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Foggy on the right to know front

by Sonia Randhawa because corruption can kill. children, or even how our money – that
We believe that the young
should have a say in how things
A building doesn’t meet part of it we pay in taxes – is being spent.
ANNUALLY on Sept 28, activists safety regulations, but a small The results of freedom of information are run, because they have eve-
internationally celebrate “donation” helps it get planning are good for everyone – except those rything at stake in our future.
Right to Know Day. Almost 70 approval. A traffic policeman benefiting from corruption or similar This column creates that space
countries across the world have ignores a violation, contributing practices. Government can work more for our panel of bright young
enacted meaningful Freedom to our overall lack of safety on efficiently, as it’s easier for all to see and
of Information Laws. Alongside monitor how tax money is being spent,
sparks to debate a whole range
the roads. But it isn’t just in
the national laws, in federations matters of life and death where and stop waste. It means that people of issues that they feel strongly
across the world, regional corruption has an impact, are more likely to respect government about.
assemblies have passed laws. and where transparency and decisions, if they can see the process
Sadly in Malaysia, there is still accountability can help ensure leading up to decisions being made. If
nothing to celebrate. Despite the
Freespace better decision-making. It is there is an emergency, if the government passing
fanfare on March 8 of greater Where young views rule in almost every area where needs to rapidly mobilise the population such legislation would
accessibility, no state has passed government dabbles. for a health or safety risk, there is a cause a constitutional conflict and be
Freedom of Information legislation. Not We have seen this in the problems with greater chance of response – and if unenforceable.
one has even enacted weaker guidelines the alienation of state land – decisions the data on which these decisions are This is pure sophistry. First, it hasn’t
on accessibility and accountability. Not made that were both legally suspect and made public, it’s more likely that this stopped PAS governments passing
one has made a pledge to publish cabinet not in the interests of the community. information will be spotted sooner. legislation in the past. Second, state-level
meeting minutes. Lack of transparency means we cannot There are areas where freedom legislation, as in the proposed Freedom
Why is it important? Access to be certain about our health, about our of information is counter-productive of Information law drafted by NGOs, does
information is, literally, vital – in part entitlements, about the education of our – information about ongoing police not have to conflict with federal-level
investigations, for example. But case legislation. It would not mean a repeal of
files should be opened once a case is the Official Secrets Act – but as in Japan,
closed. Watch In the Name of the Father it would mean that the state governments
if you need proof. Police are not always would be bound not to use the OSA on
motivated by the public interest – and information that they produce. They
even if there isn’t overt corruption, would have to publish their decisions,
political pressure, public outcry or they would have to account for their
prejudice can sway investigations. Public spending. There is nothing in the Official
scrutiny can provide an antidote, and help Secrets Act that says that if states choose to
rectify miscarriages of justice. (It also bind themselves to publish, and be praised
makes arbitrary arrest a lot harder). or damned for their actions, that they
The Barisan Nasional governments cannot do it – for most of the information
have argued that freedom of information they produce.
legislation is “not necessary” – that it The sooner they live up to their
could compromise national security. Yet, promises, and pass some form of right to
a number of countries engaged in conflict know legislation, the more faith the rakyat
(the United States, Britain, India, Thailand will have in their administrations – and
and the Philippines) have some provisions their ability to keep their word.
for freedom of information.
The position of Pakatan Rakyat
governments is even harder to Sonia Randhawa was one of the authors
comprehend. They universally of the Draft Freedom of Information law
acknowledge the need for freedom of published by the Freedom of Information
information. They have been pushing coalition. Right to Know Day falls on Sept
for the laws at a federal level. Yet, within 28 each year. Sonia is just a little late!
their own constituencies they claim that Feedback:


Sharing the economic cake

I APPLAUD MCA vice-president Datuk Liow selves of their suspicions and prejudices, ie the
Tiong Lai for moving away from questioning the destructive elements threatening the nation’s
30% bumiputra equity in the NEP to refocusing peace and prosperity.
on what is more expedient and crucial to the Considering the success of the Chinese
nation’s well-being ie economic growth. community in holding a share of the country’s
For as long as politicians and political enthu- wealth which is proportionately greater than
siasts indulge in regressive and unproductive their racial representation, one wonders why
debates, Malaysia’s real development will not they are still complaining. A better approach
move forward. The nation will be seen as being would be to show greater magnanimity in
trapped in a time warp, its citizenry embroiled opening the doors to their Malay and Indian
in ethno-racial insecurities which stagnate compatriots to fully participate in shared busi-
growth and development. ness activities. Old community networks which
It is only when the economic cake is have sustained Chinese business interests
expanded with pragmatic policies that are since their forefathers first arrived in Malaya
implemented fairly that Malaysians of all ethnic must reflect the multiracial nation that Malaysia
compositions will be able to enjoy a fair and has become.
equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth. Because of their economic prowess Malay-
Only then can Malaysians hold their heads sian Chinese must lead the way in educating
high and say that the spirit of Article 153 of the and training the other communities to acquire
Federal Constitution has been rightly translated skills and knowhow which will raise productiv-
into dynamic policies for the people. ity. Instead of regressing into old arguments it’s
It is only when the Malays and non-Malays time to move forward and establish new ones.
feel that their special position and needs as
well as their legitimate rights are given due Halimah Mohd Said
consideration that they will be able to rid them- Kuala Lumpur

Tourists at ease with English

I READ the Deputy Tourism Minister’s com- people in the street for directions and it can
ment that Malaysia has an advantage over be difficult to make oneself understood. In the
other nearby countries because most people neighbouring countries it is all right when deal-
can speak English. ing with people in the tourism business but with
I agree with this and it has been a major others we are reduced to basic greetings and
factor for me and my husband. We first came sign language.
as tourists and now have a second home here. The downside is that we have made very
Both then and now as more permanent resi- little progress in learning Bahasa Malaysia but
dents we chat to people just about every day. as the country uses the Roman alphabet we
On the other hand I remember that in can at least read everything.
Thailand it was unusual to meet someone with
whom we could have a proper conversation. Valerie Black
As do-it-yourself tourists we often have to ask Penang

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