3rd Third Sun of Advent (B)

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10/11 December 2011

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33 Howard Street, West Melbourne 3003 Telephone: 9328 3474 Fax: 9328 3203 Email: info@stmaryswestmelbourne.org

Pope Lights World's Biggest Christmas Tree

Used tablet computer from Papal apartments VATICAN CITY, (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI on Wednesday used a tablet computer to switch on the lights of the world's biggest Christmas tree. The tree, located in Gubbio, Italy, is a "sign of universal peace and brotherhood among peoples," a statement from the Vatican noted. The "tree" is made up of an arrangement of colored lights on the side of Mount Ingino. It is a tradition at the site since 1981. The base of the image is approximately 450 meters (492 yards) wide and it extends for 750 meters (820 yards) up the hillside from the city's mediaeval walls to the basilica of St. Ubaldo. The outline of the tree is traced with 300 green lights, and 400 multicolored lights fill it in. The tree is illuminated every year on Dec. 7, during a traditional celebration attended by representatives of the world of culture, show business and politics. Benedict XVI activated the lights from his apartments in the Vatican Apostolic Palace. He touched the screen of a Sony Tablet with an Android operating system which, via the Internet, transmited the command to switch on the electric current to the tree.

An open door to Christ through Mary www.stmaryswestmelbourne.org

PARISH INFORMATION Parish Priest: Fr Max Polak Assistant Priest: Fr Joseph Pich Catechetics Coordinator: Fr Edward Barry Restoration Coordinator: Thomas Hazell AO Parish Administrator: Linas Kalade Administrative Officer: Birute Janina Kymantas Sacred Music Centre: Andrew Mariotti Office hours: Mon-Fri: 10am 2pm For urgent matters, contact Fr Max on 0438 942 043 and Fr Joseph on 0427 238 933. MASS TIMES Saturday Vigil: 6.30pm Sunday: 10.30am, 12 noon (Lithuanian) Monday-Friday: 12.30pm CONFESSIONS Saturday: 11am 12 noon, 5.45 6.15pm Sunday: 9.45 10.15am Mon-Fri: 12 noon 12.25pm, 1.05 1.30 pm BAPTISMS, WEDDINGS, AND FUNERALS By appointment. DEVOTIONS AND REGULAR ACTIVITIES Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays 1 2pm Saturday 11am 12 noon Legion of Mary: Meets on Fridays at 6:30pm in the presbytery. Family Catechism: Each Sunday of school term, after Sunday Mass. Other activities as posted in church entrance.

Third Sunday (Gaudete) of Advent (B)

I exult for joy in the Lord, my soul rejoices in my God. These words express the feeling the Church wishes to inspire in us at this point in Advent time. We are being awakened from a possible slumber of neglect, a sense of routine in our religious life. The Church wants us to realize afresh what Jesus is for us our true Saviour, the cause of our own future glory in heaven. Even now He is raising us up to a life of hope and optimism and joy, of growth in grace and virtue, so long as we do not neglect our personal relationship with Him. Christians should be known not only for their perseverance in doing good, their resistance of the temptations of pride and of the flesh, and their allegiance to God, but also for their hopeful, serene and cheerful approach to life overall. As those who believe in Christ we know that the victory over lifes evils, whether physical, mental or moral, lies with Him. We are convinced that Jesus shows us the way to the real perfection and fulfilment of our humanity. We do not want to short-change Christianity by acting as if our religion is all just a burden, or a sacrifice of lifes pleasures and human achievements. There is so much in the world that it is legitimate to enjoy, and often the simplest realities give the most authentic joy. A life well-lived presents its own difficulties, it is true, and sacrifice is often called for, just as Jesus tells us: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. However, what Christ teaches us is the liberation from what could chain us down - a mire of trivial pursuits, all selfish and, in the end, ungratifying or even depressing. There is a certain joy one can experience in conquering ones laziness or some bad habit, leaning on Gods grace. There is the joy one at times feels when we have managed to attend successfully to someones need. There is the joy of asking Gods forgiveness in the sacrament of confession, and knowing that we have, in fact, been forgiven and can begin again. Just the same, we do not need to feel elated or overly consoled to find greater peace in our lives, even as certain sufferings persist. As St Josemaria recorded in a point of The Way: The cheerfulness you should have is not the kind we might call physiological good spirits the happiness of a healthy animal. You must seek something more: the supernatural happiness that comes from the abandonment of everything and the abandonment of yourself into the loving arms of our Father-God(659). He also said that sad virtue was no virtue at all. He was emphasizing something St Teresa of Avila had written centuries ago to her sisters in religious life: A sad nun is a bad nun," she said. "I am more afraid of one unhappy sister than a crowd of evil spirits.What would happen if we hid what little sense of humour we had? Let each of us humbly use this to cheer others." May we be known for our self-giving, our detachment from merely material things, and our piety but also for our good spirits, our cheerful faces and our good way of reacting to the little setbacks of life. We should often think of what Virgin Mary must have been like in day to day life and what it would feel like to be with her. Elizabeth had that experience when Mary came to visit her and said My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour!

THIS SUNDAY December 11the Third Sunday of Advent, we

are having a post Mass BBQ! Sausages and drinks are ON THE HOUSE, as well as expert barbecuing. Volunteers will add other goodies. To allow members of the Lithuanian community to join us we will first go to the St Marys Crypt - while they attend their Massto view a short DVD of St Josemaria answering questions on Christian living coming from a large gathering of indivduals and families.
Not just one tree, but many! The view in Gubbio, Italy

Early Bird Christmas Cards available

Attractive high quality cards are available for purchase in the Church Foyer after the Sunday Mass.
Price: 8 cards per pack (4 different images)

Cost $10 per pack Proceeds to Heathgrove Study Centre Building Fund

Monthly Mass in Latin according to the Afterwards we will move on to the Par- Novus Ordo (post Vatiish House and gar- can II den for the BBQ liturgy) will be celebrated and some on every second Saturday of pre-Christmas the month cheer. at 10.30am beginning on
Saturday January 14, 2012.



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Entrance hymn: Sat 48 Come thou long-expected Jesus Sun 171 O come O come Emmanuel (v1-4,7) First Reading:

Gospel Acclamation :

Pre-Christmas Confessions Saturday Dec 24

English and Italian Besides the normal arrangements for the sacrament of Reconciliation, there will be two priests hearing confessions on Christmas Eve morning 11am 12noon. Fr Bill Jordan will assist hearing in both English and Italian. 11am12 noon
La Parocchia di West Melbourne vi offre il Sacramento di Reconciliazione (Confessione) Sabato. 24 Decembre, dale ore 11, fino a mezzogiorno. Il P.William Jordan si trovera per Voi a St Marys. Il Padre parla sia Italiano che linglese.


At St Marys this weekend: Baptisms:

The St Marys Australian Nativity 2011

This year our Nativity has some new details to enhance its Australian character. Fr Joes idea was from the start to depict the birth of Our Lord in surroundings typical of the Australian bush. The scenes in the background were part of the original arrangement. They are places, some quite remote, in our own land, photographed by amateur photographer Terry Lee. The scenes change periodically. There are more than 15 with others soon to be added. The Aussie shearing shed was also put together more than two Christmases ago by Fr Joe with the help of architect friends of St Marys Dennis Payne and Nghia. The corrugated iron roof is from the Ferraris backyard. The old timber was salvaged from around St Marys. The timber floor is a new addition, in the authentic style of country shearing sheds. Old farm and shearing implements hang on the walls. At times you see and hear the bore water running. Fire embers flicker. Some typical Australian fauna (i.e. animals!) have invaded the manger this yearan echidna, a wombat, a wallaby and a numbat, while the traditional ox and donkey are getting a re-paint. Hopefully, theyll all be together next year along with the little dog who holds pride of position close to Mary and Joseph. The angel gently moves thanks to the engineering skills of Damian Burger. Listen carefully, and you will hear sounds of the bush (52 different tracks) - birds, frogs, owls, creaking windmills and gates, even a donkey! They are from a professionally recorded CD by renowned bush sound recordist David Stewart. Lest we forget, we need to acknowledge the hard work of constructionists Darren Mason and Daniel Attard, always ready to lend a hand. Together all these volunteers have created something quite unique to help us enter into the Manger, the life of Mary and Joseph and
Excerpts from the English translation of the Roman Missal 2011, International Commission on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved. Scripture readings are taken from the Jerusalem Bible 1966 by Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd and Doubleday and Company Inc. Used by permission.

Responsorial Psalm: Response: My soul rejoices in my God.

Pray for these newly baptised children Marcus Justin Axiak Georgie Zammit Jacinta Josephine Scire Xander Atlas Storti Mason Anile Gaston Federico Callegari

And pray for these newly married couples:: Andrew John Egan & Bianca Josephine Staltaro

Offertory hymn: Sat: 198 O Jordans bank the Baptists cry Sun: 179 The spirit of the Lord is upon me Memorial Acclamation: Save us, Saviour of the the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. Communion hymn: Sat: 144 Love divine, all loves excelling Second Reading:

Holy Mary, Star of the Sea, intercede for them.

Weekday Mass 12 Dec 16 Dec, 2011

Mon 12th Our Lady of Guadalupe Common of the Virgin Mary Pg 85 Rdgs Pg 404-05 n.4 St Lucy, virgin and martyr Memorial

Sun: 154 Mine eyes have seen the glory for the coming of the Lord
Recessional hymn : Sat & Sun:

Tue 13th

Pg 405-06


Tell out my soul

Wed 14th

St John of the Cross Memorial

Pg 407-08

Thu 15th

Thursday of the 3rd Week of Advent

Pg 408-09

Fri 16th

Friday of the 3rd Week of Advent

Pg 409-10

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