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English contains many words of French origin, such as art, collage, competition, force, machine, police, publicity, role,

routine, table, and many other Anglicized French words. These are pronounced according to English rules of phonology, rather than French. Around 28% of English vocabulary is of French or Ol language origin, most derived from, or transmitted by, the AngloNorman spoken by the upper classes in England for several hundred years after the Norman Conquest, before the language settled into what became Modern English. This article, however, covers words and phrases that generally entered the lexicon later, as through literature, the arts, diplomacy, and other cultural exchanges not involving conquests. As such, they have not lost their character as Gallicisms, or words that seem unmistakably foreign and "French" to an English speaker. The phrases are given as used in English, and may seem correct modern French to English speakers, but may not be recognized as such by French speakers as many of them are now defunct or have a different meaning due to semantic evolution. A general rule is that if the word or phrase retains French diacritics or is usually printed in italics, it has retained its French identity. Few of these phrases are common knowledge to all English speakers, and for some English speakers most are rarely if ever used in daily conversation, but for other English speakers many of them are a routine part of both their conversational and their written vocabulary. They may however possibly be used more often in written than in spoken English.

Used in English and French

Art Nouveau gogo in abundance. In French this is colloquial. la [] in the manner of/in the style of [] la carte literally: on the menu; In restaurants it refers to ordering individual dishes rather than a fixed-price meal. la mode idiomatic: in the style; In the United States, the phrase is used to describe a dessert with an accompanying scoop of ice cream (example: apple pie la mode). However, in French, it is a culinary term usually meaning cooked with ale and some carrots and onions (example: boeuf la mode). propos regarding/concerning (note that the correct French syntax is propos de) abattoir slaughterhouse accouchement confinement during childbirth; the process of having a baby; only this latter meaning remains in French

acquis communautaire used in European Union law to refer to the total body of EU law accumulated thus far. adieu farewell; literally means "to God," it carries more weight than "au revoir" ("goodbye," literally "Until re-seeing"). It is definitive, implying you will never see the other person again. Depending on the context, misuse of this term can be considered as an insult, as one may wish for the other person's death or say that you do not wish to see the other person ever again while alive. It is used for "au revoir" in south of France[1] and to denote a deprivation from someone or something. adroit dexterous, skillful, clever, in French: habile, as a "right-handed" person would be using his "right" hand, as opposed to his left one with which he would be "gauche" meaning "clumsy." aide-mmoire "memory aid"; an object or memorandum to assist in remembrance, or a diplomatic paper proposing the major points of discussion allez! "go!" or "come on!" as a command or as encouragment allons-y! "Here we go!" often used when trying something new. Especially popular in television shows such as Doctor Who amour-propre "Self-love", Self respect. amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule a single, bite-sized hors d'uvre. Literally "mouth amuser". In France, the exact expression used is "amuse-gueule", gueule being slang for mouth (gueule is the mouth of a carnivorous animal; when used to describe the mouth of a human, it is vulgar), although the expression in itself is not vulgar (see also: cul-de-sac). ancien rgime a sociopolitical or other system that no longer exists, an allusion to pre-revolutionary France (used with capital letters in French with this meaning: Ancien Rgime) aperu preview; a first impression; initial insight. apritif a before-meal drink (in colloquial French, it is shortened as "apro"). In French, it means either the drink or food (amuse-gueules) taken before a meal. appellation contrle supervised use of a name. For the conventional use of the term, see Appellation d'origine contrle aprs moi, le dluge literally: After me, the deluge, a remark attributed to Louis XV of France in reference to the impending end of a functioning French monarchy and predicting the French Revolution. The chorus of Regina Spektor's song Aprs Moi references this phrase. It is derived from Madame de Pompadour's aprs nous, le dluge, after us the deluge. The Royal Air Force No. 617 Squadron, famously known as the "Dambusters," uses this as its motto.

arte a narrow ridge. In French, also fishbone; edge of a polyhedron or graph; bridge of the nose. armoire a type of cabinet; wardrobe. art nouveau a style of decoration and architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It takes a capital in French (Art nouveau). attach a person attached to an embassy; in French it is also the past participle of the verb attacher (= to fasten, to tighten, to be linked) Attaque au Fer An attack on the opponent's blade in fencing, e.g. beat, expulsion, pressure. au contraire on the contrary. au courant up-to-date; abreast of current affairs. au fait being conversant in or with, or instructed in or with. au gratin 'With gratings',anything that is grated onto a food dish. In English, specifically 'with cheese'. au jus literally, with juice, referring to a food course served with sauce. Often redundantly formulated, as in 'Open-faced steak sandwich, served with au jus.'. No longer used in French, except for the slang "tre au jus" (to be informed). au pair a young foreigner who does domestic chores in exchange for room and board. In France, those chores are mainly child care/education.

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