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Career Ministry Fellowship ...making a career of living for the Lord!

Start with the Right Conclusion

Revelation 5
Message One

Putting the correct ending at your _______________ is what will give you a purpose worth living

I. SOMEONE TO LOVE BECAUSE OF WHO JESUS IS, 1-6 A. Documentation, 1-4 1. An Observation, 1 2. A Proclamation, 2 3. An Investigation, 3 4. A Lamentation, 4 B. Declaration, 5-6 1. Consolation, 5 2. Manifestation, 6 II. SOMETHING TO DO BECAUSE OF WHAT JESUS DID, 7-10 Dedication A. Possession, 7 B. Supplication, 6 C. Exaltation, 9-10 1. For What He Can Do, 9 2. From What He Has Done, 10 III. SOMETHING TO HOPE FOR BECAUSE OF WHAT JESUS HAS, 11-14 Devotion A. From Spiritual Creatures, 11-12 B. From Physical Creation, 13-14 AN EXPERIENTIAL EXEGESIS OF HAVING A PURPOSE WORTH LIVING FOR 1. There is no purpose worth living for if you do not live for a purpose worthy __________ for To be happy and fulfilled you need A. Someone to love B. Something to do C. Something to hope for 2. The purpose for which the __________ lives needs to be the purpose for which Jesus died 3. When you get to the conclusion it will be ________ to where you started

Point 1. The book of Revelation gives you prophetic instruction that utilizes the future to ____________ your present. CHAPTER 4glory of Jesus as creator is declared CHAPTER 5glory of Jesus as redeemer is preached Phil 2:10-11 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. HOW TO BEGIN AT THE RIGHT ENDING 1. You have someone to love, because Jesus is ____________ of your worship, 1-6 2. You have something to do because of what __________ did for you, 7-10 3. You have something to hope for because of what Jesus has in his __________________, 11-14 John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Rules for Studying Revelation #1. To understand prophetic and poetic portions of the Bible, you have to ______________ scripture with scripture.

Revelation 5
Aligning Your Life to Gods Future!

Worthy the Lamb in an overcome world

JESUSUNVEILED January 8, 2012
Four Descriptions of the Second Coming 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Picture 1 7 Seals Matthew Lion Picture 2 Mark Ox Picture 3 Luke Man Picture 4 7 Vials John Eagle Seven Last Plagues 7 Trumpets 7 Angels

Types take you from prophecy to fulllment Types take you from shadow to substance Types take you from how Christ is pictured in the OT to the reality of who he is to us, and the reality of what hes going to do in the future

Four Two Activities of Horsemen Witnesses Antichrist

Rules for Studying Revelation #2. To understand prophetic and poetic portions of the Bible, you have to recognize the theme of the Bible is salvation by ______________________________ sacrifice. Rules for Studying Revelation #3. To understand prophetic and poetic portions of the Bible, you have to know biblical ____________________ as well as Bible typology. Phil 2:7-8 But [Jesus] made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Psalm 56:8 Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? Point 2. Your ______________ are part of the program of God. John 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Notes on Revelation: Wri$en AD 96 by John the apostle This book is outlined in advance in Rev

New Year 2012 Personal Growth Follow the Bible Reading Plan Take a Shepherd School class Do a study of 2 Peter Study basic doctrinal terms in the Bible Serve in a ministry

1:19 It shows four pictures of the Second Coming of Christ, like the four gospels present the complete picture of his rst There are seven sevens in the book

fast facts
Life of Paul Class starts this Wednesday! Next Sunday! How Faith Functions, Luke 7:1-10

Sermon Audio career/ 2012 Career Class Prayer Diary Join Career group page careerclass Rev. W Alan Shelby

Sun Jan 15 Sun Jan 22 Sun Feb 5 Sun Feb 12


REVELATION: JESUS UNVEILED! TRIBULATION ON EARTH UNVEILED, REV 6-18 1. Overview of the Second Coming, Rev 6-7 Seven Seals of Wrath, Rev 6 Sealed Servants Witnessing, Rev 7 2. How Does the Kingdom Come? Rev 8-11 Silence - Then A World Gone Wild, Rev 8 Sounds - When Devils Dominate, Rev 9

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