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SINIF Unit Number GRAMMAR SUBJECTS Unit-1 Subject Pronouns , Familiy members Am, Is, Are (to be present) Adjective-noun / Adjective order Have got-has got / There is - There are Possesive Adjectives Whose+ noun.? Unit-2 Likes / Dislikes Like-dont like, love, hate, be crazy about enjoy, be good at, interested in +V-ing Free time activities Unit-3 Countable / uncountable nouns Quantifiers: a lot of, much , many, a little, a few how much, how many, A bar of, a piece of, a bottle of, a packet of a kilo of, a can of, a loaf of, a glass of Would like / need Unit-4 Simple Present Tense Daily Routines Adverbs of frequences: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom never Times Unit-5 Simple Present Tense Daily Routines Simple Present Tense Question and Negative form Times Unit-6 Weather Conditions Weather Expressions Seasons Measurements, How + adjective, Money Countable uncountable nouns Unit-7 Future tense-be going to and will future Illness-Whats the matter with? Suggestions: How about..? / What about / Shall we? / Lets +V1 Suggestions and their positive and negative answers.. Unit-8 Invitations Expressions for inviting and for thanking Expressions for refusing / Expressions for accepting Suggestions. Why dont we..? / Can we? Lets.. I think.. Unit-9 Describing Animals Classifying Animals Which one.? .or.? Contraction is and has Imperatives Unit-10 Imperatives Expressing Rules / Identifying options- Must , May

Unit-11 Expressing Rules Obligation / Prohibition - Must mustnt Suggesion with can What must ? / What can..?

Unit-12 Simple Future with will- Intention Be Going to Future planning Future Plans Making Decisions Ordinal Numbers Unit-13 Months Asking about intentions and plans - Negative and Question form of future tense Decisions at the time of speaking: What else will we do? / Will we ..? Unit-14 Numbers Solving problems- using for mathematical operations Unit-15 If clause zero type- General Truth If clause 1st type Quantities: Some-any, How many, How much, a / an Countable / Uncountable Unit-16 Which+noun..? What +noun..? Would like to+V1 Id like to. 7.SINIF Unit Number SPOT ON-7 GRAMMAR SUBJECTS Unit-1 Revision of Tenses Simple present / Present Continous Will / be going to Time expressions and frequence adverbs in simple present Time conjuctions: before-after-until-when Present continuous Tense for future Unit-2 Prepositions of place Asking the way There is / There are Prepositions: to and by / Prepositions of movement and direction Describing Places-Verbs about Travel and and transport Buying How much? / What size? British Money Would like Unit-3 Should - environment Imperatives Making suggestion Unit-4 Comparative adjectives Unit-5 As., the same as.., different from Unit-6 Agreeing /Disagreeing TV Programmes Unit-7 Simple Past Tense Was-were Unit-8 Simple Past Tense Regular Verbs

Unit-9 Simple past Tense Irregular verbs

Unit-10 Simple Past Tense Conjuctions: and / but / because / so / when / while / before / after

Unit-11 Present and Past Ability Can-Could Unit-12 Past Routines-Past Habits Used to-Would Unit-13 Superlative Adjectives Agreeing / Disagreeing Techonolgy Unit-14 Superlative Adjectives Must or should Describing animals Unit-15 If Clause type 1 Must-have to-Should Health Problems Unit-16 Physical and Emotional Feelings Sympathy 8.SINIF Unit Number GRAMMAR SUBJECTS Unit-1 Adjectives&adverbs And, but, because Advise : Should-shouldnt Describing personal qualities, physical appareance Unit-2 Adjectives&adverbs Like-dislike, enjoy, good at +V-ing f clause-present 1st type Unit-3 Too- enough Advice: should-shouldnt (Reminding) Adjectives(Reminding) Unit-4 Simple Past / Past Past Continuous Talking about past events Expressing surprise Unit-5 Expressing and writing dates Simple past tense Unit-6 Past Continous Tense with when&while

Unit-7 Present perfect tense Have you ever.? too-either, neither Unit-8 Present perfect with adverbs of time Recently-lately-yet-just-already Asking and talking about recent and completed actions Unit-9 Present perfect with since and for How long Simple pas tor Present Perfect Tense Unit-10 So+adjective+that / such adjective+that.. Such a+adjective+noun+that.. Expressing the result of an event Unit-11 Want+to+V1 Would like+V1 Would rather, prefer, had better Expressing personal goals and emotions Do you mean? / I mean .. / I think .. / I suppose.. Unit-12 Adjectives and opposite of adjectives Adjective clause (relative clause) with who Prefixes for Adjectives Adverbs of frequences ( never-rarely-sometimes-often-always) Present to be / past to be too/ enough Strengths and weaness, Negative prefixes dis-, im-, unUnit-13 Pharasal Verbs / Prepositon Combinations Can, could, should, ought to, must Opinions Opinion Starters: In my opinion +sentence I believe + ... sentence I feel + sentence From my point of view + sentence Personally + sentence Personally , I think + sentence I mean .. What I want to say. Unit-14 Advise, suggestion and warning n case / so that mperatives / negative imperatives Simple Future-will f present / imperatives- if present /should Unit-15 Preferences Would rather than Prefer . to Prefer+ V-ing

Offer : could you? / Would you like.? / Which one do you? and their answers Going to Future - planning Unit-16 Agreement / disagreement Approval / disapproval Personal opinions

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