that it promoted learning and attainment for all learners. Strategies used to achieve this aim included:

The aims and objectives of the workshop were appropriately formulated and articulated to learners - at the beginning of the workshop Activities were designed to encourage learners to take responsibility for their own learning - group and individual work sessions empowered students to take an active part in learning Develop evaluation skills and allow students to take an active part in evaluating the workshop - every student had the opportunity to provide feedback on the workshop Sessions were prepared to take into account different learning styles - sessions were organised into group and individual work Set clear and appropriate tasks and activities each workshop set clear and appropriate tasks and activities, for example, cleaning and maintaining the Barista machine Maintain an environment where all learners can learn - the workshop was organised in a 'state of the art' Barista Training centre in Rotherham the Coffee Exchange. This has excellent training facilities. Promote effective interaction - after initial demonstrations by the tutor, each student had a opportunity to have a hand on experience, for example, grinding coffee Ensure learners are appropriately supported, motivated and kept on task to promote achievement of the learning aims and objectives - teachers and lecturers were present during each session. Provide an appropriate summary at the end of each session this took place at the end of every workshop



Actions and Activities The LEA School Improvement Senior Consultant, a local business, school and college staff and an external tutor, were involved in planning and implementing the workshop. Students were identified and recommended for participation in the workshop by partner schools and colleges. Transport arrangements and Risk Assessments were individually undertaken by each partner. The half - day workshop was organised as an interactive student activity session, lasting approximately 3 hours. After an initial input from the tutor, students were given hand on experience on a rota system. During the workshop students were given training on: Understanding coffee and coffee blends Understanding the coffee grinder Understanding the Espresso machine The art of foaming and steaming milk Producing gourmet and speciality coffees Espresso, Cappuccino, Caffe Latte, Flavoured Latte and Caffe Mocha Cleaning and maintaining the coffee machine

Students were also provided with a questionnaire to complete during the workshop and to focus activity on and included questions such as : What are the two main types of coffee called? What is a blend? Before steaming or foaming what should you do? What makes up a Mocha?

One 11-18 school and two 11-16 schools attended the initial workshop. Students were studying for a GCSE in Food Technology, a BTEC Introductory Certificate, or an NVQ in Food Preparation. Each school group of students attended on a separate day, accompanied by a teacher and or Teaching Assistant and had no previous experience of this type of training or qualification. Outcomes As a 'first' for Rotherham, the workshop was a resounding success. 23 students and staff attended the workshop, from 3 Rotherham schools. Although only a small scale pilot initially, the following benefits have been achieved: Demonstration of effective implementation of a work related curriculum Demonstrated innovative teaching and learning strategies for engaging and motivation level 1 and 2 vocational learners Illustrated effective collaborative partnership working in building a coherent and flexible programme of learning Illustrates a mode of skill development of young people which will underpin the successful completion of a level 1 and 2 vocational programme Supports progression from key stage 4


Learners were able to practice several Key Skills, including Communication, Problem Solving and Working with Others. Developed the confidence of students in relation to practical activity The accompanying DVD could also be used as a teaching and learning resource for staff INSET. All students successfully passed the course and will gain a Certificate which can be used for the Progress File and future progression and employment opportunities. Linked to the International Food Academy Diploma and a Unit in the NVQ in Food and Drink Service, Prepare and serve hot drinks, from the HAB awarding body. Enhanced GCSE and NVQ programmes in schools and colleges

Evaluation - summary Students and teachers were extremely pleased about the venue and rated the workshop highly. The project highlighted issues of implementation: Funding - this year the workshop was free to schools, being facilitated by local initiatives. Next year, schools and colleges may have to pay for the workshop. Accordingly, there is a need to look at the sustainability of the project. A key success factor was the practical nature of the workshop a minimum of three hours was required to complete the training. This meant that schools had to re-organise their school day and consequently, all schools preferred an afternoon session. The training took place in a working environment and consequently needs to take account of the employers time and workforce commitments. Training isnt possible on every day and month. Planning needs to take account of the training schedule of the trainer and work schedule of the business. However, this wasnt really an obstacle. Time in the year. The workshop is best organised for Year 10 or First Year college students / Year 12 school students. Exam requirements could exclude certain times in the year, for example, June.

Next steps By May 2005: There is a need for a more sophisticated evaluation model. Students and staff provided oral feedback at the end of the workshop. This needs to be more formalised by providing an evaluation sheet to be completed at the end of the workshop. The progress of students on the workshop needs to be tracked. The impact of the workshop on the day was evident from student, staff and tutor feedback. However, there is a need to track the achievement of students. Unique Pupil Numbers (UPN's) could be used to track these students during Key Stage 4 / 5 and calculate the 'added value' of the workshop on achievement and motivation. Organise the next workshops taking place in April 2005 for college students. These will consist of three separate workshops lasting a whole day.

Investigate the possibilities of organising a bespoke work experience opportunity for all students. The workshop was only stage one of a wider three stage project.: Stage 1: Students attend a training workshop. Stage 2: Students placed on work experience to practice the skills and knowledge acquired. Working with schools and colleges and work experience providers, it is hoped to place students who attended the workshops on a short work experience placement. This could form part of the annual work experience placement or as a separate additional opportunity. Stage 3: gain accreditation. Register the students for an NVQ at Level 1 or 2. The COVE could play a key role here in registering the students and assessing the work. Integrate the training into a major collaborative event focusing on the entertainment industry at a national tourist attraction (Magna) taking place in July 2005. Students who have attended the training will be offered the opportunity to put their acquired skills and knowledge of Barista training into action at the event. An Internet Caf serving coffee via Barista machines will be set up. Students will be able to prepare and serve coffee to other students and visiting guests throughout the day. By June 2005

Organise a teachers/ lecturer work placement scheme. Initially, this will be for 5 staff from across the borough. They will undergo Barista training and be registered for an NVQ in Food and Drink Service. They will be asked to present a dissemination event locally and feedback to the Rotherham Cluster Group Network which supports vocational staff across schools and colleges locally. By July 2006 Empower schools and colleges to embed Barista training into the curriculum. It is evident from the initial feedback that the workshop was extremely successful. If the external accreditation attracts points, then the training could be a valuable addition to a school in adding value and increasing the points score of individual students and the school.

Contact details: Author: Barrie Morgan, 14-19 School Improvement Senior Consultant, Rotherham LEA, Tel: 01709 374209, Fax: 01709 836838, E-Mail: Resources: A DVD accompanies this case study and shows a brief footage of the student workshop Visit the Coffee Exchange website on International Food Skills Academy: Hospitality Awarding Body:




The tutor outlines the course to the students

Preparing to make an Espresso!

The finished product! I can testify to the high quality of the coffee. The taste was fantastic.

With thanks to Oakwood Technology School, Year 10 GCSE Food Technology students and staff.

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