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Once upon a time there was a king who left by his lovely queen. He was left with his 3 daughter, Purbalarang, Purbaendah, and Purbasari. One day the king begin to feel very tired of lead the kingdom, so he look for his replacement to lead the kingdom. It causes scandals in the kingdom. Then happened a lot of in trigues that started with Purbalarang who really wanted to be queen. But actually the one who should deserve to be a queen is Purbasari. Finally, Purbasari was asked to leave the kingdom. Then she went to the jungle and met Lutung who was actually a handsome prince. Purbasari got back to te kingdom, she was challenged by Purbalarang, the challenges were about who could be a beautiful queen. The story was ended with happy ending because Purbasari. Finally could be a queen.

Gay Movie: BISHONEN [7/12] sub spanish

Pta : Patih, Ive been so tired to lead this kind of big kingdom. Its because Im getting older and older each day . Who do you think that will deserve my throne? Patih : According to the law in this kingdom, Purbalarang is the one that should deserve your throne. Pta : Yes, she does. But I dont like her attitude and I agree if my youngest daughter, Purbasari get my throne. ,Menteri : My appology, your majesty, I also agree with your opinion, but if we make Princess Purbasari as a new leader, wouldnt it be an accursed? Patih : Patih, dont talk like that, anything that I said is a command.

Pta : Well, if you said so, we will hold ceremonial tradition to give the throne for Purbasari. Menteri : Announcement, announcement! To all of ministers and all of the kingdom, there will be a ceremonial tradition for giving the throne.

Menteri : Welcome Princess Purbasari, please take a sit at the place that weve prepared before. Purbasari : Thank you Woro-woro Minister, dear father why am I called instead of Purbararang?

Pta : Because Patih and I have been thinking, and we decided that you who deserve my throne. Are you ready? Purbasari : Fine , Im ready to accept your command.

Purbararang : Stop!! What is going on? Why does Purbasari accept your throne? Instead of me? Its so unfair. Pta : Its not like youre thinking, my daughter.

Purbararang : Ah, this kingdom must be getting a curse, because it doesnt obey the law as it was supposed to. Purbasari : What Purbararang has said was right, the person who should accept the throne is Purbararang, not me. Pta : No, my daughter. Its because of your nice behaviour so I choose you to be the leader of my kingdom. All : Purbasari! Purbasari!

Purbararang : Endah, I feel so hurt because of all the people. Because Im the one who should be a queen, not Purbasari. Purbaendah : Ya, you should be the next queen, not Purbasari. Purbararang : Ndah, I will ask Ni Ronde to make a poison to make Purbasari get hurt.

Ni ronde

: What make you two come to my place?

Purbararang : Im jealous with my sister, Purbararang who become a queen right now. The person who should accept that throne is me, so now I want to make her hurt, whatever it takes. Ni ronde : Hahahaha! Thats not a hard thing to do for me, here is the poison that you want. You sprinkle it to all of her body, or to her food, and in a short time her body will be ulcer. Purbararang : Thank you Ni ronde, I hope she will really suffer.


: Sisteeeeeeeeeeeer!

Purbaendah : yeeeees purbasari.


: can you pick me one of this dress?

Purbaendah : yes .(point one dress) what about this one? Purbasari : hm how about this one?(point another one)

Purbaendah : i think the first one is the better one Purbasari : but i dont like the color....

Purbaendah : i like that one sist...! Purbararang : My sister, I bring you fresh fruits from the jungle. Purbasari : Oh thank you so much purbalarang.

Purbaendah : what is that ? Purbasari : its the drink that Purbalarang gave. Do you want it? Purbaendah : no, thanks. Ok, How about that dress? Purbasari : wait-wait ,i feel itchy all around my body!

Purbaendah : wait i called uncle Patih Purbasari Patih : what happened Purbalarang ? : i dont know i drink juice from purbalarang and i feel itchy : purbalarang come here !!!!!!!

Purbalarang : what uncle? Patih : what are you doing to purbasari?

Purbalarang : no I do not anythink Maybe is of course, because i hate her become queen! meybe you must getout from this kingdom! Purbasari : hmm ok maybe I should leave from this kingdom

Patih : Ok, maybe Purbalarang the next princess this kingdom, you will replace Purbasari Purbalarang : yes uncle. ( Finally, Purbasari leave from Kingdom) JUNGLE

Purbasari : happen to my body, I feel so ugly andmy god my body!its really really itchy.oh my god look at happen to me? . Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari : ok. : ok : what are you doing ha? : my younger sister ask me to leave my home : oh God!really? : yeah and I dont know what to happen with my body. I feel so ugly : ooh shit! : can you help me? : wait a few minute, a few minute : what are you going? : a few minute . : you must eat some magical grass,taraaaaaaaam : so this can you help me? : yeees : Can I eat now? : yes.come on : so what happening? : Wait for a five minute. : what are you dong ha? : are you monkey? : yeah : why can you talk ? : because I great monkey!

(five minute ago) Purbasari Lutung : wooow is really works.thank you monkey! : your welcome..

.. .. Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutun Purbasari Lutung : yes? : you know?actually I wish a prince : really? : yeah. : then, what happen to you? : i gonna course to my father So I wannabe monkey Purbasari Lutung Patih Purbasari Patih Purbasari Patih Purbasari Lutung Purbasari on.please.. Lutung Purbasari Lutung . Purbalarang : hmmm its to long time uncle! Uncle : ok - ok mrs.Purbalarang.just wait : waaaw im sorry to that : oh yes this a reallity . : hey mrs.Purbasari : hey : this is message invitation for you, from princess Purbalarang : what invitation? : she challenges you to be a princess of a kingdom : really?ok.thank you. : bye-bye! : well so Lutung you will company me to the kingdom? Ayo come : Yes problem. : ok lets go : ok. (?) : Purbasari..

Ok maybe no one to your children. So ,the winner is.Purbalarang!!!

Purbasari Uncle Purbasari Prnalarang Uncle

: STOP - STOP uncle STOP! : why? : are will be her next challenger : ok, no problem.

: ok, the first competicion is riding a horse

Ok Purbasari you go first ! PTA Purbasari PTA : ok my daughter. : ok. : second my beautiful.

Purbalarang :ah father Im so scarry!father oh no! PTA Uncle : ok ok Purbalarang, no problem. : Ok because Purbalarang is the affraid to a riding a horse . The Winner Is PURBASARI !!!!! .. Uncle . Uncle . Purbasari : uncle, I dont have couple : and second couple is Purbalarang and husband is Indrajaya! : ok the first couple is, King and Purbaendah!

Uncle : ok like that, so the second winner the competicion is PURBALARANG!!! Ok now the third competicion, and the next now its time supranatural competicion. Please welcome Indrajaya for the Purbalarang couple and Purbasari is the couple? Purbasari Uncle : I dont have a couple : so, you like that Purbalarang is the winner?

Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Purbasari Lutung Uncle

: wait a few minute! : where are you? : miss me? Im the monkey! : really? : yes! : how can you return the human? : because is open. So I back to human. : waaw : hey you fucking indrajaya!lets go! : ok now supranatural competicion! FIGHT !!

.. Lutung : Im the winnerrr!!!!!!

.. Uncle Purbasari PTA : Ok everybody, today is ceremonial giving a crown to Purbasari. : thank you father. : your welcome.

Purbalarang : Im sorry Purbasari for my mistakes Purbasari : ok .

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